so when am i supposed to drop dead again after getting the COVID vaccine?

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It is rather telling that the life insurance actuaries data shows an increase in deaths by 40% for those aged between 18-64. They've been in business since 1877, so their data is incontrovertible proof that something is amiss... https://www.djournal.com/lifestyle/health/indiana-life-insurance-ceo-says-deaths-are-up-40-among-people-ages-18-64/article_40d674d4-d289-5ffa-9be3-8b6a6ccc8718.html

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Please respond.

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Weren't the "excess deaths" just COVID breakthrough deaths? That is, the 5% which the vaccine didn't prevent.

Why do you say the "excess deaths" are vaccine injuries?

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The vaccines are working as intended. This is the Great Reset. Wealth is being transferred and the “great unwashed” are dying.

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Ivan? Where ever did you go? I was just getting started....

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I've been in the medical field for 18 years, I admit I'm only a CNA. But I never actually claimed to be any sort of virology or vaccine expert, that's completely irrelevant. Any sound minded individual can look at what's happening right in front of their eyes and draw a conclusion that fits the evidence. You are a what google scholar? That's laughable to say the least. I don't trust Google as far as I can throw them. You definitely do not have the upper hand here so you should just give up before you make yourself look even stupider than you already look. 😉

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I don't trust the medical profession as far as I can throw them now. Let that sink in. You don't have to be a medic to see what is happening in plain sight right now. You just have to remove the stick from up your ass.

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This is such a well written article good job! Anyone who reads this and doesn't think about looking into this themselves is, well pretty dense. That's the nicest way I can think to say what I needed to say. And your response is so calm and collective. I'm impressed. I'm going to contribute when I get paid if you have a way for someone to donate.

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Dr Mike Yeadon

Why do you know more than the top scientists in the FDA, the WHO, the CDC the NIH, and internationally recognised vaccinologists, none of whom have advised that it is safer to be unvaccinated than vaccinated? Covid-19 vaccine common sense before illogical, conspiracy arguments.

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They’re lying. They’re been paid or threatened to make sure they lie.

Me? No incentive to make stuff up.

I’m fortunate enough to be comfortably off, from my Founders stock & options earned before the sale of Ziarco.

I don’t work for anyone.

No one has threatened me, not directly anyway.

I have no need to obtain or maintain any reputation, for good or bad behaviour.

I’m entirely sane.

I love my children & grandchildren.

I’d swap my life for theirs in a heartbeat.

My career was at least moderately successful & being entrusted to lead a therapy area for a once No 1 drug company isn’t too shabby.

Then founding & leading to commercial success a biotech (especially as the exit multiple for venture investors was spectacular) isn’t easy, either.

So, a competent, experienced scientist, with many decades in relevant areas of life sciences, with no incentive to lie, tells you certain people are corrupt.

And you ignore & insult me and choose to believe them, with their conflicts of interest?


I think there’s only one plausible answer.

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The point is the scientists you mentioned DO know this information. They choose to bury it.

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And politicians only hear what backs the narrative.

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Because Dr. Mike Yeadon is not paid by the Pharma Industry or one of the profiting foundations. Have heard of "Follow the money"? BTW, where in Covid-19 have you encountered science or common sense?

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There is no difference between your post and a children's fairytale -- they both don't rely on evidentiary support. As for common sense and Covid-19 science, try JAMA, NEJM, Lancet.

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I’m not alone in my assessment. Numerous extremely able scientists & medics agree with me.

Virtually no one inside the three letter agencies are providing a data based opinion, but parroting a line.

They are lying. If you assume goodwill when there is unequivocal evidence all around of bad faith, you’re being a sap.

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It's a poor reply. All you have to do is show the peer reviewed evidence (that the CV vaccines pose a higher risk than Covid-19 disease) in major medical journals to change your comments from conspiracy nonsense to science. And I have Google Scholar.

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If as I’m telling you there’s a fraud ongoing, you’d be a fool to expect “peer reviewed evidence” of that crime in journals controlled by the same ultimate owners.

Wouldn’t you?


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Well put

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Ivan have you had your booster yet? If not go get it ASAP! Don't stop with one booster, make sure to get another at a minimum every 3 months. The best way to make sure you maximize your immunity is to mix and match. God speed Ivan!

