It is 2.5 years later and two papers appear on the same day?!? Should you believe it? I do not. Neither does Robert Malone or Chris Martenson. Here's why.
Biolab creation kills millions. Tactics from those responsible:
(1) "We didn't make the virus, it's from the market."
(2) Launch campaign "Viruses don't exist". (If viruses don't exist, we didn't make this virus). This distracts people who are on the trail of truth and discredits people who are standing up against them, stealing momentum from Steve etc.'s efforts that should be invested in legal prosecutions.
(2) "Amnesty" for people who murdered millions, countless miscarriages, infertility, lasting injury, billions in profits, heavily orchestrated lies.
(4) "Anti-science conspiracy theorist" name calling for anyone who is on the trail of truth
(5) Threaten doctors and cancel licenses when they refuse to participate in maiming and murder
Steve have you spoken with David E Martin on the 'patented' origin of the virus? He's got a paper trail on it that's highly persuasive. It's definitely a chimera and Fauci's prints are all over it.
Parts of it obviously from nature. Specifically from animal genomes. There's a document that details how they do this that was a written proposal by EccoHealthAlliance to DARPA called "defuse-project-rejection-by-darpa.pdf" that explains how they grow animal cells with human cells to create new genomes called recombinant chimeras.
And this is the dirty secret they don't want you to know, all cell based vaccines use this process when they attenuate live virus in cell based vaccines. This is what viruses are. This is what makes people sick. And as James Lyons-Weiller's COVID and Pathogenic priming paper brilliantly reveals, there are a number of immunogenic peptides shared by humans and animals that are very close homology, and this is what causes autoimmune induced diseases. This is substantiated by studies of vaccinated vs unvaccinated health outcomes. There are several studies showing this. A recent study by Greg Glaser and Pat O’Connell is eye popping.
Of course it's from a lab. That's not even a debate anymore except for those hopelessly uneducated about this topic. Interesting though, how the scammers have been lurching around like zombies with their messaging. Everything from the pangolin to the Fauci saying he was "always open" to the lab theory, now back to the infamous seafood market. You've had Newsweek, Daily Mail and others write titilating lab leak theory articles , but aren't they part of the propaganda machine? It's almost as if there is confusion and disarray within the deep state itself. You got to figure some of their own have been damaged by this scam as well since it looks like many of them have made the classic mistake of believing their own bullshit. Like the dealer who snorts his own supply. Meanwhile, people are waking up, albeit agonizingly slowly.
no matter if natural or engineered: do not inject this spike protein directly into your body as it makes your exhalation instantly & persistently smell fermented (unless other jab ingredients cause this, but please trust my nasal detection) whereas according to my olfaction the natural infection acts similar to regular colds/flus: days before symptoms show up fermented exhalation increases and vanishes with decreasing symptoms. yes, this c19 is strong, but nontheless not different from the other "clean-up" winter infections which to my lifelong observation seem to be sort of yearly maintenance "virus" (much clearer breath when healed/detoxed? maybe taste & smell loss to support fasting for more efficient healing and maybe therefore traditional highly infectious carneval with fasting till easter) - of course the more "virus"(?) you "upload" the more garbage you load off (and can overthrow your system), but maybe this is why bats (in their cold & wet caves / winterly environment) as main hosts grow so old (10 times older) compared to other kinds of their species... (maybe not a good idea to vaxx AGAINST such a potent anti-aging virus/protein/whatever, some of my naturally infected relatives had astonishing remissions of chronic issues whereas the injected are so far stuck in exhausting "fermentation"/anaerobic(?) metabolism with constant flareups of symptoms when slightly cold or stressed)
