Viruses do not exist. No one has ever isolated any virus from samples of human or animal body fluids or cells. Cell culturing ( the bogus method they use) is not scientific and has been shown to be as fake as the Plandemic. The entire non science of virology is the emperors cloths on steroids, instead of a greedy beguiling tailor..... we have a trillion dollar business run by very very evil criminals.

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SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza are smaller than masks' orifices Dot

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Dear Steve. You are unbelievably great in your analysis and truth telling. I have two suggestions.

First, at the beginning of your substack articles, you post a partial date; in this case "Oct 26"; but the problem is that people also read them the next year, and probably the next. All of your date postings at the beginning of your posts should give the full date, for example "Oct 26, 2022."

Second, most video posts by most commentators on most subjects, including COVID "vaccines" do not start with the full date. But how many times do people view these videos and wonder, "When was this recorded?" Often, I assure you. All of your video posts should begin with you starting the full date, including the year, or the full date should be displayed in print-over on the video, for the viewer.

There is no need for me to go into why the display or stating of the FULL date is helpful to viewers, both for written posts and for videos. The benefits are substantial and obvious, plus you will reduce anxiety and grousing among the viewers.

Please, please, keep up the Great work. Ned Jacobs, St. Croix, USVI

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If somebody's already mentioned this, my apologies, but the original paper is fundamentally flawed as it says that because there are two Covid shots vs one Flu, proration is required. That is fundamentally flawed. The Covid treatment requires subsequent shots. The dose, and the sequence, makes the poison. A single flu shot is irrelevant. Why not use 8 mice? Or chicken bones?

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Oct 30, 2022·edited Oct 30, 2022

Probably someone already made this point but I can't read 403 comments so:

The Medicare/Medicaid databases are very rich. I wish I had access to them to run my own queries, but sadly I don't. But what I would do is extend the 60-day graph into the -X direction, i.e., track deaths per thousand for 60 days before the vaccine and 60 days after each shot.

For 60 days after one would only track people who have Medicaid vaccination records and track their death rates for each of the following 60 (or 365 even) days. You can't similarly limit the pre-vaccination data to the unvaccinated since you don't know the actual vaccination status, i.e., as noted in the analysis, a good number of those in the database are vaccinated even though it is not indicated. Thus the pre- and post-vaccine differences (if any) would be even greater than these results would show since the control group would include both vaccinated and unvaccinated, while the post-vaccination group would include only the vaccinated.

Should be very easy to do ....

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We know that Big Pharma have paid doctors, nurses and hospitals to kill people with their protocols and hide the number of vaccine related deaths by not submitting VAERS reports while calling them all Covid deaths. This means that the VAERS data is corrupt and unreliable, so we can't use it to find the truth.

The only way to overcome this corruption is to use the "All cause deaths" to find the changes between deaths previous to the Covid-19 vaccine rollout and since then. Insurance companies have some alarming figures ranging from 40% (for working age) to 176% (all age) increases. When we use the 40% rate on the annual death rate we find that these vaccines have killed over 2 million people in the US alone and if we use the VAERS data to compare deaths to injuries, that means that there are over 20 million injuries from them in the US .

This is obviously crimes against humanity that their minions are trying to hide using this corrupted VAERS data. They can't hide the all cause deaths and we know that the vaccines have 1300 different side effects along with infecting people with HIV / AIDS that leaves them with a destroyed immune system that allows any other disease they come in contact with or was under control in their bodies to suddenly become a deadly problem.

Simply put the vaccines are responsible for over 2 million deaths in the US so far and I expect all those who have had these bioweapons to die within 5 years as was the case in the only other mRNA trial in 2013 / 14 where all but 4 of the 200,000 participants are dead. Those 4 are in hospital being treated for various problems. They were all young, fit and healthy before being allowed to take part.

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Off topic a bit but wondering if there has been any info on mRNA in the flu shots this fall? My son and wife are expecting soon and they want us to get the shot and I just want to know the safety of it before I do. What do I look for in the ingredients that would indicate a red flag?

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After all you know about vaccines and the deliberate killing of most likely millions worldwide....why on earth would you want anyone you love to continue with this poison ?

Just asking as anyone reading the above article would I believe be at least on the edge of understanding that something is seriously Rotten In Denmark. All the best.

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All the mRNA shots are dangerous especially to women, and pregnant women. Most of the lots contain either the spike protein, or graphene, both of which are quite destructive.

Big Pharma won't let any third party analyze the vaccine but someone got a vial or two to analyze it. They found the mRNA fell apart at room temperature so it was useless. The spike protein survives though and causes lots of problems. You can start with my Spike Protein series Pt 4 which has links to parts 1-3 at the top. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/spike-proteins-and-the-damage-they-47f

Death rates of the vaccinated vs unvaccinated vary depending on the study. In a senior home 40x more people died from the vaccine than from COVID-19. In another study, in age 12-20 year olds, they found 55,000% more myocarditis in people after the vaccine rolled out.

You can go to the link to my substack "Writes Science News" next to my name in this comment to read more. I focus on using hard data and providing links to studies.

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I’ll never take any shots again.

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FWIW, here's my statistical approach:

Anybody can clearly see the rising daily death count. I'm a EE who knows about signals in noise. And about binomial distributions. Let the null hypothesis be that deaths are not related to the jab, i.e., random Bernoulli trials. Make a "matched filter" for a linear zero-mean additive signal. It's simply a weighted sum of the samples. Compare the value applying the filter to the data vs applying it to truly random data. The result is more than 20 standard deviations out for jab 2. It's what we EE's label as 26 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The first jab data gives 32 dB SNR. The "p value" is 0 in both cases.

