Both GBN (MI6) and MALhotra pushed the jabs last year.


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Thankfully in this documentary Dr Malhotra speaks of relative risk reduction vs absolute risk reduction. This needs to be emphasized and I would argue that moving forward every doctor and clinician needs to master statistics and completely understand the difference. We would not be here had every single physician stood up and said a 0.8% - 1.1% absolute risk reduction is NOT WORTH THE SIDE EFFECTS AND DEATH THAT HAVE HAPPENED AS A RESULT OF THESE INJECTIONS.


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Dr. Malhotra misleads on motives of “psychopaths” he says are behind Covid jabs


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1 in 22000 was saved by the vaccin?

seems like not massively effective

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Yes. NTT. Number to treat. 22, 000 people would need to be injected with a poorly tested (and covered up) drug to save one person. Yes. I can hear the screams of the politicians. ONE DEATH IS TOO MANY! Now let's talk about the overwhelmed VAERS reporting system that physicians give up trying to report to. Now let's talk about the poor demographic targeting of a product that is more dangerous than life-saving in everyone of reasonable health under the age of 60. Children? Outrageous.

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Dr. Malhotra will go from hero to zero for a while. To challenge the orthodoxy has always been difficult. Science is full of case histories of challenges met with derision, and later proven correct.

Why didn't he "know" the truth early on? He didn't know where to look? He couldn't believe the truth?I don't know. Why am I still trying to convince, among others, a nephrologist, a physiatrist, a retired internist, a retired hospitalist, a retired anesthesiologist, a chiropractor, and a dentist...? They won't even consider they have been hoodwinked by a corrupt Pharma/FDA/NIH/CDC, and never mind a government that did gain-of-function research to design a more dangerous virus.

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The last public quote by Kailash Chand (Aseem's father) shared on Facebook on 26th July 2021:

"Lesson for life-

Actions speak louder than words..

We can apologize over and over but if our actions don't change, the words become meaningless...!!

"Start the Change."...

Good 😊morning 🌹


Today I am asking friends to say how the pandemic has changed their view on life. 🙏"

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Aseem's father Kailash also is a hero. I made him aware that these particular products were a risk for him to take, yet he took them anyway. Maybe to attempt to prove that my claim was incorrect. I still miss you Kailash... particularly your regular "quote for the day". Your son is much admired and adored for publicly sharing his revelation. God speed to him! 🥰

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Dr. Aseem Malhotra is my HERO. For a full year he blindly followed the CDC and FDA without having the intellectual curiosity to know that untested mrna shots; Do not prevent infection, transmission or death. The whole time he was silent real docs and scientists were exposing the truth. Basically, this ignorant cardiologist is trying to bail like as rat on a sinking ship. At least he has repented.

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This is one of the strangest things I have ever seen. Somehow veterinarians, auto mechanics, librarians, nurses, engineers, grade school teachers, pilots and truck drivers etc. know that mrna shots are toxic but -DOCTORS DO NOT.

I do not believe this for a second.

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A highly trained cardiologist isn't necessarily cognitively developed to challenge group-think.

My own cardiologist, highly trained, runs the HCM stress-test lab, absolutely in complete alignment with pushing the vax. His researcher argued with me, got angry when I told her I had reviewed Israeli studies showing vaccine caused cardiac events and that I wasn't getting any boosters due to the PVCs I had experienced from dose #1 and #2. They walk away looking like they were talking to a crazy person.

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Highly trained = Highly Indoctrinated by their sponsors AKA Big Pharma

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Fringe minority dissident doctors will be replaced by Highly Trained AI-bots that will prescribe meds and administer the government approved innoculations. Green nutrient food will be fortified with mRNA supplements. Medicine will never be better!

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Clearly you have not noticed Aseem's effect upon others over the last decade. Highly intelligent expert. Always polite. Makes distinct points very clearly without any waffle. Everything that comes out of his mouth is worth listening to. I knew it was only a matter of time for him to figure out the truth of this matter. His father knew these products were dangerous (I warned him myself). Still he took these products... maybe to attempt to prove the point that my claim was incorrect.

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Yes you are correct, I don't know the man, his father or his influences on others. Regardless of his intelligence I still do believe it was the loss of his father that awoke him to the possibility a vaccine is not necessarily a vaccine.

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I feel sorry for you cardiologist. Ignorance and trust of the CDC and FDA is not an excuse. I hope the best for you Woody.

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As predicted! They're now saying "Covid" is causing "DNA damage to the heart." And that's what's supposed to account for all the unexplained deaths in the world. The vax of course, is never a consideration. They're always 15 steps ahead of us with their "on the fly propaganda." Of course the sheep will fall for it 100%. This is never going to end. https://www.smh.com.au/national/queensland/unlike-flu-covid-19-attacks-dna-in-the-heart-new-research-20220929-p5bm10.html

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They are very easy to predict. They are not human. They are just AI algorithms.

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It’s all driven (steered) by AI, that’s for certain I think. There are also lots of AI bots out there leaving ‘pro govt’ readers comments on all the major news webpages. We see through them quite easily… but unfortunately, the sleepy sheepy people are influenced by them.

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Another reason why everyone who is unjabbed must do their utmost to remain so as the control group in this sick experiment.

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I wrote this article just yesterday, saying how they're going to be running a worldwide media campaign in order to blame Covid for everything. And that's exactly how they're going to get away with it too. Nothing can stop this now. https://johnbotica.substack.com/p/operation-blame-it-all-on-covid?r=tz7cx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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After reading your article, it's apparent that antivaxxers and other people who also have critical thinking skills have got to buckle down even harder to get the word out to more people and at a pace that keeps up with what the msm propaganda throws out at everyone. Fortunately, we've got real scientists and people with the ability to look at real scientific data on the side of truth. It's only since 2021 that the more severe and weird complications and young deaths have been occurring, which coincides with the "covid vaccines" rollout.

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Yes, you’re right. They say there’s eventually going to come a tipping point, where there’s more of us who know what’s going on than not. What will happen then I wonder? I think things are destined to get pretty messy.

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Clearly the Maryland Center for Health Equity needs to know about this doctor's work. Because these idiots have created graphic stories for use in salons and barbershops to ensure "health and vaccine equity" thereby ensuring black and brown children have equal access to myocarditis:


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Too bad it takes the death of a loved one to lift the scales from one's eyes. Some need to be hit with a 2x4 to believe what is right in their face all the time.

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They must have cut off his payments for his indorsement of the murderous injections. Come on the TOP DOCTOR give me a break, just another man selling his soul to the highest bidder.

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