Look at it this way. If you were filthy rich, and you really want to save the planet, for themselves. Decided 500 mil total population would be good.

How could you make that happen. War or nukes. To many left on the winning side. All the viruses together wouldnt work, and they might catch it themselves. Now a treatment if mandated, can be controlled, no survivors.

We see corperations, politicians, doctors scientists and the pope, pushing so hard. At all costs. They all think they will be one of the 500 mil allowed to live. The biggest threat is the world economic forum,

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After i read on the FDA site, the requirements to recieve emergency use authorization, their must be no other working treatment. This is why hydroxy and ivermectin had to be shut down. Profit before lives,

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Per design, check out all the healthy happy animals from the test studies...oh you cant they'er all dead.

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Dont see a col for future damage, skys the limit.

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Only to kill us! No injection called vaccine ever did any good: https://learntherisk.org/vaccines/


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Hey Steve, God bless you for being on top of this! Love your page!

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How many people know someone died after the Vax who had no other known issues? We need to assemble some data because we will never get the truth otherwise.

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OK, Buddy - my bad … it’s case rates and they don’t actually SHOW the raw data for Serious Events & Deaths because (as CDC said later, they’re all afraid that we will “misinterpret” the data and become afraid of getting vaccinated by their depopulation injection) the deaths are all a myth that VAERS is completely lying about …

LOOK it up! Oh, yeah, and remember that

Only 1-10% of actual typically gets reported, but you get on with your Bad Little Self.

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"my bad"? Everything you say should be followed by a "my bad" because it's all bullshit. You can't understand the differences between pages of a technical document and you're trying to act like an authority -- the only thing you can be an authority on is illiteracy.

Let's not lose sight of this being your spirited defense of Steve Kirsch, who was the first one to bastardize the ACTUAL contents of this scientific paper by COMPLETELY making up a graph and data that didn't exist in the underlying document! Scumbag!

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You are so WRONG.

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Karen's all-caps temper tantrum means everyone else is wrong.

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Maybe not, but you are commenting, so it's 90% that YOU are wrong.

You're Relentlessly Obtuse.

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Dude, perhaps it’s time to get your meds rebalanced???

So, even *IF* Steve Kirsch was the BIGGEST Lying Douche Bag on the planet (which he’s not, because that spot is Firmly held by Canucki$tan’s Dear Leader: Justine True-Dope!), it still wouldn’t change the inescapable FACTS of the overall context of the whole discussion … these Experimental DEPOPULATION injections CAUSE early DEATHS and serious & sometimes PERMANENT INJURY!!! And Governments, Tech Oligarchs, Corporations and quasi NGO’s the world over (WEF / WHO / CDC / FDA / insert Corrupt FreeMasonic / Luciferian org name here - I’m Looking at YOU!) are LYING through their teeth about it all!!!!!

What part of THAT do YOU not understand!?!?!?

That’s like screaming at historians and bickering endlessly about Hitler being a FASCIST vs a MARXIST - it’s NOT *either* it’s BOTH … “D” - ALL of the above!

But, either way, he was an EVIL Megalomaniac that used the EXACT same PR / Propaganda tactics & strategies (read Edward Bernays’ Classic material) as are being used on us all RIGHT NOW by Marxist / Fabian Socialist Left-Tards everywhere and WEF & Big pHARMa & Govt!


Not sure if you’re TRYING to be wilfully ignorant, RELENTLESSLY OBTUSE & Profoundly illogical or you’re just a Weirdo Troll out for some fun and venting his spleen … 🤨🧐😬🙄😱🤷🏼🤷🏼🤷🏼🤷🏼

Get a Life

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Just as you blindly follow Steve the Scammer, you blindly follow social media/internet memes to come up with your idiotic depopulation theories. You're a stupid person lost on the internet with no direction and no understanding.

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in Reply to DV Scott …

Yeah, whatever, Dude.

NOT buying your “age-standardized” bullshit detail-dodge/duck/dive/dismiss/detract/divert/delegitimization/defamation/deviousness.

