How about kids being bullied for not being vaccinated - as my 10 year old has been (California). At lunch some kids told him he can't sit at their table because he is unvaccinated. It's a good thing my kid is not a pushover, and he told them to bug off and kept sitting there, but I can tell you even he wasn't too happy about 3 of the 5 kids at a table telling him he can't sit with them because he didn't take some medication their irresponsible parents decided to give them. Imagine if they said - "you can't sit at this table because you are disabled" or "you can't sit at this table because you are jewish" or "you can't sit at this table because you are black" - all very analogous... in those cases, those students would be at the very least suspended. Here they were told not to do it again (after I complained to the principal). That's all.
I am not sure if your aware that the same writer who just published a book about corrupt Australian Prime Ministers , had already written a book about how the government is giving protection to over 80 paedophiles. Many are politicians and one ex- Prime Minister. They have a legal suppression order to suppress all information about them.
In our little town, finally after battling for many months the masks were made optional this week by the school board. Mostly due to new CDC guide lines. Thank god! I hope it makes its way to all the schools across the nation, our kids deserve it. They have suffered for no reason for 2 years. Thanks for fighting the good fight Steve.
Same here in NYC catholic schools. Zero kids in my daughters’ classes dropped them, and only two teachers in their school. The brainwashing runs very deep.
I never liked liver, my mother called it minute steak
15 min ago
We have small victories. we relax the opposition re organize and replot the next attack. The main point is they never stop and they have the resources to continue and are very patient.
This awakening will take years more. We have spectacular leadership albeit defacto. The pay off will be a better place for us all. That’s my vision. What is your vision.
What is the process while they are regrouping, and we are forgetting.
They are at this moment exploring ways to make the VAERS data results the fault of the virus not the vaccine. They are trying to make VAERS a system available only to those with financial interests in the data. They are trying to establish reasonable links between vaccine hesitancy and prolonged pandemic. Connecting deaths/adverse events to anything but the product.
Right now they are redefining words, and we must stop that. Right now the are attaching emotions of their choice to concepts of their making
Right now they are finding virus that isn’t treatable with generic drugs. Right now they are re-ordering drug tables eliminating some promoting others so certain drugs can’t be used against them. Right now they are rewritting history so certain things are forgotten.
Right now they are finding ways to justify demanding clinical trials for a drug(s) with 40 years of safety data.
Right now they are finding ways to have it “taken out of context”
Right now they are setting the stage to discredit inexpensive therapies/drugs as dangerous (melatonin to Vitamin C to generic)
Right now they are strategizing based on lessons learned from this current effort.
Over the next few years internet will be reorganized so it will be so easily accessible to everyone, that agrees.
I hear my niece interacting with ‘Hey Google” she asks a question the interface delivers the answer. She doesn’t even see the next potential offering.
“ on the website CNN it states………………….”
By coercion not so easy for those that disagree
!Approved websites earn points, surf 3 hours of approved websites get your weekly shopping bonus! on and on
As I have mentioned in previous posts we must do a forensic investigation of legislation that seemed innocuous at the time but has allowed dominance of the narrative by the corporate interests. The true oligarchs. Pharma companies and news providers sharing board members as an example. One promoting and protecting the other. Legislation which allows immediate criminalization of dissent, removal of funding and cancellation of your ability to function in society. As happened recently in Canada. Remember it is also being used against the Russian aggressors. An easy sell.
A modernized bill of rights for the new age is the answer.
"The CDC says that the “COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way,” claiming that all of the ingredients in both mRNA and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines (administered in the United States) are discarded from the body once antibodies are produced."
“Our COVID-19 vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell,” a Pfizer spokesperson told
Well, read this FUNNY study:
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
Received: 18 January 2022 / Revised: 19 February 2022 / Accepted: 23 February 2022 / Published: 25 February 2022
Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.
and in particular the insect pictures you see there. My observation: exactly the same looking insects are in my CA garden, too many of those. Just, of course the might be the normal ones, only somehow lot of those....
Btw. why targeting slawic people, according to this german report..
Anyone remember early 2020, Fauci's remarks about masks? No need for them.
