Unbelievably to me anyway, is that it's possible we've all been gaslighted for the past century regarding vaccinations! https://www.le.ac.uk/lahs/downloads/1967-68/1967-68%20(43)%2035-44%20Ross.pdf

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Hi Steve, thank you for everything. Where can we find your bio as most people find that you are a misinformation. Can you please give us a heads up to prove to those that doubted you? Cheers!

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Here you can find his bio -> http://www.skirsch.com/misc/stklife.html

You'll see very interesting stuff!

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All who question “the narrative” are automatically labeled “conspiracy theorists” and/or “terrorists” —- all the while, “the narrative” deliberately amplifies fear and terror to coerce compliance (ie: true “terrorism”)

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Agreed. Big Insurance & Big Pharma's collusion w/ corrupt gov't alphabet agencies over the last few decades to delay and deny advanced testing, early outpatient treatment of HIV/AIDS, LongLyme/TBD's & 300+ other inadequately treated persistent infections that allow stealth infections to cause brain damage resulting in cognitive impairment has always been purposeful.

Too bad not many of us have been paying attention for the last 40 years.


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This has been going on for decades. I have been opposing vaccine mandates for over 10 years in California. Look closely at the science that got the other vaccines approved and you will see the same tactics are applied today. The biggest difference is that today the vaccines are coercively given to adults and not only innocent babies who don't have the ability to tell you about their injuries. The trials for hep b vaccine looked at the subjects for 5 days after vaccination. This is given on the first day of life for a sexually transmitted disease that babies have zero risk to get unless the mother is hep B positive. Parents who decline the vaccine for their children often meet with child protective services or are threatened with a visit. The medical community has some heroes, but the majority of doctors are cowards.

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Everything you've said is true, BUT..... voters.. people.. citizens.. WE ARE NOT STUPID!!.. WE ARE BEING FORCED TO TAKE THESE VACCINES JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE.. OR LOSE OUR JOBS!!! WHAT ARE WE TO DO? WHAT???????? WHAT CAN WE DO????? WHAT??? just sit around typing dissent???? WHAT??? no one believes the vaccines are safe... AND NO ONE BELIEVES THEIR JOBS ARE SAFE IF THEY DISSENT... SO AGAIN .... WHAT ARE WE TO DO?

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I have stated more than once I will continue to put my body on the line in repeated civil disobedience actions and get arrested as many times as necessary.

I currently have 179 civil disobedience arrests over the last 40 years with zero convictions or fines.

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Democracy in action?

Or ignorance of your right to bodily integrity?

In a true Democracy your dilemma would not have arisen.

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It's up to all of us who understand what is happening to decide what we can do to pushback. We have to make sacrifices to defend freedom. I understand everyone's situation is different. Can you find another way to support your family for the time being? We all have difficult choices to make. One thing I am doing that feels good is being very choosey where I spend my money. For example, I have cancer and need a surgery. I don't want to be assaulted with this poison. In California where I live our Governor mandated all the healthcare workers be vaccinated and that all visitors to the hospital be vaccinated or have a negative covid test within 72 hours. I'm looking at getting my surgery done in another state that doesn't have the same restrictions. I am thinking about requesting nurses and techs who are unvaccinated to care for me once I am in the hospital. I'm trying to move out of state as soon as possible. It's hard because my husband's job is here and our kids want to keep their friends etc. As long as I'm in California I will continue to resist, but I know it's not safe here. We are in competition with New York for being the most tyrannical.

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Jen... I'm safe. I'm self-employed. My child is grown. I am on Ivermectin, obtained by myself. I follow the FLCCC I-MASK protocol. I've hired one of their doctors to guide me through this period, should I succumb. I test regularly. I wear 2 N95 masks in any indoor setting. I spend less than 15 mins in any indoor setting. I use the information. I also got the J&J shot. I do what I can do to stay safe and well. All that being said, I know others are not as fortunate as me, so the question I asked was really about having others in mind. I just don't think it is helpful for anyone to accuse anyone of being "stupid"... because what can you really do ... if all systems we use to rely upon HAVE FAILED? and .. I just know that people don't know WHAT TO DO... AT THIS POINT, BUT HOPE FOR THE BEST.

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Me, too, Been on IVM LongCovid.

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"You have nothing to fear but fear itself"

This disease has a 99% recovery rate for most people and a well defined vulnerable cohort.

For most of us there is nothing to worry about.

