And Dr John Campbell had his video on this study yanked from YouTube. Because of course youtube would yank it.

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I once left a comment on Dr Campbel's YT channel w/ the link to a Substack article. They removed it immediately I think that was done by AI.

YT is hedious.

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de campbell is now also on rumble.

of course he doesnt get any money there, as the wef companies only will pay google (they will slowly skip musks twitter as well, certainly in election times)

the best is to keep youtube channels, and push out soft politically correct narrative videos there , and then further elaborate on them, on rumble. that way you allow the creator still money. rumble should advertise local trades , they will have to move to different way of income…

what i would like to have is an app/ browser add-on, that allows the ads to be “played” so gooogle is happy, but in fact i am allowed to move away / listen to music / not allow the wef advertiser to spill his sewage over me../and when the app’s played i just get automatic switch back to video. .. i think google/youtube will be on the lookout whether it still has the “focus” granted by the operating system, and microshyte will certainly cooperate with them..but maybe linux can work something put.

wef companies should be DESTROYED. the way is to not buy their brands. discounts sell most of their products but without their brand name.

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yes, youtube definitely uses algorithms to remove comments. a youtuber i watch on a completely different subject mentioned in a video that one of his own replies that happened to be about covid disappeared from his own channel as soon as he posted it multiple times.

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Google (Alphabet) has a subsidiary that manufactures the vaccine, so any information against them is deleted.Google invests Youtube.

There is an organization called TNI(Trusted News Initiative).

Google,YouTube,MicroSoft and main medias are also members here.

TNI has information censorship standards.


BillGates, in particular, is intervening in information like moving a myriad of octopus legs.

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Dr John Campbell is also on Rumble, thankfully.

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Yes, thankfully. YouTube is so blatant about this stuff. The Cleveland clinic is not a podunk naturopathic chakra center. It’s a major teaching hospital with an international reputation. But it said the wrong thing, apparently.

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Cleveland Clinic has lost all credibility.

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Let me think....should I believe modern medicine about anything, or should I believe a Chakra center? At this point...I don’t know. Probably neither. But if I had to accept a drug prescription I’d go with turmeric and tulsi over most of what ‘The Science’ (tm) prescribes.

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I don’t disagree with you. I’d rather an alternative medicine source too. But what I’m saying is that they would immediately dismiss an alternative source; but you’d think they’d side with the Cleveland Clinic. Until they say the wrong thing, of course.

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Turmeric and tulsi?

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Two Ayurvedic herbs that have been extensively researched. Turmeric especially. But Ayurveda has many medicines with lots of research behind them. It’s slow though. All their herbs are very gentle and slow acting.

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And we've been conditioned by pharma advertising to want an immediate fix, take drugs!!!

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"YouTube is so blatant about this stuff"

That rabbit hole is very, very deep.

Do a search on duckduckgo for "In-Q-Tel"

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The Paranoia Company.

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In-Q-Tel - Wikipedia

In-Q-Tel ( IQT ), formerly Peleus and In-Q-It, is an American not-for-profit venture capital firm based in Arlington, Virginia. It invests in high-tech companies to keep the Central Intelligence Agency, and other intelligence agencies, equipped with the latest in information technology in support of United States intelligence capability.

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Sounds so very patriotic.

I feel protected.


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Jan 20, 2023
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Absolutely. Our hospital nearby had 50 nurses leave (and it’s small), they were forced to hire traveling nurses at double the rate hourly. They must be getting some big incentives to pull this off!

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the traveling nurse companies are getting rich

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I have read that hospitals that are actually killing patients that weren't jabbed are getting a bonus that amounts to $450,000 from HHS. I wish some of the buggers would continue to get multiple real boosters. Biden and company needs to get about 6 more boosters.

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Do the scab nurses speak English?

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They aren't really "scabs", as they are not strike-breaking.

They aren't taking anybody else's jobs, as those others left of their own free will.

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No they did'nt. They were coerced with the alternative to take the jab against their will, or they were fired. That is not free will.

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If something you do is "against your will" then it shows that you have a will.

You may allow it to be overruled, but that is up to you.

You have ignored your own best interests, and done what you should not have done.

And you will regret that for evermore.

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Free will as in get a jab or lose your job free ???

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Life is not risk free.

If you want health, then refuse the jab.

This may mean that you lose your job.

You decide.

But always decide for yourself, as you have the free will to do so - do not let others force you into a choice which may be disastrous for your health.

( And will be, in fact. )

Retain agency at all times; otherwise, as I said, you might as well be dead.

