New data from the ONS in the UK shows a 52X increase in all-cause mortality if you got two jabs compared to the unvaccinated. Might explain why informed kids aren't rushing to get jabbed.
This is unbridled, racist hatred. The fascists endangering lives by spreading disinformation by contradicting Fauci and the experts at Pfizer must be silenced at all costs. Freedom is at stake. The unvaccinated are endangering us and keeping us locked down. Our democracy is in peril, forced inoculations and house arrest are our only hope of regaining our freedoms and returning to normal
We know if your Fully vaccinated will NOT stop the spread traveling through borders. The month of December 2021 . We find out that Omicron was spread by fully vaccinated people.. for example the first 2 Omicron cases in Canada were fully vaccinated. That spread to unvaccinated n vaccinated people. Witch government change the rules at the border regardless if you were vaccinated or unvaccinated you have to have a 24-hour test. So passports for traveling doesn't work. Our government put vaccine mandatory for truckers. They say they're going with the science. Absolutely a lie. The only conclusion that I can come up is that they bought billions of dollars of vaccines. Vaccine company's would not allowed them to donate them using the unvaccinated to force the 92% vaccinated to continue use them up. Just amazing what these people are doing. And how many of these experts are sleeping in the same bed. And what about inflating numbers hospitalization n deaths. This is the most important information that is given to a government to make a decision on lockdown and restrictions. I can write a book on this. What my last chapter would be the biggest scam in history.
"Note that there were no non-COVID deaths in either age group in the group that was double-vaxxed <21 days ago. If deaths are vax-related, VAERS data would suggest a concentration in the first few days after vaccination, not an absence in the first 21 days and then a concentration afterward"
It's worth noting VAERS is the US' safety data system, and ONS is the UK's data. The UK's system is Yellow Card Reporting, which - and this is the crucial detail - does NOT record how long after a vaccine an adverse event occurs. The death rates listed in ONS should not be considered to have the same accuracy as VAERS because it can take ~14 days or so for a death certificate to be issued in the UK, and even longer if an autospy is performed.
That said, there's a couple of things to note. So firstly, ONS is not recording number of recipients of the shot. What it's actually reporting is rather anomalous: person-years. Which could mean any number of recipients. 494 'person-years' would mean, if everyone was age 10 [the lowest age in the bracket] and got the shot, that there were 49.4 participants (obviously we can't have .4 of a participant, which is why such a reporting model is so absurd), which is too low a number to see a death signal emerge.
This also explains why the "15-19" group with "43,091" 'person-years' suspiciously has no deaths, even if we assume they're all age 15, there's only 2872 participants. According to the "official" statistics, myocarditis is 148 in a million - you'd need to see 6756 recipients before you'd even see that safety signal emerge.
the vaccins worked: they extended the lives of the focus group, 82.5y olds median age, by 6 months. the avg lifespan is 81y btw.
but to make those 82.5y olds median age even more comfortable, we should shoot up children ..just trust them..and no they are not liable, and obviously havent tested longterm side effects. just trust them because they are your betters and otherwise you can not go on holiday abroad.
as an extra comfort: no they are not tracking side effects in the mass vaccinated, no there is no db where deaths and ill are put in systematically , together with type and date of their they dont do that, it’s too trustable experimental gene therapies, just trust them
There is no data about adverse effects within 21 days of any vaccine. This is their own rule established by the vaccine companies and imposed upon the ONS. VAERS data is therefore manipulated because there is a total absence of data for the first 21 days. The concentration even after 21 days should still raise questions as to how many deaths are vax-related.
What is most impressive is how their site displays the data so as to hide such effects behind stats that emphasize the "healthy vaccinee effect" early on when those who were on death's doorstep did not get the jabs.
What is disturbingly glossed over in the entire discussion is the effects on healthy people who are overwhelmingly likely to recover from COVID or already have done, and now have naturally acquired immunity, which studies have shown is depleted by multiple jabs.
