The Texas miracle
Unvaccinated people 20 times more likely to die from COVID-19, Texas data shows. Come on now... .Seriously?!?!?
Check out this article:
Someone texted this article to me and asked me what I thought.
My immediate reaction is that if you are vaccinated, you’d want to move to Texas. And if you are unvaccinated, I suggest you move to another state where you will be safer!
OK, just kidding.
The study says this:
From January 15, 2021 to October 1, 2021, unvaccinated people were 40 times more likely to experience COVID-19-associated death than fully vaccinated people.
Wow. A 40X death benefit. That’s impressive. I read the Pfizer Phase 3 6 month study and it showed just a 2X death benefit. But the numbers were small there.
The study also says this:
According to the state's study, between Jan. 15 and Oct. 1, "unvaccinated people were 45 times more likely to have an infection with COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people."
OK, if the Texas study is right, then how do we explain the Harvard study Figure 1? The line should slope the other way since cases would be way down the more fully vaccinated you are.
And how do we explain the UCSF study which showed the same viral loads for vaccinated and unvaccinated which means the vaccine didn’t work at all?
Here’s what one of my team members wrote (I think she missed seeing the full report):
“If you can get the data, I can try to make a proper interpretation. This one they present, is clearly garbage.”
Another wrote:
My best friend in Dallas is a firefighter and EMT who drives ambulances. He told me before I flew to San Juan that almost everyone they drove was vaccinated.
Whoops! That anecdote has to be pretty embarrassing for their study! Reality seems to match the Harvard study.
Generally, the techniques they use to game these studies are:
Definitions of "vaccinated" restricted
Most cases during period of legacy variants
No accounting for naturally immune
No accounting for early treatment
Since unvaxxed are tested in the hospital with all kinds of fatal conditions and the vaxxed are not, many dying of other conditions are swept into the unvaxxed C19 group without clinical C19
All designed to frighten Texas into vaccinating.
Here’s the full study referred to in the article.
I welcome your thoughts in the comments!
"Immunization data for COVID-19 are dependent on clinician report of status to ImmTrac2."
I'm a Texas physician and I've never even heard of "ImmTrac2" so I'm guessing that the vast majority of vaxed or partially vaxed folks were not reported and thus put in the unvaxed category. This would obviously skew the numbers in favor of the unvaxed being hit harder by Covid.
It's not hard to figure out why this "study" is not in a peer-reviewed journal. ;)
I'm the only unvaxxed in my office, and also the only one who hasn't been ill (fever, colds, aches, etc.) since the CCP virus hit. 1/2 of those in my office were "ill" about 2 months after their 2nd shot. I think the Texas study is off. I live in Texas, and I'm not seeing what the data says. All of my unvaxxed friends have been healthy throughout.