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Hobson's choice.

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Jan 23, 2023
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To interpret the study. We need to know. How do you define a covid case? If the person tests positive for covid with a test and has zero symptoms -it is meaningless as the test is not specific to covid and the test has a false positive rate between 60-90%. Even if you have symptoms, you could have rhinovirus, adenovirus, para influenza or RSV. There is no way to prove you have covid despite what the TV or social media tells you.

If we keep using covid "testing to verify the legitimacy of these studies - we are deceiving ourselves. That being said I would never take covid mrna shot. They have no use and are not clinically indicated. None of my family will take one either.

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I don't think it matters what they are sick with. Almost every jabbed person I know has had "Covid" 1, 2 or even 3 times. Some have had constant colds, flu and/or pneumonia. My aunt just got diagnosed with a blood clot. Whatever you want to call it, the vaxxed are a walking germ factory.

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No, every jabbed person was exposed to a toxic product in their bloodstream which your body then had to detox by coughing, mucus expulsion, fever. Whatever your body can do to get rid of the poison just inserted into the bloodstream. You can't say they had Covid because the symptoms are exactly the same as colds, flu, other respiratory diseases and all the differentiates them from alleged covid is a very wrong PCR test.

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Is there a test that is specific enough to detect Covid? Where are all of the variants coming from? Early on it seems that the variants were the result of the jabs. Is that still the thought?

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The test used to detect alleged Covid is the PCR, which turns out to be completely useless because 1) it was never meant to be used for diagnosis, 2) it was admitted by the creators of the test that the HAD NO COVID samples when they created the test. How can you make a test to detect covid if you have no covid first?? They also now use anti-body tests which are also useless as anti-bodies are non-specific. You create antibodies in the presence of any toxin in the system and they are NON-SPECIFIC. There are no special covid antibodies to detect in any tests.

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I would agree with your assessment except for one thing - if the tests were that highly inaccurate, the results would have been a statistically random distribution of positive results between all groups. Instead we are seeing a clear pattern, which is of statistical significance, between the studied groups based on vaccination rates. The probably of this happening randomly is almost zero. The only invalidation of this study would be a confounding variable. For example, the vaccinations themselves are responsible for the covid-positive results, and not the virus.

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"The probably of this happening randomly is almost zero." I would agree with you but the data may be manipulated to give a certain ambiguous result per the definition of "getting Covid". The Covid of 2020 and 2021 no longer exists. If you listen to Fauci at a round table discussion before the pandemic, the group he was with wanted to relabel influenza as a new 'unknown' viral disease to scare people into getting a new vaccine, what we call "The Jab". That may explain why he has been so wishy washy about how to handle it. He has been lying so long that he cannot keep his story straight.

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I would agree with your assessment except for one thing.

This study is not based on testing, it is based on "getting covid", ie getting sick in direct proportion to the number of jabs an individual has taken.

As Holly says, the test itself is effectively irrelevant, as it cannot differentiate between all the other conditions she mentions, and it is entirely dependent on cycle number.

Kary Mullis pointed this out a long time ago.

So it really doesn't matter whether the test is reliable or not - the only thing we are looking at, and using in the study, is sickness rates - which as you say, are directly correlated with the number of jabs.

So let's just say the so called aetiological agent is beside the point; the only thing that we need to concern ourselves with is that these people are sick not because of "covid", but because of whatever is in the jabs.

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I don't see how the test can be irrelevant when it is the only determinant of sickness. There is only an independent variable and a dependent variable. The independent variable is the number of jabs, and the dependent variable is sickness as determined by covid tests. In this study, my understanding is that the term "getting Covid" refers to a positive result on a Covid test regardless of symptoms. That would include false positives as well as asymptomatic covid. I could be wrong since we were not given all the details of the study.

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You are wrong. The PCR tests were chosen because they do not identify an actual disease. They will give a positive result to any remaining disease in your system whether it is dead or alive. If a disease is to be identified, it will be found after 20 cycles of magnification. Beyond this, the sample becomes corrupted, a mish mash of everything in the sample. Even Fauci conceded that at 37 cycles, these false positive rate is at 95%. As most of the world ran testing at 40 - 42 cycles, PCR testing provided a planned pandemic of testing of basically 100% of false postives. Yes planned, as the inventor of the technology pointed out in an article reported in the NY Times in 2007.

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The article is titled "Very large Cleveland Clinic study shows more vaccines make you more likely to get COVID".

