As the song goes 'The truth hurts", and boy o boy does it ever. The poor delicate creatures ay OFCOM cannot handle the truth: they're effectively admitting to lying big time, and there was silly old me thinkin' Duh, that sounds a lot like that misinformation / disinformation / malinformation (MDM) thingie they're on about.

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We no longer live in a world of logic, reason, fairness, or where truth matters.

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Seriously, does anyone know if they can be sued or investigated or something for knowingly suppressing factual, truthful information that has the ability to save lives?? That should not be possible. If it's true, factual information no one should be able to censor it.

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Let's see how stupid we are. There are 2 -now FDA approved covid boosters that were never tested on humans. Just 8 mice that are all dead now. The FDA officials that approved the boosters' own stocks in pfizer and moderna. Please take the boosters - we need to cull out the stupid.

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There is no justice in the UK on these matters. Remember, libel of the government is a crime, not just EVEN if you are telling the truth (which isn't libel by our definition), it is considered WORSE if you are telling the truth about them.

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The Public relations fallback position is that "sure it may not prevent transmission, but it prevents death" Problem is according to Great Britain, Isarel and other countries the covid jabbed are more likely to be hospitalized and die than those with natural immunity.

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Whatever you think of her use of the Moog, M.I.A. isn't toeing the line either. She joins Ariel Pink, Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, others on the topic of vaccine propaganda:


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"She joins Ariel Pink, Van Morrison, Eric Clapton, others on the topic of vaccine propaganda"


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I am all for the mrna injection for those that want one. They work just great. They don't prevent infection, or transmission and according to studies from Great Britan and Isarel the covid jabbed are far more likely to be hospitalized and die than those with "natural immunity" So 'everybody go out and get their 5th booster. But keep them away from me and my family.

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Steve, Are you going to put out a voter’s guide? Here is mine for California. Vote Republican for all offices to effect change. No on all propositions. Vote against any school board candidate endorsed by teachers union or any that agreed to prolonged school closure.

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In the last 3 years there has been a coordinated assault on the "truth" A lot of mortal relativists say there is no "absolute truth" In my mind sociopaths like toni facui and bill gates exist to destroy truth among other things.

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From "the truth will set you free" to the "truth is harmful." 1984.

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Here is the update on CHD.TV of Dr. Nass speaking about her first Hearing on Oct. 11, 2022 regarding the proposed revoking of her Medical License for spreading "misinformation" and other since debunked "crimes". Her second Hearing will be on Oct. 25 - https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/good-morning-chd/oP3pZGapbn?utm_source=email&utm_medium=salsa&utm

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"San Francisco either has a huge homeless problem or it's a giant camping success story."

-Rob Schneider

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I was in Portland OR six months ago and there are miles of tents and homeless. Lots are drug addicts and alcoholics, but lots were just regular people that could not afford to pay 1700$ for a one-bedroom apartment.

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With Ron Johnson apparently on the verge of defeat in Wisconsin things are not looking good ...

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I think he's alright. He's currently, as of noon today, up about 3 points conservatively and trending positive. He is a bellwether. Six years ago he switched from a political strategy of compromise with the Democrats to purely partisan no-compromise politics.

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Ron is a good man but the powers that be are terrified of him. They will do anything to kick him out of office- that includes election fraud.

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Am watching what happens. He should win and if not, I'll be thinking fraud.

With vote flipping programs and other trickery the machines are easily hacked. The fail-safes are not robust; the system is old and creaky. Am not down with Trump having had the election stolen, but it's possible.

Nevertheless, I envision a war room hooked to every precinct with real time monitoring of vote counts and the ability to tweak vote returns with precision, to push the election one way or the other just enough to win but not raise suspicions. The NSA/CIA could do this now. Maybe China could too. Not so difficult. Both sides may have their war rooms compete against each other. Would make a good movie, "The Manchurian Election."

It is also happening now that Google (who knows your ideology better than you do - it's in your file) presents search engine results to nudge hundreds of thousands of votes whichever way they want and they can do this by precinct. This is termed the "search engine manipulation effect." A psychologist (Robert Epstein) studied this and was surprised to find millions of undecided votes were Google influenced with a major effect. This is all prior to actual voting. In our sham-democratic system the People do not decide (they just think they do) - instead the media programs People to vote according to their special interests. We are all manipulated and played like a fiddle, and we don't even know it.


A primary problem in our post-truth infowar society is nothing is as it seems, even in your head. What you think you know for sure is wrong, what you think is important is inconsequential, and what you believe is unimportant is very important. The people behind the curtain can change all that as circumstances change. Everyone on the grid is affected, no one is an independent thinker. I see this as the mark of an advanced Ai. It's all happening below your awareness.

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Marquette Law School poll from two days ago had Johnson widening his lead to a 6 point lead for what its worth.

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Cost/Benefit for Monsters:

We are careening toward the Great Reset for pennies on the dollar. Consider the massive savings that governments reap by simply paying out a measly funeral expense versus paying out a retirees pension and other benefits? And think about how those murdered by the “vaccine” discharge their assets and savings to their indebted heirs who will invariably spend that money back into the bankster system.

The UK is now running a similar program, and many other nations will soon also be extending token bribes such that government and corporate savings will be astronomical.


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OTOH - it is something like 500k per pop to treat an ICU Covid patient and how many will now be on disability payments for extended periods of time or perhaps life, not to mention all the increases in health care spending to treat chronic or acute injuries? Meanwhile, as they crush the economy through their Covid and reset policies, they decrease their tax revenue. I don't know if it makes sense from a net financial position. Of course, they could just be incompetent too, which sort of goes without saying.

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“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley

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