Dr. Harvey Risch mentioned the covid vaccine shortcomings at the last Senate Hearing and a bunch of academics called it BS in a APNews article without ever mentioning the possibility of OAS or depleted immune memory cells. Do people who combat the infection using IPV/HP gargle (which is reportedly more effective than the vaccines) have so much of an impaired response to the nucleocapsid and the other targets? I do not think so.

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Canada still mandating federal employees to get jabbed or no job and no Employmen Insurance benefits

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This will help reduce the number of government workers over time. In the health care system beds have been reduced in the last year so there is a need to fire employees or have them sick or dying. This protects the system by reducing costs.

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I’d love to share the UK study but can’t find it anywhere online. Was it leaked to Mark Steyn?

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A couple of nested pages deep is a link to one of the UK data dumps (week 44


You'll find the path starts on this article of Steve's "Three new papers" to the following:


Finally, the UK link is found one more page branching off the "Just for the record..." article. The following is one of those pages with SO MUCH detailed information it's mind boggling... Makes one's brain stretch to absorb the doctor level jargon and physiology concepts...



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Table 14 says it all.

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Thank you so much kind sir (or madam) : )

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So in other words, people who say "it would have been worse if I hadn't been vaccinated" should be saying "my risk of repeated infection is worse because I was vaccinated."

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In Canada, infections and deaths doubled on a weekly basis since July 2021 when mass vaccination was achieved.

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Fauci’s role in AIDS pushing AZT knowing it was toxic was murder, plain and simple. AZT was so toxic that even a healthy person would die taking it. Fauci wanted them to take for life, which was cut short by this drug not by AIDS. Anyone testing (yes he pushed testing) positive for HIV, he mandated AZT, which caused asymptomatic people to die from side effects mirroring AIDS. His one approval made this the only pill covered by Medicare. His push for this horrible drug made any attempt to find another cure impossible under his reign. He knew it was toxic and didn’t care, didn’t want to admit he could be wrong. Sound familiar—should, it’s exactly what he did for Covid.

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Following CDC under Fauci’s rule is a problem for all. He’s evil.

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Narcissist, machiavellian, egotist, anti-social, and megalomaniac are terms that aptly describe his personality.

Callous, dishonest, manipulative, cunning, and greedy describe his qualities.

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Exactly!! Very manipulative. Controlled all the federal money for grants and knew he could cut off research funding. Even cut off 💵 to any if they spoke well about another researcher for another drug or spike of dangers with his drug being pushed as safe.

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Excellent resource. I've added this one to it https://bit.ly/allcause-clip

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Your clip is walled off if one is not on Twitter.

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Important post. One question/issue:

The "antinucleocapsid" paper's claim of 13.67x greater seroconversion probability in the placebo vs. the treatment arm for a given "viral copy" doesn't seem to be substantiated in the data plots the authors submit. It seems to indicate a factor of 5, not 13 (still an important finding).

Also, I could not find anti-N seroconversion rates or viral copy data in any published trial data.

Anybody have some insights into this?

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We have to shouting that the CDC is in on the cover up, the CDC has a PATENT on corona virus transmissible to humans and had it in place since 2002. Is this why they are covering up the truth over and over. This pandemic is a PANDEMIC of the VACCINATED but they will not admit that. All they do is lie, so maybe if the truth comes out that the patent is making them money, we will start to see honesty??

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Politicians, health authorities & mainstream media can't comment now. It's too late to tell the truth. Denmark hasn't told the truth. The jabbed public will rise up and lynch them all if they are told they've been jabbed to death. People will find any excuse for their illnesses rather than admit the jabs are killing them. Because they can't be un-jabbed.

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Shocked I say! Absolutely shocked! Not so much.

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The Danish study re all cause mortality seems to believe they have demonstrated a "protective" effect of the adenovirus vectored inocula( Jannsen/Jand J). A mean 0.37 reduction in RR. What is that all about? The Jand J was less popular here in USA, even though it was a "one and done" injection. It had some more intense initial generalized systemic adverse symptoms, but I've not seen any specific papers addressing its diminished "popularity" among the population willing to undergo inoculation.

