Nurses call remdesevir "run death is near" because they know it's a one way ticket.

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Many of us fervently believe/ know that the doctors knew from the beginning just as so many of us out here in the general public did that these shots had great potential for lethality and damage. Most of us will never trust doctors again. They're only coming out of the woodwork now because they're afraid that they may be prosecuted.

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What is it going to take for the docs talking to you in private, for them to speak publicly?

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The Dam Is Breaking: Small Businesses Band Together To Sue Mayor Over Vaccine Mandate


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Yeah, there’s a paywall.

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Thanks, sorry.

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That’s ok! :)

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Steve, if all Tech Execs were like you, this would be a beautiful world. Great work.

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Really? We needed to go through all this nonsense which never made any sense from the start over 2 years ago to get to this point? These idiots running this fake pandemic never should have been allowed to go forward and wouldn't have been if not for our Communist government and their firm alliances with big pharma, fauci and gates.

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Great to learn the truth. Thank you for putting yourself in the line of fire to do so.

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Six months ago my family doctor was trying to push the shots on me, at my 6 month checkup this month he didn't even mention any vaccines at all!

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I knew this summer when our long term pediatrician didn’t even mention the Covid vaccine for my teens. We saw her for 2 physicals and one injury after the shots were approved for teens. That told me all I needed to know about vaccines for kids. My doc didn’t mention it at my physical this fall either. I brought it up, but he didn’t pressure me. He did strongly encourage it for a 65 year old family member. I’m thinking docs who are reasonable may not bring it up for younger, healthier people unless you ask. Then they probably have to tow the party line. Their silence spoke volumes to me.

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Same here. My cardiologist even lost his temper with me because I refused to take the lethal vaccine 6 months ago. I'm sure many of his heart patients have died or suffered terrible side effects. He behaved very sheepishly this last time.

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My homeland! Yes!

Ireland is set to drop most pandemic restrictions, state broadcaster RTE reported. Government medical advisers proposed removing most curbs, including early closing times for bars and restaurants as well as the need for proof of vaccination to enter some businesses. Workers are likely to be allowed return to the office too.

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How come I have not heard much about whether or not someone can get Covid more than once? What’s the data on this?

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It’s like asking if you can eat more than one non-existent baloney sandwich.(respectfully)I

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You don’t think COVID exists at all? I have been back and forth on this.

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Watch a few interviews with Dr. Stefan Lanka who talks about the history of virology and the many wrong turns virologists have taken over the years and decide for yourself: https://plandemicshirts.com/are-viruss-dangerous-not-according-to-german-biologist-and-virologist-stefan-lanka/

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The so called 'COVID virus' has NEVER been isolated. If it hasn't been isolated, they cannot prove it exists. If they cannot prove it exists? What do you think is the next logical 'statement' here ? If you say " We've been had, and lied to" you're right.

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I do believe that… no doubt in my mind. But there are ppl who are dying from something at a higher rate than before Covid. I supposedly had Covid and lost my taste and smell and still don’t have it back 4 months later. If Covid doesn’t exist then what are the good guys treating when they suggest ivermectin etc…?

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Alex Berenson is wrong. He should apologize to Dr. Malone.


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He should. That was dumb of him. He also ignores evidence of cannabis helping.

Dr Malone should apologize to mattias desmet for making up a term "mass formation psychosis" that Desmet was not happy with. Why couldn't Dr M use the original term " mass formation"? It's because Malone is a huge narcissist and sneaky bastard. And the fact checkers used that to discredit the whole thing. Thanks mRNA zealot Malone...


And this kind of makes me wonder why he's trying to get recognized as a good guy


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