Added Igor section, enhanced el gato malo section, and added UK ONS response after I pushed to readers.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Best Wishes ! And Thanks for your Support.

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You're welcome and best wishes to you too.

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Data interpretation on this covid issue has been going on for 3 years. I'm not saying data interpretation is a bad thing. It is an essential thing but subject to fraud and conflict of influence. The same problem exists in the domain of "peer reviewed" medicine. The crux of the issue is the average person does not know what to believe anymore. Herd mentality seems to indicate that most people will just trust the tv and smartphone media, both of which are financed by big pharma. So, most will take more shots and medicines. In the end, what we are going through is the biggest medical and psychosocial experiment in the history of humanity. I want to be an optimist but do not think this is going to end well. Please feel free to disagree.

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We are living a parallel to the Biblical story of Exodus. 9/10 of the people who followed Moses out of Egypt, were not fit to enter the Land of Israel. Some also went to Greece and ended up bowing down to false gods under Hellenistic Rule. Those who were not fit, had a slave mentality. God waited 40 years for this generation to die out. The next generation did not have a slave mentality because they "did not know Egypt." The set up of the world is a highly sophisticated Illusion. Time, as Einstein has shown us is, an illusion (it contracts and expands according to the Speed of Light.) The enemy is Time. Satan is trying to get you to waste your Time. The whole of Human History is a Race between the Forces who which to enslave us and those who which to Free us. The Choice we have is simple -

Enslavement vs Freedom. The Goal, I believe, is to work through the pressure that this Choice is forcing upon us, in order to attain White Light in the Crown Chakra. You can see the colours of your Chakra using high speed photography (I have seen my photo). White Light means that no frequency of Light is missing. You can see the colour in your eye level Chakra by closing your eyes in the dark. Einstein, and a handful of scientists, understood that all living things are powered up by the Shumann Resonance of 7.83 hz. This is the same frequency as the Earth. The point of this Boardgame is to force us to attain the Higher Level of Consciousness of White Light in the Crown Chakra. Yes, the casualties will be massive, but remember, God is always 100 % in control. Good always prevails and God always wins. Please see the following article on frequency from CHD.TV -


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"House Republicans to investigate COVID jab injuries, development, and mandates"

LifeSite News, journalist Joseph Summers, Feb.23, 2023 - headed by Rep. Rich McCormick


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From what I have seen Ron Johnson is one of the few people that work in government that seem to have integrity. The commenter below is right though. I used to live in Arizona, and it was and still is RINO land. So many Arizona republicans attacked Trump. Hell Trump may have been a narcissistic prick but compared to bidden he was a great commander in chief.

Remember cheap gas. Affordable groceries. Cheap utility bills. Mideast peace, low inflation and domestic energy independence? Biden has destroyed all of it. He and his crackhead son are owned by China and Ukraine. They are traitors.

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That is good news. I hope they are honest and ethical Republicans who will not take bribes from Pfizer and Moderna to conduct a cover up or whitewash, as opposed to RINOs.

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I think this is for real. Republican Senator Ron Johnson has done an excellent job of heading up the recent Round Table on vaxx injuries.

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Yes he has. If he's involved, that is very encouraging.

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Feb 25, 2023Edited
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Weren't you Annie Dunham a few hours ago? She posted the exact same wording. She had a profile pic and it was pretty.

I'm not paying you $90 when I can get it for free.

Well OK, yes, it's never free.

Tell your pimp to vary the wording when you post under different names.

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What was the name used this time?

Edit: Found her: Aillie that's a new one.

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I think it was "Alina" but I can't be sure. I remembered "Annie Dunham" because there was a profile pic and she looked fuckable.

This one had no profile.

Memory research shows you are more likely to remember if there's a face and you make a character judgement.

It came up in my email feed as a comment *great"and when I clicked on it, up came her ad and there was no sign of "great." There was no way I was going to click on the link.

Weird things have been happening.

My ability to edit comments on any substack disappeared for several days and then came back.

