As an M.D., Ph.D. anesthesiologist and former E.R. physician of 39 years, I have read significant misinterpretation of the events surrounding the collapse of Hamlin. While I do not purport to be a proverbial expert, I believe my assessments are valid. The possible diagnoses I discount include commotio cordis, intracranial/cardiac or intra-thoracic aneurysm that ruptured.

The initial diagnosis by a number of cardiologists and other physicians was that this was a case of commotio cordis. Recognize that the acute and sharp trauma to the chest wall and the underlying heart at a precise point in the cardiac cycle (20msec total interval during the T wave which represents ventricular repolarization) causes IMMEDIATE change from a sinus rhythm (normal) to ventricular fibrillation (v. fib.). When v. fib. occurs, no significant cardiac output occurs and within several seconds at the most, the brain and heart become hypoxic and cease to function normally. In other words, the onset of v. fib. results in a dead person that has only several minutes at the most IF given adequate CPR and typically ventilation to keep the dying brain alive and a sinus rhythm restored. If the sinus rhythm is not immediately restored, the brain rapidly loses the potential to be salvaged. No one can say exactly how few seconds occur in the conscious person who converts into v. fib. before they become unconscious. I seriously doubt more than 3-4 seconds at the most would pass before the individual would be aware that something was drastically wrong and visibly express alarm. Note that last year there was a 500% increase in the incidence of top-level, professional soccer players in the European leagues who dropped to the playing pitch, most of them in v. fib./dying. The coverage of the incident with Hamlin shows the hit (not apparently unusually violent) and virtually immediately stood upright, adjusted his helmet as if nothing was wrong and THEN collapsed. If this was c. c., he would have recognized immediately after the hit while still on the ground that something was drastically wrong and would likely have not stood up or would have exhibited alarm or confusion as he stood, if he still could have done so. How many seconds did it take for him to stand upright apparently in no distress, adjust his helmet and THEN collapse? Too many I propose to have occurred because of c. c.

The second consideration of a possible diagnosis was and is a cardiac aneurysm or intra-cranial/ brain aneurysm rupture. There is clear evidence for a significant incidence of development of aneurysms in the heart and also the brain after the Covid mRNA "vaccines." The problem with either of these possible diagnoses is that rupture of either would cause IMMEDIATE recognition of severe chest pain (cardiac event) or "the worst headache of their life" if it was a brain aneurysm that ruptured. The video evidence shows that the patient had a significant interval of seemingly normal cardiac and brain function through the act of standing up and adjusting his helmet BEFORE he collapsed. A more likely cause for his deterioration from a sinus rhythm to ventricular fibrillation is that the Covid "vaccinations" which cause a numerically greater load of spike protein to be developed and is deposited (shown in post-mortem studies) in many tissues of the body including the heart. This creates an inflammatory reaction involving the endothelium of blood vessels in different areas of the body. That irritation/inflammation of the endothelium leads to the potential for stimulation of the platelets to change their function in the same manner that they do when a bleeding vessel occurs, ie. they collect and block the hole in vessel to stop the leak. In this scenario, the blockage caused by the platelet aggregation literally blocks the coronary vessel in exactly the same manner as occurs with a typical heart attack. If the vessels are not "overwhelmed" and still functioning normally, a blood clot will not necessarily form. What can and apparently does occur is that the myocardial cells themselves develop abnormal activity or function and likely set-off the change to v. fib. and death. Recall the dramatic increased incidence of myocarditis (this latter scenario) over the last 1.75 years, particularly in young men. The moment a significant arteriole occlusion occurs, hypoxic heart tissue ensues and the cascade happens that can and likely leads to v. fib. and death. These two latter causes for Hamlin's collapse are likely the reason for his terrible event. I certainly hope and pray that this young man will recover. The prognosis will become more certain over the next couple of days. The reality is that, as Steve Kirsch states, the incidence of acute cardiac arteriole occlusion (heart attack as above) or myocarditis (as in the latter example) need to be clinically and post-mortem examined in depth to find out whether or not the mRNA "vaccines" are causative or not. There should not be any hesitation to do so because that has always been the hallmark of good medical practice. May God support and bless the family of Hamlin and give Hamlin the healing touch that he so desperately needs.

