My friend’s 31 yo autistic son was isolated at home with his parents. No COVID infection. In October 2031, after vaccine, he kept complaining of pain. Interestingly, abdominal. He was seen multiple times at a major med center ER. Couldn’t find any GI cause & mom was told he was ‘playing’ her. During one intense pain episode, he passed out. She took him to an Urgent Care. She was told that he needed to be transferred to a hospital immediately for PE. Upon arrival the same med center, he was rushed to the OR, loaded with bilateral PEs. She was told he may not survive. They could not remove all of the PEs& he spent weeks in the hospital. He’s now on blood thinners. She kept add d long how this could happen in a healthy male? She suspected the COVID vaccine because that was the only change in his health profile. They gaslit her & told her that he must have had COVID & she didn’t know it. They isolated. Had groceries delivered. Saw no one. She now wishes that she had insisted on antibody testing. She’s not medical. The med center HCPs bullied her!

PS In 2022, she was diagnosed with advanced thymus CA. It’s metastasized.

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There's absolutely no way that the doctors involved do not at least suspect the vaccine, that they continue is terrifying. I was in CVS drug store the other day and they still have vaccine signs up and they still have the little room where they inject you.

It seems these days trust has become a liability.

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The leftist Neanderthals who continue to wear the diaper mask is mortifying and sickening to see…There aren’t many of them but just knowing that they still exist (and I see it them in grocery stores etc ) and believe still the lie of Fauci and the evil one is frightening and disgusting to me…

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Some people wear masks for other health conditions. You can't assume anyone with a mask is worried about covid. Someone on chemo may wear a mask to not get an infection of any kind.

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But prior to covid you almost never saw those people, so today when I can see 2 or 3 or more depending on where I am, I know they are most likely the vaccinated.

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Could be. I suspect these are the jabbed with compromised immune systems, and they keep getting sick from new covid variants. They may be doing their incompetent best to protect others from their constant infections. Maybe. Or maybe they blame others for their 5-6 covid infections every year. I avoid them like I would avoid Typhus Mary. My poor hearing also makes me avoid them. Muffled talk and no lip-reading, just makes them not worth my time, as masks do nothing against a respiratory virus. It makes me sad to see these young people who are likely to die soon from SADS. VAIDS, or HIVICRON.

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A lady friend of mine has the exact compliant about abdominal pain after being vaxxed.

UK's Princess of Wales Kate Middleton, abdominal surgery .... ????


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I thought about Middleton, and I thought "did they inject someone that high up with the actual poison?"

Because if they did that changes the whole aspect for me, as prior to that thought I assumed they were targeting the poor or middle class.

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she was in the news having her jab. i remember her saying she was 'just so grateful...'

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Just 1 cent worth here. Actually, the poor are being groomed and protected, look at the 15 million walk-in immigrants, they don't have to be vaxxed, they get monthly paid, free lodging and food.

But for us, everything which serve average citizens are being targeted now?

Destruction of Food production, List of 103 U.S. Food Manufacturing Facilities Destroyed Under Biden Admin


US Power Grid Attacks Up 71% and Biden Blame It On White Supremacists.


Closing stores due to thefts, pushing LGBT into schools to close schools? Defund the police, TV shows encourage court fights, .... destruction of all existing human serving structures?

Middle Class just don't fit the 15 minute camps life style ?

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Maybe "Royal Family" is just so 18 century and useless to "them" now?

King Charles, at the same period of time ,developed Prostate Cancer.


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Good point they do seem to be an anachronism, though they have some power.

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Vaccines cause autism.

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And SIDS. Sudden Infant death is a just a pc term, even blaming the mother for not placing them in the crib correctly. Remember, it used to be called crib death.

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I remember when at the start of the SIDS phenomenon, which only became a thing due to the insane expansion of childhood vaccination schedules (a pure coincidence, I‘m told), they called it “Shaken Baby Syndrome” and indicted parents for the alleged murder of their children by violently shaking them. The people responsible for these abominations are depraved psychopaths, IMHO. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that characters like Peter Hotez along with the infamous genocidal WHO-boss Tedros are now calling for forced vaccinations with the help of NATO troops. I’m sure it’s only because they want to protect us.

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Is the son cooperative to the treatment ? I know ppl on the spectrum often don't like medical procedures.

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That checks out, weirdly. I suspect I am on the spectrum, though I was raised by the kind of parents who tend to think of such things as "just be different" and "walk it off".

I have had a long-standing suspicion of the entire medical industry my entire life that has convinced many if not most family members that I just have a reality-denying mental illness.

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Your suspicions are accurate IMO, trust them, I haven't seen a doctor that actually cared since the early 70's.