I'm in a location where the police have been ordered by the state to track and compile dossiers on anyone with anti-vax beliefs or who may have views the state disapproves of.

There is also another even more powerful set of secret police security surveillance state operatives trying to fuck me over.

That may sound like a paranoid delusion but it's not.

Snowden said years ago that the state can switch on your phone and laptop remotely and film and record you even if the devices appear to be turned off.

I've upset some powerful people.

I think the secret police could be fucking with my head.

Mostly when people say this it means they are crazy but not always.

Canada has legalised assisted suicide for the mentally ill and are planning to classify unvaccinated as mentally ill.

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Newbie guide : Buy a new laptop anonymously with cash, find a place away from your home with safe wifi, install Ubuntu, install a good VPN, and make sure autoupdates run regularly.

After that, even if your home wifi is compromised you should be fine

Ubuntu is good for beginners. For the more advanced, Qubes, Tails, and Qubes/Whonix are all useful.

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I assume you are in Canada ? In any case that's a strange story. The fact that government uses resources to track those that do no want covid shots is not only illegal but right out of right out of Orwell's 1984. I have been posting for some time about my resistance to injections and covid policy. The worst thing that has happened to me is the loss friends and family that refuse to speak to me. Insofar your -paranoia I have a true story. My Grandma openly questioned the government account of the JFK assignation. She formed a local activist group about this issue.

She got a visit from the FBI and they had logs of her phone conversations. This was in the early 60's. Imagine the powers they have now. The concept of privacy does not exist anymore.

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OK, thanks. That edit comment thing happened to everyone, FYI.

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I am partially sober. Yet there are men here that actually seem to be attracted to women.

I do not have any idea this has to do with covid but this is the world we live in.

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A friend of mine didn't want to get married so every few years he finds a woman he doesn't like and buys her a house.

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No foreplay, just the climax. He skips the preliminaries and heads straight to the same ultimate destination that he would have ended up at anyway and avoids all the fake allegations of domestic violence and not getting laid when she doesn't put out because she's banging some lowlife behind his back anyway as a reward for all his love and devotion and treating her like a queen while she squanders all his pay checks and he doesn't have to waste money on lawyers.

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Uh, the joke doesn't have that much detail but it probably doesn't need it.

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That's true. It wouldn't be a joke if it had the detail. Sadly, it's not only a joke, and a good one, but it's true.

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Try the Jack Benny approach to women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAwh4OlF2Oc

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Interesting that Annie replied to your post and it appears she charges $90 per hour. She looks pretty without a mask.

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The same people who are pushing the gene therapy shots are the same people who support the SCOTUS finding that the founding fathers felt it necessary to, and did, include in the constitution the right for American men to bend over and take it up the rear.

Soon this will be mandated. The jab mandates effectively do this anyway.

American men are.not supposed to be attracted to women. Devin is. His girlfriend is jabbed and has refused to sleep with him because he is unjabbed.

He's leaving her to find a better woman.

It has a lot to do with covid.

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My girlfriend put me on the couch. And I am not allowed to sleep with her.

We disagreed about covid shots. But it is her fault to let me know about this forum. I am an ex-army 05 officer. My girlfriend was an army nurse. She took 3 covid shots and has had vaginal bleeding every day since the shots. I am leaving her tomorrow. Not because of the bleeding but she will not date an unvaccinated man. I will find a better woman.

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Go and bang a shitload of unjabbed hotties and see if she changes her mind.

Don't touch jabbed women, even with three condoms on.

Your post reminded me of the lyrics from an old song.

I know it sounds funny but I just can't stand the pain

Girl I'm leaving you tomorrow


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I know society hates it, but I am a guy that loves women. I do not want to sleep with a man or trans person. I love women. I love the way they smell and taste.

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Likewise. There are plenty of attractive, normal unvaxxed women why would you even consider having sexual relations with a transexual? The thought repulses me.

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I am completely open on this. For instance, my cousin is gay and married to a man. I do not care what they do. I just only love women and lots of them are crazy. But I love women. Men are cool to drink and golf with, but they can't compare to a good woman.

