Wow two Heroines and two Heros (Yes Steve I’m a fangirl!) of this movement of Truth! Thank you Jennifer Sharp for your movie Anecdotals! Another tool, weapon dare I say, in my arsenal to pass on to others who’ve been INJURED and still keep getting vaccinated! Thank you Jennifer Sey for your incredible book and chutzpah to stand up to Levi Strauss! Thank you Daniel for your legal knowledge and boldness! And always thank you Steve, our Moses leading us out of bondage! Please come to Chicago! I promise I’d volunteer to help! Graham Nash says it best!
So your brother's bound and gagged
And they've chained him to a chair
Won't you please come to chicago just to sing
In a land that's known as freedom how can such a thing be fair
Won't you please come to chicago for the help that we can bring
We can change the world rearrange the world
It's dying - to get better
Politicians sit yourselves down, there's nothing for you here
Won't you please come to chicago for a ride
Don't ask jack to help you `cause he'll turn the other ear
Won't you please come to chicago or else join the other side
We can change the world rearrange the world
It's dying - if you believe in justice
Dying - and if you believe in freedom
Dying - let a man live his own life
Dying - rules and regulations, who needs them open up the door
Somehow people must be free I hope the day comes soon
Won't you please come to chicago show your face
From the bottom of the ocean to the mountains of the moon
Won't you please come to chicago no one else can take your place
We can change the world rearrange the world
It's dying - if you believe in justice
Dying - and if you believe in freedom
Dying - let a man live his own life
Dying - rules and regulations, who needs them open up the door
There is a group on our side who have it seems become anti-vax zealots. I was involved in another substack comment exchange earlier this week when I was accused of being a 77th Brigade member (ie military propaganda pusher) for simply saying that no one can say the Nepal air crash was caused by vaccinated aircrew as had implied in the article and stated as "fact" in the comments. No one knows the cause at this point and in my judgement making such unfounded statements simply plays into the hands of those that seek to undermine all the very good work in seeking the truth. Moreover it's ironic that these making such statement and so trying to close me down are doing the very thing they accuse the " MSM etc" of doing ie censoring debate. Questions MUST be asked and answers sought but there is no place and never has been in my judgement for wild speculation. Steves approach re data is clearly a very sensible way of proceeding and winning arguments.
"inconvenient and unfortunate truths about Covid policies. "
All of this can happen again and again unless there is a way to STOP big lies like "COVID" from their inception.
We should not have "policies" (rules, regulations) but we should have strongly enforced laws against the pre-actions that produced "COVID" and its "ground zero" aftermath.
Truth is we make life value (cost/benefit) decisions everyday. From driving your car, dietary choices to healthcare decisions. If saving one human life endangers or takes the lives of 3 more i would question that choice. Risk/reward ratio for these injections has been upside down for most since the beginning. Things to consider: 99%+ survival rate, injection neither stops infection nor transmission, highest risk profile of any shot ever (by a long shot), lack of traditional pre approval saftey data, zero long term data although we're starting to get some now and its not good, a plethora of proven affective, low risk alternative treatments with a long history of saftey data (like fluvoxamine 40+ years). Amazing so many fell for the psyop.
Well done Steve: I take my hat of to you. Saw you on Jimmy Dore. Impressive also.
BUT there is a point of principle that I think you (and almost everyone else) should be clear about.
See a full explanation in the article "What's Wrong with 'The Greater Good ' " on the WhatDoINo substack.
Briefly, we don't need to point out (in one sense) that the cost/benefit for the vaccines is poor, in order to establish that they shouldn't be mandated. This is an ethical principle that was learned during the twentieth century, by getting it wrong several times. We should all be able readily to explain the principle AND the historical rationale.
A lot of these people seem to think vaccines in general are safe and effective. Why? Cuz The Science? Hello...
I want a lot more information on hygiene and sanitation related to infectious disease, nutrition and treatments, studies of the Amish, the replicability and lack of bias of the literature, the hearing of dissenting voices, the trustworthiness and lack of conflicts of the researchers, etc. before I concede the narrative is correct.
I REALLY hope that if one thing comes from this debacle, it is that people realize that vaccines, in general, have been at best, a marketing success. The science behind them is pretty sketchy
I am really looking forward to seeing this one! Brave, courageous people with enough integrity to risk losing their jobs for speaking up! Thank you Steve for your efforts- Very appreciated 😘❤️
Steve quotes Naomi Wolf in several recent dispatches. I highly recommend her book, The Bodies of Others. In her book, she makes the point this is also a spiritual battle - a battle of good vs. evil. I agree.
Wranglers will be the choice from now on! Pfuck Levis!
'LIABILITY' would stop the VAX DEATHS and the paranoia surrounding Fauci's modified Bat virus that's no more dangerous than Flu!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.
Hone-Malone, something strange in this relationship, very strange.
