Steve now that you've structured a few debates awarebess and billboards are you looking to assist on the first arrests? I can help. In my assessment the only person arrested that has anything to do with the medical complex are Theranos people like Elizabth Holmes whose trial and charges were more of a psyop. She took Bill & Melinda grant money and her technology used to be in citations for Hideous intellectual property like POLICY PATENT 11107588B2 that I've worked on with CHD. It's also the same as world patent Wo2022034502A1 (2022).

Please help 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 (Stuxnet virus part ii)


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The fact that many have publicly dropped dead on tv, on stage, and on sports fields supports the numbers. Never before have we seen this, especially among young people. It coincides with the vaccine rollout.

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That’s a self defeating argument. People are more aware of it because it had shown record numbers of adverse events, a warning sign.

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Before anyone jumps to conclusions from this data, Bill Gates has a new product that he wants everyone to try. It will make sure you get the right facts.


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Steve: Would you consider doing a poll on healthy young females who were told by doctors that the blood clots they have gotten were due to birth control pills? Apparently, blood clots from birth control pills only happens over a ten year period to 0.3 to 1 percent of women and almost always those who are heavy smokers. We have a friend who is 17, and a great athlete, and was told by the medical establishment that her blood clots were due to the birth control pills she was taking. She is vaccinated. One doctor on this site said via his wife that he had not been seeing blood clots in healthy young female athletes until these vaccines were rolled out and that he is now seeing 4-6 per month. I am wondering how many college girls are experiencing blood clots and being told it is from birth control pills? Does anyone know how to get this request to Steve? He is very busy and may not see it. Thanks.

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So many of their lies have been of the same type the whole time: Demand perfectly unimpeachable evidence from us to the point of impossibility, while treating their own complete conjectures as scientific fact, no matter how absurd.

1. The lockdowns would've worked if not for the free-dumb loving MAGAts!

2. Masks would've stopped covid if only everyone wore one!

3. The vaccines would've eliminated covid if everyone got them, but since a small % didn't, we got variants.

4. The vaccines are safe and fake reports from anti vaxxers and higher VAERS awareness are to blame!

And on and on. It's so stupid and tiresome dealing with people who don't care the least for logical consistency and examination of evidence.

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Before covid the harms were increasing, people should have been worried about that signal already. Now since covid the situation is absurd.. In no other endeavour could the covid signal be explained away.

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Their level of BS knows no bounds.

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Whatever VAERS says -if we lived in a free society, we should be allowed to accept or reject covid mrna shots as they not actually approved and are not vaccines. But we no longer live in a free society.

We live in a global police state and most of us will just accept it as we are a nation of cowards.

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Until COVID most doctors I know were not aware of VAERS. And if they were aware, they never knew how to use it, or refused cause it took so long. That's just one of the reasons why vaccine injury has been so poorly reported since the 1986 act.

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When are you going to do a deep dive on the prevalence of injury from childhood vaccines? If you think they've been lying about the covid jabs, why on earth would you believe what they have been saying about everything after the 1986 ACT that took away liability? I wonder if you have been wondering about it, but for some reason aren't going there yet. Please go there. :) Thanks for all you do.

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Sometimes you just have to be humble-sure I was a doctor but there are posts below from regular people with no medical training. They are only asking for covid shots to be an option not a requirement. Since natural immunity is real and most Un jabbed people have it. There is no reason to inject any other more humans with mrna.

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Eric! People who have vaccine injury probs know much more about them than doctors who never read the science. Just saying....

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Doctors do not read science they just follow orders from administrators.

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The military has their own version of VAERS, and many have questioned its accuracy. I have lost all trust in both VAEARS and the military database when it comes to vaccine injury as both can be altered and manipulated. I remember treating troops that had permanent neurologic damage from the anthrax "vaccine" the VA tried to ignore it and cover it up- just like agent orange side effects. This covid scam is no different. Nothing ever changes.

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No doubt about it. And those scams, like this one, should be noised loudly within the ranks of the compromised military armed forces. They should be VERY VERY angry about it all, and act accordingly.

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Dr. Henry Ealy: “In V-safe, there have been over 800,000 reports of injury. And the deal was that in V-Safe, every single report of injury was supposed to also then subsequently have a VAERS report associated with it. So that means all 800,000 should be in VAERS. But unfortunately, or by design — however you want to look at it — only just over 30,000 of those 800,000 have been recorded in VAERS. So what that means is that fewer than 4% of the records in V-Safe have actually been reported in VAERS as they were supposed to be done.”


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Excellent of you to point that out!

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