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You're leaving your girlfriend for a better woman. That means, by definition, an unvaxxed woman. It does not mean you need to be completely open to the option of you being rogered by a man.

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Yes, people can do what they want in their private lives, and many elsewhere in the world feel the same, but they do not want US values of same sex marriage, child transsexualism or pedophilia imposed on them and some have unstoppable hypersonic missiles carrying nuclear warheads and capable of penetrating and evading all defenses aimed at the US, unfortunately.

Listen to the speaker in this brief video talk about US values.


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Oh no. The unmitigated evil of normalcy.

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Data is so easy to manipulate, so I take it just and blow it off most of the time.

The world has always been plagued with evil and corruption, but the last 3 years have gone off the rails. I now longer trust anything the tv says. I know longer trust anything the social media says about anything either. Covid, climate change, Ukraine, Russia. I know longer trust my doctor either.

It's all lies and propaganda. If you live in the United States and think we are different from China and North Korea- you are mistaken. The United States is completely infiltrated by communists. Both democrats and republicans are compromised. Our republic was a great experiment. I want it to live on, but things are not looking good. God help us.

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Holly, you have your values and other countries have theirs. But the fact that you try to impose your US values of child transgenderism, same sex marriage, rejection of the core moral teachings of al the great religions, and worst of all, degradation of children and pedophilia on others as you fight your forever wars has made you reviled around the world. Other countries are determined to protect their children from you.

Please watch this brief video.


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Some people have realized this, but veterinarians are being pushed to force more shots on our dogs and cats just like human doctors. I do get the idea for rabies vaccination as pets can run away, but why does a cat that lives indoors need 5 shots a year? My German shepherd -only 3 years old needed 6 shots in order to board him for 4 days so I could go to a family funeral. He died of an aggressive oral cancer within 1 month of boarding him.

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I don't have the patience to count all the stacks on this and other sites about covid data and statistics. There is a different way to approach this. Use the brain your parents or God gave you and decide to take a covid shot or not. Do not trust or listen to the TV or social media as they are almost 95% pro covid shot as they are being paid to push the shots. The most difficult thing is that if you morally object to covid shots but are forced to take one to work or go to school.

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You may not have the patience Abby but someone has got to do it. That is how change happens. It's all very well for people to just think of themselves but other people matter to. Steve is trying to help others.

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Need to spend time with family and leave the net for a while. In the end -it is my humble opinion this whole covid and other things going on in the world are more about ethics, and the concept of good vs evil more than the worship of "science." There are paradigms- the natural word and the supernatural world. It's you call which you worship more.

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I think if you are devious or evil you can alter, modify and use "statistics" to "prove" anything.

A good statistician even today could produce a study that says cigarettes protect you from lung cancer.

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Are you saying they don't? Do some research on what happens when you control for methodological quality in cigarette smoking studies in meta-analysis or partial out the confounding variables in path analysis.

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" meta-analysis or partial out the confounding variables in path analysis" I am a priest and have no idea what this means. Yet I am not uninquisitive and may find time to look into it.

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Unlike many statistical methods, path analysis can be used ro infer causation. Cigarette company funded statisticians have long conducted statistical analyses "proving" that cigarette smoking protects from lung cancer and they still do so today.

On an unrelated topic, new research claims the covid jabs are antidepressant medicines and improve people's mental health.

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I just snorted out water from my nose. I should never read about "new research" while consuming liquids.

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I will not mention their name, a but poster below said doctors and nurses should not be scapegoated for killing patients during covid as they were "just following orders. Some of these doctors and nurses were doing dances on social media. The level of evil in these people is not comprehensible to me. As a priest understand evil but still cannot believe all these doctors and nurses took part is this genocide.

The German concentration camp guards during WW2 were also "just following orders" I am very sad. All I can do is pray that people will wake up and be ethical and civil to one another.

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The meaning of my post was not that those doctors and nurses who were just following orders were not complicit and have no moral culpability, just as was the case with those who used that defense at Nuremberg, but rather that it is morally corrupt to scapegoat them for the greater sins of those who gave the orders and bear greater moral culpability.