Please trust nature/god/allah/jahwe/whatever and don't go for "pharmtology" (btw so far dna/rna manipulations all led to infertile/damaged(!) F2-generations, costly distributed as hybrids in agriculture, lifestock often needs to be fed additional vitamin e to counter their blood clotting effects, read veterinarians observations, NOT GOOD that even the consumption leads to thick blood which then stays in the unreflective/dumb brainstem activating primitive emoting and the unbinary cloaka) and please reforest and don't fall for CO2-terror (plants need it & produce O2 to create H2O-clouds with hydrogen in the air - what a wonderful cycle): neither eroded Australia/NearEast/NorthAfrica/Iceland/Greenland had fossil CO2-issues before extreme climate conditions (hot days/summer, icy nights/winter, storms when windy or floods when rainy), but they all eroded their ground and every global drill core proves this (vanishing seeds & pollen before local climate changes - with global deforestation of course on a global level). and set up a high tax on unrecycable resources and the ever competing market itself will immediately resolve this issue without individual CO2-controlling and create a worldwide living minimum (not money but basic food & clean water and basic clothes & warm roof - nothing more, nothing less) would resolve the need to overproduce children as pension payers as finally nobody wants to live on an overcrowded planet destroying flora & fauna diversity around him. and don't ww3, come on, ask yourself why some countries are allowed to be autonomous (Taiwan/Nepal/Slowakia/etc) and others are not (Krim/Donbas/Lugansk), why the hugest exploiter in human history till today occupies even whole continents (North America & Australia with NZ - not forgetting all other "departements") instead of giving back authority, pay reparations (due to their customs system everything is well documented over centuries), leaving or renting from the rightful owners similar like practiced with Hongkong - maybe they hate China & Russia as they never allowed to be colonialized), why is Israel after 2 thousand years allowed to get back their territory they lived on for not even 2 thousands of years whereas Aborigines who survived for more than 50 thousand years got deported to Covid-Camps in this 21. century?? This is all so wrong and i am fully ashamed to be part of this "high-nosed west with its hypocrite ethical/moral values", i disgust each single "inside out rotten" politician & voter who supports this unfair system. something has to change basically for a worthwhile future for every actually existing human being but todays youth is busy electrifying their brain with touchscreens making them useful idiots by simply flattering them as young leaders and trusting artificial hormons & operations to seemingly find their true identity/nature/divine besides eating FAKE-food & living in FAKE-realities... :-/
@TaxDonkey (btw: ilove donkeys for their genuinely nice & far smarter character compared to horses, your nickname is predominantly why i reply)
to learn how to survive this "virus" its origin does NOT matter, but understanding that too much words are too much for physical/aerobic types (this are the ones who, to my olfaction, so far irreversibly switch - the cognitive/anaerobic types are already fermenting anyway, they just increase their inherent metabolism and almost never experience high fever or symptoms at all): eat just proteins & use some specific fats (milk fats or plant fats with vitamin e) and NO fermentable carbs as prevention and when infected fasting is best (CAUTION: this is NOT valid for natural fermenters (anaerobic/mental types), they need sugars/carbs, even alcohol & lard for proper metabolism > immunity(!), they are not even harmed by glucose infusions in ambulance what is a disaster & often complete breakdown for aerobic types but practiced in abundance as basic treatment in many emergencies)
i cannot give you any medical reasoning/explanation, give it a try/reality-check* (i just trust my nose as it never failed me guiding through any bs, this is also why i KNOW that covid was already late summer of 2019 in my country)
* from experience of correlating odor with physical/visual markers for decades (and since vaccination in early 2021 grocery stores during rush hour become more & more disgustingly stinking fermenting vats - not a good sign of what is going on and to expect in the long run): if you write your gender and dominance concerning hand/finger & foot/toe, eye & ear and your most liked & disliked flavours i might be able to give you a diet proposal which could fundamentally (depending on you actual status) change your life/health to prove that NEITHER the "virus" NOR its origin matters - everything is just about the milieu which is not even determined by genetics... (this is why identical twins can smell different, get differing diseases and have different sexual orientation)
"Conspiracy theorists" (a CIA coined derogative that they requested their press puppets start using in response to growing public disbelief in the JFK assassination narrative, c. late 1960s, revealed in paperwork obtained in a FOIA request).
2018 China was hit by bird flu kill off of chickens;
2019 China hit by swine flu kill off of hogs;
Oct 2019 world military sports games in Wuhan followed by Covid19 outbreak.
