Steve you are a true hero. But a hero's work in never done!

Please, would you consider setting up a dream team legal defense with funding we can all contribute to for the brave doctors with moral courage who saved 100s of thousands of lives by telling the truth and actually fighting this pandemic instead of euthanizing their patients as so many did?

I know many doctors were made complicit in the most wicked scheme ever devised before they knew what was happening, but the better ones knew something was horribly amiss early on.

Support for our Heroes is critical. Jeff Childers of Covid and Coffee just "multiplied" Peter McCullough with great success. And I am sure support for Pierre Kory and Dr. Marik is coming. We must guarentee it.....but there are so many others!

We cannot allow corrupt Medical Mafia Boards to destroy them.

Please reach out to the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons as well. Together, with the right legal team a parallel licensing structure that is honest could form in every state. And powerful attorneys could expose the corruption at the very heart of the Corona lie. That is the real answer, I believe!

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We absolutely must support these excellent doctors. I'll chip in.

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I really want the parallel licensing SOON! Then I'd know who is a good doctor and who isn't. At this point, there's no way to tell without putting your life in danger. This would be great for surgeons, too. I need surgery, but am afraid of what might happen, since I don't know how my surgeon feels about....you know.

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Are they using the NIH study done in Malaysia that claims ivermectin is ineffective to justify this despicable action?

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We have a team of lawyers who defend doctors threatened with delicensure. Please reach out and we will help. dan@fintechbank.co

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Hiding behind bureaucratic agencies is the deep state's (CIA"s, FBI's) mainstay.

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Horrific…more doctors will stay silent and that is exactly what they want! Fight!!!

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I really think we need a RICO act lawsuit with all these attacked and maligned doctors to be plaintiff’s and fight back against those that would threaten removing licenses simply for treating people with safe, long used approved medications, or for challenging the bargain basement vaccine science as a famed vaccine developer, Maurice Hilleman once called it.

I think it’s time to pursue removal of the medical licenses of the physicians on ABIM.

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In case you haven’t seen Russell Blaylock‘s article in the journal surgical neurology international published April 22, 2022 entitled Covid update: what is the truth?. This is a very powerful and well referenced article which outlines what’s really going on here, Which is really nothing less than racketeering to destroy anyone interfering with the medical/pharmaceutical industries murderous crimes against humanity.

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This is insanity! This gentleman deserves a medal!

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Offitt just got on NBC news and LIED LIED LIED

Saying thousands of children were hospitalized with Covid (tricky language meaning WITH a false positive not FROM a covid sickness)

He had a chance to repent but he chose money. His soul is gone.

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Jun 21, 2022
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I had a small run-in with Dr. Paul Offit's position on the toxicity of alluminum when I was perusing the Philidephia Children's Hospital website. Dr. Offit has a response to concerns about the potential toxicity of aluminum that indicated he did know anything about the chemistry of aluminum (themodynamics, kenetics, or biology). His position was that aluminum couldn't be dangerous because the average person ingests nearly 10 mg/day with no ill effects. Of course, he neglected, as I pointed out to him that most of the aluminum ingested comes in the form of clays and feldspars as dust or aluminum oxide on colored coatings on medications. Both clays and feldspars have aluminum locked in crystalline lattices and have extremely low solubilities and the kinetics of dissolution are very, very slow, geological time slow. Ksp's (solubility products) are typically on the order of 10 to the -33 or lower.

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Let's get this ABIM clown board to debate the doctors and you, Steve!

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Sue for damages against the ABIM while they are at it.

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This is truly horrifying.

Steve, please let us know if there is any way we can support these two incredible doctors throughout this process.

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Yes this one deserves a coordinated support campaign. This and Dr. Bowden and Dr. Marik's suit against the FDA for limiting ivermectin prescribing.

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Getting Tucker Carlson on board to do stories on the FDA's scandalous approval of the poisonous Shots for children as young as 6 months old would really get peoples' attention on the unspeakable crimes beginning committed to our most precious people of this world...babies and young children.

I would think he would be interested in covering this as...<<Is there anything more important and more critical than this?>> Anything?

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How can we help? Didnt know Dr McCullough was still at risk. Maybe Tucker can highlight. He did for Julian the other night. Pls let us know.

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These REPTILE BRAIN GLOBALIST WHORES shilling for Klaus and WEF need to be ARESSTED.

We have MASSIVE INFILTRATION of gub'ment and medical cartel at every level as does the rest of the west up here in CHINADA.

Christopher James and Marcus Ray with Mike Adams


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Why not counter-sue in a separate legal action for tortious interference with business relations/right to pursue livelihood? Sue each board member individually and in their role as a board member? Play offense as well as defensive. He could start a go fund me. With 70M of us at a minimal contributions, he'd have enough.

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Pure insanity and greed and criminal to go forward trying to revoke Dr. Kory's medical license. THOSE are the people that are domestic terrorists.

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