It is common in corrupt conduct to throw the less powerful "under the bus" to distract attention from the greater corruption at the top.

Are the priests and pastors who exhorted their flock to get jabbed and to take their elderly parents to the vaccination centres to be injected with the jabs that would kill them the only ones in the Church who should be blamed for doing so, which would scapegoat them?

The heads of every major Christian denomination, and most other world religions, pushed the jab even to the point of implying or stating that it was a duty to take the jabs and morally reprehensible not to do so.

Why should the lower level priests and pastors be scapegoated, while those who gave the orders are exempt?

Yes, those priests and pastors are morally culpable.

The blood of many is on the hands of these priests and pastors and they cannot just wash their hands and absolve themselves like Pontius Pilate, but the greater sin is of those who gave them their orders.

Is this not correct?

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and this is why we do not worship man or Govt or fauxci! We cannot serve 2 gods. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul and mind and lean not on your own understanding...... Quite a large segway from what the bible tells us to do. Franklin Graham...son of what the world would probably call the greatest evangelist of all time, was a vaxx pushing machine using his platform to direct many in the wrong direction! He himself experienced vaxx injury, pericarditis 3 weeks after his 3rd moderna jab....removal of his heart sac that was clamping down on his heart, to this day he has not made a statement about his questioning of the vaxx. His 40ish neice had 2 heart attacks in early 2022 and hospitalized again in april '22 for continuing heart pain! My lord can 2 ppl get together and connect some dots here?? And shine some light into darkness. Nope, a narcissist will never admit they were wrong, can never apologize and will never say 'I'm sorry', they just double down and come up with greater and more ridiculous excuses ad naseum. It is remarkable to watch. The neice was told that she had 'broken heart' disease, no idea what caused it! She had NO prior heart issues. Who in the world would buy into that BS?? Go bury your head in the sand if you're not going to question anything. God himself said to many in the bible...come let us reason, let us dialogue so I can help you see through your insanity. But that takes HUMILITY... which is a rare commodity these days as you can see.

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He could use his pulpit to warn others but he won't.

Clergy is one of the top 10 occupations dominated by psychopaths according to the findings of psychopathy researcher Kevin Dutton.

There is an interesting paper titled "On the Psychology of Evil" by Philip Zimbardo.

Trainee priests and pastors on their way to deliver a sermon on the parable of The Good Samaritan encountered a seemingly injured man on the side walk who pleaded with them for help. The man was a confererate of the experimenter, a paid actor.

Zimbardo recorded how many stopped to help, when they thought nobody was watching. Almost none stopped to help and instead went off and delivered their sermon.

Zimbardo varied the conditions of the experiment so that some were delayed and made to run late to deliver their sermon.

When they were running late, none of the trainee priests or pastors stopped to help.

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very obvious the masses in 'mass psychosis' were following the satanic narcissistic agenda and not God. The arrogance is thru the roof and nauseating. Pride goeth before a fall (all of the prideful dances {think satans minions Kimel and Fallon and Colbert} and virtue signaling selfies getting ur poison satan injection)... in this case possibly leading to the fall of your own health and sanity. Humility, is the main message modeled by Jesus, and the only way to God, truth, love and life, all else repels God.

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Thank you. The only thing that has surprised me is the growth of evil over good in the last 3 years. I know Jesus is watching all this and is less than happy about the state of a lot of human souls. There are some that think Jesus will just show up any day and fix all this evil, but that is not my interpretation of the scriptures. I do not wish people to damnation but a lot of people that deny God are going to experience it.

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This is how the scam works. My friend went to the hospital for an ankle sprain and potential fibula fracture. He could still walk but had localized swelling and pain. I said -do not go to the hospital as my close friend is an orthopedist and would examine him free of charge. He goes to the hospital for an ankle sprain. He has no other symptoms, but the hospital does a bogus covid test on him and of course it's positive. So, he is admitted and placed in isolation for 7 days. I told him to leave AMA - which is medical language for against medical advice, but he blew me off. He lived but the hospital charged his insurance 50,000$ for in the end was a simple ankle sprain.

