Pity, that Dr. Kory does not allow responses under his posts for non-paid readers...

Anyway, after reading the entire ivermectin story, there seem to be a missing link to the most important quetion: what's the reason?? Like in the case of covid injections, I do no believe it is all about money. It may be just too conspiratorial, but isn't it because graphene binds to ivermectin...

The degradation of remdesivir is very different than ivermectin, i do believe that's the reason...

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I agree, I read a great article today of his and I was so dyssapointed that I couldn't thank him for the information and just add my personal point. I'm sure he has a good reason. However , we have Steve who is an absolute legend and I can thank Steve once again for being so good at speaking the truth. Thank you Steve. You're so good at what you do.

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If you're wise to the Covidfraud, the Vaxfraud and the GreatReset fraud, and still support "Ukraine" as an MSM narrative, you should realise it's all the same damn thing, suckers. It's the same global agenda, by the same gang, who doesn't care about you OR Ukrainians.

We need every media organization in America to begin asking the tough questions that could provide an off ramp from endless war, worldwide recession and starvation, and most importantly, possible nuclear war https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/05/02/billions-in-weapons-zero-negotiations-reveal-real-us-agenda-in-ukraine/

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thanks for sharing! Vety sadly a vaxxed friend in incredible shape just died suddenly of a brain hemorrhage and no one is asking questions...a total disconnect from reality

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Yeah. I know what they're talking about.

What you lack, is a CONTEXT that shows common people why they should believe this set of somewhat awkward valid experts, versus the swamp scum with the polished presentations, and the governmental and medical authorities telling them they haven't been dumb dupes.

Do you understand what I mean?

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Off topic but---i follow the NBA and NFL and it seems like a lot more injuries.

Did the vaccine make people's bodies more fragile?

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Look up the Encyclopedic number of known and suspected Covid shot injuries; many have to to with skin, myelin sheaths, and connective tissue as well.

It's literally mind -blowing the hundreds or even thousands of potential injuries.

So yes, totally.

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And of course nerve and brain injuries leading to accidents everywhere!!

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Brain problems, falling more.

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I’m not sure I’d trust any of them if I were you. My experience’s with many have been pretty bad.

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Off topic, but very relevant with respect to changes in the blood of vaccinated people:

Covid Injection Aftermath: Study finds 94% of “Vaccine” Recipients have Pre-Blood Clot Formations and Foreign Particles


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It is hopeless, it seems. Biden and the government borrowed, in our names, 1 billion dollars to spread covid misinformation. Bill boards, tv ads, and newspapers. They use our money to fight us.

Are we too stupid to live?

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Even unexpected sources are pussy-footing on this. "They use our money to fight us." Indeed! 1 billion dollars of money laundering, monetarily reimbursing the "usual suspect" megadonors for underwriting the political machine.

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Sorry to write on an entirely different topic. My two adult children are being coerced into getting a jab in order to attend their university. Right now they are leaning towards compliance. I recall reading an article at some point with recommendations for how to prepare (with supplements etc.) for the shot. Did Steve write this? Can anyone point me in the right direction? It would be greatly appreciated 🙏🏽

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Here is what Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD recommends for neutralizing the spike protein and resolving the rouleaux formations that come along with it.


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Thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for. I understand and appreciate where the other commenters are coming from, however, my children have made up their minds and do not want to change schools so the next step is protecting them as best as possible.

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Do your children realize that they can die from this?

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I’ve tried to link to a video clip that I just recently came across but I’m struggling. Look up “Dr. Richard M. Fleming and HIV in spike proteins.” This won’t answer your question on preparing for taking the shot but hopefully will convince your kids to not take them.

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Once you undergo gene therapy done via the covid injections, it will be for good, no way back. You know that with every single shot you play russian roulette with 3 possibilities:

- you die

- you get injured and suffer livelong consequences,

- you apparently feel nothing, because you maybe received placebo or because you were 'prepared'...?

Since the chance of survival in good shape is not 100%, the first thing to 'prepare' would be life insurance... Sorry for such an answer, if you even remotely consider injecting YOUR CHILDREN, something is very wrong with all your 'information'.

