When these "officials" are questioned, it will be in chains, awaiting execution for crimes against humanity. This is where they all belong. I've no time for anything BUT seeing to it they are brought to justice. Arguing with them is like having a croaking contest with a toad. Useless. They are demons who do nothing but lie.

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All you need to know about the truth is that TPTB and big pharma sought to hide the data for 75 years. And we know, they would have extended it just like they did the documents on the JFK assassination. Anyone remember Trump promising he would release the JFK docs? Did he?

Anyone remember Las Vegas and how we were all told it was clearly one guy? How about the lies about every war? How about all the wars the media doesn't even bother to acknowledge that are waged without Congress ever even voting on them?

Now we have documents leaked that they knew from the beginning it was not a single shooter in Vegas. We have the docs that Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice and their corrupt media moutpieces all knew WMDs were non-existent. All the stuff about Assaad gassing his own people were lies from Obama.

We live in a world of lies. Most people suck them down more eagerly and fast than a frat boy does alcohol. Not only that, but those same people are manipulated by media and government to want to destroy anyone who doesn't agree with them instead of being curious and having intellectual debate to uncover the truth.

It is a serious weakness of humanity that we seem to have some desire to defer to and trust authority as a default position.

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I am not hesitant. I am convinced. Based on the data, the deception by the media, the pharmaceutical companies, the corruption of every institution that I once trusted. The insanity that I have witnessed over the last two plus years. I am convinced these experimental drugs are causing more harm than good. When you suspect that a vaccine that is supposedly "safe and effective" is causing death and destruction but the powers that be are denying and hiding this information. Why the hell would I take the risk for a virus that is and has always been 98% survivable and treatable???

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Exactly right. Why would you or why did Australians agree to this ‘medical treatment’??The Australian PM has just told the people they had a choice and consented to being jabbed. Check this


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Although I appreciate what Makary and Prasad have said lately, they are still advocating that the initial 2 dose regimen was justified. Prasad speaks constantly about the importance of well designed RCT's. However, I am yet to find, a piece where he uses his analysis from the Clinical Trial Data (instead he references biased government data) to defend his position on the 2-dose vaccine regimen. This is going to be a problem again if these same ppl can't admit they were wrong about the approval of the Vaccine Program. And, if I missing some high-level evidence from the Clinical Trial Data, please reference it for me. Although, its been 2 years and I still am waiting for someone to refer to the Clinical Trial Data to defend the EUA authorization.

Its even more confusing that ppl like yourself were vaccinated in the first place. If someone has insight into these phenomenon's, please enlighten me.

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My sense has been that Prasad has several reasons for continuing to protect the vaccines 1) partly out of concern that all vaccines will be rejected in the future by the public if these are exposed as damaging, 2) partly to keep his own career intact, and 3) partly sheer denial. Even Malone and McCullough persisted in advocate vaccinating older people, depending on the audience, despite understanding the potential outcomes, for too long. But I think when you have a career in this area, have spent decades working in it, it takes time to fully accept what is going on. And the reality is, the majority of people who have gotten the vaccine are still walking around and living normal lives.

Many of us on here have a decade or two of experience with false flags and establishment lies. Scientists and doctors buried in the data and papers and patients, have had to have a far more rapid transformation. It’s tough at first, because you don’t know what’s real anymore when you are first exposed to this stuff. And most of us did not have authoritarian-oriented careers under our belts.

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Then Makary went on to tweet that his university Johns Hopkins is busy making self spreading vaccines which will double as a bioweapon to spread with no consent amongst the plebes who resist their "medicine".

J/k. That was satire, me saying the quiet part out loud.

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Man oh man, oh man! Even when the truth is laid out before us, there will still be na-sayers / deniers, who would rather listen to the 'boss man' and die, than stand like a man and defy the lies. There are still those who deny Jesus rose from the dead, even though they reap the same salvation if they want it. So, it goes on and on. Forced mask mandates, forced poison shots, and then, death by the thousands. (But then, why not? We kill 6 million babies every year by abortions, and that isn't even by mandate. It's premeditated by un-intelligent design.)

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Steve, be curious and pick up an old book Dr. Mary's Monkey, could history be repeating itself?

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In addition to Makary and Prasad, who sometimes are a bit critical, would the dean at Stanford listen to the normally-vaccine-shill Paul Offit? Offit advised his college-age son to skip the booster. In a new NEJM article, he says people have to tolerate mild or asymptomatic infections, as only frequent boosters can avoid these. He says there's no benefit to third doses for under-12s and criticizes the decision to do the one-size-fits-all boosting. He declares there's an elevated myocarditis risk in young men. He even admits that boosters can cause OAS for all ages.

Maybe the dean would think twice about mandating boosters, at least?

Covid-19 Boosters — Where from Here?


For a detailed look, with humor, Coffee and Covid is covering it


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even if vax did prevent transmission, vax passport still unjustifiable. it would have been really convenient for the globalists to implement their plan if the science was wat they hoped it was going to be.

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Several years ago, California struck down a law saying that HIV-positive people had to tell their sexual partners their HIV status.

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Check out RFK Jr's book on Fauci and the chapters on HIV and AIDS. What you think you know about these topics may not actually reflect reality.