Another key point others have made that has been lost in the discussion, but is most important to yours truly is the following question: What about disabilities and other permanent adverse health effects?
As one whose aim is OPTIMAL health, I have examined the evidence from all sources, and am clearly convinced the COVID jabs pose a far, far greater risk of some sort of permanent damage to my health than ANY infectious disease.
The truth is the vaccines have been a failure. And if they did work it was just a temporary fix. Impossible to vaccinate every person in your country every two months it just doesn't make any sense so I wish these people would give it up. They say the way to get out of this is by vaccination it's been a year 92% of the population is vaccinated we're worse off now than we were a year ago if you think by doing the other 8% you will stop this virus you are a foolish person. The problem that I'm having right now is in January we've had three times the amount of deaths than normal and February looks the same my question is where are all these deaths coming from. We really need an investigation. And no one's talking about this very serious
The misinformation spread on these cookoo anti vaxxer sites is dangerous and must be stopped. The vaccines are safe and effective. How dare you people question experts. Are you a doctor?
Certainly failing to perform as billed, but perhaps not a failure as far as their actual intended effects. This little dark humor music video from the Christmas 2021 season just about sum it up: "It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Genocide":
Just imagine that you didn't have no virus and you keep vaccinating people at all age groups. Common sense all the side effects n deaths from the vaccine the risk and the benefits the risks are higher no ? Everyone uses data from January 2021 the start of vaccines to October 2021. To proof the vaccines works. Impossible. Because of first six months the majority of the people were unvaccinated.
NIH science report reveals worlds leading scientist on quantum dot detection are all located at the Wuhan lab. Are quantum dots in the vaccines? How do we remove them? I posted my science reports on Gettr. Dan Preece
Things we know about the vaccines that are uncontroversial:
1) no all-cause mortality benefit. Conclusion, they are snake oil at best and may trend towards harm.
2) there have been no long term studies on animals or humans prior to rolling out the vaccines; anyone with common sense would take a pass on the vaccines
3) pharma has no liability for experimental vaccines, which is what the covid vaccines given in the US ARE
4) because the covid vaccines are experimental, there are no warnings on the info sheets provided to those who get the vaccines...thus, there is no informed consent
Anyone with even a modicum of wisdom would take a pass on the vaccines.
In point 1) above - you say "may trend towards harm". In Law sometimes they say (relative to the Government doing things, particularly) - that "may means SHALL"... I think we can now remove all ambiguity from our statements and just say "do" or "does trend towards harm" - and by significant and undeniable evidence.
"the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines" - Another way of saying we aren't sure what these vaccines are doing. Where are the animal studies? Why are we in this huge experiment?
What is true are the facts, the truth arriving to upset many apple carts and Substack writers have influence beyond censored media. The opposition to truth calls it misinformation and wants to eliminate it Your free subscribers thank you for not making huge sums from bringing us truth.
I just looked at Dr. Malone's comments in his spreadsheet and have a few comments. 1) The fact that any deaths that occurred in the first 21 days following vaccination get shunted to the category below (so those receiving their first vaccination less than 21 days ago who die are recorded in the unvaccinated category etc.) is highly problematic and would serve to mask deaths caused by the vaccines. 2) Without data on the cause of death it's impossible to know if these are deaths from suicide, drug-overdose, alcohol poisoning or other behaviors induced by psychological stress etc. that are also on the rise due to the mandates/pandemic. 3) Perhaps disability claims will be more telling than death rates due to the higher numbers, which could remove the issue of small sample sizes observed in this dataset.
Great points. The other elephant not in the room is the comparative overall health outcomes for healthy people (let's say those on zero medications) who got or did not get the jabs. That is MY concern.
Even if the jabs were to reduce my odds of dying or having some permanent adverse health effect from COVID by 1/100,000, I'm not even convinced there is ANY possibility of emerging from the COVID jabs without permanent, irreversible adverse health effects that may lead to premature infirmity or death.