If I am wrong then the entire premise of the article is wrong. If the tests don't work, then the only way to diagnose Covid is by a guess based on symptoms. They said "more likely to get Covud" not "more likely to get sick". I keep making this point but it's completely missed. If Covid was determined by "some other means" what were they?

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Testing, and sickness, are two entirely separate things.

Testing does not determine sickness - symptoms do.

You have a sick person who could be suffering from any one of a number of different conditions - as Holly stated.

What you treat is symptoms, not a specific disease.

"Covid", as a specific disease, does not exist.


It is exactly the same as "AIDS", ie it is a political construct, not a medical one.

It is all things to all men, so it is not actually a discrete condition, but as history now teaches, it is indistinguishable from "flu" - because as "covid" went up, so "flu" went down in lockstep.

"Covid" is simply the cover story to get you to take a poisonous concoction called a "vaccine" - that is its sole function.

"Getting covid" again, is just the window dressing.

They could as easily have said "Getting the flu" - or RSV - see Holly's list of equivalent conditions.

No test can diagnose "covid" - Kary Mullis made this clear.

Depending on cycle number, you can "diagnose" anything.

All you are "diagnosing" is finding something that sticks to a primer you have previously made - but as the target for the primer has never been isolated or purified or shown to cause infection, then the primer could be anything too.

It even "tests positive" when exposed to goat milk, or mango juice, or - anything really.

And you cannot have covid if you are asymptomatic.

If you are asymptomatic, you are well - you are not ill.

The whole thing is a crock.

It is all cobbled together and given a single coat of "science" to push the actual agenda - which is to get a sterilizing fluid into your body.

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Spot on.

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I believe what Kary Mullis said was that his procedure, the PCR, was not a diagnostic tool. It was simply a tool to make a tiny bit of something become a larger bit of something so it might be easier to identify. PCR is a tool to make a bunch of protein from a fragment so that it would be easier to identify. Once you identified it and it was something you wanted, you could make more of the thing you wanted, a lot more. The PCR cannot make the virus however. The virus is too easy to damage and make inactive.

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I am not arguing that "testing" and "sickness" are the same thing. I am not arguing the definition or ill, or test accuracy, or even what the tests detect. Thinknabout this before you come back with more irrelevant tangential arguments:

The Cleveland Clinic did a study. In this study found a correlation between the number of vaccination doses a day the number of Covid cases. It doesn't say the number of "sickness" cases. It says Covid. How did they determine Covid cases? The article doesn't say. So, most likely they determined this through tests. Otherwise, there is no non-arbitrary way to determine if someone has Covid or not. Is the test accurate? No. Does it detect false positives? Yes. Can it differentiate between Covid, flu, or other similar sicknesses? Probably not. But that is what THEY used to determine Covid in the study. If the test is completely invalid then so is the study, and as such it tells us very little.

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I agree; flipping a coin is just as good as the test they give. However, at a hospital they probably are there because of symptoms.

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I have asked and asked and asked. no replies. WHAT are the tests we use to diagnose COVID? PCR?? checks for antigens.. Has been debunked as done incorrectly - by its inventor. OR are they antibody tests? ELISA? WESTERN blot? No body can tell me. All I have seen are these paper strips kinda like a pregnancy test, and you put a drop of spit on it and if blue.. you got covid. REALLY? What the heck are these? Who makes the tests (hint - China!) Oh yes I am a doctor and don't have a clue about this. bring it on smart people who call me a naysayer.. Bring it on,, educate us.

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amazing.... crickets.. crickets...crickets.. Me thinks this is all a hoax by Pharma..Thus "sayeth...." the old heart surgeon who didn't trust "the Clinic' much on surgical papers either. You see, we have friends.. who trained there... and they tell the dirty secrets. About pencil whipping "academic" papers for their bosses....

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Exactly. If early treatment protocols were used the majority of those suffering from the respiratory virus would still be with us.

Find out what is happening on the African continent. Very low vaccination rate and no hospitalizations from any form of covid. Malaria and other diseases is the problem there, not covid.

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I grew up in a different time. We would only go to the hospital if we were very sick.

Nowadays people go to the hospital or doctor for mild colds or skin abrasions. We have grown weak. I did urgent care 1 day a week in the military and parents would bring their kids to the clinic for things that just needed a band aid.

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Grown or been made? The horrendous number of childhood vaxxes, glyphosate in the food, non-ionising radiation in the air, micro plastics .. the list is endless. In the different time you allude to, I suspect the poisoning was not nearly as bad.

