For some reason….lol

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I just think we are getting sidetracked. What is autism ? How are we defining that. Is everyone with brain fog to be seen as autistic ?

The main thing at this juncture is the recall of these products There are more than fifty deaths They should be recalled And that's that

That is whatI'd put on my poster if I could.And possibibly sonething more easy for people to accept

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Johns Hopkins literally has its name because its founder pioneered and published HYDROXYCHLOROQUIN as the safest treatment for malaria. Same with the CDC which was originally the Malaria Suppression org. How ironic that Both suppressed the zinc ionophore they pioneered that the criminal Ralph Baric published in 2015 as the cure for his soon to b released bioweapon!!

If the World understood what you are about to hear, it would all be over for the perps by Sundown.


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For some reason!

OT, here is a list/summary I assembled today of the top 6 Covid/Vax Disaster stories of the last coupla months. Useful for those having a hard time keeping up with the "dissident firehose." https://pomocon.substack.com/p/recent-must-read-articles-on-the

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With the New Zealand data, the decrease in death rates in the vaccinated cohort in the 20-40 age group can be explained by the realisation that in NZ most deaths in this age group are normally from suicide. In the 20-24 age group suicide normally accounts for 40% of all deaths, and in the 30-34 age group, 20% of all deaths. Those who seek to be vaccinated are unlikely to be contemplating self-harm.

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I thought that's why they get "vaccinated"!

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What about this?

When Can a Private Citizen Arrest Someone?

States vary on citizen's arrest law and the types of crime for which a person can conduct a citizen's arrest. Generally, private citizens can arrest someone they reasonably suspect of committing a felony.

The felony doesn't have to occur in the presence of the individual making the arrest. They can still conduct a citizen's arrest if:

A felony was actually committed

The individual making the arrest knew of the crime

Reasonable suspicion about the identity of the perpetrator will justify their arrest

Like a peace officer, you need probable cause to detain someone for a felony. However, if the alleged crime did not happen, the person making the arrest could become civilly and criminally liable. For example, you might face a lawsuit for wrongful arrest, use of force, or false imprisonment.

In general, people can't use a citizen's arrest for misdemeanor offenses unless the misdemeanor involves a breach of the peace. Even in these circumstances, however, individuals can only make arrests when:

They've personally witnessed the criminal behavior

The breach has just occurred

There's a strong likelihood the breach will continue

Some criminal cases might be easier to witness or show reasonable suspicion. Examples include those involving controlled substances or driving under the influence (DUI). However, the average citizen might not know the severity of whether the crime constitutes a felony or misdemeanor. So if you conduct a citizen's arrest, you do so at your own risk.

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I'm preparing signs for a medical freedom rally at the Capitol in MN. I'm looking for the cash incentive programs for hospitals: CVID diagnosis, Remdesivir, intubation. Do you have any of this info at ur fingertips that could be recreated on a tag board size board?

Also, in my research I've come across a boat load of info on the incentive programs governors/states were offering, not to mention insurance companies like BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD. This would be an interesting story to be told and captured. Are you up for the challenge? Think Nuremberg Code and coercion. I've also included a Harvard Study looking at incentives.



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Elle what is the name of your group and how can we be notified of the freedom rally at the Capitol in Minnesota?

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MN for health and parental rights


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How MEDICAL FACILITIES are getting paid off with COVID funds


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Thank you for standing for freedom.

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Good interview, Steve.

My 81-year-old Aunt Carol (fully jabbed/boosted) won't watch it. She thinks Rumble is what a stomach does when hungry...

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What are the steps to set up an independent grand jury similar to the process called for in Australia? Without a grand jury, how do we ever get to the bottom of the government response to Covid? https://expose-news.com/2024/02/03/professor-gives-powerful-reasons-for-royal-commission/

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@steve this is a good questionnaire for people that may help them realize they aren’t very educated on vaccines . It needs to be updated but still good. Encourage them to research the questions.


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Can’t be viewed on You Tube for some reason -🤔😂🤣 good one Steve! Thanks for you service to humanity.

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Very good interview; thanks for recounting in detail your painful experiences with irrational rejections!

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Watched the whole interview. It was amazing.

Anyone that can discuss facts for almost two hours is almost super human.

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"Nobody can explain the rise in death rates.." I believe, that multitiudes not financially connected and profiting from vaccines or connected to depopulation...can explain!!!

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Steve, Your interview with Viva Frei was amazing as usual. You bring a selfless persona that enriches these episodes, and your courage and commitment to justice is without compare in this arena. That is just one reason that we and many millions trust and respect you. You have a very saintly personality and a great heart, with a warrior quality to make you successful in this selfless duty. Never mind those who want to bring you down or deny you or abandon you. Millions have replaced these individuals. The Hand of the Divine is with you. Thank you for all. Please keep up, and you will be kept up.

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