Keep moving - nothing to see here - move along now....
They ran the pre print months ago, front page on the NY Slimes. Hardly a wimper on numerous papers showing the lab origin recently. Not a shred of objectivity free from bias in the msm.
Good essay. Even as a layman, I "knew" (more honestly: judged what the greatest probability was) in Spring 2020, that the most likely origin of the virus was the WIV lab. Remember, this was a year before the FOIA emails or other supplementary evidence. I based my opinion largely on the known history of research of SARS-like coronaviruses at WIV and elsewhere (kind of hard to conceal years of published academic work), popular articles about how WIV collected bat viruses, and perhaps most importantly, upon the extremely odd behavior of Chinese authorities once the story broke.
I've been folowing the story closely from the beginning, and I've NEVER seen any credible claim that the virus came from a natural source. At this late date, what I find curious is that there apparently is a lingering effort to promote the natural origin claim, especially AFTER many in power had softened their stance in the past year or so, allowing that the lab might be the origin.
It's worth mentioning that there have been, and probably always will be, competing claims about the source of the virus. For example, Ron Unz thinks it was a covert op by rogue elements in the US against China. I'm not convinced by his argument, and to be frank, neither are most of his readers who vociferously debate the issue on his website. A deliberate release, of course cannot be ruled out, but to me it seems an accident is more probable. In support of a deliberate release however, as it became apparent the extent to which governments were "ready" for the pandemic (emergency laws, motives and especially the profit motive) I have allowed that there was a clear motive to "seed" the virus. Absent some exceptional development, I doubt we'll ever know the truth. We only have probabilities.
The reason why the gain of function is a hoax is because of furin cleavage: it can't be inserted into any known corona virus models in the lab. In other words, the supposed product of gain of function research - SARS COV2 - can't be replicated in culture as furin cleavage gets lost.
Do something real and use some of your 1M and sponsor the experiment. I know it can't be done because of quantum mechanics the law of conservation of quantum information...
Gain of function is not possible as per law of conservation of quantum information. In other words, you can't inject new information into an already existing quantum system...
What are your thoughts on CRISPR utilizing technology? What's your model for the relationship to these quantum laws?
I think its done somewhat blindly and primitively wrt to the holistic changes induced, but it does appear information is being added to augment minor attributes of biological systems.
I don't see the relevance... Isn't CRISPR supposed repair genes? Is so, it wouldn't be altering quantum information but rather rearranging it into an original quantum state IMV...
BTW: you can try to add biological information into a system. It doesn't mean it's going to be successful, just like in case of inserting furin cleavage into corona virus models...
Repair is only way to put it. What is really claimed is the editing of genes. With trial and error, scientists can cause the organism to express something exotic (ex: a luminscent / glowing trait imposed on a creature that normally wouldnt have such function)
If it came from a a bat naturally why weren't the bats all killed? We are going to risk another natural bat jump of a killer virus to humans by letting the bats continue to live? Makes no sense.
Why Viruses Happen Annually & How Viruses Dissolve
Written by Jeff Green
Alternative Nutrition/Researcher
October 4th, 2020
This happens yearly because the body, on a cyclical basis, is signaled to dump mass stored toxins. This occurs at the cellular level. Climate/seasonal changes bring about humidity and temperature changes which increase bioactive functions of cells, through moisture and/or oxygen absorption. These biochemical signals cause cells to release stored toxins—it is cellular processes being maintained through cell survival mechanisms; a sort of house cleaning. Bacterium also increases during colder months, as they flourish in the blood due to a lowered bodily temperature. When they proliferate, they feed upon debris in the tissue and blood.
When they consume such matter, they excrete it into a utilizable form for white blood cells and other cleansing cells, such as phagocytes, to further eliminate and or recycle for use by the body. The body discards 90% of toxins through the skin. The rest expel via the bowels, mouth, and mucus membranes. Depending upon the toxicity and nature of those substances, parasites or fungus may be utilized to help break them down. But when substances are too toxic for these living microbial agents to consume without dying, a non-living agent must be created by the body as a last resort. These are called viruses; enzymatic-like agents that break apart specific matter. They dissolve waste matter when tissue is too toxic for our living microbes to consume and eliminate.
