I applied to be on the TruthSocial waiting list months ago, twice, and haven't heard from them. Now I have an iPhone, is it true you can only access it through one of those? But I have lost interest in it. Trump should go back to Twitter as soon as Elon gives the nod.
When you buy a house, you don't get the key's straight away Steve. So I think a matter of patience is appropriate for this one. Besides, I doubt that Musk will be able to go in there straight away and do radical changes without taking a look at what BS has been going on.
However, it does appear that many users are finding their audiences are growing much faster than pre buy out, which suggests that Twitter have already begun to do 'something'. One speculation about this is that they are now trying to do damage limitation before Musk and his auditors enter the building. I think we're going to find out about a lot of very dirty underhand algorithmic work that was going on.
Just give it some time. I doubt that Musk would do anything too radical too soon. He needs to find out where the land lies.
I have a speculation and a proposal (two actually) for you. Please offer suggestions or disseminate, we need to work on actual tools that can replace the status quo, communicating/complaining is fun and we make friends but I have not found it to help much in the two+ years I have tried my best.
I speculate that the elite are thinking as follows. We are rich, we wield a lot of power, we want for nothing money can buy, we want for very little else that is available on the black markets, we have an irrational infantile desire to live forever, we will settle for living for as long as possible, we have been sold the idea that this can be achieved with gene based therapies by opportunistic snake oil pedlars, we want to do everything to help them develop their snake oil, they bemoan the fact that humanity is loath to experiment with gene therapies in humans on a large scale, we can help manipulate humanity into normalising gene therapy experiments so life extension therapies can be developed for the elite. The rest is just means to an end.
I would like to propose that you raise the following idea with as many resistance fighters/activists as you can, perhaps you can write here on substack, no need to mention me and you can even claim it is your idea if you are the first to gain traction. There should be at least one totally independent funding site for research. It should have a place where unconflicted (but in some way accredited) researchers can share their credentials, fields of specialisation and research goals. It would have a place where lay folk like me can propose ideas for studies, such as how much does lanolin need to be irradiated to be useful as a topical Vitamin-D3 source with application, or what sort of technical challenges need to be overcome to develop a home based 25(OH)D3 test system, as easy as to use as an Insulin test. It would need a peer based and interested party group that would see if a research proposal is possible to answer public research goals and try and match them up with accredited researchers who could register a research proposal. Then it would also have a crowd financing portal where ANYONE can sponsor money into a common pool, into a topic of their interest, for a researchers they trust, a specific public proposal or a registered trial proposal. At such time as enough funds are collected to cover the needs of a trial the researchers would be contracted to proceed with the trial and they only conflict of interest would be the funders who would be the "Citizens Research Foundation" which could be a not for profit. This would allow for people to get research that is of value to the people and cannot be tainted by pharma money. The researchers would not get paid but their sponsoring institution would have the study costs covered on condition that all raw data is published as soon as the preprint is published.
That release of raw data would be the paid deliverable and all publications free to read. If the study is well done the institution and the researchers would gain credit. Everything in the organisation would be open source with as few leaders (that can be subverted) as possible driven by best practice and consensus with no outside interference and strict term limits. This could form an alternative structure that could grow fast and reliably to replace the existing mess as it gains in trust and reputation.
Here is my collection of selected reading on the Vitamin-D3 topic.
PS. The news syndicates Reuters and Associated Press are the means that propaganda is disseminated. The hundreds of global news outlets have lost the skill to do journalism so now simply repeat the narrative obediently. Tracking news that is flashed everywhere simultaneously should automatically be given a propaganda warning perhaps with a browser plug-in. I have suggested someone write a plug-in for the main browsers that would strike-through or redact the names of propaganda sources while we are browsing the net so we know that when something is attributed to them we know that it is not attributed to a factual source but in fact a propaganda narrative. I believe two similar products were developed a long time ago, one would add a Finnish profanity to a news headline from a certain media outlet and another would simply add a question mark "?" to the end of every mainstream media headline so people can be prepared to be critical when they read something. A small amount of money to pay a handful of coders a few weeks and then a tool for crowd tagging of sources based on good science to provide data. The system must be tracking free, collect NO DATA and leak as little to the compertition (do not use downloaded fonts, free SSL certificates, google analytics or links or ping/trackbacks) and offer user selected program and data upgrades from the client side with a calendar reminder.