As one whose aim is OPTIMAL health, I have examined the evidence from all sources, and am clearly convinced the COVID jabs pose a far, far greater risk of some sort of permanent damage to my health than ANY infectious disease.
The original UK ONS spreadsheet appears to break out separately deaths occurring within 21 days of each of three doses, and I see nothing in the notes indicating that any of these deaths are included in the unvaccinated category. I know that the CDC stats consider any AEs/deaths within 14 days of the first dose as unvaccinated, but that does not appear to be true in this compilation, at least if the spreadsheet is accurate. There is an enormous amount of information in this compilation; there are many more conclusions that can be drawn from the data in my opinion, even if categories with very small death numbers are excluded. Claims would be another source of information, definitely better for all AEs. Of course, many with disabling AEs are having claims denied, so it would be best if data on claims applied for could be obtained.
And then I read this,which goes further to suggest that the causes of these excess deaths could actually be stress-induced: "an unprecedented systemic aggression
against large pools of vulnerable and disadvantaged residents of the USA did occur. We
interpret that the persistent chronic psychological stress induced by the societal and
economic transformation of the COVID-era converted the existing societal (poverty),
public-health (obesity) and hot-climate risk factors into deadly agents, largely acting
together, with devastating population-level consequences, far beyond the deaths that
would have occurred from the pre-COVID-era background of preexisting risk factors." Rancourt et al. in Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data.
Yeah Steve, I reiterate your challenge for ANYONE to explain how all-cause mortality is somehow dose dependent, greatly increasing per jab. Trolls......... D V Scott? Anyone want to try to explain away that P<0.001 stat significance, with a nonsense argument of "non-random trial selection" for what is not even a trial but a retrospective cohort compilation?
This is unbridled, racist hatred. The fascists endangering lives by spreading disinformation by contradicting Fauci and the experts at Pfizer must be silenced at all costs. Freedom is at stake. The unvaccinated are endangering us and keeping us locked down. Our democracy is in peril, forced inoculations and house arrest are our only hope of regaining our freedoms and returning to normal
We know if your Fully vaccinated will NOT stop the spread traveling through borders. The month of December 2021 . We find out that Omicron was spread by fully vaccinated people.. for example the first 2 Omicron cases in Canada were fully vaccinated. That spread to unvaccinated n vaccinated people. Witch government change the rules at the border regardless if you were vaccinated or unvaccinated you have to have a 24-hour test. So passports for traveling doesn't work. Our government put vaccine mandatory for truckers. They say they're going with the science. Absolutely a lie. The only conclusion that I can come up is that they bought billions of dollars of vaccines. Vaccine company's would not allowed them to donate them using the unvaccinated to force the 92% vaccinated to continue use them up. Just amazing what these people are doing. And how many of these experts are sleeping in the same bed. And what about inflating numbers hospitalization n deaths. This is the most important information that is given to a government to make a decision on lockdown and restrictions. I can write a book on this. What my last chapter would be the biggest scam in history.
"Note that there were no non-COVID deaths in either age group in the group that was double-vaxxed <21 days ago. If deaths are vax-related, VAERS data would suggest a concentration in the first few days after vaccination, not an absence in the first 21 days and then a concentration afterward"
It's worth noting VAERS is the US' safety data system, and ONS is the UK's data. The UK's system is Yellow Card Reporting, which - and this is the crucial detail - does NOT record how long after a vaccine an adverse event occurs. The death rates listed in ONS should not be considered to have the same accuracy as VAERS because it can take ~14 days or so for a death certificate to be issued in the UK, and even longer if an autospy is performed.
That said, there's a couple of things to note. So firstly, ONS is not recording number of recipients of the shot. What it's actually reporting is rather anomalous: person-years. Which could mean any number of recipients. 494 'person-years' would mean, if everyone was age 10 [the lowest age in the bracket] and got the shot, that there were 49.4 participants (obviously we can't have .4 of a participant, which is why such a reporting model is so absurd), which is too low a number to see a death signal emerge.
