This page is full of complete bullshit. As a healthcare provider who worked in multiple hospitals throughout the pandemic, I can tell you that the hospitals were overflowing with patients, and they were dying in droves before the vaccine. I don't know how you can base your thinking on what one nurse told you, but in my experience, in multiple states, these are lies.

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just wonder where are the nurses from Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI) in Seattle, the ones who started to jab with mod mRNA-1273 the completely healthy volunteers on March 16, 2020:


were/are ALL KP institution under the same 'order'??

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Lets make a new killer virus!!!

Nobody cares here either I guess


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We keep on acting like this wasn't all done on purpose. That it was just "poor" management.

Not the case!

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It makes me wonder...instead of going after Fauci and clowns like that at the top, maybe there's more traction in filing lawsuits against the hospital management. It seems like there are clear cases of criminal negligence. And whoever ordered those "vaccinated" dropdown boxes on the EMR systems should be charged with medical fraud.

There's two upsides to this - first of all they don't have the huge war chest that someone like Fauci does, so it would be easier to get a win. Also, once some hospital managers see other hospital managers getting successfully sued, they might wake up and spill the beans in self defense.

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Great thoughts! Giving orders to kill or loose your license needs to be clearly exposed (never saw that in writing). It was not like that for the nurses, we had about 20% refuse jabs and speak out, what is the excuse for everyone else? I know some believed and one just willingly took her booster! But honestly, most knew something was terrible wrong. I did not take, recommend or give. I spoke up publicly and to everyone I knew. Our hospital was virtually empty, never saw a pandemic UNTIL THE SHOTS.

Most ignored me and thought I was nuts.

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Hi Steve,

Being the man that likes to look into numbers and such, I just wonder if anyone has considered the 2019 flu shot to bring in “controlled” c-19 to certain cities. Certain lots to certain places??? They can do these things....The elephant in the room is that, in my “dim” view, covid did not really show up until injections came. Through coughs and sneezes, people who refused the poison, were still introduced to the “poison”. Has this been considered??? Just curious. Were doc’s and nurses still taking the flu shots in 2021,22,23...etc??? But Not the c-19 shots??? Just curious...

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I think the flu shots could be a source. Had a terrible reaction to the flu shot 2020 (was told my reaction was Covid by the medical establishment and placed on Covid leave). It felt like a vascular system attack. After that experience, refused Covid shots and all future jabs.

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3X is 300%. At least if you believe percenrages greater than 100 make any sense. Properly, percentages are fractions less than one ie 0 to 100% and multiplicative effects should be expressed as 2x, 3X etc. Somewhere along the line, likely from marketing, the habbit of expressing multiplicative effects as percentages greater than 100 came into fashion. Probably focus group tested to confirm that people were more impressed with 300% improvement compared with 3X improvement. I am going to get that pill that increases testosterone by 300% while you, girly man, will probably still have man boobs after taking that other pill which only increases T by 3X.

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There is no virus

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It was ~May 2020 when I received (by USPS mistake) what appeared to be multiple unemployment checks intended for a radiologist hospitalist neighbor. We were being told then that hospitals were at risk of being overrun, of course (since that was the justification for shutting down society).

You can imagine how jarring that was. Although I never thought lockdowns made any sense at all given the obvious and extensive collateral damage, this event and several other realizations/inconsistencies made it impossible for me to take the scary news at anything close to face value.

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I worked at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and my experience is almost identical to nurse Gail’s. Cedars has 14,000 employees, and over 915 licensed patient beds…and we were pretty bored at the

”height” of the pandemic. The tents set up in the parking garage outside the ER were never used but did put on a damn good show for the news stations that came to report on the staggering amount of Covid cases and the doctors who got their round the clock 15 minutes of fame.

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In 2020-2021, I was in 3 different hospitals in 2 different countries (not as a patient!) and they were all ghost towns.