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except my friend was put on vent and fentanyl and dead 2 days later at 69! Same song and dance. He was overweight and came up with aggressive prostate cancer that went to bones and everywhere 6 months after 2nd jab! Simply having breathing issues one day at work and went to Dallas Medical City hospital mid 2022.... Never to return. They tried to use 'covid' as death but wife refused and threw a fit b/c it was not covid. WE HAVE GOT TO BE ADVOCATES FOR EACH OTHER, IF LEFT TO THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY WE ARE SIMPLY NUMBERS AND $$$ FOR MURDER.

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Your story is all too sad and common. My wife's Mom died of aggressive brain cancer.

After she died, they did a covid test on her. They said it was positive and the hospice doctor tried to put covid on the death certificate as cause of death. That would mean the hospice gets 40000$ from Medicare. My wife was a nurse and confronted the hospice doctor and he backed off.

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obamacare set up to corrupt the whole industry insurance/docs. either comply and get blood $$ or lose your license for being a real doc and caring for your patients as individuals. Obama brought out the worst in the masses and trained ppl to be dishonest and professional victims...did HUGE amount of satanic work in such a short period of time. I might add George W Bush to that list also... did the devils work and we're now paying for it.

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There are many mrna shots in clinical trials, but I refuse to call them vaccines as they are gene editing technology. Some of ones being developed are bizarre. We knew that they were going to make the flu shots mrna but other things being looked at. Mrna shots for depression, alcoholism and obesity. These shots will most likely be put on the CDC vaccination schedule and be given to infants and children. Any parent that allows their children to be injected with these things will regret it.

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and MRNA for cancer! .... the very cancers the covid mrna's are causing....such a convenient set of events for pharma cash grab $$$ may they all die in their sleep.

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Yes, they will create treatments for the diseases they cause. Again, this is not an issue of medicine or science but an issue of good versus evil. As a man of God, this causes deep sadness in my heart.

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The term "covid" death is basically a medical fallacy. Anyone no matter how healthy that is sedated with midazolam, given remdesivir and morphine and placed on high pressure ventilation is likely to die. And it was not due to covid. The doctors and nurses that participated in this mass murder need to be in prison for life. Especially the ones that did dances on tic tock and twitter during covid. I cannot imagine how mentally ill you have to be as a doctor or nurse to take part in this. Maybe the mass psychosis theory is correct.

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IT IS COMPLETELY CORRECT! It is narcissism and very infectious, brings out the worst in ppl...arrogance and does not direct them to seek God for all wisdom and truth. It is MOB MENTALITY, it's the spirit you've seen where a group will kick and beat an innocent person to death on the sidewalk while filming it on their phone. Not talking about the cops on criminals used to incite hatred and violence..... if the ppl would stop and respect authority (though they can't b/c they're stoned on crack cocaine and 5 other illegal stimulants).

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Yes, it's that same spirit you refer to. There was a study done by Philip Zimbardo reported in a paper "On the Psychology of Evil." Trainee pastors and priests were asked to deliver a sermon on the parable of the Good Samaritan. On their way to the church they encountered a person in need, apparently injured, on the side walk, pleading for help. He was a paid actor. Almost none stopped to help and if they were running late none at all stopped. Virtue signalling at the pulpit about being a Good Samaritan was what mattered, not actually being one.

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On the other hand, priests are not social workers. In Jesus' parable, those who walked by the person who needed help were not going to preach the word of God to a gathered assembly at a specific time, they were on their way to another city before the days of watches and cell phones, i.e., they could afford to take an hour or two out of their journey and help someone in need. A modern day priest or seminarian who is on a tight schedule going to deliver a sermon in a few minutes is under a different set of constraints, and unless the injury appears serious - not necessarily life threatening, but something that has to be dealt with now - it is not surprising many of the trainees didn't stop. Imagine if this "experiment" was done in San Francisco, Chicago, L.A., etc; if we expect a priest or priest trainee to stop and give aid to every homeless person they pass on the sidewalk, they would never get to church, mass would never be said. The person in the Jesus' parable was a victim of a crime, pretty beat up, I believe, so I would have to see the actor that was used in the experiment. But to judge all priests and their trainees as morally deficient hypocrites because they don't stop to render aid in these days of homeless-people-literally-everywhere in urban settings, that's not a fair test of holiness or commitment, at least in my opinion. Charity cuts both ways, no need to think the worst of people.

