Ivermectin Could Destroy Justification For Lockdowns And Vaccine Mandates


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Can anyone tell me if you need both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine?

Hydroxicloroquin is easily ordered over the counter in Mexico BUT NOT in the US.

Isn't Hydroxicloroquin alone good enough?

Aren't they both the about the same?

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depends on the use case. It's true if you have an early case of what is alleged to be covid HCQ and IVM both work well. Where they diverge is when symptoms become moderate and extreme, that's when IVM really shows how much more effective it is compared to HCQ.

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Wow, this was an old question for me.. Thank you for pointing out to myself how much I have learned since I asked it.

Personally, I went with Dr. Zelenko's protocol.. And have a full understanding of WTF is going on with it all.

All the data is out there.. You just have to spend the personal time to research it.

Ivermectin / and hydroxychloroquine are "protease inhibitors" but more importantly they also help dilevery of Zinc to the cells which kills the Sars Virus before it multiplies.. That is a good thing and bonus protease Inhibitors help prevent the virus from spreading Ivermectin and hydrochloric win I've been around for a long time and have been proven over and over to be safe so there is no reason not to use it as an early treatment to prevent the chance that you might be one of the few that receives severe effects from covid-19

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Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are ‘protease inhibitors’ and act by inhibiting cell wall penetration of SARS 1 & 2.

Paxlovid, a new ‘protease inhibitor’ made by Pfizer, is about to be released on the market and is 89% effective against Covid 19. It will be under patent and expensive.

Funny that neither of the off the shelf inexpensive ‘protease inhibitors’ were good enough, but the new one by Pfizer works great.

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Funny that no one could run a competent clinical trial that showed an antiviral effect for IVM...

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Right? I’ve been telling everyone I know this little factoid.

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About Ivermectin: I just read a while ago this article (but on ZH): https://ground.news/article/ivermectin-fans-have-a-new-champion-to-root-for-3cl-protease-inhibitor-tollovid

It's more like an advertisement article for Tollovid/Tollovir, but the arguments making sense.

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Twitter has a huge staff of history majors who follow all the research in their field. They were informed by experts in the government that vaccines and monoclonals are the only approved methods of combating this historic pandemic. Thus they apply that extensive knowledge to tweets. History is always right.

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Twitter has jumped the shark

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Twits gonna twit... What can I say?

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021

You are a beautiful man Steve. Not just because of this post. I love and appreciate you. Let’s get rid of Newsom. An empty, hollow puppet shell of a “man.”

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I believe lemmings are very happy to be lemmings. They are not capable of looking at the details and reconsidering the big picture narrative. 😏

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Well they so seem to be rushing towards a cliff together.

Hmmm. That is weird.

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Of course ivermectin works. It’s evil 1 world control

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The solution to scum-sucking trash like twitter is to quit using them. And other bad actors too.

Linux users can do this easily: https://i.postimg.cc/xCF1s3d8/zap-bad-actors.jpg

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Twitter je fašistický spolok.

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Twitter is Asshoe.

How is anyone still surprised at the dishonesty and deceit that passes for "truth" on faecebook, twitter, most of the media, or the entire democrat party?

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Sir, are you inferring the gov't who is elected by the people, for the people would actually lie or decieve us? That's like accusing big pharma of lieing and being corrupt in order to make big profits....oh right, they are.😉

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I got shut down for 12 hours on Twitter, for posting a link to a study of Ivermectin. Now..I type it like this. 1 V E R M E C T 1 N. Scary times we are in.

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It's worrisome that you would continue to use a serial censorship group rather than quit their "service". Giving this bad actor your data is like throwing money at them.

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It's so very true, Ivermectin can't and will never work, no matter the studies, guaranteed!!! See in the real world a person must actually be allowed to use the drug for it to work like all the studies prove it does. If your not allowed to use it, ta..da..., IVERMECTIN doesn't work!!!

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Veľa doktorov píše, že Ivermektin funguje. Ty komu veríš? Politikom?

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