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yep, same, told go home use PTO

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Steve, I was one of the front of the house managers for Oakland Kaisers COVAXX clinic at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Oakland in Feb and March of 2021. I originally came in to support the running of the post injection waiting area. I moved into the managers role ( having leadership history there) and spent a 6 weeks in this role. We had a triage space set up for any adverse events. I witnessed in the waiting area fainting of at least 6 souls young and elderly, Dx'd heart block of an elderly member, fainting members with the injection nurses in this case the young man overmedicated with his anti anxiety meds before coming in. When these were brought up at our noon and am huddles with the bosses it was swept under the rug. Another sad aspect of this Planned Pandemic event was those folks I was called on to calm before their injections. Some whom I cancelled and rescheduled their first dose to give time to consider options if they were able to. I handed out a few dozen of my business cards with Highwire and FLCC on the back for their own edification. We were also doing the Pfizer trials for the Teen group and I can tell you every single child I saw was afraid. There was actually one who was high fiving people in line but he was an outlier. The only group of employees there who questioned the mainstream narrative were the support staffing as in MA's and LVN's though they were all eventually pressured by KP as Gail knows to take it. They did not want to and that was about a dozen or so folks I had conversations with. BTW alot of our staffing was temps who came from Canada and Back East. The rest were back filled with us and anyone wanting OT, so we had RN's in supporting roles as flag bearers leading members from the injection nurses to the either side of the waiting areas ( 15 and 30 minute spaces) and those that needed to see a Doctor for a wellness check. We pinned color coded labels on them to let the flag bearer and others know where to send them.. In one sense it was incredibly well run overall. Boom Box was rolling and in our huddles the focus was on keeping everyones spirits up and reminding them that they were doing a great service by protecting themselves and their loved ones. I could not do that speech to my charges. If you want to talk more on this I would not mind speaking about this experience. Lastly, I was also apart of KP's Contact tracing before it was called this where we monitored all staff who was "exposed" to a COVID pt. I concur with Gail that the Hospital was a ghost town. Our daily campus wide briefing on census was never "Full" In fact I know staff-colleagues who worked the COVID floor and the biggest issues early on were no PPE. We all were handed a Brown bag and told to place our level II masks in there after day was over to reuse...if not soiled ( hmmm) then use a second or third day! I wish I was writing something for the "Onion" News... sadly not. Gail has my contact info if you want to get in touch to corroborate Kaiser and their role in the corruption of medicine.

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thanks for sharing, we had the brown bags too, but initially were told no N-95's, not sure if that was part of the scare tactics...no one would ever answer, where did they all go?

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Steve, in this substack you wrote: "In the summer of 2021, there were 3X higher admissions than the peak of the past 30 years (she misspoke in the video; she said 300% and she meant 3X)."

300% higher admissions is the same thing as 3X higher.

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If these claims are correct, the relatives of any affected elderly patients should seek to prosecute hospital administrators for elder abuse.

In many states elder abuse is a criminal offense, and can be proved by showing willful disregard for a senior’s welfare– death is not required. Reports have been emerging from nurses and other hospital staff across the country suggesting that many healthcare facilities intentionally left covid patients— at least the unvaccinated ones— isolated, unfed, dehydrated, and mostly unattended. Many bacterial infections were apparently left untreated in covid patients, and recent studies attribute a lot of “covid” death to untreated pneumonia.

This nurse’s testimony might be enough to convince a jury that “following guidelines” from the CDC is just as poor a defense as “following orders” was in the Nuremberg trials after WW II.

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agree, they put them on isolation, gave experimental meds, and refused visitors...forced them to die alone

Where are all the attorneys?

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Check out "Acute Allergic Reactions to mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines", JAMA. 2021;325(15):1562-1565. doi:10.1001/jama.2021.3976


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On bullet-point two, permit me to quote from "My Covid/Vax Disaster Lexicon," from just after my definition of a "With-Covid Death."

Protocol-Suspected Covid Death

Additionally, we must insist on a further subtraction, although in this case it will be difficult to ever get basic agreement about the resultant number. There were many mainly-due-to-Covid deaths, which would likely have been prevented had the victim received early treatment, Ivermectin, and other medicines and protocols which were banned by nearly all hospitals, or, had the victims not been subjected to mandated protocols and medicines, such as Remdesivir. I.e., some massive portion of the reported Covid-deaths were unnecessary, and largely trace to the malfeasance of the Biopharmaceutical Complex, and its unprecedented ability to de facto mandate a single protocol across the world.


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