They are messing with the food supply already.

Heading for a Holodomor!

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What about my comment about shedding and Gates talking about putting MRNA into our food. That has not been explored or talked about much at all in these forums in my opinion.

The specific comment Tenpenny made, that I referred to, was an opinion she shared with Dr Lee Merritt after Lee shared with her concerns she had about being shed on patients she had treated.

I have heard Tenpenny on numerous shows and panels. I am not having a problem with anything she said. She is making money. So is Judy Mikovits and many others. The real fear mongering money "whores" are the NIH who owns so many patents that bring them mountains of cash. The CDC who is funded by big Pharma and the 1% of the 1% who made trillions from the phony government covid bills.

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Yeah, how do you give "informed consent" when the damned poison is being grown in our food supply? Whattanidiotic "idea." Sheeesh.

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What is if this is a weapon which can kill any jabbed in a targeted manner remotely via signal. So enemies can be killed one by one and the Sads epidemic is real but used as a smokescreen. Behind this screen nobody notices that some are killed giving them a heart attack. This is how you take out many inside the usa enemies which are spread out and which get identified more and more daily. How would you win a war where your enemies are inside the gate, are well hidden, are many? Only who is the targeted enemy and who has the kill button?

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Many people reported that metal can stick to their Vax injection area on their bodies too?

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It doesn't take much to remember the not-so-distant past when the FDA advisory board overwhelmingly approved the bi-valent booster program and the only data they had was that a handful of mice didn't die within a few days.

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The idea that evil, mad scientists are almost God-like and can create viruses that constantly circle the globe in a never ending cycle of terror is a total fraud. JJ Couey is the only one who has it right regarding the virus and our capabilities of actually creating the new 'invisible' terror.


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I have a co-worker who got the bivalent along with a flu shot, then proceeded to get covid. He'd also had 3 jabs prior to this. He had covid bad for 1.5 weeks and he still has not recovered. Every day he says he's struggling to get better, feels awful. Leaves early lots...

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Yep, those covid vaxxes really work great don't they.

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Help them: get them on at least Quercetin, zinc, Vitamin D3, C and a multi. If you can, let them know Ivermectin is better with the zinc.

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I like the first five items you recommended, but not Ivermectin or any other drug for that matter. I just prefer a natural route versus a drug route. Cheers.

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They won't tell you they don't work. They won't tell you they are dangerous. What they ARE now starting to tell you is that the young people dying of heart failure, well, it is due to heart damage from when they got OG Covid. I guess it takes two years for heart damage to show up.

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I will bet any amount of money on condition that if I lose, I don't have to pay you.

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"For by your sorceries (pharmakia) were all nations deceived." Is that a reference to vaccines?

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Don't forget that bit about strong delusions either...

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If the delusion weren't so transparent and and obvious, weak delusion would do.

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Father Malachy Martin talked about the loss of faith and how you lose it and once gone it is hard to recover. And when asked why this was a giant big deal he said: If you lose your faith in God/the Holy Spirit, then you no longer see man as a divine being with rights from God. And he went on in that vein for a bit. This is what the jabs did - they persuaded people who had no faith in God or had lost it and *did not know they had lost their faith in God!* into the jabs from concerns of 'jobs' and 'material things'. I came to understand what Fr. Malachy meant. And today - that is all around.

Discussing the 3rd Secret of Fatima (one page only of which he has read), he seems to indicate 'let slip' it is possible the next Pope will be an apostate - which describes in my opinion and those of many practicing Catholics - exactly our current Pope "Franics"- the apostate anti pope.

(What is an apostate? 2 definitions: One who has abandoned one's religious faith, a political party, one's principles, or a cause. OR One who is guilty of apostasy; one who has forsaken the church, sect, party, profession, or opinion to which he before adhered (used in reproach); a renegade; a pervert.

A renegade, a pervert, an oath breaker, no man of faith

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"Safe and effective"...right. Where have we heard THAT before?

What they "forgot to tell me" is irrelevant. I connected the dots early on and avoided clot-shots like the plague. I'm a "pure-blood" from the git-go and I'll stay that way.

With all the evidence of how dangerous these experimental "vaccines" are, it's amazing that there's ANYONE naive and gullible enough to want anything to do with them.

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Bad news: if you've been out in public rubbing shoulders with the freshly jabbed, you may not be a pure-blood any longer. You've been exposed to the toxic spike protein shedding. This has far-reaching consequences that we are only just beginning to understand, especially for (but not limited to) those of us who have had serious reactions to being exposed second-hand.