THEN, the first biggest 'masks supporting studies' came out from a group of scientists related with WEF. Sometime after that, everything about masks changed. Yes, the 'science' is changing indeed, depending from which direction the wind blows!
Anyone interested on anything about new war called Ukraine, please check this, unfortunately in German:
in order to find out what is happening there and why local anthrax outbreaks are exploading.
Are we back in 2001???
Everything on digital platforms can be made arbitrary, just by using duplicate names for totally different things...The very same definitions can change, like the innate immunity! The worst things in human live are LIES and being annihilated while believeing in them.
Thanks for all you do. We won a major victory here in a Calif public school. We were able to persuade the board to end the mask mandates early. Turns out their biggest fear was losing insurance and not Covid. In addition to the great points made by the parents, I handed the board a template created by a NY attorney (found at on how to formulate a lawsuit against each member of the board. Together, we all made a difference.
Time has proven over and over again that the more money an educational system receives the worse the academic student outcomes. There is a myriad of reasons for this, but greed and power are paramount where money is concerned.
When you think about it, educating kids in crucially important subjects like math, history, reading, writing, science, geography is not an expensive endeavor. It requires competent teachers and basic educational supplies like books, desks, writing apparatus. We have done this from time immemorial with great success I might add.
The many billions of dollars spent nationwide on schools invariably gets funneled to teacher unions, higher salaries, expanded benefits, pensions, administration positions, empire building, diversity apparatchiks, criminally inappropriate courses dealing with deviant sex and critical race theory that greatly harms a young person's mind. In other words, everything BUT education.
The key thing is folks need to start taking control of life's basics going forward and get involved locally as much as possible because the dominate societal structures are mostly contaminated.
I've been reading a plethora of articles about school boards approving proposed increases in school operating budgets for 2022-2023 which means an increase in property taxes. The largest budget increase is for benefits/salaries for teachers. One budget for $357 million provides a 5% pay raise for teachers/other employees and adds $1.6 million for 30 teachers to be engaged in virtual learning but eliminates funding for new laptops for students. I've also read that some schools continue to rename their schools and naming fees run $500,000 - $1,000,000.
Voters need to vote NO for increases in school budgets, thereby defunding school personnel who are causing children to suffer. My county increased property taxes by 17% to support an increase in funding for K-12 education. In addition, my county's property taxes will increase a minimum of 3% over the next 6 years.
Thank you for your reply, Leslie. To clarify, I don't live in California. My state doesn't have Prop 13. Also, my comments reflect myriad articles that I've recently read that indicate there is a significant rise in school budgets and property taxes across the entire county. I tend to look at things on both a small- and large-scale, micro and macro. I think if the entire nation banded together, in a national organization so to speak with state/local affiliations, we'd be able to share information and have more strength in numbers to fight dictatorship. Afterall, the dictators band together to make them powerful and promote their self-serving agendas: NATO, WHO, WEF, democrats/republicans
How about kids being bullied for not being vaccinated - as my 10 year old has been (California). At lunch some kids told him he can't sit at their table because he is unvaccinated. It's a good thing my kid is not a pushover, and he told them to bug off and kept sitting there, but I can tell you even he wasn't too happy about 3 of the 5 kids at a table telling him he can't sit with them because he didn't take some medication their irresponsible parents decided to give them. Imagine if they said - "you can't sit at this table because you are disabled" or "you can't sit at this table because you are jewish" or "you can't sit at this table because you are black" - all very analogous... in those cases, those students would be at the very least suspended. Here they were told not to do it again (after I complained to the principal). That's all.
I am not sure if your aware that the same writer who just published a book about corrupt Australian Prime Ministers , had already written a book about how the government is giving protection to over 80 paedophiles. Many are politicians and one ex- Prime Minister. They have a legal suppression order to suppress all information about them.
Title? I'd love to pass it on and read it myself.
Must be Shane Dowling, The Jerilderie Letters Part 2: Australia's Corrupt Prime Ministers. New book: Australia's Paedophile Protection Racket.
