Is there a natural cure for type 1 diabetes?

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Of course they are, these people are evil.

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T1D is worth $25,000 a year to Big Harma. There is no cure for a dead pancreas.

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I have no doubt that vaccine poisoning causes end vascular ischemia, as discussed by Dr. Andrew Moulden. This blocks the pancreas of red blood cells, and it dies. Autoimmunity is a hoax. The body never attacks itself. https://fakeotube.com/cat/andrew-moulden

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Dont forget the invisible rainbow ;)))) the power grid and EMF

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Im the disinfo god

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Invisible rainbow is a bomb book . But yah everything is disinfo to u bot

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No just you

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they have been using whackzeens for over 100 years to cause disease, injure, and kill..


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It's type 3 diabetes electro diabetes dr Magda Havas youtube. and the conductive chemicals that are exacerbating this due to the conductive nature of the axxine. thus exacerbating the illness and causing diabetes type 1.

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It’s so disturbing to know the truth. My Type 1 Juvenile diabetic daughter was 4 weeks old and began projectile vomiting and bloody stools. Screaming & crating constantly. We couldn’t go anywhere unless she was sleeping in her car seat. After 4 months in and out of the hospital or doctors offices she was diagnosed with a severe milk protein sensitivity or allergy. Amino acid based prescription formula shipped in from the UK. Insurance refused to pay. $300 for 8 cans that lasted 23-24 days. Almost 10 years old diagnosed with Juvenile Type 1 diabetes. I hate the Type 1 Type 2 thing. Too confusing to most people. Juvenile diabetes research foundation JDRF. Celiac disease exactly a year almost to the day of her T1D diagnosis she was diagnosed with Celiac disease both autoimmune diseases. I’ll never forget once she was diagnosed with T1D thinking it had to be that shot. H1N1 flu shot. I’m angry now. But I’m on a mission to get the WORD out that vaccines are BAD news. I saw so much devastation from the CoVid 19 clot shots. Lies all lies. Never trust the Government. The Government is NOT your friend.

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most likely from the HEPB shot? I had twins.. by the time they were almost 8 weeks old... after many "health" challenges... finally, the doctor put them on Nutramegen formula. It cost us 600.00 per month.. It was a pre-digested infant formula. It contained amino acids instead of the whole protein.. within 48 hours they both finally slept thru the night and no more screaming in pain... I think the vaccines kill off the probiotics/normal GI gut Flora.. ? the doctor said they had colic. I remember asking the doctor if they might have a milk allergy.. he laughed and said no one is allergic to milk. I was left dumbfounded and over time shamed for trying to fing out why they were so sick.. I found out later.. I have known now for 25 years. VAccines ----- ARE USED for EVIL purposes.

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Has anyone considered the possibility that 'LYMES'...the uber mysterious disease with SO MANY vaxxine injury symptoms is VAXXINE INDUCED? Now that we know ALL vaxxines have been causing disease for decades and no one ever questioned them before. The odds are high that LYMES is manmade, I'd come more to believe it's from a vaxx than a tick. You know, pharma has been propagandizing everything for years rather than the truth! You know... ridiculously blaming bats and wet markets, same thing with ticks. Remember they blamed toxic shock syndrome on tampons? I'd be money it was from vaxx or some pharma product. yust sayin IT'S CALLED GASLIGHTING, WHAT EVIL PPL DO BEST.

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Agree. Similar symptoms of vaxx injury (fevers, paralysis, weakness and more), yet they call it Lyme and cannot consider the vaccine(s) received just beforehand...especially in children. Diversion tactic.

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Wherever that pediatric clinic is, I need to move there... before the rest of my grandkids get Type1 😥

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Are there any vaccines Steve recommends?

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Wow, great analysis and imagine, if vaccines are really the cause of most of autism and diabetes cases! The evidence is strong!

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We're fortunate that Steve gave us a percentage (75%) as "most" is often misinterpreted. "Most" literally means [only] more than 50% while many readers may assume that it is intended to convey "almost all" -- another easily misinterpreted phrase.

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I figured this out after reading Plague, 2014 by Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., and Kent Heckenlively. The reason for the type 1 diabetes is the same underlying reason for other problems associated with vaccines. It's the animal cells that gained the ability to infect humans by being cultured in pathogens that know how to infect humans. James Lyons-Weiler's Pathogenic Priming paper explains the molecular mimicry very well. He examines the SARS CoV-2 viral genome supplied by China, which MIkovits has explained is really the pathogens she discovered and posted a peer reviewed article about in Science, and Fauci criminally threatened other collaborators on the paper to retract with threats to their retirement and future grants. Mikovits is the only one, and she was the lead author, she was the only one who refused and she has suffered grievous harm for standing up for her principles ever since.

James Lyons-Weiler Pathogenic Priming and COVID


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it's end vascular ischemia. No oxygen to the poisoned organs kills them.


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this guy is very interesting. I like what he said about the suspended particles in front of a window.

I'm very interested in the biophysics aspect. This is exactly why CDS works so well. it restores zeta potential.

But there is more going on with old vaccine injuries. Old vaccines have been made more pathogenic through G of F research, and I do suspect that includes making animal RNA cationic in the vaccine manufacturing process. By doing this they broke with nature, they made animal genetics able to transcribe inside humans using the human endogenous HERV reverse transcriptase enzyme. And we know HERV exists because without it woman would be walking around with placentas even when they weren't pregnant.

Zeta potential alone does not alter the findings of Mikovits. The truth likely lies somewhere between or within a merger of the two.

Andreas Kalcker is a biophysicist. I would love to see an interview on these topics with Mikovits, Frank Ruscetti and Andreas Kalcker.

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I’d suggest checking out dr Sam and Mark bailey, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Amahnda Brogden, dr Tom Cowan for perspective that might help clarify things. Might find it challenging to begin with. Most people do. The psychological aspect.

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I'm familiar with their work.

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I’m not sure it’s literally true that all vaccines have polysorbste 80 (Tween 80) but you are correct that surfactants like these make the gut and blood-brain barriers more permeable, letting in all of the vaccine ingredients where they can do damage.

Mercury is in some vaccines as a ‘preservative/antimicrobial’ which is absolutely unnecessary (something else could be used.)

Aluminum is used in animal research to induce allergies and autoimmune disease, which many/most clinicians don’t seem to know. An injection of aluminum is paired with another material to induce allergy to that substance. I experienced this myself with a new-onset food allergy after getting the aluminum containing hepatitis B series as an adult.

In vaccines it’s used as an ‘adjuvant’ because subunits (pieces of viruses or toxins like tetanus or pertussis) often aren’t recognized by the immune system. Pairing these with aluminum irritates the immune system into reacting, so antibodies will be formed.

So it’s no surprise that asthma, eczema, reflux, irritable bowel, behavior changes, severe pain behaviors, etc. are common, considering the multiple doses of mixed antigen vaccines given in the sane ‘well child’ visits (should be re-named more accurately as allergy & autoimmunity induction visits.)

I agree with doctors like Suzanne Humphries, MD & Judy Mikovits that no currently available vaccines are safe or effective.

If you go to the package insert for each vaccine, look up the biological effect of each ingredient, research how they are made (so contain stray animal viruses, animal and human DNA, debris from cell lines, antibiotics, preservatives, surfactants, etc. etc. it becomes clear why we have an epidemic of chronic disease that begins in childhood.

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