I.e., just because you haven't recognized something as being related to spike protein shedding exposure yet doesn't mean that you won't find yourself dealing with unpleasant results from this in the future.

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Not likely unless there's intimate behavior between an active shedder as Dr. Peter McCullough noted, it's not clear how long that may be problematic.

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Welp, that's why the preventatives ought to be on board. The IVM weekly/bi weekly, the fish oil and vitD3, the vit K1,2 and the magnesium and the Cliopetite (sp?), and yes if your body can handle it the NAC (too much Sulphur in it for me, have to tiny dose and build up)

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No. Words are cheap. Until you can PROVE the "serious reactions to being exposed second hand" were related to "covid", your allegations are specious and without merit. You offer no proof, and your "serious reactions" are just as likely to be the result of some other undiagnosed issue.

Posting this kind of crap on the internet only propagates the ongoing disinformation campaign about "covid" and the faux "vaccines", which is easily recognizable as the nonsense thinking people see for what it is.

I'm no more inclined to buy into the "toxic spike protein shedding" garbage than I was about the clot-shot propaganda from the beginning. Happy shedding....

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I never got any shots. My partner at the time did. Im 42. Had chicken pox bad when i was a kid. I got shingles days after having unprotected sex with her shortly after she received her shot. I cant prove it but i beleive it was related. Shingles used to be rare in people my age that had pox immunity. Maybe im wrong.

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No, you're quite right! According to friends of mine who are older and had reason to know, it used to be that frequent exposure to kids with active chickenpox helped increase the immunity of older generations to shingles.

Now; people are keeping their sick kids home and away from the grandparents and/or getting them the vaccines, which spread a mutated version.

I'm not surprised that you caught a version of the shingles from someone freshly vaccinated. I wouldn't have been surprised if just hanging out with them would have given it to you. Chickenpox is just that easy to catch.

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This does indeed need to be thoroughly and s-c-i-e-n-t-i-f-i-c-a-l-l-y investigated. It's worth a shot (pun intended). Calling people demeaning names won't prove that unvaxxed exposed to vaxxed unconditionally makes them horrifically, or even just a bit, ill. I'm not vaxxed, I spend plenty of time out and about The Holy Vaxxed and I'm not bleeding to death, clotting, stroking out, feeling "weird" (that's often anxiety attacks) or proving clinically ill from consorting with the dirty vaxxed.

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In much denial, there bud? Just because you don't believe it, doesn't mean it's not happening. Vaxed blood vs unvaxed blood, both showing up with little "ribbons" in fresh samples. You haven't heard of their "self-replicating vaccines"??

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Yes but, the thing is - you've not injected it, so a bit of time away, taking the cleansing protocols... and you the non vaxxed are back in the saddle - you've not breached your defenses. Its the poor sods making the stuff (cellular hijack) or mainlining via boosters that are really the ones that are suffering here.

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I liked what you said the first time around--before you edited it--a whole lot better than your current rude response.

Racklefratz, I'm one of thousands of unvaccinated women who, after being exposed to others who were shedding, experienced huge medical issues. In my case, it started as spotting, and then, as each new booster rolled out, became something much much worse. Last March, after exposure to someone who'd had four of the shots, I started hemorrhaging. It has only just in the last week and half finally stopped.

I've been so ill...

Talking about it with others has led to the info that it isn't just women suffering; men are getting seriously ill from being exposed to the shedding too, and their wives are concerned and scrambling to find remedies to help them. It isn't easy, though.

Even my good doctors who acknowledge that the vaccines are a huge disaster keep trying to find other reasons why this could be happening. They aren't trying to gaslight me; they're trying to find a way to help me. But the best and only help I've managed so far is to stay as far away as I can from people who are vaxxed.

If you want to be rude about me trying not to die of this, you go right ahead--I could really care less--but everyone's gonna see you for the total jerk that you really are.

Meanwhile, here's hoping that someone reads this post who needs to know that they aren't crazy and it isn't all in their head, and--they start looking for the help that they need with their own symptoms too.

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Too busy stowing the cash to worry about minor details like Safety & Efficacy!


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No text yet Steve!

Mick from Hooe (UK) unjabbed!

