I would say none of these quackcine poisons - and that is what they are - 'work'. They are all negative including 'normal quackcines'.

-What are you trying to prevent ? (a 'virus' which has never been isolated or purified from a bat?)

-What is the actual death rate (same as the flu)

-How is it transferred between humans ? (sneezing, coughing, no proof of that exists anywhere, in fact 1000s of disproves exist)

-How many have died or been injured from the poisons - in the US probably a million dead and 10 million injured?

-Why therefore would I take poisons from a criminal industry which is married to criminal governments, both of which have long history's of murder and harm?

Occam's razor and all that.

Rona was a scam. All scamdemics are planned. You don't need any of their poisons. You simply should never comply. You complied, many died.

Viruses imo don't exist. I used to believe until I went looking for the non-existing evidence. Then I found reality. It is a journey.

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I’d love to know exactly how many people are even taking these jabs anymore.

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Think of all the wasted human effort, money and resources all this has caused. The money system doesn't work. It is metastasizing. It is no longer relevant. It's just all wrong. It makes monsters out of humans.

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Well Bill Mosquito Bioweapon Gates just gave 50 Million reported to Chameleon Harris campaign, just like his investment in the poison bioweapons, he knows a " GOOD" investment when he sees one.. That alone should tell everyone who cares about this country and the world to not vote for her.. To me that is a Kiss Of Death endorsement.. He knows they control her, look out and prepare if Puppet gets in..

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You go, Steve! Just keep it coming, we all rely on you!!!

I can't begin to tell you how very much your work on ALL vaccines has mattered to me and my life. I have an autistic 15yo grandson who got every one of the CDC's recommended vaccines. I would never have thought to look at how much aluminium, mercury and formaldehyde he was receiving had it not been for you. I did not allow all vaccines for my children, but had I known about the adjuvants, I would not have allowed any.

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High dose for the 65+ crowd is just another scam. Big Pharma charges more for the HD version that just happens to be given to one of the most reliable demographic that can't wait to get injected. What a racket.

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Who would have thought injecting more poison beyond the first 2 poison shots would create more injured humans! Tin foil hat getting warm! :)

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if the tin foil hat is getting warm, then the brain is 'jiffy-pop'...

(thank you- 5G!)

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The bottom line is that if the health authorities pay attention to the data, it will prove on cross examination that they are either idiots or criminals or both

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Remember how the vaccine salesmen crowed about that first shot's benefit? After that they got more and more quiet until it became clear that the shot didn't do a thing for you, in fact it may compromise one's natural immunity. Today even this big believers in the Covid "vaccine" are not eager to maintain their Covid immunity with more shots although it is on a special.

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"compromise one's natural immunity", that's really understating it.

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Remember how the vaccine salesmen crowed about that first shot's benefit? After that they got more and more quiet until it became clear that the shot didn't do a thing for you, in fact it may compromise one's natural immunity.

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Let me see if I’m translating correctly…

-A little shot of poison didn’t really help(let’s say it put some people’s toxic load over the top, but simply raised it a little on most. [testament to the durability of the human body]

-more poison put more into toxic overload but not everyone. Again, what an incredible self healing machine we’re inhabiting.

-even more poison definitely made more people sicker, and also, obviously some would say, made many people worse. Even the incredible human body can only take so much.

No surprises here

Isn’t the masses new religion “Science[tism]” wonderful

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And that's just hospitalization data. What about 'getting sick but not going to hospital' data post-jabs?! I think most people would fall into that category...

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Oh, I think the jabbed sick would LOVE to go to the hospital! These morons just love all things medical!

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I hear you, and I know what you mean - but people have jobs etc. Just because loads of people took the shots doesn't mean ALL of them would rush off to hospital at the first sign of anything untoward. Some have bills to pay. Can't afford to take time out to go to the hospital...unless they're dying, of course.

This opinion has been at least partially formed based on my patients, where the ones with serious problems like Guillain-Barre syndrome DID end up in hospital post-jab...because they couldn't walk...! The ones with a bit of sickness, or soreness, usually presented to me (Chiropractor). Not that I could help some of them post-poisoning, because fixing nerve interference when the problem stems from something more sinister than that is rather another thing.

But I know of people, even in my extended family, where people had horrid pains post-jab that caused them to be almost bed-ridden, but they just took anti-inflammatories and maybe a day or two off work, then they kept working. Crazy.

Then of course, you've got the 'died suddenly' stats, and the 'turbo cancer' stats. I know some of my patients fell to both those as well, and I know of others in life who certainly went severely downhill, and some even died, post-.jab.

