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I live in Germany and have been tempted to demonstrate since summer 2020, but there has always been police brutality which frightened me. Plus you need official permission to demonstrate, which was denied due to the pandemic. The law courts generally also denied most appeals against banned protests. There are instances of judges who made sensible rulings and then they suddenly get their chambers searched by the police or were otherwise intimidated. Even the highest court (stacked with political appointees) just ruled that everything the government did last year was fine. People are now saying the Constitution is dead.

Doctors, lawyers, politicians, scientists, public personalities who put their head above the parapet in the last 1.5 years were very effectively targeted and intimidated. Some have left the country.

There are now significant protests in Sachsen and Thueringen (former DDR) and the numbers of people going to hundreds of smaller unauthorized marches (or walks) appear to be more than the police can squash. Austria also has large well organized protests that are not backing down. This gives me hope.

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Hi, is there a website that lists upcoming protests in Germany. I’d like to attend.

Warm regards.

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I'm not aware of such a website. I would suggest installing Telegram and go to https://t.me/Haintz Markus Haintz who is a lawyer and very experienced protester. He generally lists and comments on the larger protests in Germany plus those in Bavaria where he lives. There is also a multitude of smaller regional groups, I would check by looking for a larger city name nearby or your region's name as a starting point. And be careful about what you post, as the government and police monitor the open groups.

Honestly, I'd like to get a few lessons from someone who has protested in Hong Kong. It would be very enlightening.

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Sweetie, I understand what you've said here.

I live in Melbourne Australia, and I have "vaccine" (bio-weapon) injuries so couldn't put myself in a situation of being handled roughly or arrested by corrupt police.

Now we have a calmer situation which is like the eye of the storm.

It's not peace or calm, but a manipulation by the sociopath Premier Daniel Andrews who has now passed a Bill to legally topple our democracy, to legally usher in totalitarianism, with himself as permanent Fuhrer.

The stress of living here and being cut out of society for not being 2x jabbed is hard.

Everyday I think about buying a gun, but talk myself out of it. I would use it in my home if the corrupt police broke into my house to arrest me & take me to a concentration camp "quarantine camp" or prison.

Our government is full of traitors.

They're paid off puppets of Big Pharma and the WEF NWO.

Attorney Reiner Fuelllmich has described the corruption in Deutschland. It's very sad to hear. I'm 4th generation German Australian.

For the last 4 weeks I have participated in the protest marches in Melbourne against the Bill and the vaccine mandates. It's been fantastic to be with my fellow patriots, vaxxed & unvaxxed alike, able to discuss the truth without censorship, and to feel that we're not alone.

I've been praying for humanity.

God loves us very much.

We're precious to Him.

Humanity is the jewel of His creation.

He loves you very much too, & is at work in our circumstances.

I'll pray for you too from now on.


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One thing. You SHOULD buy a gun, or you're putting yourself in a position where you're unable to defend yourself and your close circle. Very soon, they'll start banging on the door and dragging people by force to inoculate them against their will. It's a given. 100% going to happen. It's better to have a gun and not need it, than not have it and need it.

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Just being at the demonstration and generating that energy from the crowd, that has an effect, no one is really talking about it. There is a significant discomfort provided every week to those in power. They see just how much resistance there is. Have you noticed that there aren’t any pro-mask, pro-vaccine, pro-lockdown marches. Not a single one. Because all of those people are scared or don’t care. We have so much positive intention. It’s like a giant ship at sea, going full steam ahead, it takes consistent effort, however it turns, it takes a long time and at the start it’s imperceptible. Anyone heard that Davos is going ahead this year?

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