What about “ Operation Dark Winter”Glade x 2001? Gergen ,Johns-Hopkins and Faustus were players.The EXACT same scenario as Event 201 and an epic failure. Who ordered it? George W Bush. Who took the fall for the weaponized Anthrax Murders? Dr. Steven Hatfill. Who was on his ass?FBI Robert Mueller. Who took the ultimate fall when Hatfill w…
What about “ Operation Dark Winter”Glade x 2001? Gergen ,Johns-Hopkins and Faustus were players.The EXACT same scenario as Event 201 and an epic failure. Who ordered it? George W Bush. Who took the fall for the weaponized Anthrax Murders? Dr. Steven Hatfill. Who was on his ass?FBI Robert Mueller. Who took the ultimate fall when Hatfill was proven innocent, after his career and reputation were destroyed? Dr.Bruce Ivins. What happened to Dr. Ivins before he could tell his side of the story?He” suicided” on Tylenol( can’t make it up), because that makes sense. Where did the anthrax come from? Fr. Detrick. Who blew off the dangerous research? Dr.Tony Faustus!
Who pushed the Hatfill theory?John AshcroftNicholas Kristof, Mueller, Comey and it gets far worse.
Of course, vaccines were the endgame. I’m too exhausted to continue right now, but follow this story
Oracle’s Ellison, Ashcroft,Johns-Hopkins,Pfizer, Health Insurance,Gergen, Microsoft,DARPA, continue to reappear… mass surveillance, Patriot Act, 9/1 …. Faustus receives a “Presidential Medal Of Freedom from George W Bush… Bush also green lighted Gain Of Function research to research biowarfare
Remember Biden repeatedly stating we were going to experience a “ Dark Winter”? This is not coincidence. It ‘a a despicable nightmare ongoing for decades an explains the silence of the UniParty duplicitous duopoly.And the love affair w/China and globalism
What about “ Operation Dark Winter”Glade x 2001? Gergen ,Johns-Hopkins and Faustus were players.The EXACT same scenario as Event 201 and an epic failure. Who ordered it? George W Bush. Who took the fall for the weaponized Anthrax Murders? Dr. Steven Hatfill. Who was on his ass?FBI Robert Mueller. Who took the ultimate fall when Hatfill was proven innocent, after his career and reputation were destroyed? Dr.Bruce Ivins. What happened to Dr. Ivins before he could tell his side of the story?He” suicided” on Tylenol( can’t make it up), because that makes sense. Where did the anthrax come from? Fr. Detrick. Who blew off the dangerous research? Dr.Tony Faustus!
Who pushed the Hatfill theory?John AshcroftNicholas Kristof, Mueller, Comey and it gets far worse.
Of course, vaccines were the endgame. I’m too exhausted to continue right now, but follow this story
Oracle’s Ellison, Ashcroft,Johns-Hopkins,Pfizer, Health Insurance,Gergen, Microsoft,DARPA, continue to reappear… mass surveillance, Patriot Act, 9/1 …. Faustus receives a “Presidential Medal Of Freedom from George W Bush… Bush also green lighted Gain Of Function research to research biowarfare
Remember Biden repeatedly stating we were going to experience a “ Dark Winter”? This is not coincidence. It ‘a a despicable nightmare ongoing for decades an explains the silence of the UniParty duplicitous duopoly.And the love affair w/China and globalism