This also explains why the "15-19" group with "43,091" 'person-years' suspiciously has no deaths, even if we assume they're all age 15, there's only 2872 participants. According to the "official" statistics, myocarditis is 148 in a million - you'd need to see 6756 recipients before you'd even see that safety signal emerge.
the vaccins worked: they extended the lives of the focus group, 82.5y olds median age, by 6 months. the avg lifespan is 81y btw.
but to make those 82.5y olds median age even more comfortable, we should shoot up children ..just trust them..and no they are not liable, and obviously havent tested longterm side effects. just trust them because they are your betters and otherwise you can not go on holiday abroad.
shut up and obey
as an extra comfort: no they are not tracking side effects in the mass vaccinated, no there is no db where deaths and ill are put in systematically , together with type and date of their they dont do that, it’s too trustable experimental gene therapies, just trust them
yes but you can travel go on holiday and restaurants
/your responsible parents
There is no data about adverse effects within 21 days of any vaccine. This is their own rule established by the vaccine companies and imposed upon the ONS. VAERS data is therefore manipulated because there is a total absence of data for the first 21 days. The concentration even after 21 days should still raise questions as to how many deaths are vax-related.
What is most impressive is how their site displays the data so as to hide such effects behind stats that emphasize the "healthy vaccinee effect" early on when those who were on death's doorstep did not get the jabs.
What is disturbingly glossed over in the entire discussion is the effects on healthy people who are overwhelmingly likely to recover from COVID or already have done, and now have naturally acquired immunity, which studies have shown is depleted by multiple jabs.
Another key point others have made that has been lost in the discussion, but is most important to yours truly is the following question: What about disabilities and other permanent adverse health effects?
As one whose aim is OPTIMAL health, I have examined the evidence from all sources, and am clearly convinced the COVID jabs pose a far, far greater risk of some sort of permanent damage to my health than ANY infectious disease.
The truth is the vaccines have been a failure. And if they did work it was just a temporary fix. Impossible to vaccinate every person in your country every two months it just doesn't make any sense so I wish these people would give it up. They say the way to get out of this is by vaccination it's been a year 92% of the population is vaccinated we're worse off now than we were a year ago if you think by doing the other 8% you will stop this virus you are a foolish person. The problem that I'm having right now is in January we've had three times the amount of deaths than normal and February looks the same my question is where are all these deaths coming from. We really need an investigation. And no one's talking about this very serious
The misinformation spread on these cookoo anti vaxxer sites is dangerous and must be stopped. The vaccines are safe and effective. How dare you people question experts. Are you a doctor?
Certainly failing to perform as billed, but perhaps not a failure as far as their actual intended effects. This little dark humor music video from the Christmas 2021 season just about sum it up: "It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Genocide":
Just imagine that you didn't have no virus and you keep vaccinating people at all age groups. Common sense all the side effects n deaths from the vaccine the risk and the benefits the risks are higher no ? Everyone uses data from January 2021 the start of vaccines to October 2021. To proof the vaccines works. Impossible. Because of first six months the majority of the people were unvaccinated.
NIH science report reveals worlds leading scientist on quantum dot detection are all located at the Wuhan lab. Are quantum dots in the vaccines? How do we remove them? I posted my science reports on Gettr. Dan Preece
That was interesting. Thx for link.
Does the Janssen shot behave differently than the mRNA shots with respect to making the major organs produce the spike protein?
Things we know about the vaccines that are uncontroversial:
1) no all-cause mortality benefit. Conclusion, they are snake oil at best and may trend towards harm.
