I’m in green card process and they added covid to list of mandatory vaccine. We have till august to submit medical. I don’t know what to do. I can’t give this to my kids but also can’t pay the $930 per person to get an exemption.

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You don't understand the waiver process. It is not simply pay $930 for the I-601. If you want the government to approve the waiver, you have to submit an argument to the government showing your reasoning for requesting the waiver. This is hard (almost impossible) to do without an immigration lawyer. You can expect to pay $4-6K for that work.

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Oh wow I didn’t know that! Even more hopeless. 😢

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What a horrible set of “choices”. We will pray for you and your family.

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Thank you please do. I really need all the people praying that I can get

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Steve. I was talking to my friend yesterday. Her daughter had to go get special test because she is pregnant. 36. Considered at risk I guess. Used to be 40 and over were at risk but whatever. Her daughter is all vaxxed up. All JW’s are because they were persuaded to do the right thing by their religious leaders. Anyways. Her daughter found out she has this rare problem with her umbilical cord. Not enough gel in it or something weird. I guess like 4% of pregnancies have it. She will have to be watched. Of course very concerning. All I could think was. Vaccines!, I just can’t help myself. But one will never know. That’s the beauty of these vaccines. No data. No way to tell. Sad sad sad.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Check out the latest uk monthly live birth data. Table 6:


Notice anything odd? Live births have been dropping from their peak. Down 20% by February the last month reported to date. Seems the vax impacts first trimester but not 2nd and 3rd. The falloff in live births exactly lines up with when first trimester women were starting to get shots.

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If this holds then I’d ballpark 60k babies never born in uk due to vax. 300k in usa and 600k in Europe.

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That’s tragic!

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Tragic - by design. Which is criminal. Of course corrupted authorities and courts will never accept it.

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Keep up the good work, Steve. I don't know how you keep vigilance over this sorry affair and maintain your sanity. You're a better man than me. Keep your sense of humor and as Bobby Kennedy says, let's go to war!

Paul Miller

Nashville, TN

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"COVID-19 injectable bioweapons as case study in legalized, government-operated domestic bioterrorism. Or: why there won’t be any civil suits, or compensatory damages for injured victims or survivors of dead victims.".....worth reading and reflect !!!! "FDA is not pulling the EUA products from the market or stopping the ‘vaccination’ campaign because Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra and FDA Commissioner Robert Califf are running the US government’s bioterrorism program jointly with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Department of Justice Attorney General Merrick Garland, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Majorkas, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Moderna CEO Stephane Bancel, and World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.".......https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/american-domestic-bioterrorism-program?utm_medium=ios

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Or don't breathe deeply around the jabbed victims or touch their skin! Maybe we should be warning

about THESE because of what Pfizer documents revealed about them. I post publicly on MeWe.


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Bolsters desire to arrange security for all Including pregnant women via the cooperative I have discussed that and the UNODOC ,DEA,Army C.I.D, National Guard Anti Drug Program Units through government grant funding. The security cooperative might be more easy as just a purchased of security uniforms abd paying each other as body guards is sufficient as would painting own personal vehicle as security or in UNODOC colours white with blue rectangular decal with just U.N Charter required. Same for perssonel security show up ide tiny reasons rejecting as being own security suggest fo anyone there they can leave as contravention if Nuremburgh code on crimes against humanity. Offer services and if supply attitude could leave or if hired remove them but perhaps need to remove for proper enforcement in which case conflict with police so perhaps degree in community mental health and straight jackets approach or tie attitude types fo a chair and gag them then lock doors and put pad lock on after ejecting everyone abd chain the doors to the clinics. Remand attitude types to psychiatric examination at mental Institute . Those injecting are not the people who need to be gagged but might be family members insisting pregnant women and family members get the injection.

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Whaaat? I must have had too many cocktails.! What the hell was that?

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Studies on pregnant women were announced by Pfi late February 2022... two months after thousands of them have been jabbed for their doctors saying it was safe. How could they know?...

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That's right, CDC said safe and effective, without any data, cause there was none at the time!

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Funny, I was just thinking and talking about this very conversation. Hmm.. I have not heard anything.

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Dr. Naomi Wolf reported that of the 270 people that got pregnant during the Pfizer trials... Pfizer has lost track of 230 of them - ya know - so tough to keep track of people these days. She also stated that the actual pregnancy 'trial' was on 42 rats for 44 days. To tell pregnant women 'safe and effective' is beyond reprehensible. Inexplicable? Just plain evil?

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That was quite an unethical rat study, as the vaccine had not been fully tested on be pregnant humans yet.

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It was unethical for more reasons than that, too! They didn't even adequately study the impact on those poor rats and rat babies.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

Plus, I'm sure the rats did not give informed consent. Probably the same goes for the humans, although perhaps their boilerplate agreement covers all possible consequences.

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Jun 19, 2022·edited Jun 19, 2022

True, hapless lab animals never give consent! And we know that most, if not essentially all people simply heard that parroted line, "It's safe and effective!" (I actually see a parrot in my head squawking "safe and effective" repeatedly every time I hear someone say it now.) And then they were told they might have a sore arm or a fever. Nothing more.

