My sister's gonna jab my nephews and I asked her and her husband (boyfriend) not to but they won't listen to me. It's like talking to a brick wall. There's nothing I can do basically to change their mind. I tell them all the information is out there if they look, and I told them about all the kids and adults dying suddenly and the blood clots embalmers are finding, and the fact that it's experimental and authorization doesn't mean approval, and there's no longterm data on these things, and the fact that they're basically poison. But they don't listen. They say they believe in vaccines and they've already given their kids all the recommended shots up till now. And I try to tell them that regardless of what you think of all the other vaccines -- that these vaccines are a different animal, and that they're really gene therapy shots not even vaccines...... And I could go on but it doesn't matter what I say. I tried, there's nothing I can do. Maybe their family will be one of the lucky ones and nothing particularly bad will happen to them. I don't know. But it's out of my hands. I knew it wouldn't do any good but I tried to talk to them but then we just start going in circles and the conversation gets heated and then they have to go.

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to them we sound like lunatic conspiracy theorists. As if we told them that the shot would make them turn blue. There is nothing we can do to convince them otherwise, as far as I've seen.

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Yeah basically. They basically called me a conspiracy theorist. Nothing else I can do I don't think.

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You tried. That's about all you can do, and then pray hard. God be with you and with those children. It's sort of like trying to make someone listen to you tell them about Jesus or the Bible. They either listen and believe or they choose not to, and to their everlasting peril. I know because some of my own adult children refuse to allow me to speak to them about Him... refuse... and their children don't even know who God even is! Jesus is coming soon... all prophesied... all falling together in these end times.

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Tell them you love water but refuse drinking from a toilet.

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The current vaccine they are administering is against the original Wuhan virus, which is four mutations ago. Why are they vaccinating people with a substance that is obsolete and does nothing to combat the current mutation? Isn’t this what babies and toddlers are receiving since the FDA approved that age group? It doesn’t make sense.

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The Covid test is just a random-number generator. No virus has ever been scientifically demonstrated to exist or transmit between cohorts. Watch out for Nuremberg-style trials in 2023. Lead lawyer is Reiner Füllmich, who exposed the ongoing VW diesel emissions scam

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The problem is most parents won't hear this terrifying information, but instead, trust the medical authorities, who will (mostly all) recommend the BIOWEAPON.

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Is there a link to the source of Dr. Craig's data? The screenshots are helpful, but without access to the original documents aren't conclusive.

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Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting June 15, 2022

VRBPAC Briefing Document: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Amendment for Use in Children 6 Months Through 4 Years of Age


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66 pages of twisted pharmaceutical jargon that very few will ever take the time to read, much less argue for or against. That is why we need Steve and Alex and Dr. Malone, et al, to read it for us and summarize it. We have to trust them.

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I just posted this video to Facebook and within 2 minutes it was removed and they put me in FB jail. I'm going to reach out to every MD I know with this. Several are aware of what is happening but afraid to speak up. I'm speechless.

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I know it's tough for some people but just delete your Facebook account. I was on FB for years but reached a point a point where I could no longer be on a Fascist platform that censors anyone that challenges the status quo.

If you want change, deleted accounts really gets the attention of FB.

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I know Dr Clare Craig personally. We worked alongside each other for six months or more in 2020.

I diverted from HART on good terms, because I needed to say what I thought, that the entire event was planned & fake. That UK scientific & medical advice to UK government & the public consisted of nothing but lies.

HART wasn’t willing to go there.

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Oh wow, great information to know. I trust you wholeheartedly, Dr. Mike! ❤️

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Can also download Dr Craig’s video to your phone through the HART telegram page https://t.me/HARTgroup

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Thank you Steve.

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Here is Dr Clare Craig in a recent and rare 20 min debate (on GB news) on vaccine safety. Features actor John Bowe who is setting up a vaccine injury charity and talks as if he reads Steve Kirsch (!). (Oh yeah, and also features two doctors who argue against misinformation while lavishly spreading it around).


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FDA is no longer about health and safety, but corporate profits. It is a totally captured agency. It is worse than useless. After being a student of Professor Lee Thayer's corporate communications, I know the FDA must be disbanded due to the corruption of its culture. A totally new health and safety institution must be created by legislation to replace the FDA.

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blood clots, brain issues, heart attacks, unusual bleeding and issues with the ovaries followed up with loss of semen. Pretty sure this is Bill Gates' recipe for "over population."

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Modifying Steve's phrase, I'd say "...both completely incompetent and totally bought off."

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It's Fathers Day today and I think it would be appropriate for all of them to watch this video. Come on Fathers. Get off the couch, turn off the television, put down the beer and do something really proactive. Who else is going to protect the children except you.

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I wish I could get my grandpa to see this. (My dad died in 2018) He and his wife both got the useless shot and now I hear something about one of them having s blood clot...

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I spoke with a friend last night who told me his daughter, her husband and their infant child was sick with covid. The infant was sick only one night with a temperature of 103. They were told if it went to 104, go to the ER. It didn’t go over that. I am wondering if an infant’s temperature goes over 103, how common or uncommon, and how serious is that? I very much doubt it justifies the toxic spike proteins being injected into them!!!

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It is true that super high temperature is increasingly a concern.

BUT I don’t think the hospital has any special procedures to reduce their temperature.

Obviously the risk is that the child gets into convulsions & yes, hospitals surely know better than the average person how to manage that.