Wow two Heroines and two Heros (Yes Steve I’m a fangirl!) of this movement of Truth! Thank you Jennifer Sharp for your movie Anecdotals! Another tool, weapon dare I say, in my arsenal to pass on to others who’ve been INJURED and still keep getting vaccinated! Thank you Jennifer Sey for your incredible book and chutzpah to stand up to Levi Strauss! Thank you Daniel for your legal knowledge and boldness! And always thank you Steve, our Moses leading us out of bondage! Please come to Chicago! I promise I’d volunteer to help! Graham Nash says it best!
So your brother's bound and gagged
And they've chained him to a chair
Won't you please come to chicago just to sing
In a land that's known as freedom how can such a thing be fair
Won't you please come to chicago for the help that we can bring
We can change the world rearrange the world
It's dying - to get better
Politicians sit yourselves down, there's nothing for you here
Won't you please come to chicago for a ride
Don't ask jack to help you `cause he'll turn the other ear
Won't you please come to chicago or else join the other side
We can change the world rearrange the world
It's dying - if you believe in justice
Dying - and if you believe in freedom
Dying - let a man live his own life
Dying - rules and regulations, who needs them open up the door
Somehow people must be free I hope the day comes soon
Won't you please come to chicago show your face
From the bottom of the ocean to the mountains of the moon
Won't you please come to chicago no one else can take your place
We can change the world rearrange the world
It's dying - if you believe in justice
Dying - and if you believe in freedom
Dying - let a man live his own life
Dying - rules and regulations, who needs them open up the door
Sounds like 'must see' TV... I'll be watching!
There is a group on our side who have it seems become anti-vax zealots. I was involved in another substack comment exchange earlier this week when I was accused of being a 77th Brigade member (ie military propaganda pusher) for simply saying that no one can say the Nepal air crash was caused by vaccinated aircrew as had implied in the article and stated as "fact" in the comments. No one knows the cause at this point and in my judgement making such unfounded statements simply plays into the hands of those that seek to undermine all the very good work in seeking the truth. Moreover it's ironic that these making such statement and so trying to close me down are doing the very thing they accuse the " MSM etc" of doing ie censoring debate. Questions MUST be asked and answers sought but there is no place and never has been in my judgement for wild speculation. Steves approach re data is clearly a very sensible way of proceeding and winning arguments.
Agree with what you say 100%
Awesome documentary who features some of my fellow vax injures who I love dearly!
"inconvenient and unfortunate truths about Covid policies. "
All of this can happen again and again unless there is a way to STOP big lies like "COVID" from their inception.
We should not have "policies" (rules, regulations) but we should have strongly enforced laws against the pre-actions that produced "COVID" and its "ground zero" aftermath.
Thank you Steve!
I note a comment regarding the injections. "Cost/benefit is poor."
REALLY? Are you even remotely with IT?
Truth is we make life value (cost/benefit) decisions everyday. From driving your car, dietary choices to healthcare decisions. If saving one human life endangers or takes the lives of 3 more i would question that choice. Risk/reward ratio for these injections has been upside down for most since the beginning. Things to consider: 99%+ survival rate, injection neither stops infection nor transmission, highest risk profile of any shot ever (by a long shot), lack of traditional pre approval saftey data, zero long term data although we're starting to get some now and its not good, a plethora of proven affective, low risk alternative treatments with a long history of saftey data (like fluvoxamine 40+ years). Amazing so many fell for the psyop.
Well done Steve: I take my hat of to you. Saw you on Jimmy Dore. Impressive also.
BUT there is a point of principle that I think you (and almost everyone else) should be clear about.
See a full explanation in the article "What's Wrong with 'The Greater Good ' " on the WhatDoINo substack.
Briefly, we don't need to point out (in one sense) that the cost/benefit for the vaccines is poor, in order to establish that they shouldn't be mandated. This is an ethical principle that was learned during the twentieth century, by getting it wrong several times. We should all be able readily to explain the principle AND the historical rationale.
CAUGHT HIM! Rebel News pummels Pfizer CEO with questions at World Economic Forum
A lot of these people seem to think vaccines in general are safe and effective. Why? Cuz The Science? Hello...
I want a lot more information on hygiene and sanitation related to infectious disease, nutrition and treatments, studies of the Amish, the replicability and lack of bias of the literature, the hearing of dissenting voices, the trustworthiness and lack of conflicts of the researchers, etc. before I concede the narrative is correct.
I REALLY hope that if one thing comes from this debacle, it is that people realize that vaccines, in general, have been at best, a marketing success. The science behind them is pretty sketchy
Really thankful for the movie/video “Anecdotes” - asking the God of Heaven to help us mere mortals who have been harmed by other mortals 💔
I am really looking forward to seeing this one! Brave, courageous people with enough integrity to risk losing their jobs for speaking up! Thank you Steve for your efforts- Very appreciated 😘❤️
Steve quotes Naomi Wolf in several recent dispatches. I highly recommend her book, The Bodies of Others. In her book, she makes the point this is also a spiritual battle - a battle of good vs. evil. I agree.
Wow, what a great group of guests! Can't wait to watch. You are changing the world, minute by minute, day after day. All my gratitude! Many blessings!
Steve, have you read about this?