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Chris - This article may be of interest. https://www.theepochtimes.com/lawsuits-coming-for-entities-that-dont-change-covid-mandates-after-cdc-update-lawyer_4667572.html?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=ZeroHedge

Since the CDC made changes recently, walking back their previous dictates, it could make a difference, but I suspect you might have to press the point with the University, possibly through a lawyer (?), in order to telegraph you are serious! A couple of other thoughts, Mark Crispin Miller, sent out a spreadsheet of US Colleges and Universities and their mandates. I will put the link in another reply after this one FYI. ALSO, you should take the time to visit Solari.com and in the search box query (even if you are not a subscriber, it's free) put in "Family forms for Covid".

Catherine Fitts, has done a remarkable job from the very beginning, trying to educate and help families with decision making around taking the shots. It can have such long lasting financial ramifications (not to mention emotional), if and when something goes wrong. The shots are definitely Russian Roulette. At the end of the day, you may have to take a "tough love" stance with the kids, use whatever leverage you can to slow them down or dissuade them, as they are likely unable to really grasp the reality of their choices!! Brains of "20 somethings" yr. olds are known to not be fully developed. (I was trained as a Marriage and Family therapist.) Best of luck!

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Here's the college list. It looks to me like the differences between the Universities / Colleges, and their "rules" are falling along political lines. https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/a-guide-to-us-colleges-and-universities?utm_source=email

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Child abuse is shocking, always, but watching these Universities risk the lives and health of every single student they have for a "political agenda" is stunning.

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Thanks to everyone for your input

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One more thing to be aware of, EVEN IF, someone were to receive a "PLACEBO" shot, (what are the odds? Not favorable, and really incalculable!! ) Anyway, this was posted by a reader over at CHD, and it's a great post IMO.

Here is a conversation about the actual content of placeboes, how side effects in the drug being tested are disguised by including things in the placebo that will cause side effects. This is from the documentary series, The Truth About Vaccines. This info is prior to COVID, but I suspect nothing has changed.

Barbara Loe Fisher: In these clinical trials, they’ll often use an active placebo instead of an inactive placebo.

Dr. Suzanne Humphries: That was really one of the real surprising elements to me when I started to research because conventionally, I mean, I worked in a lab, I know what a placebo should be. It should be an inert substance that has no physiological effect. When it comes to vaccines, it’s very rare to find the studies that are actually used for the FDA approval to use a saline placebo. Instead what will be used is either the background substance of a vaccine, which might have aluminum in it, or Polysorbate-80, or some amino acids, or even more commonly, another vaccine that has already been proven safe. So, for instance, if you want to test this year’s flu shot you will test it against last year’s flu shot for its safety rather than testing it against a saline placebo.

Brandy Vaughn: This is one of the things that I wish I could make every parent in the U.S. understand, is that vaccines are not studied against placebo. They are studied against the toxic additives that are in the vaccines and then they give a shot in their safety testing so the vaccine goes up against the toxic additives in a shot. So, the aluminum, the formaldehyde, the Polysorbate-80. So that in the safety testing, both categories have the same level of damage, right? So then therefore vaccines are safe. If vaccines were safety-tested against a saline-based placebo like they should be, like is the gold standard for pharmaceutical drugs, they would not be on the market today because they do so much damage.

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Might want to have the two kids sign in to the Zoom Webinar.

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In less than 5 years, either society will collapse completely or the psychos will have managed to achieve their total domination goal. In the first case, what will be the value of their diploma? In the second case, do you, or they, want such a future? Even if the genocidal maniacs achieve their goal, society will still collapse in less than 10 years afterwards as their vision is completely anti human. Knowing a trade will be much better than a diploma from any university.

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I agree, it's time to think about alternatives to the what we have come to know as the norm.

Finding an opportunities to work for someone who is doing something worthwhile, or learning a trade would be a much, much better use of brain power, time, and money.

Really hard reality for those that are caught in the middle of their education or their dreams.

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There is, in my opinion, no way to "detox" this. It is designed to enter your cells and carry out its function. I hope you fully comprehend how intrusive this technology is. If you don't, you have not done your readings.

There are acute and chronic repercussions to getting injected.

[ Short Term: Clot Death ]

I've seen enough to draw the same conclusion as many others: this stuff kills and maims.

[ Long Term: Parkinson's and Cancer ]

But long term, given that many individuals who were injected do not produce anti-N antibodies and that they will continue to be exposed to Cov, it follows that the SC2 N protein exposures will result in the development of Parkinson's disease. I'm asserting that some injected individuals will develop Parkinson's disease after additional exposures.