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Does the definition really matter though? Whatever definition they used, there was a clear dose-response of "more vax = more positives". You might find that goes away with a different definition, but whatever they were using here had a clear, statistically significant correlation.

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Yes there is a dose response and it is and has been seen in other countries. A paper from Israel saw the same thing as well as reports from the UK.

The other thing being seen is the increase in number of "unexplained' sudden deaths and a death rate higher than prepandemic death rates.

The one place the CDC couldn't cover up was the reports of increased all-cause deaths or mortality from life insurance companies. The Society of Actuaries (SOA) is not mincing any words. They attribute the increase in death from the "clot shots".

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Ron Unz at his w/s argues at length that the XS deaths relate to "obesity + covid."

I don't agree with him; but if you have the time and energy, go and look at what he says.

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I stand corrected. I was thinking of the nucleotide salvage pathway of nucleotide synthesis, were we can obtain adenine for instance, from the breakdown of various amino acids like glycine glutamine and aspartic acid.

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I'm not sure the correlation was "more vax = more positives."

It was "more vax = more sickness."

As Holly pointed out, they cannot know what the causative agent was.

The causative agent is not "covid" - it's "vax."

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Early on we were told it was the unvaxxed but in reality it was the folks that were vaxxed that were showing up at the hospitals, not only here but in Israel, the UK, and wherever people were getting the shots.

On the African continent where there is a low vaccination rate, they are also seeing few cases of covid or anything related to covid>People in the African countries have the same disease problems they have had for decades but one is not covid.

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Some of the info I have been reading states that not only are you more susceptible to getting covid with an increase in the number of jabs….but will experience an increase in other infections….makes sense if you are killing off your T cells, etc. I will have to actually read the study. But if symptoms were considered and not just a positive test that might be more beneficial. If they would break the data out like that….this many people had symptoms and this many tested positive?

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This was what the study was considering.

Vax rates vs. sickness.

There is no evidence whatsoever that the causative agent is something called "covid."

The causative agent is the vax.

Without the vax - as the study shows - these people would not have been hospitalised.

"It's the vax, stupid."

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Yeah I read that too. In fact I think there have been several studies that show jabs increase vulnerability to other infections as well as to covid. Additionally, the wipe out of IgG3 and class switch to IgG4 reduces tumor clearance and promotes cancer progression, auto-immune disease and cardiovascular disease progression.

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Maybe this highly esteemed clinic has finally released is its first honest study in a long time. Yet overall, Cleveland clinic is no different than Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and Mayo clinic. They are all funded the same way. They will all crank out new doctors that are just robots do what they are told and incapable of independent thought. And all the postdocs and residents will be further trained in the big pharma model of patient care.

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It's called "mass formation psychosis" - and as we know, intelligence is no protection against psychosis.

Doctors are amongst the most delusional of all.

Keep well away from them.

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As a triple board certified cardiac surgeon.. all I can say.. If you only knew!!!! So many of my doctor buddies have drunkly deeply of the Koolaid and taken the blue pill. Speaking to one recently I said.. "Okay, let's start with.... what is mRNA and how does it work, where does it work and what does it do.." Clueless. sat there with his mouth hanging open. We were in the same medical school class. I kept up.. He didn't. Bet he can do a really good open inguinal hernia repair.. Heck I can too.. but come on man.. keep up. Don't just parrot back what Fauci or your hospital administrator says.. Now there is a two year wonder MBA, really clueless.

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Yup! I hate to say it, but my older sister is an M.D., and she showed a complete lack of critical thought when it came to COVID & vaxxes. I even showed her the Pfizer data which displayed no positive effect on mortality; she was and is still convinced that the vax is the way to go. Now that's in-DOC-trination!

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Encourage her to get lots of boosters. Doctors are pushing that scenario on their patients. The children's hospitals that keep asking for donations are pushing the vaccine on the children they are treating.

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child abuse

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Maybe mention to her that 'way to go' might not be such a good defence when the Tribunals start.

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I also saw Pfizer's initial clinical trial data as Maria R. for approval from the Japanese regulatory agency.

I noticed that (1) there is no big difference in the non-onset rate with or without vaccination. (2) The definition of efficiency is strange.

(1) Trial total onset non-onset |non-onset rate (this is my calculator calculation)

Number of vaccinated people 21500 people | 8 people | 21492 people | 99.962%

Number of people not vaccinated 21500 | 162 | 21338 | 99.246%

(2) Effective rate by Pfizer≡ (Number of people who developed symptoms without vaccination - Number of people who developed symptoms after vaccination) / Number of people who developed symptoms without vaccination

It is defined as ≡Relative Risk Reduction rate.