But do they ALL make the 'jab=unhealthy' link, even when you point it out to them? No....they do not. Medicine is Magic for some folk! They're just playing with fire if you ask me. It's just a matter of time until they DO get swamped down with severe problems. But even then, they'll blame anything but the jabs, ha ha!!!

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don't have data on that. but the covid CFR didn't decrease after shot rollout.

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we're back to what's a 'covid' diagnosis- essentially, "meaningless on purpose'

(at least in terms of anything a puncture which introduces foreign chemicals/proteins/metals/plasmids/plasmatics/etch-a-sketch magnetics ((???)) via an unusual route into the corpus, could possibly ameliorate, unless it was saline- and had some sort of placebo effect?)

So what's the frequency of the CFR Kenneth ?

(I never understood the frequency, uh-huh...)

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It's kinda like saying to General Dynamics "the bombs aren't hitting anyone".... they'll just keep trying.

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Steve, what are you talking about? You know that all of these shots are bioweapons. Not one of them proved any health benefit to anyone! The current flu shots are just as bad as the jabs!

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the va data shows the first shot is slightly beneficial for hospitalization.

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I can hear Richard Dawson's (long since liberated from the camps) voice now, megaphoned by oversized 80's shirt collars, with matching cuffs-

"Survey Says...!"

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Lol my buddies friend head to toe lesions all over his body less than 24 hrs post 1st jab! Around 400-500k med bills so far from his work mandated free jab!

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Probably true. Antibodies to catch the infection with a head start, sidestepping a brutal immune cascade.

Then, on the negative ledger, death or autoimmune or turbo cancer or........


Was a known treatable immune cascade, thus, vaxx irrelevant. Thus, wholly negative utility.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

Last I heard, VA continues to push vaxx for covid and flu on our veterans.

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Poisoned the military as well. Friends son how is in the military has a heart condition now! Super safe!

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Speaking as a Veteran: you are correct. The foljs are continuing the shot have no idea that they are being deliberately poisoned.

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Sadly, this is true. My husband is a Viet Nam Vet and not vaxxed. (I told the VA that he would not be getting the poison shot, very early on. I could tell that the woman on the other end of the phone was not happy. I also made him discontinue the shingles series at this time. In fact NO SHOTS for any of us.) Anyway, he has lunch with some of his fellow Viet Nam vets once a week. These guys have been nothing but sick since. Unfortunately, they think my husband is crazy and continue to listen to the criminal doctors and the VA and roll up their sleeves for another poison jab!

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It's like a hypnosis. In fact I think that's what it may actually be.

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Awful. So sorry

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Was the flu shot ever effective?

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everyone I know who gets a flu shot gets sick at least once during the winter. Most of the people I know who do not get a flu shot go many years without getting sick.

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no, not as far as I know. it never worked.

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No! Not only that I know many people who got a terrible case of the flu right after getting the flu shot. Of course the doctors said that was impossible and it was just a coincidence.

Seems like there are always a lot of coincidences whenever “vaccines” are involved. SADS after CV jabs, SIDS after infant 2, 4, and 6 month shots all just a coincidence. These are not coincidences,they are intentional outcomes otherwise known as murder. What will it take for people to wake up?

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It suppresses your immune system for a few weeks, leaving you open to catch circulating respiratory infections. Can’t remember which country in Africa, but I believe it was the Danes who were providing vaccines for babies there and wanted to make sure the money was well spent. At any rate, the mmr, a live virus vaccine was associated with less overall mortality, while the dpt was associated with an overall increase, 10% for girls and somewhat less for boys. They weren’t dying of pertussis, diphtheria or tetanus but many other diseases. The study conductors were shocked

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Remember during the lockdown? Mothers couldn't take their babies to the wellness visit and the rate of SIDS for that time plummeted! But it's like all these things are not happening, most just ignore it and go take their babies to get vaccinated. If only people worked together!

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i wish i knew the answer to that.

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You already know that SIDS declined momentarily during the lockdown. Missed well-visits with their accompanying vaccinations.

Only reversal on the charts showing youth negative mortality rates.

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Know people who are picky about the motor oil they will put in their car or truck? Standard or synthetic, fully or blended; is full synthetic really "synthetic"? Which brand?

People can be very wary about such details, to include doubting the veracity or relative quality of certain brands. Some are mildly picky, some are devout.

Injecting an industrial fluid of Anybrand administered by Anybody...well, it's all one single quality and outcome: SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.

People sure can be awkward in their concerns and lack thereof.

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