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The doctors and nurses were only following orders. I know that is not a defense but they were low level functionaries. Why scapegoat them? Throw out a few sacrificial lamsbs? The orders came from the top.

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I expect doctors and nurses to use their brains like brenda. I used my brain in 2020 and knew what was coming would not be a good idea. I tried to warn people. I am not a doctor or a nurse but I do think critically.

As others have said elsewhere, following orders is no excuse for those of us who will think first, act later.

I wrote this about Hans and Sophie Scholl who were executed 80 years ago yesterday. They were not impressed with those who complied with the Nazi regime. They would be horrified that we are here again with the same issues.


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I didn't realise it was the anniversary. I knew of the White Rose, a little. Who was the judge who Sophie interrupted? Was it Freisler? It's interesting what became of him.

The Nazis were a scrupulously ethical and moral regime. That's the problem. So are the vax pushers.

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Roland Freisler the judge I gather. Roland 'Rat' Freisler . He got his just deserts.

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You know how it happened?

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Mike I am a priest and knows nothing about medicine. You are correct you do not need to know about medicine when it comes to covid policy. If you can think critically and have a pure heart. Thats all that matters. I have placed my faith in Jesus but there are a lot of atheists that follow the teachings of Jesus more than so called religious people.

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Maybe there is something wrong with me. I am a doctor and told my hospital to

F%$%# off. These medical professionals were not just following orders they were dancing on tick tock and twitter when people were dying.

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I say death penalty, the prisons are full enough already anyway.

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Point taken. I think it costs about 40,000$ US to imprison someone per year. A single 308 Winchester round is about 3$. Then again, a guillotine could cost 1000$ but work for years and only need occasional maintenance to sharpen the blade.

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Your overview is extremely helpful! Thank you!

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"House Republicans to investigate COVID jab injuries, development, and mandates"

LifeSite News, journalist Joseph Summers, Feb.23, 2023 - headed by Rep. Rich McCormick


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Identifying and correcting for flaws or weaknesses in statistical analysis or methodology is not how science works Steve.

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it’s a very natural thing to want to analyse the healthstats between “vaxxed” and “unvaxxed”

it’s also a very natural thing for pfizer-paid myrmidons in govs and institutes to properly cook the numbers, which they ofcourse did:

This is very hard to fight, and correct.

“categorization” of data is a subtle activity in experimental science.

1) in 2021 the disinformation specialists took it to them to shove all who became ill up to 2 weeks after the jab and landed in hospital as “unvaxxed”. Ofcourse many got covid in hospital (hospitals dont remember anymore about the wisdom of ventilation and how to do that properly to start with), or at least “tested” positive for it while ill for other reasons(there have always been mafnitudes more people dying for other reasons than covid in 2020-2022). Not very hard with a pcr test that has a lot of leeway for testing positive, and oh btw the pcr test tests for the very thing that was in the jab, the spike protein..

“ dont worry “, the disinformation experts said, “those spike proteins from the jab are only in the upper arm muscle “..right, and that they were sure of, because they just said so..

2) the “unvaxxed” have a disproportionate large number of the dying sliver in society. Dying for all the usual reasons if one doesnt even consider covid or vax side effects. people brought in in coma, and with 3 weeks to live, arent going to be topped up with all their missing vaccins. stage 4 cancer parients with 2 months to live might have other worries than to go and queue and get a vaccin. most will consider it enought to avoid taking bus and train and not go to mass happenings..

while the “soon to die for other reasons” are maybe just a few pro-mille (0.2%) in society, all of them usually die on short notice. they form the 90% of the dying cohort also at the height of a covid pandemic.but i would expect 80% of them are “unvaxxed”..thats a nice boon for the disinformation specialists at the teat in gov and institute, who in 2022 were focussing on adulterating the overall excess mortality rise. they will get a nice bonus from pfizer and bill gates for their “contribution”

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I'm sure this won't be the last flight crash we'll hear about this year....

