Dr. Bass’s admission that they gave up medicine for what they believed was morality was/is apparent to all. The question is why? Why did they ignore their own education, training and experience, and vilify those who didn’t? Each and every one of those who like Dr. Bass, himself included, need to have their medical licenses revoked and barred from ever making health decisions for anyone except themselves.

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Devoid of logic .

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One very important book you all should have in your house it is called turtles all the way down look it up get it and read it and share it with everyone you know.

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Jaana Kavonius is a lawyer who has done phenomenal work in revealing Finnish corruption and she also opposes the COVID vaccines. If you're a Finn, please go and help her form a political party that is trying to get justice for victims of Finnish corruption. Not many days left. https://puoluerekisteri.fi/puolue/39

Not applicable if you're not Finnish.

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Woke infiltrated every aspect of life. I worked in healthcare for 40 yrs, and when the vax became a forced vax, I said no thank you. I got an early education on the mRna vax and it scared the hell out of me. Thank you, however, to turning 62 in time to retire, way earlier than I had planned to retire. Awake is good.

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Kevin Bass's statement (and his twitter thread) look authentic to me. He really is sorry, and I respect him for his U-turn. If the rest of his friends had the same level of courage, we'd be out of this by now, and we'd start treating the millions of vax injured, and stop injuring millions more.

One thing for Kevin to consider: what was the root cause of he and his buddies going down the wrong path? One possibility: as a group, they were bamboozled by Pharma, and Pharma's collection of captured institutions, who staged a full court press on their psychology. See: "Edward Bernays" and the shaping of public opinion.

The takeaway: "science" doesn't make you immune from being conned by a very-well-funded, all hands on deck marketing effort.

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Watch the testimony of a veteran Nova Scotia nurse who was fired for refusing to take the jab. https://mathewaldred.substack.com/p/veteran-nurse-vonnie-allen-betrayed

New Substack release. Listen to Turfseer’s new protest song A GOOD NURSE: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/a-good-nurse

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from bass; "We couldn't see that to point out harms or downsides might actually help us to make better policy. We only saw that pointing out harms (and were they really "harms" anyway?) would dissuade people from doing the right thing and protecting themselves and others."

"(and were they really "harms" anyway?)" Yes. bass, THEY REALLY WERE HARMS

- Denial of, sabotage of real, demonstrated "safe and effective" treatment for covid.

- Sabotage of Real Doctors actually providing real treatment for real covid patients

- Denial of, sabotage of the real truth about the "not safe and not effective" "vaccines".

- Sabotage of the real "vaccine" Truth Tellers. ALL REAL HARMS KILLING MILLIONS




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Those of us, the Good Guys, that have been Pharma-Vigilant for decades knew well in advance what was going down, but as usual the other Good Guys weren't interested. My blog post from 2017: https://bolenreport.com/this-is-how-liberty-dies/#more-10508

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We are going to launch a class action!

For an apology to be complete and truthful there's a need to recognize the damage and offer to compensate it:

Amnesty or JUSTICE:


If people with no college education could figure it out, why should they receive our forgiveness for negligence and malpractice?:

Free “wake-up” movies!

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!

Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!


The full PLAN exposed:


Gates-WHO depop vaccines:

Proof: it was never for health and reduced mortality, only for infertilizing, handicapping and murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the IHR and International PLANdemc Treaty:


Will Tedros EVER go to JAIL?


30 Spike Protein Treatments (COVID+Vx)


The SUPER drug

Treats 25 viruses, cancer, multiple sclerosis, SPS....


The REAL COVID timeline:

It’s Bio-BOMB, like the vx, not what you were drilled


Bio-BOMB, not “vaccine”, not “gene-therapy”

This 5th gen war, includes a war on semantics.


What do bioweapons have to do with the Department of Energy?

Anybody answering these questions PLEASE ? !!!


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What Bass wrote is apologetics. He describes doctors and scientists acting like a herd of herd animals. Not science, not medicine. Disgraceful then, disgraceful now.

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I am confused as to why there is a tweet from Bass in the middle of this article about Littell? Seems like an editorial error? I don't see the connection.

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I vacillate, but I think "our side" will win in the end ... for these reasons ...


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My take: The ignorance of the fellow above in the article who put some Warped Speed/DOD/WHO/WEF/Criminal Fauci, Collins/Gates Nutter idea for Selective De-Population move planned for decades, exported to China from the US Fort Detrick Cia Lab and Universities, continued to be lied about as if we all are stupid sheep or cattle, and the arrogance that somehow his limited knowledge and experience and narrow training meant he could wipe our freedoms and rights, making his lack of discernment and research a moral high ground and gain ACCESS to our bodies, our friends and loved ones and our children's with Coerced, Forced Mandated Injections, or a certain mask, a fraudulent test to push the narrative, is inexcusable. All these people with Assholism need Murder charges, a loss of licenses and a non-delusional notice of being hunted. No one should have to be Armenian, Cambodian, Jewish, Russian, etc. to recognize a setup for Genocide. And that is now, and in the near future. The idea that in concert, the State Media, White coats, Greedy Hospitals, the Alphabet agencies and asinine Politicians could decide 'what's best for us, our planet, run their game, hide and mute it with VAERS and distractions, Cancel Honest Doctors and Scientists, threaten and intimidate Embalmers, Sports and Healthcare witnesses and think they now can back-peddle, and muddle 'moving forward', is absurd. Good luck with that.

For me, it is and has been nigh to impossible to find a competent, honest, experienced Doctor or Dentist with a brain and a backbone, acting in the best interest of the patient. Herd Mentality took on a new meaning to me during this Plandemic, and I still see it. Insulting, unacceptable, despicable.

Just anger is the only mechanism to move us forward out of denial. About now, the complacency sets in, that we're still alive, we might survive the shedding and food contamination and other Terrorism planned and operational, and 'get back to normal'. Wake up, America. They are still mandating your healthcare people, worming towards injecting your children and grandchildren with nanotech without Parent's permission. They share predictive Domestic Terrorism online. Share what you know vs. turning a blind eye, and being part of the problem.

Raise Holy Hell. Take your money out of the bank. Sit on your taxes and file Extensions. The Beast uses your money to hunt, mandate and kill you. Stop feeding it.

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Robert Kennedy just threw his hat into the ring for a presidential run against Biden. The AP wasted no time trying to cancel him. See here on Citizen Free Press: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fapnews.com%2Farticle%2Frobert-kennedy-jr-presidential-campaign-9fb5ed5c8e1fd31d2a4458d44b086593

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