That is a good question. I mention that the leader count should be minimised, I failed to mention that the leadership layer should be as flat as possible. One titular head who cannot actually make policy but is a good speaker/advocate such as we find in the position of Chancellor at a university (and we could name it as such). Then we could have the person who sets policy called Vice-Chancellor be a human rights lawyer who defers to the layers below for what policy to set with barely veto rights and is vetted very well and a trusted figure based on past and present actions, perhaps professionally retired and financially independently stable with no known skeletons. Then below we have the people who create policy and manage the daily task with overlapping responsibility and equal say so compromise of any one or few individuals can be detected and pruned out. Important votes are cast after every voting member has made written submission on how they see the issue, then voting is done in secret using some open source distributed voting system where physical one time key pads are used to authenticate the voter.
I believe that a systematic process of using back mail has been used against leaders in the past the exposure of homosexual activities was used and these encounters we know were sometimes staged by operatives from many countries. These days I firmly believe that important figures are given the opportunity to partake of forbidden fruit such as under-age sex and then this is used to control them so i agree that corner cases are often engineered and then used. The cost of leaking information or getting caught is made clear to those so threatened by having no longer needed participants publicly thrown under a bus or they die in custody or strange circumstances, this will have a chilling effect on dissent. I further believe that the initiatives by Apple and others to search through personal photo repositories (and link rear camera serial numbers to phone serial numbers) is intended to allow the powerful to locate new potential people that can be compromised, I do not believe it is trying to eliminate a handy tool for blackmailing reluctant puppets or an entertainment form of some of the ultra wealthy, that is just window dressing to normalise the loss of privacy.
We cannot be perfect but if every decision is open (unless it would reveal unnecessary private details which can be redacted) and the reasons why they are made are open to scrutiny I do believe that much corruption can be avoided. Given the open nature and strong potential for being caught out compromised and ill willed people will choose not to serve on the consultative board.
not too optimistic but cautious regarding EM; he says he came from poverty; his father had an emerald mine in south africa where he grew up. Oh did he grow up?
Noticed this morning that Amazon appears to have delisted Dr. Thomas Levy's book Rapid Virus Recovery. I still have my Kindle copy. The book is available (apparently) from other sellers but cannot find its listing on Amazon. Levy is a Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide nebulization advocate. Also advocates magnesium supplements.
Let's see -- former FBI legal officer James Baker embedded at Twitter in legal counsel role -- , Ms. Vijaya Gadde, Twitter Chief Legal Officer with $12MM golden parachute -
Too many Naive people that trust in Elon the Saver! 😂 The man that wants to connect our brains to his Neuralink. I guess Twitter and the information he'll get from Twitter about "our" privacy...will be used in Neuralink and will push his dream (and our nightmare) into reality!
Their authoritative sources makes me want to vomit.
The ink is barely dry on the Elon Musk deal, how long should we give him to fire the entire censorship staff?
I applied to be on the TruthSocial waiting list months ago, twice, and haven't heard from them. Now I have an iPhone, is it true you can only access it through one of those? But I have lost interest in it. Trump should go back to Twitter as soon as Elon gives the nod.
I love Elon, but he is going to lose his money in that shit hole company with it's shit hole board of directors and it's shit hole employees.
why? guy appears to be 100% idiot - electric cars? just pure stupidity. enough with the pedestal on this self-appointed policy maker
There may be something fishy about Musk...
Old news, thanks for dredging it up.
Check out Sign of the Times on the internet.....not a rag but carries all the anti-vax news in english.They are based in France.Just google it
Sickening. But didn't Musk buy the staff that comes with the platform? What can we expect?
