Jun 7, 2022·edited Jun 7, 2022Pinned

It would be an awesome story for the next Lego movie.

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This is a forward-looking portrayal of where we are headed if the Globalists get their way. They cannot win.

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Nicely done! Ken is on Gab. He should post these to GabTV as a backup.

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Ken Avidor has new art on his substack!!!

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your substack is my favorite

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I just watched all three of these videos on YouTube - they just appeared on my recommended feed. How the he'll did that happen? Have the algorithms gone rogue? Or are they fishing for dissidents...

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Public has submitted 125,984 comments to the FDA so far about approving the Pfizer & Moderna EUA for 6mo-4yr. Guess how many they are allowing the public to see?? Zero! Usually you can browse comments. Not this time - nothing... Wondering if that's so they can claim all positive???

Please add your voice via comments to FDA & AlignAct -- James Roguski has a good article with links to do both. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/oppose-the-fraud?s=r

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Just read a cbs news story today. Look what they printed in it about the unjabbed!

In New Jersey, unvaccinated people were 1.7 times more likely to become reinfected than vaccinated people, and 7.3 times more likely to become reinfected than vaccinated and boosted people.

The whole story was about reinfections of Covid. Of course this statement above is pure lie but will the ones who keep reading this shit even know that???

I’m unvaxxed and completely healthy. No Covid ever!! Everyone around me who is vaxxed keeps getting Covid. How the hell do they print the above nonsense with no data or anything to back that up!!! Feels like we are doomed.

The cartoon may be real soon!

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Kinda like China, Australia & Canada which have built AND USED such concentration/isolation camps. No Joke.

In Canada unjabbed (or at least those without a registered QR code ;) are still barred from flying or using public transportation.

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Apparently you can buy a stinger missile for $30 grand on the dark web. LOL what can one expect when we gift massive amounts of weapons to a corrupt country.

We should be spending that money on growing food in victory gardens. But no, our government is too busy selling us out to WEF and the CCP. Sanctions on Venezuela, Russia and Iran means the CCP gets all that oil in the cheap. This is being done on purpose with and agenda aimed at bringing down the west and getting us all on the CCP style technocratic totalitarian system run by a web of globalists.

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Unjabbed, never had Covid. Erasing History.

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If all neighbors die from the jab, then how the police and minitary still there?

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Please see OpposeTheFraud.com for what we must do next to oppose the FDA jabbing our babies.

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These are fantastic videos. Hopefully when more are released you'll continue to update subscribers.

For sure something like this can help red-pill the jabbed.

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Just started the first episode and already I think the series is awful. It’s such compelling subject matter but this guy doesn’t know how to tell a story.

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