Please know this: When this happens to your child there is something you will need to know. The Mitochondrial DNA of your children may be uncoupled and there is possibly a Proton leak. This looks like many chronic diseases when it happens. Speaking from experience. After my child was injured by the child vaccine schedule, after he was subsequently injured from Depakote, later injured by Gandinolium, and then started having problems with space weather, and non ionizing wireless radiation from Utility meters, and more....I locked myself away from the public and figured that it is this these cell danger responses tied to Redox. Question is who would help me? I started noticing many Mitochondrial medicine research centers not operating and I am being ignored. Uncoupled mitochondrial DNA, and Redox disorders are related to Cell Danger Responses. Cell Danger Responses are different types of inflammatory responses including Mast Cell Disorders but not limited to them. When your child starts having seizures now ....you will be sent for Genetic testing...likely not much will be found and no one will discuss any of the risks of Anti Epileptic Drugs, thankfully no one is using Gandinolium contrast, no one will explain the statute of limitations on Drugs, and when you get to where I am your voice will be censored through Moderators at Stakeholder Committees, at Community Center Board meetings, Town Halls, and more. You will be dumped and any answer you seek in the US will no longer be an option because they will just shut this down. Currently mitochondrial medicine in mainstream is focused on Gene editing, and pills. These organelles are much more complex and we need to understand so much more. The Solar Cycle in a day is critical to understand and so is Leptin, Proton Tunneling, and functional Redox capacity. This is all connected to seizures but we are not allowed to know this as the public. I have theories and I cannot even speak of them because I am getting cut off from speaking.

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Must be due to Climate Change and our Very Hot Summer

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I don't doubt your fact-claim about the siezures happening to 2- and 3-year old kids. But others won't believe us. Please provide evidence to support your fact-claim. #nojabsforkids

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Parents will start filing lawsuits in huge numbers with giant class action lawsuits maybe that will make the mainstream news media until that happens it will be kept hidden. Lawyers want easy cases that can make big money fast and this is a perfect way for any lawyer to get rich quick.

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"Class action" suits came to mind early on, and do agree that they could make a difference. One victory leads to many others as well, so the scales begins to tip, and when it does, everyone will likely want to be cut in. Lawyers, of course take their cut first. Bazillions of dollars!

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Hi Steve,

I want to start off by saying you are a saint & because of you I feel hope for the world. My friends grandbaby was born 5 months ago. Since he was born he has to be forced to eat. Did not want mothers breast milk & also refuses bottle. He has a fit during every feeding time. He is small in weight and length. Doctors say they aren't worried but this sounds very odd and concerning. Mother was definitely vaccinated prior to conceiving and I believe she was boosted during 3rd trimester. Any one you can refer them too or what type of specialist they should see. I believe Grandma might be thinking what I'm thinking but doesnt want to admit.

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It's really a great reatment. After they die from seizures, they can't get Covid ! /sarc

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Seizures are Healthy! Kids should have as many seizures as possible! It's a Good Thing! Safe and Effective!

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Love the last line - Because that's how science works.

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What will the ultimate punishment be for all of those involved in facilitating the deception and perpetuating the fraud? I can’t help but feel life imprisonment or capital punishment is in order.

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this is pure evil.

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It is much easier to lie to a person than it is to convince them they have been lied to.

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The majority who still subscribe to this crime are not the 'Good German' variety - they are seriously mentally ill. They have to be, and there's also the very obvious reason that if a few of the big ones go down they all go down... they have all hatched the same 'story' for when the cops turn up, ye know so at least the lie is consistent. But, will the cops turn up? Not so far they're not, not unless you drive a truck, honk yer horn or drive a tractor in Holland!!!

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How long can this continue? Why have we allowed this to even happen? Satan must be happy.

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Most of us are experiencing a shocking betrayal of trust in the medical/pharmaceutical industries. This is a war being waged on all of humanity. It’s time for each of us to learn how to doctor our families ourselves. Try as hard as you can to stay out of hospitals. They run expensive tests to look for something for which to treat you (which will just make it more expensive)! There are some great medical professionals, but be choosy in placing your trust in anyone.

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IMHO, It would be wisest to utterly avoid hospitals at any and every cost. If the financial side of that coin spares you, the flip-side might not. Who would trust a medical analysis' findings that this or that "syndrome" has been isolated and YOU'VE got it, when such a financial windfall is only but a falsified finding that stands between the hospital and its bank.

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Whatever happened to “First Do No Harm”? It’s wicked to stay silent and allow parents to believe these shots are safe and effective! As a parent of a vaccine injured child I am disgusted by this and all vaccine lies. It’s all about money and their agenda. The HPV vaccine sterilized my youngest daughter. Took me years to find a Dr. that believed me. All others couldn’t even entertain the notion that a vaccine could harm you. They are either lying or grossly uninformed!😢

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"You don't have to pay for the harm" is what happened. Fauci is also what happened. Evil people with evil ideas have not been dealt with yet.

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Most doctors don't realise what they hace been indoctrinated before, and during the doctor education. Since Rockefeller back in 1913 got the power concernig USA health, doctor only learn to cut away a disease, or hide it by drugs, not to find the reason and cure it. And beside believing that vaccination works, fights the viruses, even though this never has been proved. Even though 3 Nobelprises try to make belive this.

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Richard Wolff was correct with the recently released title of his book: "The Sickness IS The System".

My emphasis.

A swivelization seriously so far into decline, that whether we term it decline or collapse...is just semantics.

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