This does not surprise me one bit. I worked at Hofstra University for 30 plus years. On three different occasions I expressed in writing to the upper administration my concerns about the vaccine. I cited specific research articles etc. I’m sure no one even read what I sent and just dismissed me as some crazy conspiracy theorist. Meanwhil…
This does not surprise me one bit. I worked at Hofstra University for 30 plus years. On three different occasions I expressed in writing to the upper administration my concerns about the vaccine. I cited specific research articles etc. I’m sure no one even read what I sent and just dismissed me as some crazy conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile I gave my heart and soul to that place and was looking to protect the institution as well as the students from experimental drugs for a virus that was 99.7% survivable for the majority of people. In the end, it didn’t matter. Clearly they were going to follow advice from I presume the CDC and or their medical professionals on campus. I was terminated because I would not take the vax having just recovered from Covid and believing my natural immunity was sufficient. (Not to mention the fact that I was advised by my doctor and my pharmacist not to take any vaccines while my antibodies were so high and while taking steroids to recuperate from Covid). While I miss my career incredibly, I know one day all of these universities will not be able to ignore the truth any longer. I’m just not sure how institutions of higher learning have become nothing but an echo chamber of people singing the same tune and disparaging anyone who dares to question the narrative.
This is the true way of a genuine and courageous intellectual, as I confidently assume that you are. University and other academic appointments are merely nice (albeit unquestionably practical) situations. This is the suffering and field of contest (literally what 'campus' denotes) that is inseparable from true scholarship and philosophy. To turn about Aristotle's explanation for why he fled Athens, "surely they WILL sin again (and again) against philosophy."
I am sorry to hear you, and the other commentators, lost your jobs. I admire all of you for standing up for what you believe. If a majority of people refused to get vaccinated, the mandates would fail because they would not have any workers. We need more people to fight for their beliefs and medical freedom. Thank you for taking a stand!
Thank you so much and believe me I wish that more people would’ve banded together as well but so many people felt pressured because they needed health insurance for their families. I will say I never Challenged a policy before at work. It shows just how strongly I felt completely counter this was to everything I learned in my doctoral program. What happened to the Nuremberg code?! What happened to informed consent for god sake’s and it was pure coercion because either students couldn’t continue their education for an employee couldn’t continue their work
I certainly understand and I completely agree with you about the Nuremberg code and informed consent. It is a travesty to see what is happening. I work in healthcare and it’s unbelievable how common side effects are after these vaccines. It’s actually horrifying. I hope this madness is exposed. The mainstream media is as much to blame as Pfizer, Fauci, the FDA and CDC. As some others have already commented, many regular people in our community don’t see any problems because it’s not in the mainstream news. Very sad.
Thank you. I’ve never posted publicly about this before but I also recently made peace with it. I used to Be embarrassed to tell anybody what happened now I realize my story should be heard because people need to know impact of these mandates! Now I tell people when they inquire about my background.
I listened to an interview with McCullough today on the Dellingpod podcast, episode 237--James Dellingpole host–– and he was saying the half the Universities in the US are NOT requiring vaccination including Baylor and a few others in Texas. Can't remember which ones he mentioned. You can find another position. There are students out there who need principled professors like you who have their heads screwed on straight. Don't give up!
That is a very valid point so thank you for mentioning it and I think I do need to pursue teaching at another institution and with everything being remote hopefully I can find something
Oh, do not be sorry for me. I am not the victim type. There was no chance that I was going to take the death shot. I raised the topic to determine where this pharmacist stood and whether I could trust him with my business.
I am a physiologist. I was there to teach him, had he been willing.
This does not surprise me one bit. I worked at Hofstra University for 30 plus years. On three different occasions I expressed in writing to the upper administration my concerns about the vaccine. I cited specific research articles etc. I’m sure no one even read what I sent and just dismissed me as some crazy conspiracy theorist. Meanwhile I gave my heart and soul to that place and was looking to protect the institution as well as the students from experimental drugs for a virus that was 99.7% survivable for the majority of people. In the end, it didn’t matter. Clearly they were going to follow advice from I presume the CDC and or their medical professionals on campus. I was terminated because I would not take the vax having just recovered from Covid and believing my natural immunity was sufficient. (Not to mention the fact that I was advised by my doctor and my pharmacist not to take any vaccines while my antibodies were so high and while taking steroids to recuperate from Covid). While I miss my career incredibly, I know one day all of these universities will not be able to ignore the truth any longer. I’m just not sure how institutions of higher learning have become nothing but an echo chamber of people singing the same tune and disparaging anyone who dares to question the narrative.
This is the true way of a genuine and courageous intellectual, as I confidently assume that you are. University and other academic appointments are merely nice (albeit unquestionably practical) situations. This is the suffering and field of contest (literally what 'campus' denotes) that is inseparable from true scholarship and philosophy. To turn about Aristotle's explanation for why he fled Athens, "surely they WILL sin again (and again) against philosophy."
I am sorry to hear you, and the other commentators, lost your jobs. I admire all of you for standing up for what you believe. If a majority of people refused to get vaccinated, the mandates would fail because they would not have any workers. We need more people to fight for their beliefs and medical freedom. Thank you for taking a stand!
Thank you so much and believe me I wish that more people would’ve banded together as well but so many people felt pressured because they needed health insurance for their families. I will say I never Challenged a policy before at work. It shows just how strongly I felt completely counter this was to everything I learned in my doctoral program. What happened to the Nuremberg code?! What happened to informed consent for god sake’s and it was pure coercion because either students couldn’t continue their education for an employee couldn’t continue their work
I certainly understand and I completely agree with you about the Nuremberg code and informed consent. It is a travesty to see what is happening. I work in healthcare and it’s unbelievable how common side effects are after these vaccines. It’s actually horrifying. I hope this madness is exposed. The mainstream media is as much to blame as Pfizer, Fauci, the FDA and CDC. As some others have already commented, many regular people in our community don’t see any problems because it’s not in the mainstream news. Very sad.
Oh true. I am so thankful I found alternative news sources. So many still rely upon msm!!
Thank you for trying to enlighten ignorant beings. Hofstra’s loss. You are brave.
Thank you. I’ve never posted publicly about this before but I also recently made peace with it. I used to Be embarrassed to tell anybody what happened now I realize my story should be heard because people need to know impact of these mandates! Now I tell people when they inquire about my background.
I listened to an interview with McCullough today on the Dellingpod podcast, episode 237--James Dellingpole host–– and he was saying the half the Universities in the US are NOT requiring vaccination including Baylor and a few others in Texas. Can't remember which ones he mentioned. You can find another position. There are students out there who need principled professors like you who have their heads screwed on straight. Don't give up!
That is a very valid point so thank you for mentioning it and I think I do need to pursue teaching at another institution and with everything being remote hopefully I can find something
I lost my job too.
Im so sorry to hear this happened to you too
Who would have thought this was going to happen? I hope there will be class action lawsuits.
Had to leave my job too. ❤
So sorry. It really is awful…..hang in there
You too!💫
Hi Miriam!
Oh, do not be sorry for me. I am not the victim type. There was no chance that I was going to take the death shot. I raised the topic to determine where this pharmacist stood and whether I could trust him with my business.
I am a physiologist. I was there to teach him, had he been willing.
Gotcha, Miriam. Thanks!