I don't care for her because she's hardcore Zionist, but I'll give her credit for her covid stance and would support any efforts on her part to try and get a congressional investigation started.

In fact I like her stance on most topics, just not Israel.

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Couldn't understand why MTG is so picked on. Finally realized it's b/c she's one of the very few who talks any common sense. She sees the problems and asks for answers. I guess you're not supposed to do that in congress, and those who do get scourged somehow....

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Congress will not allow any real truth because there are more compromised, than uncompromised members. Most are stupid enough to get caught with their pants down and are too selfish to come clean but will allow themselves to be used as political pawns in their game of politics. Black mail seems to be really good way of controlling congressmen/women. Epstein was very helpful in a lot of that, pizza gate, more. It sickens me what they are capable of, but then I know that God's got this. As Trump says, "The best is yet to come." I believe!!

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Interesting, Rand Paul the bulldog won't step up. I remember watching him literally grab Fauci by the scruff of the neck and shake him till his teeth nearly fell out during senate hearings and Fauci doing everything he could to avoid answering the questions. Especially on the Wuhan Gain of Function issue. I thought RP was the voice of reason at the time and would speak out further. Misread that.

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We need brave people leasing our country, not those who cower. This is ridiculously serious to stop the maniacs "in charge" of the pandemic.

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Sending love & prayers over all.suffering from these cancers

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Sure, "government" is a bunch of people that have at their disposal people with gun and weapons.

Yes, governments have caused and are causing more destruction than anything else.

I believe we are born free. Liberty MUST be defended as the second amendment reminds us. Our first line of the defense is the military. When they tried to overthrow Yeltzin, he jumped on a tank and told the military not to shoot on the people. Fortunately for the Russians, they complied. What would the American military and police do is the $64K question.

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Disease "X" is what they are going to blame when all the people dropping dead from the jab occurs over the next several months . . .

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An excellent interview by Tucker (as always)... Bret Weinstein is both informative and in simple language educational... and might I add courageous! I'm on his side!~

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so sad most people still asleep. it's been in the making a long time and Goliath finally showed its face to many. I pray to become as mighty courageous as TC, his guest and soldiers of God.

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I'm starting to think the root of the problem is the private control of the power to create money. Yes, having powerhouses like MTG and Gaetz in Congress is important and has an effect, but it's just like snipping the top off of a weed: it'll keep coming back until you remove the root. The central bank bosses (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.) and their fellow elites control the HHS, DOD, Intel Agencies, NGO's, US political parties, etc. - all the consequential levers of executive power in the world basically - and they use that control to stay on top. Isn't it time we go rid of the Fed and made our central bank a public utility? It's insane to grant such an awesome power to private individuals and not expect them to be corrupt. See The Great Taking: https://thegreattaking.com/

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Right after we wrest control of our government and its agencies from the hands and will of those same entities and their agents... that is if we are able to accomplish that goal, but it is a prerequisite.

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I warmly recommend this post!

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I live in MTG's district and know her well. She is truly a powerhouse.

You are misreading Rand Paul. He is fully supportive of our cause, which comes through from time to time. Recall that he has been slowly undressing Fauci in public for three years now.

The difference between these two is a metaphor for the current GOP. Rand Paul has immense power as a multi-term senator who holds influential positions on crucial committees, but the GOP has limited power in the Senate. MTG, on the other hand, has a warrior mentality and is beholden to no one. She is a "damn the torpedoes' sort of fighter who represents a new breed - those who are never posturing for reelection. This new breed is the thin end of the wedge in the GOP, and they routinely call out those RINOs who are really moderate Dems masquerading as GOP members.

Rand Paul would become an instant warrior of our collective anti-vaxx cause if he were in the majority, though he would couch his work in the soft diplomacy that seems to pervade the Senate.

Frankly, the breakage of this tension would come with the election of an uber-warrior like Trump. This is what the Left fears most. The inquisition - on many fronts - that would follow would be a massive spillage of hidden truths. Tension is high this week because the case they were banking on in Fulton County down here in Georgia has fallen apart. That was the Dems big play because a conviction in a state court could not be solved with a self-pardon by a newly elected Trump. The strategists on the far left are having a panic weekend right now.

Please continue to laud and follow MTG's committee. She will be unrelenting. Check out those biceps and shoulders - she's quite a powerlifter. She's peeling open the onion with relish!

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Thanks for this insight.

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You are also magnificent.

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Delighted to see the list & hear about this past Friday's event! The Bret W./Tucker interview is indeed a gem. Here's a link to a 10-minute clip of it that is outstanding. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1D8QeOAASw

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I haven't watched this interview yet but I'm moving it up my priority list. Thanks for highlightingit Steve.

There's a David and Goliath battle being faught in NY state: Attorney Bobbie Ann Cox fighting the governor over quarantine camps. If you haven't heard, you must check out what NY wants to do. Awful. Check it out on the Brownstone Institute and substack.

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