By increasing the number of digits of onset in the above formula, 800 people: 95% even with 16200 people. 0.8 people: 95% even with 16.2 people. I will look into it later

RelativeRiskReduction = {number of placebo patients - number of vaccinated patients} / number of placebo patients * 100 [%]

AbsoluteRiskReduction = [1-{1-placebo onset/total number of placebo}/{1-vaccine onset/total number of vaccinated]]*100[%]

With ARR, the efficacy rate is only 0.72%.

95% were Pfizer bogus ads. The FDA, CDC, and the Japanese regulatory agency PMDA that allowed this are incompetent.

Perhaps they were round and purposeful given the other context.

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At least the Japanese regulatory agency forced Pfizer to do a biodistribution test.

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The definition is about efficacy, meaning how well does it work for the intended purpose.

We now know that in susceptible people it is very efficient at killing, whereas the efficacy is very low. If the efficacy was high you would not need boosters.

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That's incredible. Doesn't she see the damage in her injected patients?

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LMAO.... they deserve it. Hope they collapse.

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I would not cry if they went under, but they are funded by big pharma the CMS, NIH and Bill Gates foundation so as much money they lose they will be funded and bailed out.

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It can be.

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There are cases in many states where a State Supreme court Judge strikes down vaccine mandates. Then a federal appeals court judge says they are legal. This has turned into a massive state rights vs fed standoff. I am not an attorney, but I stand for state rights. Washington is so out of touch I do not trust them.

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I believe they are very much in touch.

What they are doing is intentional - the infliction of deliberate genocide and sterilization on the people.

It comes from the very highest levels of the USG.

Sasha Latypova has the undeniable details of the conspiracy to murder.

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And if you live in California you don’t trust states rights either but we are about to change that.

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I hope you (plural) do change that.

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I lived in CA less than 3 years and had to get out! Mindless zombies everywhere. They totally want the govt to tell everyone what to do! Many are such martyrs. Love to talk about all they do for other people🤮🤮🤮🤮 and if you don’t think just like they do, u are an outcast. I met many kind people who lived in CA all their lives and don’t like the politics but would never leave as they made sooo much money living there on the real estate they had from30-40 years ago. I don’t think many of them vote for that shit but the elections in CA are rigged. Have been for a long time.

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Follow Elon. Come to Texas

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I see. Yes, I understand. The thing is you are correct that the elections are rigged. It’s a red state with pockets of lunacy. So the New California State will take up 95 percent of the state land & half the population. It’s urban v. rural. So LA, SF, Sacramento, Silicon Valley will not be part of New California. However, it will be a win win for both states. Because financially & Constitutionally the state is in default. New California will save Old California financially & they can live in their social justice warrior La La land and the rest of us can live in a free society. It will also save the Nation because it will show what it means to live in a Constitutional Republic. And we will have Republican Representatives & Senators in Congress. We are sending 2 Representatives to Congress in the next 3 weeks to be seated to ask for permission to become a State. We have a functioning temporary government until we can hold elections without machines. It’s very exciting. There are 3 other states in the process of following in our footsteps & more to come. It is estimated that by 2030 there will be 60 New States in the United States.

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Wow. If this is really going to happen can we get in it in Nevada. I think they are turning CA and the elections here were also rigged. Pls send me info on how to do this in our state. I love it! I hope and pray it happens!!!

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I believe that it is already starting in Nevada. Call this # 877-828-2753 ask for Paul Preston. He is the President of the movement. If he asks how you heard about this you can tell him Leslie Benjamini wrote about it on Steve Kirsch’s SUBSTACK.

Good Luck. They need all the help they can get.

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Why don't people in California trust states rights? Is it because their ambition/goal is to Make America California Again?

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Please see my long explanation to Deb Hawthorn.

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When you see what California is going to transform into you won’t make snide remarks like that.

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🙏🏼 I pray for California. And for all the blue states to wake up to the massive government corruption striping away our rights as (supposedly) free citizens. Even our red stats have been infiltrated with a swarm of woke politicians and useful idiots. I turn my eyes to God as I see our country sinking into oblivion. Praying it’s not to late to save America.

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I really hope so!!

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Do you live in California?

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Well said. There needs to be balances in our system

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Washington is not out of touch. They are corrupt. This country is literally run by criminals.

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That's exactly what I say; the whole country is run by criminals. The final takeover took place under Obama. That's when things started to slide downhill more rapidly.