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Hahahahaha!!! Oh gosh guys, he has Google Scholar! Whatever shall we do. Oh I know, not listen to this person who uses ANYTHING by google or it’s affiliates. You literally said you use Google Scholar. Hahahaha!

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Are you trying to be childish or is it normal for you? You have just confirmed you have no objective contribution to offer except to behave like a young child.


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* No where do I claim that VAERS data are the "complete picture."

* If you claim that CDC data are generally unreliable, you will need to distinguish between anecdote and peer reviewed evidence, eg in JAMA, NEJM, The Lancet, etc, to corroborate your claim, failing with it is unworthy of mention or attention.

* The risk of dying from Covid-19 or from the Covid-19 vaccines is an old, irrelevant argument. Any reliable Google search will tell you that Covid-19 mortality risk is much higher than major AE (except if written by a conspiracy theorist). Most of the vaccine-associated, major adverse events are manageable, with favourable outcomes, including myo/pericarditis, TTS and anaphylaxis.

* I am not sure what is more pronounced -- your ignorance or your arrogance.

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Any reliable Google search??!! Holy cow!! Are you joking? Are you suggesting that Google is the only place to find reliable information and that they don't have a blacklist and that they are not sensoring the s!*! out of the truth? You are seriously the ignorant one

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Just get lost, unless you really want to learn. Try Steve Kirsch’s website. There’s an easy $1M reward waiting for you.

If you secure it, I’ll apologise.

But you won’t.

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You are very brave and I have watched so many of your interviews and discussions thank you so much for all you have done and are still doing!!!!

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That was for Dr. Mike Yeadon.

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Dr Mike Yeadon

When I see the "get lost" response I know you have no logical one. The essence of conspiracy theory is an imagined collusion on a grand scale to subjugate public interest despite the possibility of massive litigation risk. Your opinions precisely fit the bill.

Fortunately, I don't need the alleged money on Steve Kirsch's website. If your opinions are worthless to me, why would I be interested in your apology?

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You miss the point, it's not about the money. The fact is no-one will take the challenge because they will lose.

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It doesn't concern you at all that there is a 1 million dollar reward to anyone who can prove him wrong? And Noone has!!!!????

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The fact that you don't even care that Noone will debate about this from the other side. How illogical of you. You are part of the problem and we are doomed if you sheeple don't start catching on pretty quick. Wake up. Pay attention. It's so easy to see the mainstream media is lying to us. Unfortunately your so brainwashed you'll probably never see what should be so obvious.

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Full of generalizations and unproductive diminishing comments, with zero supported scientific specifics. Not worth the "paper its written on."

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In U.K. we have the 77th Brigade.

I won’t flatter you.

You’re not good enough.

Your posts lack force.

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Try to actually do some research yourself. Just because it's called a research paper, or scientific evidence does not mean it's true. Who is paying for that research and if your involved and go against the narrative guess what....YOU DONT GET FUNDED!! Follow the paper trail. And do your own research. Every disgusting thing I have learned that has turned me into a "crazy conspiracy nut job" is what I have learned from actually reading thousands of documents on the CDCs website, and the documents on the Pfizer trials and it's ridiculous that if I make a video on YouTube showing actual hard evidence of these terrible things they actually admit to I will be sensored. It's a clown show and I can not believe how many people think there's nothing wrong with the current situation the country faces. This is why they are still carrying this terrible genocidal plan out.

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Totally unsubstantiated fiction. So muleface is now a professor of vaccinology while clearly not having spent a day in medical school. Offer your crap to someone much more gullible than me.

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Dr Mike Yeadon

So to summarise:

# You don't have peer reviewed medical journal evidence that the CV vaccines are causing more health risks than Covid-19 disease itself.

# There has been no announcement of any investigation into widespread vaccine fraud perpetrated against the global public.

# You seem blissfully unaware that credible science does not come from a wager on a website.😊

# The most consistent finding from researchers, published in peer reviewed journals, has been that the highest predisposition for Covid-19 hospitalisation and death has been being fully unvaccinated. All you have to do ask for my substantiation and you shall have it.

And conspiracy theorists want scientists to believe their crap! Dr Yeadon you need to go back to Conspiracy School because you are not a credible representative. Better still ask your school for a full refund!

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What's their definition of "unvaccinated" I'll tell you, 14 or more days after the 2nd shot. Do you really not understand the problem with that?

