May 26, 2023·edited May 26, 2023Pinned

Post your link to Autism parent poll screenshots here. Please, poll screenshot links only (e.g., to twitter post, website, etc). Do not tell us where you will be posting. Tell us AFTER the poll is OVER.

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Pfizer documents attached in substack 393 pages of adverse events

https://open.substack.com/pub/lawyerlisa/p/pfizer-data-attached-393-pages-of?r=3kbp6&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email Pfizer Appendix 2.2 Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Events from Post Marketing Data Sources BNT162-B2

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Only reply to this post with links to poll results. Everything else will be deleted

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This might just be the worst argument for a link that I have ever seen. It is so bad I almost wonder if you are a shill for the Big Pharma. It is almost like you are intentionally damaging the antivaxxers by making them look so foolish.

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After rereading it I though wow if the Amish are Autism free then that needs to be looked at! Then of course I did some reading - you should try it and discovered that 68% of Amish Children have received at least one childhood vaccine and that in Lancaster PA there is a Clinic (The Clinic for Special Children) that among other things actively researches AUTISM IN THE AMISH! LOL You do work for Big Pharma don't you?

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"Count up the number of kids who exhibited autistic behavior right before their vaccine vs. right after their vaccine. Isn't it amazing nobody has ever done that study??"

It just seems pointless to try and discuss science with you since your scientific illiteracy is seemingly infinite.

But YOU Steve....you have linked to simple experiments that prove you are wrong.

As this point, it seems like you don't even try and read the words correctly.....

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How does this or any other simple experiment prove that Kirsch is wrong? Please elaborate. Otherwise this entire comment is nothing more than a long ad hominem.

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Sorry for the slow response.

Steve has previously posted this link:


It is right in the section on "other information".

We have decades of data examining home movies and we know with certainty that the parents are not accurate and that the autism starts before the parents are aware.

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These polls are not the way Steve. Large population samples are required. Kids who are completely unvaccinated should be compared to those who took the who vaccine schedule....in my opinion.

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No big surprise here. I mentioned to my needle loving highly educated daughter that there was no autism when I was in school in the 50's and 60's and she had the nerve to tell me they all were put into institutions. Really? Then where are all the 70 year old head bangers now?

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Despite 100's of studies and activism from people like this author and Robert F. Kennedy NO ONE has ever shown a connecting between vaccines and Autism. I'm not pro vaccine or anti-vaccine. I am pro FACTS. To date there no studies that can show a connection so we are prove it with FB POLL?? This argument is so bad that I almost wonder if he plant for Big Pharma.

I will say if your well educated daughter does not believe that Autism is increasing she is mistaken. However, the fact that Autism has been on the rise does not mean it is connected to Vaccines. There have been many changes in our food, our water and our air since the 1950s. Less women breastfeed and most baby formulas contain corn syrup one of the main contributing factors in infant Obesity. Our fruits and vegetables are genetically modified and covered in pesticides. Obviously something is causing the rise in Autism, but this is not proof that Vaccines are the Cause.

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They were pushing baby formula in the 50's so that is not new. When I was born my mother wanted to nurse me but the hospital nurses put the big guilt trip on my mother saying "Don't you want to do the healthiest thing for your baby? The newest and most scientific is baby formula" And people like my mother fell for it in the 40's and 50's.

There are no studies to prove that vaccines cause autism because who would fund them? Certainly not the pharmaceutical companies. But the rate has steadily increased as the vaccines have increased. I believe Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is funding an independent study on vaccines and autism.

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You're a godsend, Steve. Can't think of many other words for what you do, that fit better.

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This is awesome. Thanks you for doing this. I am spreading far and wide!!

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Thank you Steve, this work you’re doing and awareness you bring is so important. Thank you, and please continue.

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Most of the evidence we have so far is anecdotal. However it's pretty daming as parents swear that their child was developing normally until the MMR jab.

At the very least, the most important thing would be to postpone these shots until further brain development and cognitive function can be established.

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While this sounds reasonable, Despite 100's of studies and activism from people like this author and Robert F. Kennedy NO ONE has ever shown a connecting between vaccines and Autism. I'm not pro vaccine or anti-vaccine. I am pro FACTS. To date there no studies that can show a connection so we are prove it with FB POLL?? This argument is so bad that I almost wonder if he plant for Big Pharma. His claim about the Amish is just a blatant lie or extreme ignorance. As a father of an autistic son I want real answers not conspiracy theories.

During the rise of Autism over the past few decades we have a seen a steep decline in breastfeeding and most baby formulas contain corn syrup one of the main contributing factors in infant Obesity and likely more childhood maladies. Our fruits and vegetables are genetically modified and covered in pesticides. Our water even though treated has traces of drugs and toxins. Obviously something is causing the rise in Autism, but this is not proof that Vaccines are the Cause.



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if your kid claps his hands... he's autistic and needs chelation therapy and NAC.

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What about starting the discussion with “the ingredients of vaccines can cause Autism”, rather than “vaccines cause autism”? The difference is alluding that the ingredients can be found in other substances, and overall add to the level of toxicity in kids. Vaccines can be a huge concentration of those foreign toxins, but can also be found elsewhere.

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I'd like to see these polls go viral.

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We never see autistic residents in elderly care homes despite many living longer.

Most autistic friends I know are under 40.

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Hoping this goes viral. Sadly kicked off twitter and won’t do Facebook but do have a child with autism. Most parents will have proof too. Videos of their child before and after!!!

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I really want to thank Steve Kirsch.You are kicking the doors down, that I only wished I could.I am given great satisfaction to know that you are there giving voice to all that have been silenced.

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Absolutely devastating article.

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