Viruses are embedded in the core with mRNA and DNA, which is a biochemical lock-and-key system for communication purposes with white blood cells and tissue. Their outer covering is made of a protein coating; the capsid—which is a moisture coat (fat lipid bilayer) that is receptive to specific tissue through a kind of surfactant action. Surfactants are molecules that bond with each other to form sealed bubbles. This process is facilitated with the guidance of white blood cell antibodies. This coating, containing glycoproteins, acts as a type of magnet, repelling and/or attracting matter to and from. In enveloped viruses, once the matter is engulfed in the outer coating, the virus will gradually dissolve/disassemble that matter like a soap would break down grease from dishes using glycoproteins below the capsid surface. In non-enveloped viruses, viruses do not engulf into the lipid bilayer since their glycoproteins are not enveloped. Antibodies will bring matter to the virus as well. Both agents work together as a unit. Since viruses are not alive, they must have a guiding agent, thus, antibodies are utilized—viruses cannot fly or walk, and have no survival mechanisms. Antibodies are always used as facilitators of healing, which is a part of the infection process. If this were not so, we would witness every single person dying from mass cell infection 100% of the time; being non-discriminatory, yet, we do not observe this. Once the virus has broken down the matter and neutralized it, the body will expel it via the aforementioned routes
Biolab creation kills millions. Tactics from those responsible:
(1) "We didn't make the virus, it's from the market."
(2) Launch campaign "Viruses don't exist". (If viruses don't exist, we didn't make this virus). This distracts people who are on the trail of truth and discredits people who are standing up against them, stealing momentum from Steve etc.'s efforts that should be invested in legal prosecutions.
(2) "Amnesty" for people who murdered millions, countless miscarriages, infertility, lasting injury, billions in profits, heavily orchestrated lies.
(4) "Anti-science conspiracy theorist" name calling for anyone who is on the trail of truth
(5) Threaten doctors and cancel licenses when they refuse to participate in maiming and murder
Impressive response there, thinking of all the relevant aspects. Glad to hear you mention Moderna's patent. Respect!
"new studies agree" - don't trust people who hear pieces of paper talk to each other!
Steve have you spoken with David E Martin on the 'patented' origin of the virus? He's got a paper trail on it that's highly persuasive. It's definitely a chimera and Fauci's prints are all over it.
Parts of it obviously from nature. Specifically from animal genomes. There's a document that details how they do this that was a written proposal by EccoHealthAlliance to DARPA called "defuse-project-rejection-by-darpa.pdf" that explains how they grow animal cells with human cells to create new genomes called recombinant chimeras.
And this is the dirty secret they don't want you to know, all cell based vaccines use this process when they attenuate live virus in cell based vaccines. This is what viruses are. This is what makes people sick. And as James Lyons-Weiller's COVID and Pathogenic priming paper brilliantly reveals, there are a number of immunogenic peptides shared by humans and animals that are very close homology, and this is what causes autoimmune induced diseases. This is substantiated by studies of vaccinated vs unvaccinated health outcomes. There are several studies showing this. A recent study by Greg Glaser and Pat O’Connell is eye popping.
You may like this:
You can even download the redacted JAG documents recommending the refusal to fund the project.
Of course it's from a lab. That's not even a debate anymore except for those hopelessly uneducated about this topic. Interesting though, how the scammers have been lurching around like zombies with their messaging. Everything from the pangolin to the Fauci saying he was "always open" to the lab theory, now back to the infamous seafood market. You've had Newsweek, Daily Mail and others write titilating lab leak theory articles , but aren't they part of the propaganda machine? It's almost as if there is confusion and disarray within the deep state itself. You got to figure some of their own have been damaged by this scam as well since it looks like many of them have made the classic mistake of believing their own bullshit. Like the dealer who snorts his own supply. Meanwhile, people are waking up, albeit agonizingly slowly.
