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Yes! My son, back in 1998, when he was a little guy, got a bunch of shots, when we went for his appointment at the doctor, because the doc recommended them and because I thought it was the “right thing to do.” I am convinced that my son had a reaction to the MMR vaccine and started to display ADHD symptoms—after the high fever and extreme irritability. When my daughter came along, four years later, we did not give her any shots after doing research into them. She was in perfect health for 14 years. And then, when it was time to go to high school, she was very mad at me (for being a “crazy anti vaxxer”) because she had to have shots to enter, so she ended up getting all of them. (She had gone to a private school that didn’t require shots up until that time). After the shots, she began to have one symptom after another of ill health: anxiety, depression, skin problems, sick all the time, stomach upset, insomnia, etc. And when the Covid shots came out, she thought that she was being “good” by running out and getting both initial shots and then eventually the booster, so she could attend her college in North Carolina. Now she is suffering from constant gastrointestinal problems. Diarrhea, nausea, bloating, cramping, and on and on. When she goes to the doctor, they just give her Metamucil and tell her to take that and everything will be fine. I know that the shots did this to her. I know they are related and I don’t know what to do. I have gotten some good advice before from people on here, for what to try, but the problem is that I can’t even talk to her because she thinks I’m a crazy conspiracy theorist. So she discounts everything that I say now. I am so angry about this that I can’t even begin to tell you.

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I am so sorry. I can’t begin to imagine the pain you feel as a parent. This is actually a fear I have with my kids who have had 0 shots. I would say that there is not much you can do but wait. She has to figure it out for herself. When she finally realizes that the medical system has no answers other than more drugs and does not care about her, she might be willing to listen. Or perhaps online groups where someone else (that isn’t her parent) says what you have been saying. I see it with my grown nieces and nephews who think their dad is a crazy conspiracy nut. There is nothing one can say to change their mind when everyone else in their lives believes something completely contrary. They have to learn it for themselves. Sometime I have to remind myself of the Bible parable of the sower and the seeds. Some seeds will land on hard, dry ground, some will be choked out by weeds and some will find fertile soil. You plant the seeds and just have to wait and see if there is fertile soil.

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Thank you! I appreciate your words very much. They soothe me.

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I feel for you as I have a similar situation with my daughter. After many, many sleepless nights worrying about her and about our relationship I have come to feel that I have done all I could and that I just have to sit with the pain. I do text her and tell her I love her, I'm not angry at her, little thoughts that might come to mind. In the 6 months since she told me I'm psychotic and basically stopped seeing me, I have to say she has warmed up a bit. She knows I am there for her if she ever wants me. I'm at peace with that, although of course it makes me very sad. It must be worse for you as your daughter is sick and yet there is nothing you can do. My advice would be to stop talking to her about that, and just show her you love her and you are willing to help in any way that she sees fit. That's all you can do! Since I started meditating 2 years ago I am able to tolerate these things much better. I the past I would have felt like my entire world was gone. Now I still have my world when things like this happen.

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As parents we can only do what we know is best. I commend all living with this pain and pray for healing in you families 🙏

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Thank you!

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Thank you! You are lovely!

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Totally! If I did not have a meditation practice, I am sure that I would be dead right now from drug overdose or suicide or some such. How old is your daughter? I have a feeling that mine might eventually come around, but I really resent the fact that she has been brainwashed by the government and the media and big Pharma to think that the shots are good, Sage and effective, and she just believes it.

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We all resent that, and thank goodness for sites such a Steve's where like-minded people can express their thoughts and frustrations. My daughter is 53, and she had issues w. me prior to Covid. But she has swallowed the lies w/o question. Your daughter is a separate person who will make her own choices and you have to respect that, even though it is painful. What is she doing for her health issues? Can you help her in that area?

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She is trying things like eliminating dairy and gluten, taking Metamucil, etc. I read somewhere recently that pepto bismol for a few days can help as it’s antiviral.

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Sorry to hear about all of this, for everyone involved in a similar situation.

Epoch Health has a guide you could follow to detoxify yourself from the heavy metals present in vaccines, though it’s very difficult to remove Aluminum from the bloodstream/tissues. I also recommend trying Dr. Mercola’s detox guide as well.

Finally, I cannot recommend enough that everyone, injured or not, seek the wisdom that Dr. Paul Saladino aka the CarnivoreMD, brings to the debate surrounding healthy foods/diets. He uses cutting edge medical studies that show positive results in eliminating most plant based foods from your diet due to the myriad amount of toxic defense chemicals contained in most plants & vegetables. Chemicals like oxalates are found in common greens like Spinach and Kale and they can cause you a ton of adverse effects when taken in gradually over time. Switching to an organic, naturally fed animal based diet can help alleviate most symptoms most of us experience on a daily basis. He has a podcast called “Fundamental Health” and has appeared several times on the Joe Rogan Experience.

Hope that helps! God bless you all and grant you relief!

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Thank you! I will check out Dr. Paul Saladino and the detox diet info. I appreciate everyone's support and advice. So grateful for this community.

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Lol. Safe and effective. But if Sage is reading this… ❤️

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There is only so much a parent can do, you did what you could.

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Thanks. It’s fucking rugged though.

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please take a look at Marik's vax injury protocol. If you could get her to take only one thing, I'd try Black Seed Oil. Read about it online.


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I have also heard good things about Black Seed Oil. I was told that it could be bought on Amazon (e.g. maybe you don't need a particular source). Directions: 1 oz EVO (extra virgin cold pressed olive oil) + 1 TSP Black seed oil. Can add 3-4 TSP blueberries and blend (it doesn't taste great). It is an anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic. Take 2-3x /day.

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You can buy the oil or can buy capsules of the oil. I have both and I've had good results from taking just 2 or 3 capsules. When I take the oil, I take around 1/2 to 1 teaspoon and follow it quickly with a sip or two of water. I bought capsules from Swanson online and bought the oil from a local grocery store called Natural Grocers.

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Oh cool I did not realize you could get it in capsules. Which is your preferred brand? Thank you!

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I have bought it from Swanson and one other company--forget the name. The advantage to buying the oil is that you can get it organic. The capsules that I've bought are not organic.

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Check out the GAPS diet

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Buy the books...let her read excerpts. You were lucky to have her avoid them in childhood and unfortunate that had to change later on.

I empathize, I would be so frustrated and sickened by all of you efforts to avoid.

The whole program is dangerous.

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She won’t look at anything that I have to show her. That is the problem though. She thinks I am just plain crazy. She is still under this hypnosis that is destroying people.

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Time is your friend. She’s got to find her way back. You can’t force her or convince her of anything, and she will keep pulling away if you try. Or, as a friend of mine once said, let go or get dragged. Painful, deeply painful, trust me I know. Yet accepting this is the only way to bring her back. When she sees you being you and not judging or helping, she will remember who you are and not what she’s painted you to be. Embrace the beauty that is you and she will see it and quite possibly want it for herself. Sending you much peace and strength mama bear.

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Thank you. That was really beautifully put. I waffle between feeling the way you describe and being completely freaked out by this psy op.

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I don't have any advice since she is so set in her delusional thinking, but have to say I am so sorry for your having to watch this and feel the disrespect. As a mother I cannot stand how that must feel. So sorry.

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