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And even those of us who are so immunocompromised we will die from a flu shot, shingles shot, or current experimental injections can take Ivermectin. Even on days it is too painful to wear my tight fitting goggles to avoid aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 particles to prevent infection by entry into moist eyes, I can safely dash in to pick up a prescription or a takeout meal as long as I don't spend more than five minutes or so indoors in a retail or government building environment.

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Hi Susan, I'm glad you feel safe. I agree it's not helpful to label innocent people who have been duped by very sophisticated propaganda as stupid. As far as what to do, it's not going to be the same for each person, but everyone can choose to do something to pushback. The main thing I'm doing is voting with my dollars and energy. I boycott amazon. I deleted my FB, Twitter, and IG. I'm moving away from google, apple, and microsoft as much as I can. I buy goods and services from people who are more aligned with me. I do not donate to political parties, but I do donate to individual candidates I support including Kevin Kiley. I also donate to organizations who are doing work I support. These include. California Health Coalition Advocacy https://californiahealthcoalitionadvocacy.org, Educate Advocate educateadvocate.org, A Voice For Choice Advocacy http://avoiceforchoice.org/, ICAN https://www.icandecide.org/ican-get-informed/, and National Health Freedom Action https://nationalhealthfreedomaction.org/.

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Esteban's comments are false. The American Founders did not institute a literacy test for voting. That was a British idea during the post-Civil War re-constructionist period of American history and was penned by the British Colonialist Viscount James Bryce (British Ambassador to the US prior to onset of WWI), who thought the US Constitution was too rigid, and lauded the superiority of the unwritten British Constitution, which was "capable at any moment of being bent, or turned, expanded or contracted" to meet the needs of the British Empire. Bryce is the architect of Australia's 'white only" policy and America's Jim Crow Laws. In his treatise “Thoughts on the Negro Problem” which appeared in The North American Review (1891), that the issue of suffrage could be resolved by one of the four solutions: (1) the revocation of the 14th and 15th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution, which granted citizenship to persons born or naturalised in the U.S. and prohibited states from denying suffrage on the basis of race or colour; (2) miscegenation (breed out their blackness and savagery); (3) deportation to Africa with stringent laws prohibiting their return; or, (4) (the most promising)–the adoption of a U.S. Constitutional Amendment which placed an educational qualification on suffrage thereby eliminating in one blow the franchise rights of the illiterate poor, black and white equally.

Our American founders who declared Independence from the wickedly cruel English Crown understood that limited government and an educated populace with access to popular information was the key in preventing tyrannical abuses of power.

Here is what Jefferson and Madison thought (a stark contrast to the British Colonialists):

"A popular government without popular information or the means of acquiring it is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy or perhaps both." James Madison – 4th U.S. President and author of the U.S. Bill of Rights

"I know of no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson – 3rd U.S. President and principal author of The Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Hobbes wrote in Leviathan that there were only three forms of sovereignty: a Monarchy of one; an Aristocracy of few; or a Democracy of all. The American Republic by virtue of The Declaration of Independence, that "ALL...are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights" and the opening preamble of the Constitution, "WE the PEOPLE..." was never meant to be a sovereignty of a FEW, and most certainly not of ONE but of ALL, where ALL have right to enter the assembly. He also said a democracy of the entire assembly could not fail unless the multitude that are to be governed fail. America, while struggling against an administrative state, is still very much alive and well and one of the few bright lights (by its multitude) trying to lead itself, and hopefully the world, out of this mess in which we find ourselves in. What is going on in America and throughout the world is nothing less than an age-old classical power play to return to the old feudal order of kings, aristocrats, and paupers. Signed: An American Citizen Abroad

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That's all very well, and I agree absolutely. BUT the whole thing falls apart, not just in America, when "The People" vote tradionally (our family has always voted . . . ). UK has the same problem where the divide is "the colour of your collar", or race, as we do here in South Africa.

Ignorance will never produce a true Democracy.

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You said it correctly the system is broken. Voting will not change anything because it is rigged. The reason we have such a horrible government is not a mistake. I suggest we grow up and leave this corrupt system. With the help of indie media, we can organize in many small local groups that stand up for big issues we care about like healthcare, war, etc. As a collective, we can sustain pressure on representatives and media with little effort. There's no cost or need to march, Congressionalwatchdogcentral.org

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EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data – The Expose


Doing additional analysis, I found the two moderna vaxs in this article mentions had the most adverse events in CA, TX, FL,AZ. Were the moderna vax Lots dustributed to only those states?