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I am so very pleased to welcome Prasad and Makary with open arms! I do not hold grudges, I let bygones be bygones. I pray that more will grasp these realities.

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I don't know about Prasad at all, but I've been watching Marty Makary for at least 1.5 years and he has always been expressing skeptical views about all this. He's a good guy.

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Prasad is pretty narrowly focused on taking apart badly done studies on masking, particularly with children. He never talks about adverse events from the vaccines except for myocarditis in young males. I’ve never seen him mention informed consent. My sense is he’s protecting his career and his position within the UCSF community, which would likely destroy him if he were to speak out against the vaccines. But he could easily be in denial as well. It’s been interesting to see him gradually realize how horrific the CDC and FDA actually are.

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I have very low expectations on accountability (other than that before the Great White Throne) given the amount of people involved. All such incidences were either suppressed (e.g. how the US deliberately chose to be silent on the war crimes of German corporations), or brushed away (e.g. Rwanda). It took individuals years of their life to try to get some satisfaction, but they were often actively opposed (e.g. Simon Wiesenthal)

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You are fearless!

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Steve, the damage that has been done to the “social contract” and the medical profession, in general, is one of the saddest outcomes of this Covid-19 debacle. That being said, the medical profession, especially doctors, have opened their kimono and shown, with great clarity, that too many of them are often irrational, don’t follow the science, have broken their Hippocratic Oath and have not earned nor deserve the respect they previously were accorded.

Actually, the cowardice and self-interest, over patient interest, shown by too many doctors is appalling and extremely worrisome. We have thousands, if not not tens of thousands, of doctors who have clearly put their practice, career, income and research grants ahead of patients.

A profession I once thought was full of people with solid Beliefs, Values, Ethics, Morals and Principles (BVEMPs) has turned me completely around—they folded like a cheap suitcase—sad. I’m now convinced that this profession has shot themselves in the collective foot and may never be able to gain back the respect and trust they have loss.

Finally, when the open medical kimono reveals the truth, there is always a price to pay and, sadly, too many doctors are going to pay a steep price for their refusal to be brave, stand and be counted and seen as true leaders in medicine and science.

When too many of the protectors (doctors) become the assailants, they are, indeed, not to be trusted implicitly, as they once were, with a person’s health and vulnerabilities.

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There was a similar thing with the holocaust – doctors and lawyers were the first to fall for the propaganda. Nazi nurses murdered children with their own hands under the belief they were doing the kids a favor. I think there is a higher likelihood of people who seek out authority-oriented careers to fall for the carefully crafted powerful propaganda. Fear is a big part of it, and people who seek out authority are in need of a rational framework for life to make sense. They are experts at rationalizing, and this can get them into trouble as they can make an excuse for everything. Nothing is fully black-and-white like this, but I think there is a tendency, and you could see it in Nazi Germany as well.

I think half of all the destruction we’ve witnessed wouldn’t have happened if the requirement for basic informed consent had been followed. Centrally, the question of everything being structured to avoid informed consent in the case of the EUA ‘vaccines’ is the basis for where everything went wrong. I assume that was Fauci and his associates who set that up.

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That was very well said and I agree with you 100%. All of the health professionals who say they were just doing their job while administering a failed, renal toxic recycled chemotherapy agent ( Remdesivir) are complicit in the deaths of thousands of patients. You will be judged both in this world and the next.

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Excellent post. Couldn't agree more. The loss of faith in the medical profession is already beginning to occur in growing numbers. This might actually be a good thing, I guess. Why trust people who were so spectacularly wrong and refuse to acknowledge when they were wrong?

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it is a good thing, they were never trust worthy and this is nothing new

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Thank you Steve! You have seen the opinion piece in the British Medical Journal on the corruption of evidence based medicine by corporate interests? The truth is starting to leak through...: https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj.o702

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Hi Steve, my comment is beyond just this issue yet related. It is a series of reflections or observations. The article you recently posted from Igor about the behavioural researcher who used the term nudge regarding the creation of new behaviours seems to me very disconcerting in its similarity to old school operant conditioning and Skinner box type psychology. The term nudge seems to come up all the time now. They want to nudge , or shape or condition our responses and reward us for obeying and punish us or negatively reinforce us for disobeying.

I just read today that some who disagree with the unmasking on transportation are first trying to discredit Fla. Fed. judge and second trying to mandate teaching Public health in Law school. As opposed to letting medical doctors do their job and lawyers focus on law the government wanst to control top down and decide what is taught and continue to change definitions and diagnosis and health care management to their own end.The mass hypnosis we have all been subjected to and behavioural experiment is finally coming to some peoples awareness but as we all know the media and govt. and Pharma have a lot to lose and will keep discrediting those who speak out. I am thrilled to hear more mainstream docs are speaking out and I would love to see more psychologists and psychotherapists speak out about the current situation. Thank you for all the hard work.

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Not until we defund the LameStream Legacy Media and The UN & WEF

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One of my recurring posts: Before we could ever drain the swamp, we'd have to first purge all of the mainstream media newsrooms.

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a plunger is needed for the toilet

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