"Emergency care flight to hospital crashes in Nevada desert and kills all five on board: Victims are patient, patient's relative, nurse, paramedic and pilot"


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For all of those who haven't heard about these films, I 'd like to encourage them to watch & share: "Died Suddenly" @ StewPeters.com

Jab deaths & injured, it's attacking all organs, immune system, (x-Pfizer employee, Karen Kingston, shared the patent on Brannon Howse's show on LindellTV/FRANKSPEECH COM & showed there's Sars-2, HIV in it, among other things!), & causing Unnatural blood clots, leading to heart attacks & strokes, fertility problems; including nursing babies dieing, miscarriages, & birth defects! & "Anecdotalsmovie.com" jab injured

So Sad! Bioweapon!

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Steve I called 999 again the other day. Inspite of being charged for doing so just days ago. I was prompted to do so based on tne laye data from ONS and the shocking 49% increase all cause mortality for 0 -49!!! F**K me! They hVe got to act. No !!!! But they did raise an incident this time Time for me to go to the square and rally the public.

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And it wholly avoids the COVID-19 vax, and in so doing CNN hopes to imply that no adverse news on the COVID-19 vax suggests that is safe by comparison.

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What’s happened to our world in the last three years is madness. In this article, I try to identify some of the big themes and developments that explain how this madness ensued. I’m sure I left off some of the key ingredients so reader feedback is appreciated.


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The economic incentives to present the truth are all in the wrong direction; take away the ability to sue for damages and the corrupt Pharma controlled agencies always win unless whistleblowers come out to expose the frauds. We need to keep praying for earth shattering judgments against the Pharma creeps and killers.

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Have you heard anything about 15 minute cities?

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The 14+ day "unvaccinated" period post injection also needs to be taken into account with any of these government "stats".

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None dare call it genocide.

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Please note my very short article, "Not Recommended." If it has any value to any one regarding communication about the so-called vaccine, please take it.

My Substack, of course, states that it is copyrighted material. I care not a wit about that or noting credit to me. Take it for what you can use it for, if anything.

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I think i found something in the ONS. There was an article about British Africans dieing less that showed Bangladeshi followed by Pakistani Brits were worst effected by recent jabs. https://metatron.substack.com/p/british-africans-are-dying-less-than

What if this could be traced to their country of family origin? Well looking at Bangladesh and Pakistan there appears to be very high levels of 'vaccination' whilst other countries in the selection have dropped back. The who must be conducting mass 'vaccinaion'campaigns there and it is showing up in UK mortality data. That is some seriously significant connection if it is showing up on another continent. Same like how the Africans are lowering UK 'vaccination' rates resulting in lower deaths. The other thing I thought was that Bangladesh seems like the sort of place where the population would be deemed high like if someone was trying to reduce population Bangladesh would be on their radar. The WHO, unicef etc. were already well implanted there ostensibly dealing with floods, earthquakes etc. so they would have infrastructure to be conducting mass 'vaccination'. Having encountered challenges in the west they retreated to their bases in Bangladesh and are mounting an assault there. Cultural impacts, conversations with family in Bangladesh etc. would then effect the UK death rate thru high adoption of 'booster shots'.


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Steve, there is a pressing need to get more people in Congress to join the fight against the Medical Industrial Complex. Just having one Senator, Ron Johnson, on our side is not enough. I would think Senator Rand Paul given his well-known battles with Anthony Fauci is someone that would be interested in joining with Ron Johnson to put pressure on Congress to open up wide ranging investigations into the Covid Shot crimes.

I don't know why he wouldn't. And there has to be a few more that can be enlisted into this Human Struggle for truth and accountability given the stakes for the survival of Humanity.

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