It wasn't too bad for me. All my friends are gone and while l had disapproval from people my self doubt was suppressed by my understanding of diseases. People are very easy to read. It doesn't take long to assess their character. It was the seething anger and frustration at the ignorance and stupidity all around me that was hard to bear.

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Eventually, they will be forced to eat the elephant in the room at which point they will be sat upon. Something like that.

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An old truism is that politicians will only react to you if you can help them or hurt them. I think it is now appropriate to hurt them- really badly. We might even get some attention and the results we are waiting for.

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Safe means no harm is possible, they have to create a puncture wound just to administer it. Then there is the fact that they gave people free pass to take time off after receiving the shots because it was known to cause illness in most cases. Never mind the listed side effects no matter how rare they make them out to be, the claim cannot be that there is no chance of harm or injury as the word safe actually means.

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I would like to add a potential avenue for research. My health insurance provider reported that the claims made by our company increased an unprecedented 10% last year - so in response what they did was rearrange some of the plans and get a cheaper long-term disability and life insurance plan and give us a higher bonus (amazing company). I bet you could see health insurers in high vaxx states and countries are reporting increased claims like this. The company has a good mix of younger and older folks, so age does not explain this at all

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Just like all vaccines! If it's so safe and effective why.........injuries, compensation, reporting, sudden deaths, inserts with post marketing data? COVID was easy for the globalists because they have been practicing this with our children vaccine schedule.

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Billboard should include this word:


......Plus definition......☠

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I think that it would also be interesting to look at a racial breakdown of excess deaths. I don't know much about the data in the US, but in the UK black people have shown a far healthier attitude towards the tyrrannical state than the gullible indigenous whites have done. While - according to the authorities - only about 10% of indigenous whites have not gotten any dose of the vaccine, among the black population the fraction of unvaccinated was almost 40%. If these data really do correspond to reality, then the difference should be large enough to show up in the mortality rates of at least some age groups (it might not yet be obvious from overall mortality data if they have been able to force many elderly black people into vaccinating themselves with the threat of not allowing them access to NHS facilities).

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Whenever one gets around the debate and merely keeps nonchalant when it comes to the others' knowledge, his certitude of transcendence and his conviction on outright handling of Science show conspicuous signs of insanity. What has been bothering me is whether the realistic American citizen is capable to perceive those fallacies (such as "Ad hominem") whereby the MEDIA and the beaurocrats often beguile people.

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Everyone that took the vaccine risked believing Big Government and Big Pharma's claim that the vaccine would prevent people from dying of Covid. The vaccine provided governments around the world a solution to a crisis, namely the pandemic, and a means of inoculating its populations as a way out of the crisis. So a few people died? That's a risk the jabbed were willing to take. There's no genocide afoot, simply a few adverse events here and there. Bill Gates is probably just a decoy meant to flush out the tinfoil hat crowd who think everything that happens in the world is an inside job. It's funny that both sides of the argument embrace the idea, "if it saves just one life, then it's worth it." If we're going to place an infinite value on just one life, and demand that we always be safe, even from "safe and effective" products that cost us nothing but a car ride to CVS, then millions and millions of people will be without the benefit of the tax dollars pouring in to subsidize Big Pharma and keep Big Government afloat. You don't want Fred Luntz to miss a meal, do you? Okay, so they concealed some information from us. That wasn't company policy. Probably just a mid-level manager who saw an opportunity to increase the bottom-line and his future opportunities. A fall-guy in waiting, always unlucky, too ambitious for his own good. This was a crisis of immense proportions, and the government provided a no-cost solution. They couldn't exclude all risk, but hey, what have you got to lose? It's safe and effective* lol. So there were a few bad bags of salad. Shhh... it happens. You don't accuse the CEO of crimes against humanity for that.

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I just spent 35 pages in a brief against a motion to dismiss filed by the Veterans Administration regarding their mask mandate to present the science we've had for over a decade regarding why not even an N95 could be effective against this novel coronavirus. They know the science, but they lack the will to do anything other than what they are doing, and VA patients were dying at a 26% higher rate than the general population before the pandemic; so, this is a difficult customer to try to convince through logical debate.

Science has known since 2012 that despite being the most abundant biological particles in the world, we had only 219 harmful to mankind, making a new virus threat from which to be vaccinated extremely remote.

Why does a bully continue to be a bully? Because he can. Fauci loves to debate, because he can debate forever and avoid jail.

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The Medical Complex can never admit their complicity in this genocide given that it would expose them to their Crimes Against Humanity. They will continue to Lie, Obfuscate, conjure up BS explanations of why people around the world, particularly the young, are dying in record numbers.

Because of this, I believe as some others do, that the genocidal globalist cabal that runs our governments are preparing a new world shock of some kind that will allow them to shut down dissent on the internet & media, rig the 2024 election (again), mandate new poisonous shots, return to lockdowns, jail or fine truthtellers, hijack our health care system via the WHO and systematically remove our rights, freedoms, liberties.

That said, there is a good chance they will ultimately fail because a good percentage of the population know what they are up to and will not go along with their totalitarianism. It's going to get very rough, and we have to fight them every step of the way.

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I need help right away.

My brother died from the vaccine. There is no doubt.

What can I do now?

They want to cremate my brother's remains.

I was estranged from my brother for decades.

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Thx Steve

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Nov 6, 2023·edited Nov 6, 2023

Dr. Malone (The real Anthony Fauci) was forced to get the jab to continue his work which gave him an opportunity to track batch numbers. He discovered a variance in spike protein loads which can only mean the mRNA trial never ended. Placebo, mid-level or high dose. Crap shoot.

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