We’re onto your game & HAVING NONE of it.

The original raw data already SHOWS the stats based on AGE!

LOOK again …


Oh, wait - seems that the PDF shows

Page 28 comes before page 30, batch, so most of you LAZY Marxist-Mind-Fu<ks won’t look past the Falsified “explanation / *interpretation*” to the REAL raw data, which is what was ACTUALLY RECORDED!

(Narrative Bias Confirmation ACHIEVED - Check! Nothing to see here, citizens - move along ….)

THAT would take actual thought, knowledge, skills and DESIRE to know The TRUTH.

But you Post-Truth IDIOTS have untethered from Logic, Real Science, objective reality & Absolute Truths so you assume everyone else fell into the same Self-Inflicted Mental Gymnastics Mind-Fuckery Trap - NO!

Only a complete Kabbalist/Scientism LeftTard would fall that Amateur Hour HORSESHIT!

Good Luck on your Luciferian Objectives 🙄🤪🤡🥸


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This is what it looks like when a total MORON has a TOTAL mental collapse. One second he's claiming we should look at the charts in this PDF, the next the total MORON is claiming it can't be trusted. When one's brain has been twisted up into knots due to cognitive dissonance, THIS is what it looks like.


Dumb idiot, page 30 is case rates. 28 covers hospitalizations and deaths. You've just proven you're an ILLITERATE idiot. You're in over your head, stupid moron. "Not sure what the basis for comments on page 28 was"...


The Cult of Kirsch is dumb indeed! Morons.. you've discovered nothing except how dumb you all are.

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LMFAO - yep, typical Marxist Mind F^ck Madness - can’t answer the objections raised item by item so out comes the ad hominem “arguments” - the second last bastion of the Relentlessly Obtuse!

Still never answered my actual points tho Paedo Power Puke

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What hasn't been answered is how you're STILL too stupid to be able to understand the differences between two separate pages of a technical document. You're incompetent. This entire blog and all its readers are the epitome of incompetence.

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LOL! Ya know, I was trying to understand WHY your RAGE was so palpable and got to thinking that perhaps I really did misunderstand something pretty BASIC, so reread the thread from the beginning, including the doc & charts and Lo & Behold - THERE it was …









Mia Culpa, Dude - ya got me. You deserve my most HUMBLE & SINCERE APOLOGY

… I. AM. S0. SORRY!


But only about the fact that the chart on Page 30 only referenced “Case Rates”, as you so clearly and, may I say, *Delicately* pointed out.


Nevertheless, you’re STILL DEAD wrong about the Vaxxes PROVEN LETHALITY, as witnessed even by PFIZER’S OWN BLA application DATA, which they and the FDA REFUSED to release for another 50-75 YEARS.

And by CDC’s recent admission that they, too, were hiding unfavourable data / stats because they “were afraid it would reinforce vaccine hesitancy” - Yeah, No Shit, Sherlock!

If that isn’t PAINFULLY Obvious to you by now, then I hope all your shares in Pfizer / Moderna / J&J / Merck Burn in Hell with you, as you’re obviously working for SATAN himself, … UNLESS you REPENT!

Jesus Loves You, anyway and He even DIED so you could be absolved of your sins and be reconciled to God - don’t trample on His Blood.🙏🏻

Have a good day.

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Dead wrong about lethality? I never mentioned vaccine lethality. Give us another "my bad", Gomer.

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Touche’ DVS, or should I say Devious?

But let’s not get all tangled up in semantic games - yes, you did mention Death.

And even IF you didn’t … why so sensitive, Devious???

Could it be you’re a paid Deep State Troll/Bot ???

Or just someone who enjoys watching people suffer …???

Guess we may never know because you found the 1 error I made but ignored the several I pointed out that you made. So, you’re not really trying to avoid looking disingenuous, are you now.


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HEY STEVE, why does page 28 of your own link state

• Age-standardised hospitalisation rates for COVID-19 are LOWER for people who have

received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals that

are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

• Age-standardised mortality rates for COVID-19 deaths are LOWER for people who

have received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals

that are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

( https://publichealthscotland.scot/media/11076/22-01-12-covid19-winter_publication_report.pdf )


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Wow! Brainwashed much?