Did you guys at least make an effort to fight back? Employ a pricey attorney and use threats?

If you are aware enough to be here, you must provide your children with guidance. Your children may be too young (let's face it, 20yo = still children) to understand the true realities of what is happening.

I'll say it again: Harvard degrees are useless if you pass away too soon.

Find another way. There's no way to detox.

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You've got to get them out of there! Send them https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/the-safe-and-effective-narrative right away.

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Don't give in find another institution that does not require vax. At this point health is more important than education.

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Get legal resources and forms to help them decline the vaccine, and retain a lawyer. https://wordsalad.info/tag-vaccinedecline.html

Now give the lawyer these key studies, gov't data, and documents. 130+ of the best studies, gov't data, or doctor statements showing the COVID-19 vaccine is a bad idea. This includes other sites that have lists of studies of the same topic. Now includes (claimed) Pfizer documents dated 2022-0320. HTML version: https://wordsalad.info/tag-vaccinebadstudy.html

Now sue the university for being anti-science. The only thing they understand is lawsuits.

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They need to look at the evidence and seriously decide if the risk is worth it.


Can they attend online?

What about religious exemption?

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I have never read an article like that here. Steve and most of his readers know these shots are killing people. So who in their right mind would write about how to prepare yourself for murder? That being said Steve had probably written about what to take if you were deceived and got them but most doctors don’t even know if these protocols will help! Doctors and scientists don’t even know what exactly are in these poison shots!

I hope you are not giving a penny to these schools that are so wicked and stupid to try to force this!

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so, who and why...

that wonder while a robust consideration of the perspective of who and why applied to the other would agree/contend is a necessary aspect of the due diligence of deriving an understanding of this...

however, what about considering this from a change starts within perspective, of the who being the me and the why being how/why do i support this in shadowed ways that i am unconscious about...

that where i am going with this is somewhat well expressed as based on comparing/contrasting Mattias Desmet's book The Psychology of Totalitarianism with Iain McGilchrist's book, The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World this within a Jungian background with a significant focus within the topic of the anima and the animus...

that by considering from a change starts within perspective we can better understand how we are being darkly nurtured to be susceptible to being hypnotized into a mass formation or as Jung labeled it a mass mind mindset...

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Mark Crispin Miller is a voice I discovered during this pandemic. Changed how I view everything that comes out from the media.

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Why should you allow any one voice to have such a broad influence? #1 - always regard people with unnecessary names in their salutation as suspicious, and #2 - you realize this dude's unnecessary name is pretty close to "Crispr", riiiiight? I mena, what are the odds?

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Pfizer and J&J should consider themselves lucky that the Dr Josef Mengele Foundation can no

longer sue for theft of their 'final solution' patent.😡

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The world food supply is about to be cut in half. Only half the current population will be able to eat. The war has begun, and Nitrogen is one of the key targets of globalists.Canada building interrogation rooms to prosecute farmers for "climate crimes" The Canadian government is constructing a new climate crimes prosecution and interrogation facility. This facility contains interrogation rooms and weapons armories. https://www.brighteon.com/4198e1a1-7aa6-4605-b76c-8ae15d9f970chttps://www.brighteon.com/4198e1a1-7aa6-4605-b76c-8ae15d9f970c

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I call it "The drip, drip, drip of the opium of propganda" I've learned so much the last 2.5 years. Like essentially, nothing you see is real. I began observing when a given piece of news would drop and then follow the evolution. I got good enough that I was able to predict a piece of news several days before it was announced based on a plea from some doctor at the Cleveland Clinic.

For weeks now I've been watching the all the stories about Vitamin D. Most have been negative, but often are sprinkled with positive elements. And one acknowledged that Vitamin D reduces swelling. Now this could be straight news but I doubt it. Especially since it was shown to drop the chance of an ICU stay to 4% even if already hospitalized if it's at 30,000 or 50,000, I forget which. But it's a full time job to really stay on top of. Alnd I've outsmarted myself a time or two by getting wedded to a narrative instead of simply seeking truth, or at least facts.

And my initial thought when Mitch McConnell announced Republicans might not take the Senate was thanked was providing preemptive cover for the cheating that's going to occur in November. I'm not aware of any particular concerns Republicans in Congress have about fair elections. But "We the People" are very concerned.

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