When you buy a house, you don't get the key's straight away Steve. So I think a matter of patience is appropriate for this one. Besides, I doubt that Musk will be able to go in there straight away and do radical changes without taking a look at what BS has been going on.
However, it does appear that many users are finding their audiences are growing much faster than pre buy out, which suggests that Twitter have already begun to do 'something'. One speculation about this is that they are now trying to do damage limitation before Musk and his auditors enter the building. I think we're going to find out about a lot of very dirty underhand algorithmic work that was going on.
Just give it some time. I doubt that Musk would do anything too radical too soon. He needs to find out where the land lies.
nailed it, Bruce!
My hope: That Elon's liberalization changes have not kicked in yet How would we know?
Dear Steve Kirsch,
I have a speculation and a proposal (two actually) for you. Please offer suggestions or disseminate, we need to work on actual tools that can replace the status quo, communicating/complaining is fun and we make friends but I have not found it to help much in the two+ years I have tried my best.
I speculate that the elite are thinking as follows. We are rich, we wield a lot of power, we want for nothing money can buy, we want for very little else that is available on the black markets, we have an irrational infantile desire to live forever, we will settle for living for as long as possible, we have been sold the idea that this can be achieved with gene based therapies by opportunistic snake oil pedlars, we want to do everything to help them develop their snake oil, they bemoan the fact that humanity is loath to experiment with gene therapies in humans on a large scale, we can help manipulate humanity into normalising gene therapy experiments so life extension therapies can be developed for the elite. The rest is just means to an end.
I would like to propose that you raise the following idea with as many resistance fighters/activists as you can, perhaps you can write here on substack, no need to mention me and you can even claim it is your idea if you are the first to gain traction. There should be at least one totally independent funding site for research. It should have a place where unconflicted (but in some way accredited) researchers can share their credentials, fields of specialisation and research goals. It would have a place where lay folk like me can propose ideas for studies, such as how much does lanolin need to be irradiated to be useful as a topical Vitamin-D3 source with application, or what sort of technical challenges need to be overcome to develop a home based 25(OH)D3 test system, as easy as to use as an Insulin test. It would need a peer based and interested party group that would see if a research proposal is possible to answer public research goals and try and match them up with accredited researchers who could register a research proposal. Then it would also have a crowd financing portal where ANYONE can sponsor money into a common pool, into a topic of their interest, for a researchers they trust, a specific public proposal or a registered trial proposal. At such time as enough funds are collected to cover the needs of a trial the researchers would be contracted to proceed with the trial and they only conflict of interest would be the funders who would be the "Citizens Research Foundation" which could be a not for profit. This would allow for people to get research that is of value to the people and cannot be tainted by pharma money. The researchers would not get paid but their sponsoring institution would have the study costs covered on condition that all raw data is published as soon as the preprint is published.
That release of raw data would be the paid deliverable and all publications free to read. If the study is well done the institution and the researchers would gain credit. Everything in the organisation would be open source with as few leaders (that can be subverted) as possible driven by best practice and consensus with no outside interference and strict term limits. This could form an alternative structure that could grow fast and reliably to replace the existing mess as it gains in trust and reputation.
Here is my collection of selected reading on the Vitamin-D3 topic.
PS. The news syndicates Reuters and Associated Press are the means that propaganda is disseminated. The hundreds of global news outlets have lost the skill to do journalism so now simply repeat the narrative obediently. Tracking news that is flashed everywhere simultaneously should automatically be given a propaganda warning perhaps with a browser plug-in. I have suggested someone write a plug-in for the main browsers that would strike-through or redact the names of propaganda sources while we are browsing the net so we know that when something is attributed to them we know that it is not attributed to a factual source but in fact a propaganda narrative. I believe two similar products were developed a long time ago, one would add a Finnish profanity to a news headline from a certain media outlet and another would simply add a question mark "?" to the end of every mainstream media headline so people can be prepared to be critical when they read something. A small amount of money to pay a handful of coders a few weeks and then a tool for crowd tagging of sources based on good science to provide data. The system must be tracking free, collect NO DATA and leak as little to the compertition (do not use downloaded fonts, free SSL certificates, google analytics or links or ping/trackbacks) and offer user selected program and data upgrades from the client side with a calendar reminder.