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I was in the fire department back in the 90's with EMT certification. Damar Hamlin is a grab and go situation. All work to revive would be done racing to the hospital. Also, there was no fire department dispatch. The dispatch came from UCincy hospital a 12 minute ride away. Fire station 14 is only a few blocks away. Why wouldn't UCincy dispatch a medevac for this prominent cardiac arrest? This is another NFL hoax.

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Excellent. I'm a retired neurologist.

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If you ever want to help Steve Kirsch as an expert here's how to put your info in his hands: https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/how-to-contact-me

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Thank you for the excellent explanation of possible cause of the injury. I have experience and training in investigating in-custody deaths. Typically the death follows sustained extreme physical exertion, usually fighting with police officers while they are being taken into custody. At autopsy it is determined that the person had heart damage from a series of minor heart attacks that probably went unnoticed over the preceding months or even years. The final extreme physical effort was an atypical event in their lives that led to a fatal heart attack. It is assumed that the heart damage was caused by years of drug abuse. Is it possible that the athletes that are dying are experiencing the same phenomenon brought about by the spike protein in the mRNA injections? Do you think they would experience a decline in athletic performance in the period leading up to the heart attack? Dr. McCullough postulated that myocarditis can lead to v. fib either from physical effort or a shock to the heart through impact.

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Boy Sean S., I like your bringing in the history of the deaths occurring in-custody! Recognizing that I am NOT a pathologist or a cardiologist, I obviously can only try to synthesize what I have learned and seen over the years. When those individuals are found post mortem to have had multiple small heart attacks, the proximate cause is perhaps obscure but I absolutely think that the drug abuse has contributed. That would be particularly true with the use of cocaine and the likelihood is that a significant component or majority of drugs users in that demographic would have used coke at some time. There is a lovely article available on the internet from the American Heart Association in 2010. What is known is that coke is a sympathomimetic causing an increased level of catecholamines. This leads to increased level of vascular vasoconstriction (tightening or narrowing) as well as increased heart rate. The consequence of this is increased blood pressure and hence an increase in oxygen demand by the heart. This mimics but is profoundly stronger than the changes that occur when we experience "fight or flight." If the individual has coronary vessels on the lower end of the spectrum as far as caliber then it makes sense that further narrowing of those vessels could create isolated small areas of ischemic heart muscle leading to localized muscle death/heart attack. Likely there are many more individuals both athletes and non-athletes that are participating in this illegal and stupid activity that never end up having a noticeable heart attacks. The other thought that I have is perhaps off the wall but...........Is it possible that the frequent injection of drugs with poor technique, dirty needles and repetitive trauma to a vessel at a localized area causes endothelial inflammatory reaction leading to the formation of small, isolated clots. If this was so, should the clots break loose, they would travel to the right side of the heart only and not to the left side unless the patient had a patent foramen ovale, possibly a small atrial septal defect, both unusual in an active adult but not incompatible with an active life particularly when young. A thought only, no idea if this occurs or not. I do not know why the injected narcotics over time would not cause similar cardiac damage as occurs over time with alcoholics. Realistically, an inflammatory process is an inflammatory process and I would think the spike proteins produced by the mRNA "vaccines" would simply speed up the process that occurs with chronic use of cocaine in particular but also injected drugs and alcohol. Whatever the etiology, when the oxygen demand of the heart muscle exceeds the supply, muscle dies. If the muscle becomes inflamed without any particular limitation to oxygen supply, the v. fibrillation can occur because the spike protein has directly impacted the ability of the SA node, AV node, bundle branches to release timely impulses and carry them without delay to the ventricles. Also the inflammation of the ventricular tissue can apparently change the function of the ventricular muscle so that different cells will spontaneously fire leading to the v. fib. when a "normal heart" at that point would not have had the problem. Finally, if the heart is itself inflamed and not functioning totally normally then a good thump to the chest/heart certainly would have a greater chance of setting off v. fib. Good thinking on your part! Thank you!