no matter if natural or engineered: do not inject this spike protein directly into your body as it makes your exhalation instantly & persistently smell fermented (unless other jab ingredients cause this, but please trust my nasal detection) whereas according to my olfaction the natural infection acts similar to regular colds/flus: days before symptoms show up fermented exhalation increases and vanishes with decreasing symptoms. yes, this c19 is strong, but nontheless not different from the other "clean-up" winter infections which to my lifelong observation seem to be sort of yearly maintenance "virus" (much clearer breath when healed/detoxed? maybe taste & smell loss to support fasting for more efficient healing and maybe therefore traditional highly infectious carneval with fasting till easter) - of course the more "virus"(?) you "upload" the more garbage you load off (and can overthrow your system), but maybe this is why bats (in their cold & wet caves / winterly environment) as main hosts grow so old (10 times older) compared to other kinds of their species... (maybe not a good idea to vaxx AGAINST such a potent anti-aging virus/protein/whatever, some of my naturally infected relatives had astonishing remissions of chronic issues whereas the injected are so far stuck in exhausting "fermentation"/anaerobic(?) metabolism with constant flareups of symptoms when slightly cold or stressed)
Please trust nature/god/allah/jahwe/whatever and don't go for "pharmtology" (btw so far dna/rna manipulations all led to infertile/damaged(!) F2-generations, costly distributed as hybrids in agriculture, lifestock often needs to be fed additional vitamin e to counter their blood clotting effects, read veterinarians observations, NOT GOOD that even the consumption leads to thick blood which then stays in the unreflective/dumb brainstem activating primitive emoting and the unbinary cloaka) and please reforest and don't fall for CO2-terror (plants need it & produce O2 to create H2O-clouds with hydrogen in the air - what a wonderful cycle): neither eroded Australia/NearEast/NorthAfrica/Iceland/Greenland had fossil CO2-issues before extreme climate conditions (hot days/summer, icy nights/winter, storms when windy or floods when rainy), but they all eroded their ground and every global drill core proves this (vanishing seeds & pollen before local climate changes - with global deforestation of course on a global level). and set up a high tax on unrecycable resources and the ever competing market itself will immediately resolve this issue without individual CO2-controlling and create a worldwide living minimum (not money but basic food & clean water and basic clothes & warm roof - nothing more, nothing less) would resolve the need to overproduce children as pension payers as finally nobody wants to live on an overcrowded planet destroying flora & fauna diversity around him. and don't ww3, come on, ask yourself why some countries are allowed to be autonomous (Taiwan/Nepal/Slowakia/etc) and others are not (Krim/Donbas/Lugansk), why the hugest exploiter in human history till today occupies even whole continents (North America & Australia with NZ - not forgetting all other "departements") instead of giving back authority, pay reparations (due to their customs system everything is well documented over centuries), leaving or renting from the rightful owners similar like practiced with Hongkong - maybe they hate China & Russia as they never allowed to be colonialized), why is Israel after 2 thousand years allowed to get back their territory they lived on for not even 2 thousands of years whereas Aborigines who survived for more than 50 thousand years got deported to Covid-Camps in this 21. century?? This is all so wrong and i am fully ashamed to be part of this "high-nosed west with its hypocrite ethical/moral values", i disgust each single "inside out rotten" politician & voter who supports this unfair system. something has to change basically for a worthwhile future for every actually existing human being but todays youth is busy electrifying their brain with touchscreens making them useful idiots by simply flattering them as young leaders and trusting artificial hormons & operations to seemingly find their true identity/nature/divine besides eating FAKE-food & living in FAKE-realities... :-/
stopped reading at the first sentence.. Yes, it does matter that it was engineered.