Can you do additional analysis with other data sets to get additional data points especially counties that these lot numbers were distributed to? Is there a correlation between adverse events and the color (Red,blue) of the state or county?

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I agree that more analysis along this track would be incredibly valuable, esp. to attorneys and AGs bringing law suits. There needs to be additional analysis done on the benign lots as well. Are more of the benign lots being directed to particular states? And are there any states that have more / fewer AEs than others per 100k population? A heat map by states and lot safety level could be very telling. A heat map with a timeline overlay animation might turn out to be even more telling but a simple heat map of AEs and / or lot risk rating by state would be a good place to start and incredibly valuable to those in the court room trenches attempting to fight a good fight.

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More research:

Republican state received 20 times the amount of deadly batches of Covid-19 vaccine than the Democrat controlled state received.


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What's interesting is that Dr Jessica Rose's analysis showed that many AEs were cumulative, i.e. got worse with the second dose, especially myocarditis. But it would be unlikely for any individual to get both shots from the same lot. So there may be more than one source of harm, one being lot-specific, another that's not.

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More research:

Republican state received 20 times the amount of deadly batches of Covid-19 vaccine than the Democrat controlled state received.


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Especially startling is the fact that no manufacturer or regulator has shown even the slightest curiosity about this, nor any interest in fixing the problem. Anyone even mildly interested in public health would want to focus on that data to prevent further death. But no, it's "a needle in every arm" as millions are force marched into the Valley of Death.

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It does not matter if this has been here a long time, it is past being overlooked and the direction of immorality is blazing through our world at an amazing rate by a handful of people. If we want to continue our humanity without being half bionic, we need to stand against these horrid people.

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What you're seeing is a difference in degree not kind, these problems have been here for a very long time. Why else could it be the case that avoidable medical errors have been the third leading cause of death in America (just a few years worth eclipses the deaths from COVID-19 and the deaths just go marching on year after year) and the medical profession doesn't do a damn thing about it?


And even this is just the tip of a very big iceberg, encompassing not just medicine but all large institutions.

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The medical community really don’t care if kids are injured by vaccines.

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Doctors breaching duty of care seems fairly standard at this point.

I refer in particular to patients who under normal circumstances would be able to obtain an exemption. I've even heard of doctors telling their patients getting vaccinated/vaccinated again is a bad idea given their medical situation, but they refuse to sign an exemption on their patient's behalf.

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Sometimes TPTB ignore the exemption despite clear evidence there needs to be one. I had no idea that could happen!

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There is a reason that the United States’ founders allowed states to restrict the right to vote to educated and reasonably intelligent voters. Once enough voters who have no clue can vote, everything falls apart.

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What a ridiculous notion. It smacks of an arrogant superiority complex. A true virtue signaller statement. You don't have to be educated to be intelligent. You simply have to be able to use logic and common sense.

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this is exactly the wrong Rx.

We are in this mess because of "educated" (credentialed) idiots who believe in everything that so-called experts and intellectuals (the "intelligent") say and can't do an ounce of research on their own.

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What you're describing isn't the consequence of intelligence, it's the consequence of feminine emotional characteristics like focusing on status and social consensus.

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I don’t think your assessment could be any wronger. We’re in the mess we’re in because we don’t have a critical mass of voters able to understand these complicated problems and stop them. Unfortunately, I wished it wasn’t the case, some people aren’t able to adequately understand and defend their interests in complicated issues, and pretending otherwise only makes things worse.

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In the US & abroad, corruption, collusion, profiteering and racketeering in the scientific and medical communities has for decades been facilitated & encouraged by US Gov't alphabet agencies full participation & complicity.

What else would explain decades of budgets, policies & practices to treat symptoms only instead of underlying infections of 300+ diseases & medical conditions?

More than half damage brain, heart, vascular system, CNS, connective tissues & other organs & systems through the body.

Sick, weak, disabled populations of inadequately treated persistent infection patients spend the bulk of our time struggling to access & pay for Drs, specialists & treatments not covered by Big Insurance.

Because Big Pharma owns most politicians and agency heads & is the largest advertising revenue stream for both Mainstream and social media, the narrative put out by the profiteers is the only one permitted to be circulated.

So when inadequately treated persistent infection patients who have gone misdiagnosed or undiagnosed for decades become so cognitively impaired, most remain unaware of WHY we cannot access adequate treatment of adequate duration and continue to vote for those who enable the profiteers.