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Virginia Heick

just now

This makes sense- common sense.

I've never done hard drugs.. but, in my youth,

(late teens/20s)

I witnessed MANY people I know, do so..

Most of those people are now dead.

I will be 68 this month.

But, to be honest - most of my friends during those years;

also smoked lots cigs; drank lots alcohol and ate the typical, shitty, American diet

of lots of high carbs/sugar/hydrogenated & transfat, seed oils & GMOs

(that no one even knew about!).. ect..

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When a person dies in custody as the result of police action the medical examiner often rules the death a homicide based upon the “but for” conclusion: but for the police chasing him, he would not have died; but for the police trying to take him into custody, he would not have fought, if he had not fought, he would not have died. The coroner rules that the police were the proximal cause of death, but generally they are not held criminally liable.

I think the same principle applies to the mRNA shots. Millions of people have taken these injections. Many, possibly the majority, because of coercion (coercion is a crime). The manufacturers probably knew before the products were released that they caused death (more than was reasonable), they definitely knew shortly after that they caused death, and they surely know now that they cause death. Based upon the “but for” principle they have committed homicide (one person killing another person) by recommending or requiring that people to be injected with an injurious substance (poison). Whether the homicide rises to the level of a criminal act, either manslaughter or murder, would be up to the interpretation of a law enforcement officer and a prosecutor. Murder requires malice, whether fleeting or premeditated. That is a high bar in this circumstance. Manslaughter simply requires negligence. Probable cause to charge someone simply asks the question: would a reasonable person believe there is evidence (even a scintilla) that a crime was committed, and a certain person committed it? I believe there is a mountain of evidence that the regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical companies, and unfortunately a lot of doctors and nurses knew that these injections were/are killing people. They were negligent in not reporting it, and worse, still recommended it. That is a crime. The Florida Grand Juries just might come to the same conclusion if the right evidence is presented.

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Sean, you wrote with knowledge about the legal situation in this disaster. Unfortunately, all of the responsible parties from Fauci/Collins/Daszak/Moderna/Pfizer/etc. have forgotten not just the necessity to commit a crime but also the even more important moral obligation to treat others as they would like to be treated. God will have the last word some day in the future for all of the people involved in promoting/pushing the entire Covid narrative with its fictional origin in a fish market??? as well as the drug companies all of the way down to physicians and boards of medicine who have closed their eyes and ears to the cries and the scenes of people being injured and dying around the world because of the initial depopulating instrument--the virus--extending to the more long-term and likely greater depopulating instrument--the "vaccines." They also fought against the use of two old and well-tried safe medications that could likely have saved millions and promoted and pushed the use of other so-called healing drugs once patients arrived in a hospital that quickly further injured or even killed the recipients.

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FRAUD! MAJOR FRAUD! How about conspiracy to commit fraud?

And throw away the key!

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I'm sure there is also a violation of a fraud statute in there somewhere, but this is an interesting fact regarding fraud: Federal statute 43 U.S.C. SS 1320A-7 prohibits the federal healthcare programs from doing business with any entity that has been convicted of committing a felony crime related to healthcare fraud.


Guess which one of the major Covid shot pharma companies paid $2.3 billion in fines related to civil and criminal penalties in 2009 due to a felony conviction for marketing the unsafe, off-label use of the drug Bextra?


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BOOM💥! Yes! GREAT CATCH! To these Big Pharma Cartels, it’s like a slap on the hand! This is ridiculous insanity and people are getting injured and dying! Big Pharma needs to be stopped!

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By the way, sorry to see on your profile that you allowed yourself to be injected twice with this poison before realizing what was going on. Hopefully you will be one of the lucky ones that got a cold batch or no batch or that your own immune system is able to repair whatever damage was caused.

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i got a batch that left me only slightly damaged (afaik).

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Excellent comment. As a retired anesthesiologist I agree with your analysis completely. There are differential diagnoses but in my professional opinion the most likely is underlying subclinical myocarditis with a catecholamine surge causing a ventricular arrythmia.