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What is surprising given the contents of the main post here is the omission of the estimated mortality per dose of Covid-19 vaccine from VAERS data versus the mortality per diagnosed case of Covid-19 in the USA.

VAERS data indicate that the USA risk of reported death (from any cause) per dose of Covid-19 vaccine has been only 0.13% of the risk of death per diagnosed case of Covid-19 in the USA. (VAERS read 6 October, 2021.) (Covid-19 mortality in the USA -- Our World in Data, Johns Hopkins Medicine, read 16 October, 2021.)

It is abundantly clear from the above, plus repeated, published advice from the US CDC, that the morbidity and mortality risk of USA Covid-19 disease is much higher per capita than the risk per dose of the Covid-19 vaccines.

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You make several assumptions: 1. VAERS data is a complete picture - it’s not, only small percentage of cases being reported for variety of reasons (do your reading) 2. CDC data is correct- again do your readings, there have been many discussions here and elsewhere on why numbers from CDC could not be relied on 3. playing statistical game with your life is not a good idea- your personal chances of getting and dying from covid could be extremely low depending on your age and health vs your chances of having an adverse reaction to the vax such as heart attack and dying from it could be higher; statistics are just that statistics, they don’t take into account your personal risk

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What most shocked me this week, WEF Messaging about needleness vaccination, in its video it casually mentions “the average person gets 165 vaccinations in a lifetime”, while at the present the average per country is 12-15 per lifetime. Looks like they factored in already 2 COVID shots a year for everyone! See for yourself: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/florian-palatini_needle-free-injections-via-world-economic-activity-6856150399196393472-Mz6b

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Only the poorly informed would not know that VAERS reports do not establish cause-and-effect links to the vaccines!! The US CDC is still investigating the many VAERS reports to exclude coincidental causes.

With 7.56 billion global vaccine doses given by 17 November, 2021, where are all the collapsed hospitals if major adverse events were a confirmed and frequent Covid-19 vaccine effect?

The post is nonsense, except to conspiracy theorists.

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No one only has to look at the vaers from when they were created in 1990 to have reports of vaccine adverse events from all vaccines in America if you combine every single adverse event that was ever reported during these last 30 years from all vaccines that were ever made and then you take the last year not even a year of people who got the vaccine for covid and you take all those adverse events do the math it's ridiculous the adverse events has had a 1000% increase in death reports after vaccination Only a complete idiot Can suggest that that's not meaningful. CDC themselves even said that that only a very small percentage of adverse events and deaths from vaccines is actually reported meaning there's way more than what there shows up on the vaers system.

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The spike protein vaccines are experimental, show very low to no efficacy, have a growing record of short term harm, no one even tries to estimate what damage will show up in the years and decades ahead.

A recent paper indicates it takes the human body about 15 months to clear the poisonous spike proteins from the disease and vaxs. Get all the shots they tell you to take Ivan, and don't question why a series of them is necessary if they work in the first place.

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You don’t understand Bradford-Hill criteria for causation.

-time relationships (most deaths occur in the first few days post vaccination instead of randomly)

-dose relationship (2nd dose adverse effects frequency much higher than 1st)

-plausibility (thromboembolic events were the underlying cause of death in 70% of deaths. These vaccines cause recipient to manufacture spike protein which initiates blood clots).

No cool headed scientist concludes other than causation after a careful review of the data.

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Go check yellow card reporting UK gov website . Reporting is not encouraged so the deaths and serious injuries represent only a maximum of 10% of the reality . Alternatively go to Google type in died suddenly or sudden death and click on news , be prepared for a shock !

Enough said

I have lost 11 friends to 2nd shot all were fit and well prior to taking the death shot

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Of critical note is:

- the CDC and the FDA do not have agents in every clinic, hospital or other place where testing is done, autopsies are performed, and so on;

- Alphabet agencies are not more capable than police at catching every case or criminal. To the contrary, the only know of a small percentage of what is really going on;

- We have FIFTY-ONE [not just one] constitutions and they exist for good reason, which is, our agents cannot be trusted;

- Everywhere else in law, including administrative law, a conflict of interest disqualifies agents from being involved in cases it merely appears they could have a conflict of interest (even judges are subject to affidavits of prejudice with and without cause).

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It is extremely difficult to find ANY truthful or meaningful narrative or scientific fact that supports the use of any covid injection, especially the mRNA poisons.

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