In our little town, finally after battling for many months the masks were made optional this week by the school board. Mostly due to new CDC guide lines. Thank god! I hope it makes its way to all the schools across the nation, our kids deserve it. They have suffered for no reason for 2 years. Thanks for fighting the good fight Steve.
Same here in NYC catholic schools. Zero kids in my daughters’ classes dropped them, and only two teachers in their school. The brainwashing runs very deep.
I never liked liver, my mother called it minute steak
15 min ago
We have small victories. we relax the opposition re organize and replot the next attack. The main point is they never stop and they have the resources to continue and are very patient.
This awakening will take years more. We have spectacular leadership albeit defacto. The pay off will be a better place for us all. That’s my vision. What is your vision.
What is the process while they are regrouping, and we are forgetting.
They are at this moment exploring ways to make the VAERS data results the fault of the virus not the vaccine. They are trying to make VAERS a system available only to those with financial interests in the data. They are trying to establish reasonable links between vaccine hesitancy and prolonged pandemic. Connecting deaths/adverse events to anything but the product.
Right now they are redefining words, and we must stop that. Right now the are attaching emotions of their choice to concepts of their making
Right now they are finding virus that isn’t treatable with generic drugs. Right now they are re-ordering drug tables eliminating some promoting others so certain drugs can’t be used against them. Right now they are rewritting history so certain things are forgotten.
Right now they are finding ways to justify demanding clinical trials for a drug(s) with 40 years of safety data.
Right now they are finding ways to have it “taken out of context”
Right now they are setting the stage to discredit inexpensive therapies/drugs as dangerous (melatonin to Vitamin C to generic)
Right now they are strategizing based on lessons learned from this current effort.
Over the next few years internet will be reorganized so it will be so easily accessible to everyone, that agrees.
I hear my niece interacting with ‘Hey Google” she asks a question the interface delivers the answer. She doesn’t even see the next potential offering.
“ on the website CNN it states………………….”
By coercion not so easy for those that disagree
!Approved websites earn points, surf 3 hours of approved websites get your weekly shopping bonus! on and on
As I have mentioned in previous posts we must do a forensic investigation of legislation that seemed innocuous at the time but has allowed dominance of the narrative by the corporate interests. The true oligarchs. Pharma companies and news providers sharing board members as an example. One promoting and protecting the other. Legislation which allows immediate criminalization of dissent, removal of funding and cancellation of your ability to function in society. As happened recently in Canada. Remember it is also being used against the Russian aggressors. An easy sell.
A modernized bill of rights for the new age is the answer.
Its all liver disguised as steak.
We are trying to get a group in each state to do a march first saturday of each month to raise awareness. Is anyone interested? Can Steve help?
"Sorry, but we can’t find the page you were looking for"
Is the WEF scrubbing Putin because I see the page on the waybackmachine.
Off topic but FUN nonetheless!
"The CDC says that the “COVID-19 vaccines do not change or interact with your DNA in any way,” claiming that all of the ingredients in both mRNA and viral vector COVID-19 vaccines (administered in the United States) are discarded from the body once antibodies are produced."
“Our COVID-19 vaccine does not alter the DNA sequence of a human cell,” a Pfizer spokesperson told
Well, read this FUNNY study:
Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line
Received: 18 January 2022 / Revised: 19 February 2022 / Accepted: 23 February 2022 / Published: 25 February 2022
Our results indicate a fast up-take of BNT162b2 into human liver cell line Huh7, leading to changes in LINE-1 expression and distribution. We also show that BNT162b2 mRNA is reverse transcribed intracellularly into DNA in as fast as 6 h upon BNT162b2 exposure.
They lie with a straight face. They think we are stupid.
After these 2+ years of OPERATION COVIDIUS we can say, based on FACTS, that the majority of the global herd of modern moron slaves, are indeed stupid.
They went along with everything, and many still do, deployed by the governments.
We can say that EVENT 201 is the most successful planning for a PCR pandemic they've made to date.