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Thank you for your comment. We are hearing about too many people, young ones particularly, who are developing this inflammatory condition--the heart perhaps the worst but every system unfortunately!! I believe Hamlin would be active and well today except for having been suckered into the poison! One of my classmates is a semi-retired VA psychiatrist who did his residency in Chicago and interviewed multiple times John Wayne Gacy!! Anyway, Sheridan's brother also likely was about 65 y/o, seemingly healthy, when he had the first injection, not sure which company. Sheridan told me that he went from never having any heart problems straight into a Mobitz II within hours or a couple of days of the injection. That is not just anecdotal evidence in my mind!!

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Although none can be proven 100% (short of an autopsy) to be vaxx caused, I have a list of 19 people who are either dead or severely injured as a result of the vaxx. And my circles aren’t that large. I road bike a lot and two on my list are two of the strongest riders I know who can no longer achieve the capacity they formerly had. Both of them recognize the vaxx was the cause. Steve’s informal polls have been eye-openers for anybody who cares to see.

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Thankyou Doctor Watson for taking the time and writing a very informative article.

Yes our prayers are with Hamlin and family

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Sorry to say, there have been over a thousand athletes worldwide who have died suddenly on the field(post covid vaxx)the tennis court, the marathon, the cycle race. This should not be happening to perfectly healthy young people. Please be honest and at least accept the fact the covid vaxxes are causing serious cardiac failures.🥲

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I live in buffalo and the commotio cordis is being reported by the local media

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that is impossible. very bad reporting.

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That is totally irresponsible of news outlets! What has the world come to? Can we maybe get a statement from his family or his doctor before convenient theories (i.e. commotio cordis) are being treated as gospel??? I'm so disappointed in media and any medical professional who refuses to consider the vaccine, until proven otherwise.

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"Nothing to see here!" No see, no hear, no speak!

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MSM has lied for the past three years. They continue to do so. Msm have no idea what caused this young man’s to sudden heart failure. An athlete at the top of his game!

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wow. simply an awesome comment. but v-fib can be restarted with a defib, but that obviously didn't work at all which is why they did the 9 minutes of CPR.

You agree that he's likely brain dead after 9 minutes of CPR?

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Steve, First, I have been following you for quite some time now and appreciate all you have done and sacrificed for this cause. As a retired CCRN who practiced for close to 40 yrs in NYC I just think it's premature and insensitive to state that you believe the NFL player is "brain dead". For sure, he suffered anoxic brain injury, but right now he is intubated, sedated and on hypothermia protocol. (to potentially preserve brain function) The fact that he's on hypothermia protocol means that he did not wake up after his heartbeat was restored. They will keep him like that for 24hrs and then slowly rewarm him and then attempt to wake him up. I pray for the best outcome for him, I have to believe he got good CPR in the field but being "down" for 9' is clearly a bad sign. Time will tell. I just think that when you make bold statements like "He's brain dead", you invite a lot of negative press, that's not helpful to the cause. That said - I understand that we do not want to let them get away with calling in Commotio cordis - when it could very likely be caused by that garbage gene therapy. Thanks again for all you do.

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How do you know he was put on hypothermia?

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Hi Jfprn. Your concern is certainly reasonable and appropriate and can draw negative press. Actually, Mr. Kirsch stated in his reply to me above that, "you agree that he's likely brain dead after 9 minutes of CPR?" I do not believe that I made a definite statement that he is dead unless I am confused. I agree that only God knows his outcome. I am just less than encouraged about the prognosis. Thank you for your concern. I do appreciate it.