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Maybe so but peek back a few year and remember Bush created the Patriot Act.

And the TSA- You realize we continue to take our shoes off go through an incredible amount of security all for a crazy dude who try to light something plastic on the bottom of his sneaker. If you wrote that storyline in a book no one will believe it.

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That crazy guy, Richard Reid, was on a watch list and was allowed to get on the flight. You cannot detonate high explosives with a match. He was a patsy. The TSA uniforms and the newest full-body scanners were already sitting in warehouses prior to 9/11, which is how they rolled out the agency so fast. And who did the TSA hire? The lowest common denominator. People who are borderline illiterate, will follow orders and treat the public like shit.

Covid was the next step. The DoD had already put the mechanisms for mass vaccine production in place prior to the "Covid-19 pandemic". In a real world that would have been smart; in case there was a real pandemic. In this manufactured world it was used to control and cull the population.

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911 was a successful psychological operation to terrify the public into fear and obedience to the government. Covid is 911 on steroids.

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Even though I prefer state rights to federal rights, living in Arizona I can tell you that most of our democrat and republican leaders are so corrupt they would make Washington proud.

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I've heard Arizona is a very corrupt state. All of that Hobbs nonsense proves it.

Thank you for your service, Master Sergeant!

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I don’t think Cleveland clinic had a vaccine mandate. Otherwise how did they have unvaccinated employees to compare in this study?

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As far as I can make out, they didn't.

They just graphed sickness against jab rates.

You can assume therefore that if sickness increases with number of jabs, then it decreases to zero with zero jabs.

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Oh ya. They had a mandate!!! My child was one victim!

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Religious and medical exemptions are very rare-although possible to get them I have talked to pilots and doctors about this. It seems exemption approval is between 1-2%

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You cannot ask a slave owner for "exemption."

You take exemption - and accept the consequences.

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The religious exemption was a crock and a giveaway to the pointlessness of the whole concept: if everyone who wanted an exemption could get one, then the vaxx was 100% voluntary and unenforceable in any kind of mandate.

If anyone who requested one was denied, then there is no such thing as a religious exemption.

Fire someone for holding out for a religious exemption? On what grounds, no real conviction? Job or vaxx, choose or lose? That's conviction. Ergo, exemption request is solid on its face.

And, then there's this thing called transmissibility. If the contagion is contagious, exemptions undercut that. So, whence exemption in the face of mortal peril? None of it adds up.

What it all appears to have been was a power play where the secret ace in the hole was the exemption requests: use the exemption, get a pass, don't play the game.

Problem was, the stooges in the management ranks across the nation weren't in on the game, so they took exemption requests as acts of defiance warranting a quash. So, they fought them. They were never likely ever intended to be litigated.

Imagine a 20-some year old softie lib totalitarian in training in the administration who wants to push people into the pens but not too hard...only those who choose to comply without a fuss. Let the protestors walk away; they'll be few, and they won't be collateral casualties that haunt a (still) soft conscience. Thus, the exemptions.

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" ... If the contagion is contagious, exemptions undercut that. So, whence exemption in the face of mortal peril ... ?

As we know, the vax does not stop transmission, or infection - so it is effectively useless - therefore you would have to be clinically insane to accept one.

Nobody should "ask for an exemption" - you must TAKE AN EXEMPTION - and accept the consequences.

Otherwise you have no agency in your life, and you might as well be dead.

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I know of a large corporation that was refusing all exemptions. However, a huge number of employees were willing to leave and held out. Suddenly they granted religious exemptions to all my no-jab friends there - I know of at least 10.

I have no proof but I think they realized they would lose too many of their best people. Their stock is doing great right now, by the way.

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That is a cool example of peaceful organized resistance working. It took guts and awesome that they held out.

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I knew the stock was doing good but I just checked a 10 year graph. It shot way down... I mean wayyyyy down and then across during the mandate time. When they started granting exemptions it went way up and climbed higher than ever. My theory looks even better now.

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They most likely got religious exemptions. I know someone that worked there during the fiasco.

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This may shed some light on how they had a mandate while having “unvaccinated” employees.

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I see, so they had unvaccinated allowed up to one year ago, then the mandate hammer came down.

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Once the hammer came down a federal judge ruled mandates were illegal. Then another judge overturned the ruling of the first judge. It's so much of a fiasco its hard to interpret. The same thing has happened in New York where the most recent decision is that mandates - even for health care providers are illegal.


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The vaccines are still being used under an emergency use authorization. That emergency use authorization makes a mandate illegal under Federal statutes. So Federal judges don't understand the law.