@TaxDonkey (btw: ilove donkeys for their genuinely nice & far smarter character compared to horses, your nickname is predominantly why i reply)
to learn how to survive this "virus" its origin does NOT matter, but understanding that too much words are too much for physical/aerobic types (this are the ones who, to my olfaction, so far irreversibly switch - the cognitive/anaerobic types are already fermenting anyway, they just increase their inherent metabolism and almost never experience high fever or symptoms at all): eat just proteins & use some specific fats (milk fats or plant fats with vitamin e) and NO fermentable carbs as prevention and when infected fasting is best (CAUTION: this is NOT valid for natural fermenters (anaerobic/mental types), they need sugars/carbs, even alcohol & lard for proper metabolism > immunity(!), they are not even harmed by glucose infusions in ambulance what is a disaster & often complete breakdown for aerobic types but practiced in abundance as basic treatment in many emergencies)
i cannot give you any medical reasoning/explanation, give it a try/reality-check* (i just trust my nose as it never failed me guiding through any bs, this is also why i KNOW that covid was already late summer of 2019 in my country)
* from experience of correlating odor with physical/visual markers for decades (and since vaccination in early 2021 grocery stores during rush hour become more & more disgustingly stinking fermenting vats - not a good sign of what is going on and to expect in the long run): if you write your gender and dominance concerning hand/finger & foot/toe, eye & ear and your most liked & disliked flavours i might be able to give you a diet proposal which could fundamentally (depending on you actual status) change your life/health to prove that NEITHER the "virus" NOR its origin matters - everything is just about the milieu which is not even determined by genetics... (this is why identical twins can smell different, get differing diseases and have different sexual orientation)
"Conspiracy theorists" (a CIA coined derogative that they requested their press puppets start using in response to growing public disbelief in the JFK assassination narrative, c. late 1960s, revealed in paperwork obtained in a FOIA request).
2018 China was hit by bird flu kill off of chickens;
2019 China hit by swine flu kill off of hogs;
Oct 2019 world military sports games in Wuhan followed by Covid19 outbreak.
Keep moving - nothing to see here - move along now....
They ran the pre print months ago, front page on the NY Slimes. Hardly a wimper on numerous papers showing the lab origin recently. Not a shred of objectivity free from bias in the msm.
Good essay. Even as a layman, I "knew" (more honestly: judged what the greatest probability was) in Spring 2020, that the most likely origin of the virus was the WIV lab. Remember, this was a year before the FOIA emails or other supplementary evidence. I based my opinion largely on the known history of research of SARS-like coronaviruses at WIV and elsewhere (kind of hard to conceal years of published academic work), popular articles about how WIV collected bat viruses, and perhaps most importantly, upon the extremely odd behavior of Chinese authorities once the story broke.
I've been folowing the story closely from the beginning, and I've NEVER seen any credible claim that the virus came from a natural source. At this late date, what I find curious is that there apparently is a lingering effort to promote the natural origin claim, especially AFTER many in power had softened their stance in the past year or so, allowing that the lab might be the origin.
It's worth mentioning that there have been, and probably always will be, competing claims about the source of the virus. For example, Ron Unz thinks it was a covert op by rogue elements in the US against China. I'm not convinced by his argument, and to be frank, neither are most of his readers who vociferously debate the issue on his website. A deliberate release, of course cannot be ruled out, but to me it seems an accident is more probable. In support of a deliberate release however, as it became apparent the extent to which governments were "ready" for the pandemic (emergency laws, motives and especially the profit motive) I have allowed that there was a clear motive to "seed" the virus. Absent some exceptional development, I doubt we'll ever know the truth. We only have probabilities.
Is Kristian Anderson back on Twitter? What a clown
“It's all the same cast of shithead virologists. The conflicts of interest are legendary”
The reason why the gain of function is a hoax is because of furin cleavage: it can't be inserted into any known corona virus models in the lab. In other words, the supposed product of gain of function research - SARS COV2 - can't be replicated in culture as furin cleavage gets lost.
Do something real and use some of your 1M and sponsor the experiment. I know it can't be done because of quantum mechanics the law of conservation of quantum information...
I'm interested. What is the relationship between quantum models and the gain of function required for this claim to be technically possible?
Gain of function is not possible as per law of conservation of quantum information. In other words, you can't inject new information into an already existing quantum system...
What are your thoughts on CRISPR utilizing technology? What's your model for the relationship to these quantum laws?
I think its done somewhat blindly and primitively wrt to the holistic changes induced, but it does appear information is being added to augment minor attributes of biological systems.