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the danish study in particular is very problematic for Trump. He continues to laud his work on the terrific vaccine. I even heard him say like a week ago that it saved millions of lives. Many Trump supporters are willing to run cover for his ignorance on this issue. I'm one that will continue to call him out on this bold faced lie. If he runs in 2024 he needs to take these statements back, and just admit the vaccines are useless. He may have thought he was doing the right thing, most anyone would have tried to do exactly what he did. But 2 years later the evidence shows it wasnothing more than a fart in the wind. A totally fruitless mission that did nothing to stop covid and opened the door for all the illogical, criminal and useless mandates and vax passports that cost people there livelihoods.

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Trump is not referring to the tainted Cabal batches, rather the ones he endorsed -- ones he came to the table with first. He has to keep the optics on a level playing field because most of the public lives in a fear-based reality, and he would lose followers. The truth of that is already out in the alt media platforms conclusively. You have to read between the lines and research on your own as well in order to get the real/full picture.

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FYI Israeli study on cardiac related emergency calls during "vaccine" rollout https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-10928-z

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My initial reactions to the news that they were going to vax the entire nation of 10 million were shock and disbelief. Then it turned into sadness and anger. I prayed for the people as their old and young got the shots, and as injuries and deaths rates shot through the roof.

I feel helpless and numb now. Like I have been forced to watch a massacre while I am in a straitjacket. These people have survived the waves of pogroms and the Holocaust, only to ...

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Now if only people spent this much time looking into ALL vaccines - they'd come to the same conclusions. They are poison, all risk & zero benefit.

If only people spent this much time looking into GERM THEORY - they'd realize there was NEVER a need for vaccines, and the obvious conclusion is that OF COURSE they have all risk & zero benefit.

In fact, contrary to popular belief, every single "DIS-ease" was already in sharp decline - many were near zero - when a vaccine was rolled out. In other words, not a single vaccine is actually responsible for eradicating any DISease.

See below (scroll for photos & graphs of government data proving points above)


Once again, there was NEVER EVER a legitimate reason to take a vaccine.

Stop POISONING YOURSELVES. On second thought - do what you want. But more importantly STOP POISONING YOUR CHILDREN! Then watch & marvel how autism & auto-immune rates begin to plumment.... (oh if only people listened to crazy old Dr Wakefield decades ago, instead of silencing him).

Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk. I truly hope those of you who hadn't thought to research EVERYTHING, will now consider it.

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I agree with a great deal of what you say. Never would have done that before Covid, but thanks to Covid I have read RFK's TRAF and Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus". The inescapable conclusion is that most of the vaccine industry is a grift. Maybe we can exempt the polio vaccine and some of the childhood vaccines like mumps (but only maybe), but the rest of them are supported by essentially no science. It is a revelation.

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Polio was DDT poisoning. And then it was covered up.. as soon as DDT was taken off the market, like magic, polio disappeared... This is pretty much a well-known fact at this point. There is no logical scientific reason to take ANY vaccine. Again I would recommend reviewing the link I posted above.

The conclusion is that ALL of the vaccine industry is a grift. A lie. A corrupt, greedy idea that began with Louis Pasteur (also well known now that he was in fact, a total fraud), which allows complete immunity from all liability (you didn't think COVID was the 1st time this was done, did you?), and zero controls. Every single vaccine trial doesn't even use a true saline placebo - they use another vaccine, or an adjuvant. So they have set themselves up for success when they declare, "see? Our new vaccine shows less harm than the placebo!" (Also pay close attention to the very short-time frame & very small study groups).

Its literally all a scam.

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Indeed. We've more a terrain theory guy these days, especially after discovering Pasteur was a fraud.... But, this is interesting clip found on twitter https://bit.ly/allcause-clip

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I dont have Twitter, and apparently the post is "age-restricted" so I cant see it unless I create an account. Can ya summarize it?

Also, im definitely a terrain girl these days too 😉 have you researched pleomorphism at all? It really all begins to make sense the more research I do. I wholeheartedly no longer believe in contagion or viruses. There is no "good" or "bad" bacteria. All bacteria is "good" and serves a purpose - to clean the terrain. By taking anti-biotics (which literally means "anti-life"), we are only masking symptoms & preventing bacteria from doing its job. Which is why people end up prolonging illness and/or it comes back even worse.

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Steve the walmart graph is what we'd expect from non-vaxxed people getting tested more regularly as required by most jobs

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Some jobs require it, not all, and most of those of us who haven’t taken the injections (they’re not vaccines) do not test. We avoid the system And the shenanigans.

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Out of everyone i personally know who isn't vaxxed, they have to test regularly because of it, unless they don't work for a big company. I think it is pretty common and definitely worth factoring into the analysis.

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