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Maybe they granted medical and religious exemptions.

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Just commented this below Wayne. The combination of religious and medical exemptions appears to be about 2%. This is meaningless.

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I am not sure they had an unvaccinated control group, so I need to sift through it. If they did have an unvaccinated control group- it may be statistically meaningless as Cleveland clinic has publicly stated that 98% of all their employees are vaccinated.

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I want to clarify something and will try to make it simple as we may be running out of time. Covid mrna shots are not vaccinees' They are genetic therapy. Most people have heard of DNA and it is the code of life. Time does not permit but there is a known process called reverse transcription that allows the covid shot mrna to permanently change your DNA. In other words, the long-term effects of covid shots are permanent for now and may be permanently irreversible.

If you do not believe in God and have biology training, you may consider your DNA your private property given to you by your Mom and Dad. And should not be altered by covid shots.

For those that are religious they may believe that their DNA is a sacred gift of Gods creation and should not be altered with. Sorry for the diatribe but nobody messes with my DNA.

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There is no evidence for DNA or RNA in these shots - except possibly as a generic addition to prop up the narrative.

As we know, the entire "covid" narrative is just a crock designed to frighten you into getting the shot - and the intention is not to increase your health, but to kill you.

This then is the purpose behind the shots, and the simplest and cheapest way to kill you is not by engaging in this ridiculous "gene therapy" BS - but simply to inject you with graphene oxide / hydroxide.

And thus the clots, ( GO is like a molecular razor blade ) and also the other well-known "side effect", ie the magnetism over the injection site.

These people will not spend a lot of money on you if they can achieve their objectives cheaply.

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Integrated into human cell DNA in 6 hours in in vitro test at SwedenLund University

2022Feb19: Lund University Sweden: This mRNA is reverse transcribed using the LINE-1 enzyme


Moreover, Moderna's pseudo-mRNA has an oncogene string.

DR.RyanCole also says: mRNA is incorporated into genes and inherited.


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Purpose built bioweapon.

Through and through.

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“If you do not believe in God and have biology training, you may consider your DNA your private property given to you by your Mom and Dad. And should not be altered by covid shots.

For those that are religious they may believe that their DNA is a sacred gift of Gods creation and should not be altered with. Sorry for the diatribe but nobody messes with my DNA.”

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"...burned out..."

Classic, poor management. No matter how they sell it, it's a stinker. Lightning didn't strike; management made decisions.

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I wonder how many "Died Suddenly" case they saw overtime?

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As a wannabee Misinformation Superspreader, I carry around Page 12 of Pfizer's clinical trial data (the supplement) as well as the Cleveland Clinic study, Figure 2.

Res Ipsa Loquitur. "The thing speaks for itself."

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Steven Todd Kirsch is an American entrepreneur. He has started several companies and was one of two people who independently invented the optical mouse. Kirsch has been both a philanthropic supporter of medical research, and a promoter of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines. Wikipedia

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With this line of complete bull needless to say all the thousands of deaths before the vaccine were not part of this study because there was no vaccine yet people were dying by the thousands.

It is obviously a slanted view of reality, like a t*** reality .

Also those who got the vaccine, their symptoms were not as severe.

Go ahead and take this line of bs and go in peace just know how incredibly stupid your choice was.

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china found 300 new covid variants in 1 week, so one can say the virus has a big playground to mutate in.

this is a bioweapon , due to the furin cleavage site, fcs, and the consequence of that is that the virus plays around in ALL organs. the fcs allows the virus to “buckle” down into about any’s cell receptors.

i’m not blamin china for this btw. the fauci-gang enabled them to jockey around, and the upper echelons probably werent aware what a club of pla colonels were doing, allowing to do, and which risks they took.

the effect of this fiasco is killer mutations down the line, and most likely not where you first expect this..it can manifest itself as a deadly infection in some specific organ. mrna vaccinations just make it worse, and certainly for those so stupid to still take them.

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It's fair game to take their arguments and counter them. You've done a thorough job with that. But let's not lose sight of the fact that COVID-19 the disease has not been proven to be caused by SARS CoV-2. The only isolates of SARS CoV-2 are genetic clones artificially made from the China supplied sequence. And most of the sequences from SARS CoV-2 come directly from the vero cells they cultured the sample in. These are the same cells they culture many childhood scheduled vaccines in, and the flu shots. The PCR test primers target these. That's why early serology tests shocked many when they found such a high percentage of Americans had already seen the virus before. Yeah, they saw it before because it had been injected into them.