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No he's not lying, I just did the calculations, for instance unvaxxed deaths vs vaxxed are roughly 21%/79% during December (normalized by age ; per 100k), basically 79% had at least one injection, his graph isn't in the report, it has been made based on the data IN THE REPORT, you can check this by yourself as long as you know how to do simple math calculations, but let's totally ignore his chart and focus on raw data directly from the document and address the question he asked which is perfectly relevant, how come these numbers show some benefit for 1 and 3 doses but not for 2 doses?

If you are to accept these statements:

•Age-standardised hospitalisation rates for COVID-19 are lower for people who have

received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals that

are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

• Age-standardised mortality rates for COVID-19 deaths are lower for people who

have received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals

that are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Then you necessarily MUST accept this one, there is no way around it:

Age-standardised mortality rates for COVID-19 deaths are higher for people who have received 2 doses COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals that are unvaccinated.

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Nothing from the two bullet points indicates 2 doses means higher chance of death than unvaccinated.

Whatever calculations Steve the Scammer put together are BS. Based on the data in the report, the TEAM of authors generated the above conclusions which are in line with other hospital systems worldwide.

The only conclusion that MUST be accepted is Kirsch has no idea what he's doing when it comes to spreadsheets and statistics. He probably doesn't have a degree and has no idea how to do logical apples to apples comparisons of populations. He's an opinionated joke with a large gullible following.

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You don't understand, you're basically quoting their conclusions without looking at the data nor understanding where their conclusions come from, Kirsch's opinion is irrelevant since we can look at the data, let's take the death rate of the first week of December to make it simple and easily understandable (better take the whole month and do the calculations yourself):

Unvaxxed: 5.56/100k standardized by age

Vaxxed 1 dose: 17.24/100k standardized by age

Vaxxed 2 doses: 9.44/100k standardized by age

Vaxxed 3 doses: 0.26/100k standardized by age

Based on these results: 0.26(3rd dose)<17.24 (1dose) ; 0.26 (3rd dose) < 9.44 (2 doses) ; 0.26 (3rd dose) < 5.56 (unvaxxed), the conclusion is:

"Age-standardised mortality rates for COVID-19 deaths are LOWER for people who have received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals that are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.".

If you accept this conclusion based on those numbers, then based on the same numbers:

9.44 (2doses) > 5.56 (unvaxxed) you MUST conclude that:

Age-standardised mortality rates for COVID-19 deaths are HIGHER for people who have received 2 doses of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals

that are unvaccinated.

The result is even more incriminating if you do the math for the whole month especially the third week (6.52 (2 doses) > 1.72 (unvaxxed)), so how come people with 2 doses die more than the unvaxxed?

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That data shows vaccines work. There's nothing incriminating about this.

In my original post I said these rates are easily skewed by older or immune compromised individuals who were double vaxxed.

Single vax reduces the size of the population we can call unvaxxed, yet we know a single dose does little to nothing.

If these people hadn't been vaxxed, the beautiful downward curve relating doses to mortality is close to perfect evidence they would've faced certain mortality with 0 doses, and stdized unvaxxed deaths would be far higher. This is like the 3rd party candidate (single dose) that steals votes (deaths) from the major party candidate (unvaxxed).

3rd dosers look practically impenetrable. Kirsch is NOT irrelevant. He's spreading lies in order to try to make vaccine efficacy appear poor, by cherry picking data and covering up superior numbers being observed by those with booster dose.

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The data shows these vaccines don't work.

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It shows the vaccines work. 0.26 deaths is in boosted populations... 5 deaths+ in unvaxxed. That means 20x more likely to die. Learn to count, you silly chimpanzee.

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Thanks for that - I am ready to bounce my CRAP-ple i(Can’t)phone off a concrete wall for all its quirks and absolute RANDOM operations!