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Hi Mr. Kirsch. Thank you for your comment. I follow your posts and greatly respect your dogged pursuit of the truth! The reality is that if an individual is in v. fib. and is shocked/defibrillated successfully, they might very well go back into v. fib. spontaneously in the next seconds/minutes. The point being that the heart is really not functioning normally again even though the heart was converted back into a sinus rhythm. The primary issue is that the cells of the sinoatrial node (put out the pacemaking beat or like the drill instructor calling out the cadence for the marching trainees) are not functioning normally and putting out the normal signal. All of the heart tissue--SA and AV nodes, bundle branches, purkinje fibers, muscle cells--spontaneously depolarize and it is the depolarization of the muscle cells that causes them to contract. If the SA node fibers are not sending out the signal on time, every time, the ventricular muscle cells will depolarize first and that location of depolarization in the ventricles, one side or the other, spreads like a run of dominos going down. The result is the ventricles contracting at abnormal rates and asynchronistically so that the ventricles do not push out the blood in them into the lungs on the right side and the head/body/extremities on the left side. That is like a team of work horses or dogs attached to a sled that only one or two of the entire team choose to work at the same time or same effort. They cannot pull like they would if everyone worked together. Defibrillating the heart causes all of the heart tissue (as listed above) to rapidly depolarize and contract at the same instant. All of the heart tissue then repolarize normally effectively at a similar rate.

Because the SA node and AV node cells always depolarize faster than the ventricular muscle cells, if the SA node and AV node start producing/transmitting a normal signal down the pathway, the signal will get to the ventricular muscle cells to depolarize them and cause them to contract all at the same time. The simultaneous contraction of the ventricle cells is what produces the effective contraction. Remember a tug-of-war team can only win if everyone pulls together. The patient maybe back in sinus for the moment but can revert to v. fib. because the intrinsic subcellular process of failure by the cells of the pacemaking structures (SA node/AV node/bundle fibers clearly has not been "fixed" permanently. If the SA node cells again fail to send out a regular beat in a sinus rhythem meaning 60-100 for an adult, the ventricular tissue will begin once again to spontaneously depolarize and contract irregularly across the heart muscle at a rate of 30-40 but without force because the entire muscle does not contract together. Those early minutes to hours after an episode of v. fib. are fraught with the potential to degrade once again. You will continue the CPR (meaning the external compressions and, hopefully, pushing oxygen into the lungs) until the patient is spontaneously breathing as well as a palpable pulse can be felt in the wrist. That sensation is usually present with a systolic pressure of around 80mm of Hg which supports life. That was the reason why the CPR was continued a full 9 minutes.

Studies have shown that excellent/textbook CPR can only produce about 20% of normal cardiac output. This means that out in the field, lying on a playing surface, utilizing folks that maybe or may not be practiced/effective CPR givers, will likely produce less than 20% of normal output. It is easy to understand then that having to have CPR for 9 minutes logically suggests that the brain has been in a major deficit for all of that time and the likelihood of having retained significant function is very reduced. Personally and I am not an expert by any means, my concern is that at best, Hamlin will eventually awaken to some degree with a major neurological deficit. At worst, he will be kept intubated and ventilated for several days to 11-12 days. At some point studies looking for blood flow and also brain function will be done. If there is no significant uptake of oxygen by the brain, no response to stimuli and no motor activity (ie. patient is dead) the physicians will be forced to suggest that the resuscitative efforts be terminated and Hamlin's body be allowed to proceed to continue to function on its own or for breathing to stop and then shortly the heart to stop beating . A very dismal outlook. I am NOT an expert but that is my experience of working codes over the years and seeing the results. I hope my assessment proves to be extremely pessimistic and Hamlin's family gets a reasonably normally functioning young man back!!

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so are his wikipedia stats from 2023 and 2024 fake?


2023 - Team/BUF | Games - gp/5 gs/0 | Tackles - cmb/2 solo/2 ast/0 sck/0.0 tfl/0 | Interceptions - pd/0 int/0 yds/0 avg/— lng/0 td/0 | Fumbles - ff/0 fr/0 td/0

2024 - Team/BUF | Games - gp/13 gs/13 | Tackles - cmb/83 solo/58 ast/25 sck/0.0 tfl/2 | Interceptions - pd/5 int/2 yds/19 avg/9.5 lng/19 td/0 | Fumbles - ff/0 fr/1 td/0

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I’m hoping that the data sent by the whistleblower wasn’t lost completely? Also praying that there was nothing in the data that would give away any leads about who the whistleblower might be. We don’t want another Seth on our conscience. They grow more desperate by the hour.