They are another arm of the pharma marketing, pill pushers.

Though I suppose if you're wealthy you can get one that pretends to care, like having a gold digger for a wife.

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I have a similar experience with Bell's Palsy. I reported several cases on the UK Yellow Card system in my Ophthalmology clinics developing soon after vaccination.

Official research shows that apparently Covid infection was much more likely than vaccination to cause Bell's Palsy.

However, these cases developed days to weeks after vaccination,not infection,and they started happening in 2021 not 2020. They also fell as vaccine uptake fell.

I think that, as all the way through the Pandemkc Madness, the authorities are lying.

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Considering you weren't considered vaxxed until 2 weeks after the second shot, I guarantee they took that opportunity to chalk those vax injuries up to "unvaxxed covid infection" since, you know, its impossible to be vax injured if you aren't technically vaxxed by certain creative definitions of vaxxed.

Weasel words all the way down.

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Money can and will corrupt.

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I wasn't sure about the son's degree of autism. I was thinking of some that I had worked with, who are non verbal. For instance one I know well doesn't like injections and refuses to have her blood taken and doesn't sit on a dental chair. she has to be anaesthetised in case of an emergency. She is in an adult residential setting now. Was cooperative w mask wearing.

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This was in 2021. He almost died. So, he was out of it c

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sorry for us amateurs what is PE?

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Embolism denotes moved there rather than developed there. Pulmonary (meaning lung) embolism is the medical term for a blood clot that breaks lose from elsewhere and then gets stuck in lung arteries etc. Also thromb is the medical term for clotting of blood.

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pulmonary embolism = blood clot involving the lungs

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Pinned. This is a great story. And it’s also unexplainable if the vaccines are safe and effective

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As a Vascular Specialist I agree 👍 💯 %

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Their go-to strategy is the coverup. It has worked to keep most of the herd mindlessly "vaccine faithful" for decades. So of course they will continue the strategy. It has worked great to date.

For me, no data transparency = no vaxes. Not for anything. I didn't used to feel this way, but I sure do now. Coverup always proves a crime has been committed. And they continue to cover up.

I just wish there were a Presidential candidate who was committed to full disclosure on this matter...

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You might find this interesting. This doctor points out some serious flaws in that study.


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Here you go again when you don't need to. 73.6% is not 80% and is a perfectly praiseworthy figure in itself.

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My brother received the vaccine Feb 2021. With-in the week he has PEs all over. Incurred the blood thinning protocols. He died with in the year on 15 liters of O2. Painful to watch. Painful to speak at his funeral. Painful to see his wife let go. The vaccine is neither safe nor effective!

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The human microbiome is once again center stage. PE that causes drop in O2 is an immune deficiency phenomenon exacerbated by attack on the microbiome by the shots. Dr. Hazan postulates that ivermectin was observed to bring about rapid recovery, possibly because ivermectin corrects the microbiome imbalance.

So the shots by their mechanism of action … destruction of the microbiome … have no chance of benefitting anyone.

The CDC has been cherry picking data to suit their conclusions all along. Remember Rochelle? “Anytime is a good time to get your COVID shots!” She was addressing pregnant women. What a disaster that was!

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My dad's health was relatively stable until he got vaccinated. He was suffering from COPD primarily, was taking lots of drugs to keep it and related health issues under control, and then he got vaccinated. He died suddenly about a year later. The autopsy revealed he died from an acute pulmonary thromboembolism. I did my best to question the vaccine, but pressure from other family members convinced him to get the jab, unfortunately.

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My healthy active Uncle was at a school track meet with his family and suffered a pulmonary embolism right after his booster. He died. What they've done is so evil.....

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yes, they ignore all the anecdotes and just listen to the journal articles showing no harm.

All these PE stories that happen right after the shot are extremely unlikely if the vaccines are safe.

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The failure of the CDC, et al to produce transparent anonymous data is indefensable. It is the worst case of "I'm from the government, trust me." I hope that this election of 2024 yields an upheaval in the health agencies of the U.S. and complete restructuring of them.

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For sure the jabs increase your chances of PE! This was the case with my deceased father whom was forced to get the jab for work about a month after recovering from Covid. This was when natural immunity didn’t mean shit… It was too much for his body to cope with and all his medical problems started after the shot(s). But hey, who am I to say?

I also distinctly remember other rubbish the medical community and media would spit out such as you will have “super immunity “ if you had Covid and then got the shot. Like you were doubly protected with antibodies. Well that turned out to be crap too, we can see it in fact weakened many people’s immunity and made them

more prone to further Covid infections as well as autoimmune issues…so no, I don’t trust what the “medical” community has to say…

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No one is forced. Your father took it to keep his job. There are other jobs out there. A job isn't worth a life.

