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The bare mention of your name is enough to have a comment on YouTube immediately memory-holed, apparently, as I found to my chagrin just a few nights ago.

After "debating" a pro-vaxxer (for 'debate', read "refuting and correcting the same old tired lies") for an hour of back-and-forth replies, I finished up with a final coup de grace post of several hundred words, working my way through data, reasoning, humor, and a final challenge and appeal to the nobility of the human spirit. I hit "send", saw the "Reply Added" toast pop up, and then went to check and see if my victi- er, opponent had added anything further while I was typing. And noticed that my masterpiece was nowhere to be found.

I backed out of the app, force stopped, etc; checked again- nothing. I assumed t was one of the names I'd listed for the vaxxer to search out, since nothing else made sense as the cause, if it was indeed the YouTube comment algorithm and not just a glitch.

So I typed a short post, referring to the first name on my list, Dr. Malone. It appeared and stayed right where it was.

Next, Dr. Yeadon. Simply typed his name, hit send, and there it was.

Next on the list, your esteemed self. Typed your name, hit send, get the toast... Gone.

I double-check, closing the app, force stop, clear cache, etc. Back to the video, check the comment replies wherein I'd been battling the foul beast, and nope, still not there.

I tried a few more times just to confirm, and I can confidently say that mention of your name will most certainly disappear immediately, taking with it any post within which it appears, however masterfully composed ;)

Or, possibly, they're just tired of ME, specifically, posting your name in replies all over their site. If anyone else tries it and slips a mention through, please reply and let me know.

And btw, your name, at least in YouTube comments, is now "Rhymes with Reeve Hirsch", accompanied by mention of Matthew Crawford and Jessica Rose.

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I had only been on Twitter for two weeks in 2020 when I got banned for suggesting that when government is obviously failing its duty to protect citizens and their property from rioters and looters, then the right of the citizens to protect themselves and their property is automatic and unquestionable. I feel vindicated by the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict along with many better-known voices than mine saying the same thing.

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Although I'm a nobody and had only like 400 followers on Twitter at the time I was put into an "appeal blackhole" by Jack (that they'll probably never actually get around to 'reviewing' - thus the real method at work) going back to January 29th, 2021 and counting.

All for the crime of responding to one of Sharyl Attkisson's tweets by saying something along the lines of "most of the data on the CDC's website is manipulated garbage."

So as "punishment" for my crimes of 'wrong-opinion/think' in the space of one tweet (supposedly) I am banished for going on nearly a year now.

Gotta love what our society has become...

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I'd love to read her post but it's behind a paywall

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she has NO income source, so it helps support her work and allows her to keep working.

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it's worth it.

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Keep up the good work!

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Thanks Steve, you're financial challenge proves beyond any doubt there liars, eventually in my opinion the avalanche of problems which is coming will be realised and I firmly believe this will be the rock that big pharma will founder on, wrong doing always has a short run, history tells us that, keep up the good fight.

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thanks! yup, turning down a million dollars shows they are corrupt in a way that is unambiguous to anyone who is paying attention.

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Thank You, Steve Kirsch, Hero! (40 second gratitude video)


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thanks for doing that. i agree with both your videos and watched them.

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I don't think monetary offers are a good thing here. We ought to think about something smarter.

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Such as...? I echo Michael Ford's comment.

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This is no more a competition of two narratives, but rather a full fledged competition of two ways, two worlds we live in.

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Technically speaking you are becoming a leader of the free world. What is expected here is a full fledged program what to do next to keep people safe and thriving. People do report to you they don’t expect money incentives, but rather their place in society renewed or preserved or otherwise restored. There is tremendous work done in this field by Pinkie Feinstein in Israel. I do think you two should speak together. He is a psychiatrist, I am just a translator.

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Can you think of a better incentive to bring people to the table then? I certainly can't. The bigger the pot, the more obvious it is to people that there's a problem. I'd personally like to see a crowd-funded pot for a televised debate - it could reach tens of millions.

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Now there's an idea. Just don't even attempt to use GoFundMe or the like, they are big believers in censorship themselves.

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Steve- please make your monetary offers to one of Newsom’s treating physicians. They are far more likely to take you up on it, as TPTB won’t be outbidding you.

