This is the video I tried to play for Joe Simitian at the hearing in San Jose last week. This is a video that shows home flu shots, and the covid shots don't even work, as stated by Tony Fauci himself!


I'm the girl who arrived late at last week's hearing, because I had a critical dog emergency that made me have to spend 3 hours in the car, making urgent phone calls before the hearing, and when I was done I realized that my laptop that was in my purse, that I shot thought I had shut off, was completely dead. I had spent several hours working on the video to make it perfect to play at the hearing. I had to try to do a quick screencast of the video playing on Bitchute, in the car. So i wasn't able to play the whole thing, and it definitely did not go smoothly, as I would like it to have, but I just couldn't not speak about this issue. We gotta keep doing anything that moves the needle forward. Even if it's just a little bit. Good for you for speaking up at that hearing, Steve. We appreciate that you keep on working hard to get people to wake up.

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Deep down the jabbed know...

Too proud to admit it, but they know.

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I had to go see a cardiologist last week for an irregular heartbeat. He asked if I ever had Covid which I did not and then asked if I had the vaccine and answered no. His response- good.

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Oh course "health officials" don't pay attention to the data! They don't care because they are NOT interested in anyone's "health" because healthy people are not profitable. Only sick people are profitable so they only focus on drugs that make people continually sick. With 1,200 published "Adverse Events of Special Interest" listed on Pfizer's Post-marketing report released in March 2022, there are many opportunities to get new, long-term patients by giving them as many jabs as possible.

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Sigh. I deliver meds to an elderly shut in lady (on my own time after work out of the kindness of my heart)who said she got her flu shot from the doctor but he didn’t have the covid shots and would I be willing to bring and give her one. I gently told her she really didn’t need another one (she’s had at least 3) and that I advised against it —just like I did for her statin medication which she does not take. She said well my body likes it and is used to it. I had to say that it wasn’t something that I was “allowed” to do (by my conscience). I’ve yet to give one to anyone and am certainly not starting with an 80 year old nice little old lady that I genuinely like.

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I don’t believe there are any benefits at all from poison. If you may get sick sooner or later from the effects of the injection - then as the spike protein develops even after one shot, your body is immediately compromised… so it’s only a matter of time something happens with the biological toxic time bomb. Suggesting even a slight benefit, especially, when figuring long term conclusions is muddying the water and favoring the false narratives.

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Steve, do you ever collaborate with statistician Prof Norman Fenton?

Would be good to see what you’d both come up with by sharing/analyzing stats.

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They know each other; in fact Professor Fenton recently donated a signed copy of his new book to the VSRF Raffle which just ended. https://www.amazon.com/Fighting-Goliath-Exposing-statistics-COVID-19/dp/1068749830

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Consider writing a book with this data…for those of us (we are legion) who don’t understand statistics at all. Please!

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I read that Moderna will trial an mRNA vaccine for norovirus. This will be promoted to billions of people with videos that illustrate diarrhoea and vomiting in some 'polite' way. Stay healthy folks.

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Those idiots in charge of the VA are giving veterans one more chance to die for their country.

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One more story then off to work. My brother works for a big construction company. They didn’t mandate the poison which is good. Why poison your entire workforce. So some took it anyway. 2 guys in their 40’s with kids and families took the sauce. After they poisoned themselves they got extremely ill. That’s what happens when you inject poison. So they ended up in hospital and were put on vents and the vents killed them. Look how much worse it could have been if they weren’t vaccinated! I’m no doctor but I’m pretty sure they would be still alive without taking a jab that doesn’t work! And their kids would still have fathers that are still alive!

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yep, they would still be alive. they LIED to us about the Infection Fatality Ratio, telling us it was 3 or 4 percent. It's actually 0.3 percent, on the order of what the IFR is for the flu. It was all about scaring people into taking the shots.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to US veterans.

VA recommending the covid DeathVax to "people" who are pregnant and nursing.

VA totally obliterated the concept of womanhood.

Here is the link to the insanity. Scroll down to about the middle. This guidance was dated 4 Sep 2024.


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And the ACOG still wants jabs in every pregnant woman’s arm . The is depopulation agenda .

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I don't know how one could come to the conclusion that it or any shot reduces severity or hospitalization. It'd the correlation-causality argument, and unlike the injury and morbidity data, in this case the Bradford Hill criteria certainly hasn't been met.

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They are not "authorities", they are demonic...

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Who would have thought injecting poison would kill humans! I did a study way before convid! And my study seems to be spot on with the rise in excess deaths and injuries post jab! You don’t need a science or medical degree for this study! Sheep should have listened to my study instead of taking health advice from the tell lie vision and this shit show would have been over in a week! There are scumbags on the planet that say it’s overpopulated and want to get rid of billions of useless eaters aka us. How would they do this. By convincing sheep to euthanize themselves. They will scare the crap out of them over nothing and offer a solution full of poison in the form of a syringe to save them. And profit off their misery! And they can maim and kill you while being fully protected through the prep act! You don’t have to be a doctor or scientist to figure this study out! Just don’t take any garbage they offer! Of course most people didn’t listen to my study in 2020 so now they are stuck with massive medical bills and suffering from cancer, throat paralysis, auto immune diseases, organ failure, and other bs!

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