I don't see the relevance... Isn't CRISPR supposed repair genes? Is so, it wouldn't be altering quantum information but rather rearranging it into an original quantum state IMV...
BTW: you can try to add biological information into a system. It doesn't mean it's going to be successful, just like in case of inserting furin cleavage into corona virus models...
Repair is only way to put it. What is really claimed is the editing of genes. With trial and error, scientists can cause the organism to express something exotic (ex: a luminscent / glowing trait imposed on a creature that normally wouldnt have such function)
Do you consider this a repair?
You either don't understand what a gene is or what gene editing means, I think both.
Wuhan Institite of Virology not far from this place:
666 (How's that for a coincidence and inauspicious address) Gaoxin Road East Lake High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, 430075, China
With these guys as 2 of the main investors in the company via Gilead:
Wuxi also been buying up US and UK gene editing companies a few years back and this on their website: - who are doing gene treatments for arrythmia and heart failure
Here's their Principal Scientist: "Weiheng has been central to developing OXGENE’s viral vector systems including recombinant Adenovirus"
Yet more coincidences.
If it came from a a bat naturally why weren't the bats all killed? We are going to risk another natural bat jump of a killer virus to humans by letting the bats continue to live? Makes no sense.
Why Viruses Happen Annually & How Viruses Dissolve
Written by Jeff Green
Alternative Nutrition/Researcher
October 4th, 2020
This happens yearly because the body, on a cyclical basis, is signaled to dump mass stored toxins. This occurs at the cellular level. Climate/seasonal changes bring about humidity and temperature changes which increase bioactive functions of cells, through moisture and/or oxygen absorption. These biochemical signals cause cells to release stored toxins—it is cellular processes being maintained through cell survival mechanisms; a sort of house cleaning. Bacterium also increases during colder months, as they flourish in the blood due to a lowered bodily temperature. When they proliferate, they feed upon debris in the tissue and blood.
When they consume such matter, they excrete it into a utilizable form for white blood cells and other cleansing cells, such as phagocytes, to further eliminate and or recycle for use by the body. The body discards 90% of toxins through the skin. The rest expel via the bowels, mouth, and mucus membranes. Depending upon the toxicity and nature of those substances, parasites or fungus may be utilized to help break them down. But when substances are too toxic for these living microbial agents to consume without dying, a non-living agent must be created by the body as a last resort. These are called viruses; enzymatic-like agents that break apart specific matter. They dissolve waste matter when tissue is too toxic for our living microbes to consume and eliminate.
Viruses are embedded in the core with mRNA and DNA, which is a biochemical lock-and-key system for communication purposes with white blood cells and tissue. Their outer covering is made of a protein coating; the capsid—which is a moisture coat (fat lipid bilayer) that is receptive to specific tissue through a kind of surfactant action. Surfactants are molecules that bond with each other to form sealed bubbles. This process is facilitated with the guidance of white blood cell antibodies. This coating, containing glycoproteins, acts as a type of magnet, repelling and/or attracting matter to and from. In enveloped viruses, once the matter is engulfed in the outer coating, the virus will gradually dissolve/disassemble that matter like a soap would break down grease from dishes using glycoproteins below the capsid surface. In non-enveloped viruses, viruses do not engulf into the lipid bilayer since their glycoproteins are not enveloped. Antibodies will bring matter to the virus as well. Both agents work together as a unit. Since viruses are not alive, they must have a guiding agent, thus, antibodies are utilized—viruses cannot fly or walk, and have no survival mechanisms. Antibodies are always used as facilitators of healing, which is a part of the infection process. If this were not so, we would witness every single person dying from mass cell infection 100% of the time; being non-discriminatory, yet, we do not observe this. Once the virus has broken down the matter and neutralized it, the body will expel it via the aforementioned routes
Read more here:
BS!!! The fake virus came out of Dr "King of Quacks" Fubar's ASS!!!!!!
Dr. Fauci Predicted a Pandemic Under Trump in 2017
A _surprize!_ pandemic, no less.
And he also new it wuold be pretty disrupting.