No one to my knowledge has done a complete review of alternative causes for the symptoms, such as radiation sickness. Considering the military rapidly deployed 5G antennas around the US beginning around nursing homes January 2020, I think that merits further investigation. And also consider the elderly take up most of the flu shots. It's interesting, there are reports of the 2019-2020 flu shots containing graphene. It is also interesting that these metals are conductive and hold magnetic fields, and serve to enhance the 5G radiation which could be what caused Havana syndrome.

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What is this January 19 column back at the top?

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Could be because I posted a comment pointing out why the infection rate is now low in the unvaccinated. You cannot conclude "vaccines do the opposite: they make it MORE likely you'll get COVID."

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Like waves coming into the shore as high tide approaches, more and more of these studies are damning the clot shot pushers!

There was this interview with health advisor to Broadway and the theaters in NYC opining on the vaccines with the once great interviewer Leonard Lopate last week with the incompetent Minona Rossol:


So many irrrational assertions here, still pushing the current "vaccines". Unbelievable.

WBAI has some unique programming with Chris Hedges and Jimmy Dore and investigative journalists. Not all radio is brain dead.

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Over 30+ years of failed vaccines against coronavirus. ALL. OF. THEM.


RFK Jr should know what to do

Totalitarian time clock is ticking. Stop the BS


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Steve, it is easy to explain the superiority of the immunity that unvaccinated people have compared to the vaccinated.

Based on seroprevalence surveys, a larger percentage of the unvaccinated have had a Covid-19 infection compared with the vaccinated. As you point out, natural immunity is far better protection than vaccination, so it shouldn't be surprising that, statistically, the unvaccinated are now better protected than the vaccinated. However, this protection came at a cost, namely, the unvaccinated had to take the risk of a serious outcome from Covid-19. The vaccinated people who have yet to have an infection and who are now only slightly more likely to get an infection than those who have had an infection still would not choose infection as the preferred way to gain protection.

Given that so many have now been infected and have naturally immunity, the number of doses of vaccine has become a relatively inconsequential measure, statistically, of the immunity level. It is for this reason that statistical reports by vaccination status have become irrelevant. What are needed are reports which combine previous infection history and vaccinations, however, since so many infections are asymptomatic, such reports would only be possible if testing could be done to confirm an individual's infection history.

Your statement: "COVID vaccines do the opposite and increase your risk of infection" is a relative statement, relative to the unvaccinated group most of whom have already had an infected. There is nothing controversial about the fact that a group with a lower rate of previous infections and relying on a vaccine with low effectivity against new variants will have more new infections than a group that has a higher rate of previous infections.

What the never-infected care about, particularly those with chronic health risks, is reducing the risk of becoming infected. Once the previously infected are removed from the comparison, it becomes clear that vaccinations do still reduce the risk of a first infection.

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Those injected, are done so, with the spike protein of the virus they say exists. Cases were not significant prior to the gene therapies being rolled out. Since the rollout, cases were far greater, adverse events greater than all previous vaccines, and excess deaths of unheard of numbers occurring. Was there a virus beforehand, because scientifically it does not exist, an isolated, purified sample has not been provided by any medical establishment. Perhaps it is because if it had been, it would have been recognized as man made, and many questions raised about gain of function , and the safety of a "vaccine" made from it. The plandemic was initiated from PCR false positives, and now millions have been injected with a treatment not safe, or effective. Fits in with the elite's main agenda, eugenics.

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If a PCR test is what constituted someone having Covid, then the entire paper is meaningless. A flip of the coin could tell you just as well if someone was "infected". The more shots you get, the more toxic your body becomes. That much is true and therefore your chances of becoming ill are greater as your body tries to detox what you just put in the bloodstream. Symptoms of detoxing are....the same as covid.

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I’m thankful to have had the discernment to know that something wasn’t right with this virus and the “vaccine”. This information is out there for people to see. If they won’t face the truth, they will face the consequences. There isn’t much we can do about it except keep pointing out the flaws in whatever thought process made them this way.

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My double-vaxxed, morbidly obese sister-in-law has allegedly had COVID twice since being vaxxed and nearly died the first time. I was surprised that my brother's insistence on no Remdesivir kept his wife from death by hospital protocol. But he is aware that PCR cannot show COVID. However, he says he knows she had COVID because they did blood tests that "proved it." I can't find what type of blood test they are using, and certainly no search engine will return honest results. Does anyone have any idea what type of blood test they are using? I think these blood tests have to be just as fake as PCR test results but I don't really know.

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