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I have to disagree with you Steve that nobody should take the new bivalent booster. Paul Offit should take it. David Gorski should take it. Biden should take it. Adam Schiff should take it. It should be mandated that they take it, not saline. In fact they should take it and then do a cardiac stress test on a treadmill and then have another booster, get on the treadmill again, and then have another booster. Rinse and repeat

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Booster, SCHmooster, nobody should get anywhere CLOSE to any of these toxins.

We still don't know the origin of all this stuff - communist China is a good first guess - but those of with still intact critical thinking skills see that the only reasonable course of action is to stay as far away from anything "covid", clot-shots, "boosters"....all that crap, is the sensible way to go.

Just stay as far away from all of it as you can - and you might actually get to live your life to die a natural death, unlike all the healthy young people dropping dead every day, "fully vaxxed".

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Communist China was definitely in bed with Fascist Uhmerukuh, specifically Peter Hotez of EcoHealth Alliance, which funded the GOF research at WIV and in turn got it's funding from (drum roll here) St. Anthony Foul-chi. Where have you been?

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Isn't the CDC also investigating reports of strokes associated with the new bivalent booster. If they're investigating it you KNOW it has to be BAD!!

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After an "extensive review", they've already dismissed finding any evidence of a safety signal for strokes. This happened by Friday evening.

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They're investigating themselves and will find they did nothing wrong and the jabs are safe and effective.

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I don't believe them that they're "investigating." They knew. They tried to cover it up. The cover up failed. Now they're whitewashing it. It's standard practice to do a whitewash after a cover up fails. If they didn't, Pharma would pay them less in secret commissions, bribes etc.

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The US federal government is now so infected with corruption and people who want to destroy America as founded that I no longer trust it to do anything right.

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Yet, the big employers are still requiring new employees to be "fully vaccinated" or apply for religious exemptions. Was looking at federal reserve Bank jobs yesterday, they are requiring it for new employees. Maybe they haven't received the memo on not mandating the vax?

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I think those "memos" vary by state - Florida, for example prohibits mandating clot-shots, but many other states still want to kill their citizens.

"Fully vaccinated"...has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? It's the new euphemism for "dumb as a box of rocks".

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Sounds like something a person would say about pet adoption, or animal husbandry. Sheesh. People are TONE DEAF. Their DOG is smarter.

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I now say "get boosted!" instead of that other rude word :)

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You are right, VA allows companies to make that decision. So the mandate is still openly coercing people with no jab-no job

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"Fully vaccinated-- " Isn't that what they say when referring to pets up for adoption, and herds of livestock? Remember these Most Famous Words of Wisdom From On High: "You're not a horse and you're not a cow. Seriously, Y'all-- Stop it." Truer words were never spoken. We need to stop behaving like herd animals and STOP It-- Stop getting vax after vax after vax and otherwise letting these A$$holes walk all over us and treat us as if we were livestock-- Seriously, "Y'all..."

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Fixed, fully vaxxed with papers, muzzled, chipped and contained. Humans are treated as lifestock. Soon also legally owned via patent. Soon bred externally like cows and eaten and harvested for organs. Killed when not needed. Remember lifestock has no rights and doesn't own anything but is fed and provided till death with a tiny controlled spot to live.

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Hahaha - very good!

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Steve I see more Mrna products advertisedon CNBC that are coming in the future. More vaccines with this new untested tech!! Is the issue with the Covid jab is it the Mrna technology itself that’s bad or is it just a symptom of the Covid jab itself.

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Will it still work having to go through the digestive system first? All that malarkey about the poison injections having to be kept a -70°C...

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Jabs will soon be a thing of the past. The future is in genetically modifying vegetables to produce mRNA to create Spike and also the new vaccines for other pathogens apart from just SARS-CoV-2. Biden is keen to get this happening. The idea is for you to get a booster every time you eat a vegetable. NON-MDNA vax vegetables and seeds up plies for them will disappear. You're still going to get vaxxed repeatedly. It just won't be through jabs.

Edible vaccines: Scientists studying potential of leafy greens as homegrown 'mRNA factories'


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WHERE'S THE INFORMED CONSENT PAPERS, over in the cabbage patch or did they get misfiled in the potato bins?

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Correction... Bidens puppet masters! Brandon doesn't have a clue what day of the week it is!

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A "thing of the past", UNLESS our representatives in Congress act to outlaw any attempt to poison our food supply with mRna or similar substances. mRna is genetic engineering, and it's the last thing we want to eat, OR be injected with.

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