If the child has “Covid19” then they’re immune. There’s not the slightest need to vaccinate them, even if the agents worked (they don’t) & were safe (they’re not).

Please keep children well away from these useless, dangerous materials (“covid19 vaccines”)

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Dr. Yeadon, hope you are doing well as can be in this unprecedented world we are in!! Wondering if I could get your input on the following: A couple I know, she is unjabbed, and got quite sick last summer with covid (no hospital) and initially had only been given an antibiotic or prednisone. They weren’t helping bc by the 4th day she could barely get out of bed to get to the restroom. Becoming very concerned for her, I arranged through Frontline Drs. to get her hooked up with a televideo Dr. who prescribed about 4 meds. One was Ivermectin. Within hours she noticed some improvement. It took another 4-5 more days to feel well enough to return to work. Her significant other is at least double jabbed and got covid in December and was quite sick too. The strange thing NOW is she says she continues to get viruses and sick and he doesn’t. But, he is retired, and she isn’t, and she is constantly around customers and employees. What I am getting at is she says “covid ruined her immune system”. I am wondering if she is more likely experiencing “shedding effects” of covid jabs from her significant other, customers and employees and not that her immune system was still damaged from having covid last summer??? She is 59 yo.

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I guess Jesus had plans to kill people with vaccines. You people can't even realize that all of Big Pharma, the government elites, and Big Tech are run by the very god and religions you people support on Sunday, and not the Satanists you so often accuse. Let that sink in for a moment.

Jesus is a serial killer. Deal with it. I'm going to let you guys think I'm trolling.

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So you say. Nothing to deal with.

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Jesus was a healer of all persons including the poor, the disabled, those without money--definitely not a serial killer with vaccines. It is sad many religions fell into the narrative of fear from human leadership failures or WEF co-opting them. There are some Christian, Jewish, and other churches that have opposed COVID lockdowns from the start in both the USA and in Canada, and later vaccines, and this is documented by their illegal mistreatment by narrative enforcers. A very active resistance arm of the Catholic Church exists, questioning the legitimacy of the Pope's policies or their silence. Betrayals can be found in all groups of categorizations and pigeon-holing of population. Some people in any group continue to exercise free will thinking, including a very large number of progressives who moved over to conservative in early 2020. Let that sink in for a moment. Do not close down selectively on the facts. Snake venom in the vaccines, in Remdesivir, in so many OTC meds, in so many Bayer Pharmaceutical products, is the signature of Satan--a snake from the Garden of Eden. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit have placed humanity into inalienable freedom of free choice to the extent it does not interfere with other person's free choice which is the reason for the 10 Commandments and other directives. Humans can ask for guidance.

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You only convinced yourself of the things you're saying. Even without vaccines, people still die, are still poor, and your precious "god" still wasn't there. There are verses that contradict your claims.

"There are some Christian, Jewish, and other churches that have opposed COVID lockdowns from the start in both the USA and in Canada, and later vaccines, and this is documented by their illegal mistreatment by narrative enforcers. A very active resistance arm of the Catholic Church exists, questioning the legitimacy of the Pope's policies or their silence. Betrayals can be found in all groups of categorizations and pigeon-holing of population."

It's all a ploy to avert suspicion from the fact that all religious leaders are indeed complicit in the health scare, lockdowns, and later vaccines. Your "betrayal in all groups" argument rings hollow, since it only brings confusion.

"Snake venom in the vaccines, in Remdesivir, in so many OTC meds, in so many Bayer Pharmaceutical products, is the signature of Satan--a snake from the Garden of Eden. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit have placed humanity into inalienable freedom of free choice to the extent it does not interfere with other person's free choice which is the reason for the 10 Commandments and other directives. Humans can ask for guidance."

So you blame Satan for a crime he never committed, like any other Christian or Muslim would, but never see the evil in your own religious leaders. John D. Rockefeller, practically Bill Gates' predecessor, was a Baptist, a sect in Christianity, itself a Jewish sect. Bill Gates is a Catholic, and Fauci is a Jesuit, a follower of Jesus.

To drive the point home, Jesus in Hebrew is Yeshua, the son of Yehovah. There's nothing "holy" about the Holy Spirit you revere so much about. Positivity manipulates the human psyche in ways negativity never can. In conclusion, Jesus, Moses, Allah, and Yehovah are liars, thieves, and serial killers and you can't change my mind.


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Ant, forgot to take your meds???

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You're really asking this right now?

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Trolling? Probably. That's the "god of this world", not the "satanists" you misapprehend. (Supporters of God's prosecutor, and I say prosecution of the diabolists is way overdue! See https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/h1681/ )

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Quit fooling yourself AND me with your love-bombing. There are no diabolists. JD Rockefeller was a fucking Baptist (a sect of Christianity), and that went completely over your head. Christianity, the very religion that supports the Rabbi Jesus, supports the very vaccines that are killing people right now. Christianity is a Jewish invention, and yet you ignore this. My solution would be to have every Christian church, Jewish synagogue, and Islamic mosque shut down. Your love made you a pawn of the Jews' confusion campaign.

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"Love-bombing"? Is this some screwball misinterpretation of chesed? None who throw across? JDR perverted the Baptists, and was no "Christian". (Mighty few of them!) Jesuitry (Jew suitery) imposes the kill shots. What are you; Mills Crenshaw returned? Later (probably MUCH later).

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