The system isn't broken, it working precisely as designed.

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The underlying points are that the system is completely broken, now more so than ever, that voters are not and have not been able to change it, and that the founding fathers were very worried about a democracy with voters who lacked the skills necessary to defend the legitimate interests of society.

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Obviously, the interests of society are NOT being defended by the educated, "high-information" voters and the PMC. The founding fathers had no clue (nor could they) about the depth of psychopathy and corruption that neoliberalism would breed, 180 years hence.

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Absolutely true. The corruption, collusion, profiteering and racketeering over the last several decades has disabled 20% of the US population.

IMO, at least 1/3 of the population is so cognitively impaired by one of over 300 inadequately treated persistent infections that the medical industrial complex, pharma, politicians, and other profiteers have successfully dumbed down enough voters to continue to get away with it.

Like AIDS/HIV IT WILL REMAIN UNTENABLE unless and until ITPI's stop turf fighting and competing for funding and media attention.

We must work together in loose, leaderless affiliations to organize and mobilize.

We must commit to years of repeated acts of civil disobedience coordinated nationally and globally or nothing will change.

Not the medical system, not the scientific system, not the medical industrial complex or corrupt academic institutions, and certainly not our dysfunctional and abusive political system in the US.

Disabled, 62, I can commit to giving arrested at any location between Boston and Washington DC if provided a bedroom and bathroom the night before the event and someone to take responsibility to deliver my service dog to the family she knows and loves who has watched her throughout the years whenever I have been hospitalized.

That family is located not far from me on Eastern Long Island in New York state between New Jersey and Connecticut.

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That should have read I can commit to being arrested. I'm on Ivermectin and other components twice a week, so can endure short periods indoors masked with an n95 or better and tight fitting goggles so as not to be infected via moist eyes

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Most of those causing the problem are highly educated, at least formally.

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That’s completely irrelevant. The point is that the only reason they can get away with it is because low information voters let them.

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WHY do over 90% of my fellow Dems think Early Treatments are little good or dangerous and buy into the flood of disinflo/fact-checking? Or let me be specific. Why was the NYT (2020/4/02 able to get away with lying that DrZ gave his protocol to "ANYONE" & conveying the false idea he was doing something dangerous and no one could correct that? (I tried but no one would listen to the proof BRD, a long informative interview and strangers would insult me by claiming I was a MAGA or liked Trump and flag me -- the posted interview got warned then censored, etc and, NYT, of course never responded or published a retort). I, and others, were unable to get the word out that the risk for HR pts w/C could be reduced 10X by early treatment w/ an ionophore, virucide & anti-bacterial BUT I got nowhere. I got defriended for trying.

These people were not IN GENERAL "low information voters" as they had much information about many things which people who use the term "low information voters" are themselves pretty ignorant about. Knee-jerk libs or conservatives don't know a lot about what they most think they know. Moreover, the uniquely strong obnoxiousness of Trump made TDS w/ the sticking power of natural immunity. Most Dems cannot examine proof of H or I-protocol or, now it seems ANY early treatment as they identify them w/ Trump & the Right. Why could I hold my nose and hear out Ghouliani's intvw of Dr Z? It is because I do not hate Trump as I view him as literally retarded, his emotional personality is 5 yrs old so he can parrot morals but is irresponsible -- as ammoral as a 5-yr old. Four years, now five, of intense hate has destroyed the ability of most Democrats to listen to reason about anything that has become politicized. It is possible the only way, we can become a true Democracy (one w. free speech and people who can listen) is to overcome the irrational hate for Trump. (ps, I wanted him impeached or for the Central Command to Court Martial him = as Comander in Chief) for betraying the YPG/AANES to Erdogan & his jihadists, for it was clear he was blackmailed by Erdogan) who can not help being what he is. We don't need a surgeon general but a psychologist.

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They're emotionally manipulated (via the regime-propaganda-media) into believing good-people-get-injections, and bad-people-oppose-injections.

Emotion, particularly tribe-identity, is much more primal and fundamental to the human mind than reasoning about abstract concepts.

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My observation is that the left tends to rely much more heavily on emotions to make decisions. It’s completely irrational. And once emotions and the PR campaign nonsense meet, people have to be pretty bright to overcome their programming.

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Agree. See my comment above.

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Nov 2, 2021
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Great piece. Thank you!

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