***HOT OFF THE PRESS FROM HERE IN ALBERTA (4.5 million people)***:


The only good news, is this is coming out of the Mainstream News!

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"This paper puts my status as a "misinformation spreader" in serious jeopardy. They may have to start calling me a "truth teller"" ~ LLLOVE it!

Come on all you other pharmacies, now it's your turn!

( Anyone who can pass this on to someone in that industry )

RESIST. Save a life.

It's worth it.

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Facebook slapped false information on this article after I posted it. They need to be sued.

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Once the injuries began, doubt the mothers will accept "not related". Tragic many will die.

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it is getting Californians (in Bad place) to Tennessee (good place) and Publix (also good place)

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it is getting Californians (in Bad place) to Tennessee (good place) and Publix (also good place)

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East Germans have direct experience with government propaganda, and have proven more resistent to the vaccination campaign than Westerners. Their reward, after being much maligned by state media, is now higher levels of natural immunity and lower rates of BA.5 infection, which appears to infect vaccinated populations preferentially.

As the effects of vaccine failure grow clearer, you have to wonder how long the pandemicists will be able to publish even simple infection statistics, without raising extremely awkward questions.

When your government has a history of keeping "smell jars" on file for each citizen (for directing the blood hounds should you try to escape) you develop a healthy sense of skepticism about government "pravda". https://www.eugyppius.com/p/omicron-ba5-prefers-hypervaccinated?

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I go to this site as well. For those of you that don't know of it, please read and watch their coverage.


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Karl Denninger has been QUITE vocal about liability. You can't sue the government, but you can sue an employer. There never were any laws passed requiring the jabs, just "mandates" and "recommendations". Employers required the jab at their own risk. I expect to see attorney ads showing up on TV within a year or two. This ought to keep the ambulance chasers in Armani for many years to come.

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That's good. I have a coworker who got heart damage after his jabs. he's now showing signs of cognitive decline.

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I sure hope you're correct!

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Maybe, I have submitted this for review to the dailyclout.io campaign reviewing the phase 3 trials to see if any differences come up in the lots.

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HI Steve, since I joined in february you may have already ocvered this issue that Dr Blaylock references in Surgical Neurology International. It blew me away. I think it bears repeating.

"He examined all manufactured vaccines—Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson (Janssen), etc. He found that among every 200 batches of the vaccine from Pfizer and other makers, one batch of the 200 was found to be over 50x more deadly than vaccines batches from other lots. The other vaccine lots (batches) were also causing deaths and disabilities, but nowhere near to this extent. These deadly batches should have appeared randomly among all “vaccines” if it was an unintentional event. However, he found that 5% of the vaccines were responsible for 90% of the serious adverse events, including deaths. The incidence of deaths and serious complications among these “hot lots” varied from over 1000% to several thousand percent higher than comparable safer lots. If you think this was by accident—think again. "

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/ It's near the end of article though the whole article is excellent.

The article referenced by Dr Blaylock originally appeared in january by Michael Yeardon: Hope JR. Sudden death by “hot lot”—Dr. Michael Yeadon sounds the alarm. The Desert review. 2022. Jan 24,

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If a lot, or many lots when to large hospital chains, and the policy of those large hospital chains was to suppress reporting adverse events, and only say five percent of the lots went to smaller independent distributors, where there was greatly reduced suppression of reporting adverse events, would this be a factor?

Of course this would be easy to check and verify, IF we had representation that wanted to actually know. Even a quick look at the first ten harmful lots, would give an idea of who received those lots.

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J. B. Clausen published a paper in early August, 2021 (August 13,?) that reanalyzed the Pfizer trial data. The reanalysis used all-cause mortality (death) + morbidity (debilitating side effects) as the appropriate criteria. The analysis showed the CoVid-19 jabs offered no significant benefit and likely would have a negative cost/benefit ratio long term since the trial data only was for two months which meant any longer term side effects were not in the data yet.

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I think you are referring to J. Bart Classen, not Clausen. His article on mRNA biologics and risk of prion disease can be found here:


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mRNA is a unicorn. Your genes are constantly changing, expressing, silencing in response to external and internal stimuli. Your unique DNA folds and contorts in it's own unique ways throughout these changes. Binding sites move, clouds of polarity form and the messenger must account for all of this.

Asuch the signal to code for a specific to the expression of your genes is not universal to all humans for all cases. mRNA is simply a modulation signal between your genes and the polymerase chain reaction. The idea of one "message" coding the same protein in every human body under every condition was a tragically flawed premise in 2008. When I and others evaluated the leading 'theories' about mRNA and it's genomic function and came up with a big nothingburger. Because the basic understanding of what mRNA is and how it works was wrong then and it's wrong now. God only knows the havoc this insidious "messenger" introduced by this "vaccine" is doing. But having seen the 12 pages of observed adverse events happening randomly across the population, just as they did in the 'clinical trials' , it's clear the answer is anything and everything. Except preventing COVID of course. But thats OK because you have bigger problems. You have AIDS now! Because nobody has a fucking clue what they're doing, but they do it anyway.

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Deuce, it's worse than that. They know exactly what they're doing.


Look under "Suspicious Predictions".

There's two main things we need to let everyone know.

1. The danger of the clot shot that is not only dangerous, but purposefully so.

2. Reasonable detox options for anyone who is suffering from the shot or being affected through "shedding". Both are in the article.

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"...nobody has a ... clue what they're doing, but they do it anyway."

Even with their evil agenda that statement applies just as well. Their evil deeds will destroy themselves but...

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God only knows the havoc this insidious "messenger" introduced by this "vaccine" is doing.

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Have you accepted JESUS Christ as your Lord and Savior? Get right with God before the government comes and hauls you away to a Covid camp. Food shortages, fuel shortages- shit’s about to get real folks, PREPARE 🙏

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Provided we could trust the original trial data, the ARR or absolute risk reduction was 1% or less for both mRNA gene therapy injections(pfizer & moderna). The real truth is that for a totally new type of "vaccine" which is anything but, we would need numerous, extensive trials lasting at least 10 years to know exactly what we are dealing with. As we have seen, the mRNA injections protect against nothing and have the power to wreck your bodily systems beyond repair therefore inviting all types of diseases and illness to grab hold. That is if you aren't murdered rather soon.

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That does not compute.

When vengeful dads and even mums start killing doctors, deregistration won't look like the worst thing that can happen. And it will get worse. I recall the intensity of love and protection I felt for my infants as they lay sleeping in beautiful perfection. Had anybody hurt them I would have torn them limb from limb, and not necessarily quickly.

Even presuming most dads are not as physically inclined as I, when infants die the carnage will be massive. And dads that kill and move on, will then be targeting their local "health" bureaucrat and politicians. Legal implications will quickly be seen as a sick joke.

This is an aspect that seems not to have been inserted into the reaction equation. And then there are the other people who simply despise murder of children. Many are military. Others are butchers and farmers, for whom killing per se, is no big deal.

As I peer into the future, I glimpse millions of mRNA deaths and millions of revenge killings, the latter viewed as natural justice. I see fearful bureaucrats attemptiing to repress the reactions and triggering civil war in the process.

And I don't care how much money I might be offered, I would not live in California. The last vision I have is of a red Pacific Coastline. Red waves; pink foam.

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