Yes, Morris sent a gift. It's absolute proof that jabs instigate a clear death signature.

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Have you read Coqiuen de Chien's substack? You speak the same language and he has done the analysis for MA death certificates. There may be additional analysis you can contribute to.

He's a friend of mine and Steve's, too.

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Yes, I've read him a couple of times. Yes, the MA death certs. My life is getting consumed with substack now so I got to cool it down a little!

I just thought I'd throw this on the table - an alternative to linear regression that fits this data. In general, med and population stats make me crazy and I usually don't believe much of what I see. And a bigger problem with covid is garbage data, I think.

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Thanks. But I can't legally discuss stuff I work on without employer approval. But if you have a few questions ...

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I think they meant start a substack on the math you can do on the COVID-19 data. I can find sources of the data for you. Start here: https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/vaccine-reaction-databases-from-around

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Yes, good idea and good approach by JerryB. A whole Substack would be great!

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Morris' point is that the death rates during the 14 day periods after the Covid jabs vs. after the flu jabs are about the same, so there's no safety signal. One thing to look at might be the time of year the shots were given. In other words, the flu shots are given at the deadliest time of the year whereas the Covid shots were given mostly during a safe time of the year. So, if you had just as many dying during a safe time of the year as during the deadliest time, that sounds like a safety signal to me.

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Steve Kirsch. Reading all of this is so very much upsetting. NOT BECAUSE OF THE VACCINES (that as you correctly state and prove correlation and causality) but because it blinds us to further more closely examine the origins of the virus these so-called vaccines are intended to counter.

A case of BOTH THE DISEASE AND ITS "CURE" coming from the same sets of killer labs run by the same group of global financiers heavily invested in genocidal global population control?


What is the relationship between the disease and the "vaccine" at its most basic common denominator? I ask this question here, because if a relationship does exist, then its the disease that correlates to the injuries and deaths associated with the "cure".

Just me taking one step back.

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The common denominator is that the spike protein from the virus is used as the antigen in the mRNA gene therapy inoculations. Salk Institute researchers in their publication at the end of April, 2021 demonstrated that the viral spike protein is the most pathogenic part of the virus and responsible for CoVid-19 symptoms. In most people the immune system deactivates / kills the virus in 5-8 days. In the case of the mRNA inoculations, the mRNA cause multiple previously normal cells of the body to produce the spike protein for much longer (up to 6 month and possibly longer in some people) and in much higher amounts than the virus. In addition, the viral spike protein has been modified with the addition of two proline amino acids to the stalk of the spike protein so that it is less flexible, doesn't fold into the cell membrane, and resists degradation. Consequently, the mRNA inoculations correlate best to injuries and death. The toxicity of the spike protein is well known and is thrombolytic and proven by post inoculation d-dimer tests.

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Excellent summation, thank you. We have a friend who is an undertaker. Confesses to seeing much more clotting. Says he believes it was the virus not the vaccine.

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Hmmm.... UPenn? Why does that sound so familiar? That's right...they nominated a man for NCAA woman of the year a few months ago. Clearly their research can be fully trusted.

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He is typical of the uniprofessors I know and bureaucratic "doctors". Their arrogance and ignorance is unbelievable. They actually boast about their pathetic papers as if the whole world depends on ,say,economic finance( mace a good job of that didn't they? ) or mathematics conundrums etc. Their way to keep dominance over intelligent but not PhD friends is to ignore any relevant opinions, even if backed by evidence. They do not realise they are exposing their own non critical thinking and they do not want to know anything that deviates from the narrative being pushed by governments,big Tech, bureaucrats of little brain and the like. Many years ago I was a debater and SURPRISE there were always TWO SIDES to wherever subject we debated! Unfortunately these folk can and do intimidate people who have a low self estimation.Keep going Steve I know it must be a million times harder for you than someone like me,but I shall NEVER give in until I hear a reasonable and properly back up couter argument.

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Steve has an army behind him, us, and we will continue to support his work and tireless efforts to bring justice to those that perpetrated this travesty. We will never back down, back away, back up until this fraud is exposed to the world and the world believes.

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The saying goes , were supposed to learn from our own mistakes . Thanks to Steve Kirsch and his unique way of rattling these gov funded cages we get to learn from their mistakes, hahahaha . What a bunch of burnouts !

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The UN claimed 'they own the science'. In this case they are correct, they own Professor Morris.

Many of these narrative regurgitators (scientists and medical professionals) are owned by 'big pharma', and big medical bureaucracy (NIH). All of the other narrative regurgitators are 'useful idiots'. Ironically, they consider themselves to be highly intelligent. In reality, they are nothing more than drug traffickers in white coats.

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Fear and despair are a sin. Know that He comes and when He does, the evil ones will be destroyed. As a veteran career combat leader, death is nothing to fear when you know the truth.

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Oct 27, 2022·edited Oct 27, 2022

The jab is working as designed. This is how you cull the weak that cost us billions to care for them and will leave us a much healthier society that can work much longer hours and be productive for our maste....I mean fellow citizens. Too many people? Nope. Just too many evil ones at the top that want to play God. We let them do this to us without a fight and they murdered more with the engineered virus and the jab than any event in history: the killing fields, the holocaust, Stalin, etc..

...and they are still pushing it.

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