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Turns out all of the "experts" were wrong. Really looks like Steve lost the debate. Pay up.

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How many debates have you stood for?

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Great news! MSM, however, continues to spin; headlines point out, “DAMAR RELEASED FROM HOSPITAL “, neglecting to mention that he was released from one hospital and immediately admitted to another.

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We are all thrilled. I was dismayed Steve when you said he is most likely brain damaged. We shouldn’t make presumptions until a death is confirmed. I recall some decades ago aman came out of a coma after 21 years—normal. We shouldn’t second guess the innate healing power of the body.

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Not sure what "experts" you spoke with, but the entire reason behind CPR is to keep oxygenated blood flowing to the brain and other vital organs. While it doesn't happen often, it does happen and 9 minutes for CPR is nothing.

Starting CPR immediately is what saved him. This is vital in cardiac arrest situations.

But hey, I only spent 25 years as a firefighter/EMT performing CPR in the field...what do I know.

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I believed that Hamlin had very little chance of living, much less doing well, after his cardiac arrest. From my own experience over the years directing codes for patients in the emergency room, the success rate is just very low and that is in a facility with seemingly everyone needed standing by. I can only say that the assistant coach or trainer who did the CPR must have initiated that in the first 2 minutes and was performing stellar compressions! Absolutely incredible. Even with that, the result is still typically not good. The fact that Hamlin is seemingly returning to normal health is just remarkable but, I believe, shows the hand of God who intervened in this instance. I believe that the prayers of the other football players, people in the stands and all around the United States were answered by God in His mercy. I thank Him from the bottom of my heart. That does not negate the fact that an increasing number of younger Americans are dropping dead for no apparent reason--except that they have been supposedly SAFELY immunized by the poison stated to be Two ore young people in the last two days. I hope and pray that people will recognize more and more the consequences of giving in to the pressure exerted on them to be "vaccinated." But, may God continue to bless young Hamlin and his loving family!

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My Dragon program was not "listening" very well!! I meant to say, "two more young people in the last two days." I am sorry for not catching the error!

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It is reported that Damar’s contract had a standard split clause designed to pay him at a lower rate “But in light of his situation, the four-year $3.64 million agreement has been subjected to an adjustment, so despite the fact that he was placed on IR this week, Buffalo has (per NFL Network) worked out an agreement with the NFL and NFLPA to pay him in full.”


In light of his situation?

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Steve really crapped the bed with his pronouncement that Hamlin "died on the field" Awful job which brings into question your credibility on any further topic.

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What do you think cardio pulmonary resuscitation does? Resuscitate the living?

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not sure this will be read here.. so just first question: how many were looking not only to what was happening with Hamlin's body, but the REACTION of his team members to that situation?? I had the feeling they all know what is going on and are afraid. Just my feeling. Second question: how many prayed for Hamlin??? I did. Just hope he will get good enough to tell what he thinks and how he feels.

And also I'm happy to read Mr. Kirsch catecholamine story, that was one of my first posts here on this platform in March 2022, platform which I now do not like, at all. Almost nobody read that post, pity because that was a reasonable explanation for me while looking into some details of the covid ILLEGAL, thus CRIMINAL gene therapy:


Last but not least, why VAERS does not have any racial profile in injuries/deaths??? Reminded me of Hank Aaron's case.

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Of course he died.

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Strangely enough I don’t think the NFL will blame the vaccine because they’re in on the scam too. Many are including doctors. Just ask Dr. Madej. They’ve planned this for years and there are many different professions involved. It amazes me how they kept this a secret for so long. If it weren’t for Dr. Madej’s whistleblowing we may have never known.

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The public (the msm lack of covering it) does not realize that there have been over a thousand young athletes drop dead.

Even if a lone reporter steps up to say something, it will be cut before it airs. My sister died suddenly July 23, 2021.

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"...message from a former NFL player

So many current & former players are scared of what this vax is doing to their friends & they’re not allowed to discuss it publicly ..."

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i saw that too. retweeted it.

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I accidentally clicked option 1 because I was too hasty and thought it asked what SHOULD be done, not what WILL be done …

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