Australia is in deep shock today as we learn of the sudden death of arguably Australia's greatest ever cricketer and father of 3, Shane Warne, at the age of 52, from a suspected heart attack. Warne was a strong and outspoken advocate of getting vaccinated. Of course, we cant and probably never will prove a link to the vaccine, but healthy men of his age do not frequently die from heart attacks. An incredibly sad day in Australia and so glad I decided against being vaxxed after much pressure to do so. R.I.P. Shane Warne.
Here in the States they just rule it a “suicide”, then the insurance doesn’t have to pay.
All teachers are bonded. It’s an insurance policy of sorts.
File a lawsuit against them through the bonds.
PLEASE, whoever can, check out this report:
and in particular the insect pictures you see there. My observation: exactly the same looking insects are in my CA garden, too many of those. Just, of course the might be the normal ones, only somehow lot of those....
Btw. why targeting slawic people, according to this german report..
Anyone remember early 2020, Fauci's remarks about masks? No need for them.
THEN, the first biggest 'masks supporting studies' came out from a group of scientists related with WEF. Sometime after that, everything about masks changed. Yes, the 'science' is changing indeed, depending from which direction the wind blows!
Anyone interested on anything about new war called Ukraine, please check this, unfortunately in German:
or type in google 'The Lugar Center'. Unfortunately you will get something very different than the Georgian bioweapon epicenter. You have to go to:
in order to find out what is happening there and why local anthrax outbreaks are exploading.
Are we back in 2001???
Everything on digital platforms can be made arbitrary, just by using duplicate names for totally different things...The very same definitions can change, like the innate immunity! The worst things in human live are LIES and being annihilated while believeing in them.
Thanks for all you do. We won a major victory here in a Calif public school. We were able to persuade the board to end the mask mandates early. Turns out their biggest fear was losing insurance and not Covid. In addition to the great points made by the parents, I handed the board a template created by a NY attorney (found at on how to formulate a lawsuit against each member of the board. Together, we all made a difference.
Kudos. What county?
Cricket player Shane Warne dies of heart attack age 52.
Well, if it's vaccine related, karma for attacking Djokovic.
Time has proven over and over again that the more money an educational system receives the worse the academic student outcomes. There is a myriad of reasons for this, but greed and power are paramount where money is concerned.
When you think about it, educating kids in crucially important subjects like math, history, reading, writing, science, geography is not an expensive endeavor. It requires competent teachers and basic educational supplies like books, desks, writing apparatus. We have done this from time immemorial with great success I might add.
The many billions of dollars spent nationwide on schools invariably gets funneled to teacher unions, higher salaries, expanded benefits, pensions, administration positions, empire building, diversity apparatchiks, criminally inappropriate courses dealing with deviant sex and critical race theory that greatly harms a young person's mind. In other words, everything BUT education.
The key thing is folks need to start taking control of life's basics going forward and get involved locally as much as possible because the dominate societal structures are mostly contaminated.
^^^THIS^^^ is "The Post of the Day"!!!
I've been reading a plethora of articles about school boards approving proposed increases in school operating budgets for 2022-2023 which means an increase in property taxes. The largest budget increase is for benefits/salaries for teachers. One budget for $357 million provides a 5% pay raise for teachers/other employees and adds $1.6 million for 30 teachers to be engaged in virtual learning but eliminates funding for new laptops for students. I've also read that some schools continue to rename their schools and naming fees run $500,000 - $1,000,000.
Voters need to vote NO for increases in school budgets, thereby defunding school personnel who are causing children to suffer. My county increased property taxes by 17% to support an increase in funding for K-12 education. In addition, my county's property taxes will increase a minimum of 3% over the next 6 years.
What happened to Prop 13?
Thank you for your reply, Leslie. To clarify, I don't live in California. My state doesn't have Prop 13. Also, my comments reflect myriad articles that I've recently read that indicate there is a significant rise in school budgets and property taxes across the entire county. I tend to look at things on both a small- and large-scale, micro and macro. I think if the entire nation banded together, in a national organization so to speak with state/local affiliations, we'd be able to share information and have more strength in numbers to fight dictatorship. Afterall, the dictators band together to make them powerful and promote their self-serving agendas: NATO, WHO, WEF, democrats/republicans
Yes, Prop 13 is only California. I agree banding together would give more power.