2) there have been no long term studies on animals or humans prior to rolling out the vaccines; anyone with common sense would take a pass on the vaccines
3) pharma has no liability for experimental vaccines, which is what the covid vaccines given in the US ARE
4) because the covid vaccines are experimental, there are no warnings on the info sheets provided to those who get the vaccines...thus, there is no informed consent
Anyone with even a modicum of wisdom would take a pass on the vaccines.
In point 1) above - you say "may trend towards harm". In Law sometimes they say (relative to the Government doing things, particularly) - that "may means SHALL"... I think we can now remove all ambiguity from our statements and just say "do" or "does trend towards harm" - and by significant and undeniable evidence.
"the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine induces complex functional reprogramming of innate immune responses, which should be considered in the development and use of this new class of vaccines" - Another way of saying we aren't sure what these vaccines are doing. Where are the animal studies? Why are we in this huge experiment?
What is true are the facts, the truth arriving to upset many apple carts and Substack writers have influence beyond censored media. The opposition to truth calls it misinformation and wants to eliminate it Your free subscribers thank you for not making huge sums from bringing us truth.
I just looked at Dr. Malone's comments in his spreadsheet and have a few comments. 1) The fact that any deaths that occurred in the first 21 days following vaccination get shunted to the category below (so those receiving their first vaccination less than 21 days ago who die are recorded in the unvaccinated category etc.) is highly problematic and would serve to mask deaths caused by the vaccines. 2) Without data on the cause of death it's impossible to know if these are deaths from suicide, drug-overdose, alcohol poisoning or other behaviors induced by psychological stress etc. that are also on the rise due to the mandates/pandemic. 3) Perhaps disability claims will be more telling than death rates due to the higher numbers, which could remove the issue of small sample sizes observed in this dataset.
Great points. The other elephant not in the room is the comparative overall health outcomes for healthy people (let's say those on zero medications) who got or did not get the jabs. That is MY concern.
Even if the jabs were to reduce my odds of dying or having some permanent adverse health effect from COVID by 1/100,000, I'm not even convinced there is ANY possibility of emerging from the COVID jabs without permanent, irreversible adverse health effects that may lead to premature infirmity or death.
As one whose aim is OPTIMAL health, I have examined the evidence from all sources, and am clearly convinced the COVID jabs pose a far, far greater risk of some sort of permanent damage to my health than ANY infectious disease.
I agree 100%. The risks outweigh any purported benefits, especially for people under 60.
The original UK ONS spreadsheet appears to break out separately deaths occurring within 21 days of each of three doses, and I see nothing in the notes indicating that any of these deaths are included in the unvaccinated category. I know that the CDC stats consider any AEs/deaths within 14 days of the first dose as unvaccinated, but that does not appear to be true in this compilation, at least if the spreadsheet is accurate. There is an enormous amount of information in this compilation; there are many more conclusions that can be drawn from the data in my opinion, even if categories with very small death numbers are excluded. Claims would be another source of information, definitely better for all AEs. Of course, many with disabling AEs are having claims denied, so it would be best if data on claims applied for could be obtained.
And then I read this,which goes further to suggest that the causes of these excess deaths could actually be stress-induced: "an unprecedented systemic aggression
against large pools of vulnerable and disadvantaged residents of the USA did occur. We
interpret that the persistent chronic psychological stress induced by the societal and
economic transformation of the COVID-era converted the existing societal (poverty),
public-health (obesity) and hot-climate risk factors into deadly agents, largely acting
together, with devastating population-level consequences, far beyond the deaths that
would have occurred from the pre-COVID-era background of preexisting risk factors." Rancourt et al. in Nature of the COVID-era public health disaster in the USA, from all-cause mortality and socio-geo-economic and climatic data.
Yeah Steve, I reiterate your challenge for ANYONE to explain how all-cause mortality is somehow dose dependent, greatly increasing per jab. Trolls......... D V Scott? Anyone want to try to explain away that P<0.001 stat significance, with a nonsense argument of "non-random trial selection" for what is not even a trial but a retrospective cohort compilation?