How would you ensure nobody gets compromised along the way? People do “peculiar” things when backed into a corner
That is a good question. I mention that the leader count should be minimised, I failed to mention that the leadership layer should be as flat as possible. One titular head who cannot actually make policy but is a good speaker/advocate such as we find in the position of Chancellor at a university (and we could name it as such). Then we could have the person who sets policy called Vice-Chancellor be a human rights lawyer who defers to the layers below for what policy to set with barely veto rights and is vetted very well and a trusted figure based on past and present actions, perhaps professionally retired and financially independently stable with no known skeletons. Then below we have the people who create policy and manage the daily task with overlapping responsibility and equal say so compromise of any one or few individuals can be detected and pruned out. Important votes are cast after every voting member has made written submission on how they see the issue, then voting is done in secret using some open source distributed voting system where physical one time key pads are used to authenticate the voter.
I believe that a systematic process of using back mail has been used against leaders in the past the exposure of homosexual activities was used and these encounters we know were sometimes staged by operatives from many countries. These days I firmly believe that important figures are given the opportunity to partake of forbidden fruit such as under-age sex and then this is used to control them so i agree that corner cases are often engineered and then used. The cost of leaking information or getting caught is made clear to those so threatened by having no longer needed participants publicly thrown under a bus or they die in custody or strange circumstances, this will have a chilling effect on dissent. I further believe that the initiatives by Apple and others to search through personal photo repositories (and link rear camera serial numbers to phone serial numbers) is intended to allow the powerful to locate new potential people that can be compromised, I do not believe it is trying to eliminate a handy tool for blackmailing reluctant puppets or an entertainment form of some of the ultra wealthy, that is just window dressing to normalise the loss of privacy.
We cannot be perfect but if every decision is open (unless it would reveal unnecessary private details which can be redacted) and the reasons why they are made are open to scrutiny I do believe that much corruption can be avoided. Given the open nature and strong potential for being caught out compromised and ill willed people will choose not to serve on the consultative board.
I'll post the first one and see what happens
not too optimistic but cautious regarding EM; he says he came from poverty; his father had an emerald mine in south africa where he grew up. Oh did he grow up?
Noticed this morning that Amazon appears to have delisted Dr. Thomas Levy's book Rapid Virus Recovery. I still have my Kindle copy. The book is available (apparently) from other sellers but cannot find its listing on Amazon. Levy is a Vitamin C and hydrogen peroxide nebulization advocate. Also advocates magnesium supplements.
Interesting. On topic- Sen Durbin's Bill to Require Registration of Nutritional Supplements -> Ultimately, to Restrict Access to Them!
That government crap started with vitamin D3 a hundred years ago.
Let's see -- former FBI legal officer James Baker embedded at Twitter in legal counsel role -- , Ms. Vijaya Gadde, Twitter Chief Legal Officer with $12MM golden parachute -
"proud of her influence on twitter content filtering policies" -- and she's still onboard She'd be the one to depose. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/esg/twitter-hires-former-fbi-general-counsel-amid-fight-with-trump
All the nonsense done on Monday was to divert attention form the app store launch of Truth Social.
Elon can give no fucks about free speech.
I put myself on the Truth Social waiting list many months ago and still have not heard from them. Really makes me feel wanted and welcome.
I get five texts a day from President Trump. I'm neither a Republican nor a Democrat.
Too many Naive people that trust in Elon the Saver! 😂 The man that wants to connect our brains to his Neuralink. I guess Twitter and the information he'll get from Twitter about "our" privacy...will be used in Neuralink and will push his dream (and our nightmare) into reality!