That lack of detailed information is unconscionable even when it involves an "approved" medical intervention, but it's absolutely criminal when it's an experimental one.

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"Just plain evil" nails it.

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Steve, I definitely appreciate the work you’re doing regarding the shots and glad to see you’re now delving into pregnancy. I follow FLCCC doctors and their zoom on Wednesday was with Dr. Thorpe, an ob/gyn. Nobody should get these shots much less a pregnant woman.

I have a question about blood donors. I believe you made a comment on the “clots” that are being found during autopsies on the vaxxed and those people that have received blood transfusions. Could you take that info farther and learn why they are taking donations from the vaxxed and giving the blood to the Unvaxxed with transfusions? The pessimist (today’s common sense) in me says it’s just another way of trying to kill us and lower the population. What are your thoughts and/or anybody who reads this comment?

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That's a great question Jill, I've been wondering the same thing and I really haven't read much about this. I've seen some questions, but no significant answers.

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Exactly. I knew I wasn’t the only one but nobody talks about it. SMH.

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Are pregnant college students mandated to take the shots? For whatever reason I decided to look at old university Reddit posts where the students seemed super willing to take the shots and thought anyone that didn’t was a fox loving ignorant antivaxer. That got me thinking about pregnant students- the ones that actually questioned the safety of the jabs.

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Steve, while the work you’re doing is phenomenal, it’s falling on deaf ears presumably because of your new image in the Covid era. Perhaps you could proposition someone else with high credibility in the medical field who is generally on the side of the establishment to engage in your lines of questioning and analyses while keeping their relationship with you a secret? Any association with you will likely turn them off and tune it out immediately. Thank you 🙏

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This is called "appeal to authority" fallacy.

Most critical thinking people are immune to it. The sheep are not. That's why the narratives are still believed, even though a few hours of research can decidedly obliterate the narratives.

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

FYI: For those keeping up with medi-cal billing for covid jabs, California Medicaid (aka Medi-Cal) is now reimbursing for 2nd booster. See here: https://i.imgur.com/ymBe8nQ.jpg

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

Has anyone filed a waste, fraud, and abuse report? But hey; it's a "benefit" if it reduce the number of devil rats and stoners.

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UGH... but i thought it was all FREE?

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Never a free lunch. But they could still make it free to everyone... for those working uninsured or even working insured, but no vax coverage, you can bill it all under "Presumptive Medi-Cal". Loop holes galore. It's all a big pharma and gov't scam to keep the machine nice and oiled and running....

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Nothing to see here! Women have always had miscarriages. Just another Covid coincidence definitely not caused by the vaccine.

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you missed the entire point of the article. they have the data. they aren't publishing it. why would they do that if it shows the vaccines are safe.

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Steve, I’m being sarcastic! I completely agree with you.

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Steve just like other folks here unable to join the dots; you know better than most that as Chris Carter said every week a couple of decades or so ago"the truth is out there". Here in the UK, UKHSA/ONS have stopped publishing key data, and where they have done so about certain effects of the jabs/SARS COV 2 on those "vaccinated" vs "vaccinated" they state that conclusions as to cause and effect should not be made as it is more complicated and Joe Soap aint bright enough to understand the nuances - not verbatim but words to that effect. Which means that the obvious conclusion e.g. the vaccinated are driving the mutations of , say, Omicron or that the hospital wards are full of unvaccinated as was reported some time ago was not born out in the totality of the data... its similar to those espousing "peer review" status as some form of gold standard but without being willing to examine how corrupt that process has become , how endemic it is/has been and therefore is discredited and has to be replaced by an impartial Cochrane type assessment, banning conflicts of interest on the part of those examining "peers". "King's new clothes" all over again. IMHO.

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Read this and reconsider: https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/11/07/cdc-scientists-admit-they-did-manipulate-study-data-to-show-the-covid-19-vaccines-are-safe-for-pregnant-women/

If the CDC admit to what appears to be gross professional misconduct (and if the guilty CDC people are Doctors who signed the Hippocratic oath that is even worse) at the very very least, by wilfully misrepresenting a key study's results - for what purpose????? - who are you to opine in the manner above? If you consider the CDC ( as well as UK MHRA and EU EMA ) are wrong here you can speak to the two NZ doctors directly. In the UK the JVCI mysteriously backtracked on their professed doubt that these jabs were necessary for children 12- 15 in 2021 only to roll over later in 2022 - no evidence that children are statistically impacted or spread it and this has been evident for a long time. Given the known harms these jabs do - not to all but with sufficient prevalence to be very very concerning - how on this earth can professional people expose babies and juveniles in this way? Crime of the millennium for me.

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Steve willing to debate AA? 😉

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Don’t make me go all Alex Stein over Steve!

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Dr. McMillian article this week on Thaylidomide in vaccines given to pregnant women interesting. Sounds of Silence by some then too.

100Million donated to AMA decades ago, can silence many souls that sell theirs. Keep rising above and saving your soul.

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