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No physician would take the bet because they'd say "I can't accept your bet since it would violate patient confidentiality and I could go to jail"

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In fact, throw those offers to every hospital administrator. Spread it around and definitively prove this fraud via multiple avenues. Newsom would be a prize catch, but we don’t necessarily need him to win this. Thank you! 💕

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Steve. You're an American Hero. "Surrender? We Have Not Yet BEGUN to Fight!" -John paul Jones

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While I don't agree with Twitter's decision, the Jessica Rose article is terrible and you shouldn't have tweeted it. All it amounts to is "ooh, CJD scary". Which is true. But she doesn't even have any evidence that these cases aren't just the background rate in 67-year-olds. None. Zip. Nada.

I appreciate the work you're doing, but you've got to remember that people are looking for any excuse to dismiss or, as in this case, even deplatform you. Also, remember that you, too, are susceptible to confirmation bias. You need to be more careful.

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WRONG. I check Jessica's work. There is no way that isn't causal. And Byram Bridle was worried about this from day 1. Now we have the proof he was right.

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Spontaneous CJD occurs in the US at a rate of about 350 cases a year -- about one a day. So just for example, if half the population has been vaccinated, you would expect 7 cases of CJD to show up within two weeks of vaccination. But the incubation period is at least months and can be as long as a decade (!). So the reporting window has to be several months at minimum. If it's six months, the expected background would be 90 cases.

On top of that, the vaccination rate and the incidence of spontaneous CJD are both positively correlated with age, which means they're positively correlated with each other. So the expected background number is actually higher than that.

On the other hand, there's the URF. But I see no particular reason to believe that the URF for CJD specifically is the same as the overall URF. I could easily imagine that a rare, serious condition like CJD would be less underreported than more common conditions. I'm not saying I know the URF is lower; I'm saying the burden of proof would be on you to provide evidence that it isn't. And of course such evidence is very difficult to come by.

Bottom line -- I don't know that six cases, with a mean patient age of 67, is even enough evidence to raise eyebrows. It certainly doesn't begin to approach anything that could be called proof.

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These cases, I’d expect (I have still not read the article though) cannot be explained by family conditions nor by infection. Age is definitely a factor here, since spontaneous prion disease doesn’t appear in young people. Moreover it was suspected in the beginning. And finally someone made the effort to report this into VAERS, meaning it was sufficiently unusual for the reporter. Under normal circumstances this should be investigated ASAP. Unfortunately our situation can hardly be described as normal circumstances. Grim picture. Sorry. Burden for vaccine safety still on the vendor anyway. They should have the answer.

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Soňa Peková a physician from Czech republic reiterated these wories. This isn't out of the blue.

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In this situation, it is totally irrelevant if Jessica’s article was good or not. This is not why Steve was censored by Twitter.

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I'm not privy to Twitter's deliberations on the matter, and I doubt you are either. But I can certainly imagine that they might have been waiting for him to cross a line they had defined, and if so, I think he obliged them.

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I venture to guess that this may have been Gavin Newsom’s “vendetta” for Steve’s postings last week. He was totally exposed for his lies and may have made a call to his (mafia) friends in the Twitter leadership. They are disgusting and corrupt to the core.

Steve - I truly admire your work! Thank you for your dedication to the truth.

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That was my first thought (still is) as well. Steve, bravo for doing it.

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thanks. I'm taking a lot of body blows here. If you can all help me by urging your friend to subscribe, it helps me to get the word out.

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Steve, I sent a message to you at Substack. There’s a virologist that you need to speak with. How can I get that info to you privately?

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I'm sure you are Steve. It's amazingly brave what you're doing, and the widespread appreciation isn't obvious sometimes maybe, but I can assure you YOU are absolutely a key player in exposing this and held in the highest regard. Keep going.

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OT, does anyone have any reliable info on the alleged forced vaccination of Australian aboriginals?

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it's been suppressed by mainstream media pretty well. There are many videos but they aren't well done.

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thanks Steve

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This is crazy time we are living is. Fn scary.

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“We are now living in a new America where people who speak the truth are silenced“ - this is true and scary.

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