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Coerced; transitive verb

1. To pressure, intimidate, or force (someone) into doing something. synonym: force.

Similar: force

2. To bring about or gain by pressure, threat, or force.

"coerced agreement among the parties; coerced a confession from the suspect."

3. To restrain by force, especially by law or authority; to repress; to curb.

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Exactly no one was forced. Your father was not held down and injected. He CHOSE to get the injection to keep his job.

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But if all jobs require a vaccine? Then surely he was coerced??

I watched many young people get vaxxed to fit in and keep their jobs. It wouldn't have mattered where they worked, in their minds, to keep working and not lose everything they had worked towards thus far in their lives, they HAD to get vaccinated.

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In my practice looking at PEs and DVTs (list size 6-6.5k until the last year):

2018 9 cases

2019 4 cases

2020 9 cases

2021 7 cases, 5 of which were unvaxxed and two after vaccination. Two cases Covid infection identified. as precipitating cause (these were part of the unvaxxed cohort)

2022 5 cases, 2 of which were unvaxxed and three after vaccination

2023 5 cases, 1 of which was unvaxxed, and four after vaccination

2024 9 cases so far, 1 of which was unvaxxed and eight after vaccination. List size now increased to 8500

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PEs and DVTs have fallen at your practice. If most people are vaccinated then vax/ unvax data doesn't really mean anything. Your data suggests PEs have fallen overall

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This topic is near and dear to my heart, literally, and continues to evoke rage inside me. The company I represent never mandated a Covid shot, but my customers (hospitals and clinics) demanded it so on 1/21/2021 I received a Moderna Covid “Vaccine”. On February 2,2021 I passed out, went to a major ER where I live and was diagnosed with unprovoked bilateral DVT’s and a Pulmonary Embolism, with NO family history or co-morbidities. I was immediately started on Lovenox and discharged three days later. While in the ER I asked several doctors and nurses if this could be a reaction to the mRNA “vaccine”, but was told unequivocally no, and that it was safe and effective. When I asked if it were prudent to get the second “booster”, the one doctor flippantly replied, “Why not? You’re going to be on a blood thinner the rest of your life.”

When I relay this episode to other doctors I’ve seen since then, they tend to get very quiet and want to change the subject. Steve, please keep this story front and center, it is that important, especially if the “Science” is masking to truth once again. Hope your eyesight returns.

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I'm sure some people find it quite easy to put negative thoughts out of their mind so they can focus more effectively on the short term. That's scary enough considering the risk that involves. But there may be others that are still taking boosters and giving their kids the shots who don't realize that "there is no evidence for that" can just mean "our testing was not sufficient to sufficiently determine whether the correlation was causal or not."

We know the latter is the best case explanation for HHS. But that also means they're lying when they say, AS SCIENTISTS supposedly speaking SCIENTIFICALLY, that the vaccines are safe and effective. Claiming, from a position of expertise and HUGE public responsibility, something you don't actually know to be true is bad enough. But when it is told to influence a population's behavior in a way that can harm or kill them is SO unethical it's mind-boggling.

So when I hear how many people aren't taking boosters, my question to them is "Do you honestly think they don't know what you now know, while STILL recommending you take those boosters? Can't you see what that implies about them?" These people, for whatever reason, are living with such an extreme degree of irrationality that I see little hope in changing the system in time apart from divine help. Too many other pillars of civilization are crumbling around us very fast.

I just hope enough people will refuse to comply simultaneously next time to at least stop another vaccine mandate attempt at least. If, i.e., civilization survives that long.

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Poll on X from the famous Dr. Bowden!

Mary Talley Bowden MD @MdBreathe 16h

Will you ever get another vaccine?

Yes 4.4%

No 95.6%

17,070 votes 7 hours left


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I agree with that IF the next pathogen isn't significantly more deadly. Otherwise, I'm not so sure what that poll tells us. But also, people following her are probably those like us who see the evil of it all. I have no reason to believe we are a significant percentage of the population.

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Yes, of course there is bias but the question is "another vaccine" not "another Covid vaccine" and with so many people this poll to me is encouraging.

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Yep, it makes me more hopeful, for sure.

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“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable...”

― H.L. Mencken; 1919.

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I suspect the reason why the UK study shows that the vax reduces PEs is because previous studies consider participants as ‘unvaccinated’ until 2 weeks after they had the vaccine. If this study does the same it will transfer vaccine PEs from the first 2 weeks to the unvaccinated group, skewing the results. If most PEs occur during that time it would explain the mismatch with VAERS.

Does anyone know when the vaccinated are counted as such in this study?

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