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Vaccines work, are Safe and Effective as proven here:

At Murderna, we’re proud of our guinea pigs - we have you covered for the next viral assault (1 minute video):


At Schizer, we care about your kids and your pets (1 minute video):


Please renew your quarterly booster subscriptions to protect yourself, your pets and your family from the upcoming iDelta variant (We apologize for running out of the alphabet letters for the new variants - vaccines are breeding more variants than originally thought).

We care,

CEOs of Murderna and Schizer

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Yeah. American thing. I goofed.

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Steve Kirsch is lying. The link he provided at bottom of the image doesn't contain this graph. It's faked. Kirsch, you're a lying piece of trash.


The paper also says majority of people admitted were over 80 years old, presumably they account for most deaths, and are also likely vaccinated. This proves nothing but vaccinated elderly still remaining susceptible. Of course, since Kirsch hides age ranges and other data in his little fake graph, we don't know what he's looking at when making his completely bogus claims.

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LOOK AT PAGE 30 of the report referenced above … the numbers are SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER for the UNVACCINATED !

READ THE F’in REPORT and learn how to do statistical inference properly!

Either that, or STOP embarrassing yourself!

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Dumb idiot, transmission is irrelevant with Omicron, prognosis is relevant. The best part is how you dumb fools try to claim some of this official data is wrong, but then cherry pick official data to make your idiotic points. You're fringe, logic-less morons.



•Age-standardised hospitalisation rates for COVID-19 are lower for people who have

received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals that

are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

• Age-standardised mortality rates for COVID-19 deaths are lower for people who

have received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals

that are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

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Yeah, perhaps you should actually READ the chart on page 30 - not sure what the basis for comments on page 28 was, but they do NOT explain away the raw data / stats on Page 30 of same doc … Explain THAT to me ???

No worries, I’m not going anywhere - I’ll wait …. 😎🤷🏼🤪

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Dumb idiot, page 30 is case rates. 28 covers hospitalizations and deaths. You've just proven you're an ILLITERATE idiot. You're in over your head, stupid moron. "Not sure what the basis for comments on page 28 was"...


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I don't know Steve Kirsch personally, but he doesn't seem like the type who would feel the need to skew a graph in order to prove a point. There is sooo much other evidence that the vaccines are dangerous, causing Antibody Dependent Enhancement, and making things worse.


Are you aware of how much lying and deception takes place at the CDC?


And the FDA?


And the Gates Foundation?


Info on Antibody Dependent Enhancement:


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I asked WHY STEVE IS MAKING FAKE DATA. The sites you shared are more fake news, unverified urinals

Page 28 of his OWN link says

• Age-standardised hospitalisation rates for COVID-19 are LOWER for people who have

received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals that

are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

• Age-standardised mortality rates for COVID-19 deaths are LOWER for people who

have received a booster or 3rd dose of a COVID-19 vaccine compared to individuals

that are unvaccinated or have received one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine.

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LOL Looks like you're the one who follows Fake News. Baaaaa

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Oookay. Clearly nothing is going to convince you, so, I'll just tell you what you clearly want to believe: "By golly, you must be right" Thanks for opening my eyes.

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Vaccines are Safe and Effective as proven here:


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Just saw this on Telegram. Please help spread the word


Whilst we are all being distracted, plans are almost complete where under WHO dictates, every country is on the cusp of signing an agreement for managing future pandemics. This is due to be signed March 1st 2022.

“A convention, agreement or other international instrument that is legally binding under international law.”

Countries’ leaders are going to enter into an internationally binding legal agreement with The World Health Organization, which finally signs away OUR RIGHTS to the globalists. You read that correctly. The Corporations will be locking the doors of our cells behind us.


💉💀💉 t.me/AntiGates

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An intergovernmental negotiating body will now be constituted and hold its first meeting by 1 March 2022 (to agree on ways of working and timelines) and its second by 1 August 2022 (to discuss progress on a working draft). It will then deliver a progress report to the 76th World Health Assembly in 2023, with the aim to adopt the instrument by 2024.:

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What can we possibly do?

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