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McCullough is a Legend. Has anyone taken him on? I don’t think a rebuttal exists, he gets ignored that’s it. Nobel prize wouldn’t be enough.

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For months Dr. McCullough recommended people get the experimental covid injections. If he had taken the time to actually look at the Pfizer data himself, he would've seen from the beginning that they do not prevent infection and in fact kill more people from side effects than they save from covid death. Eventually he did stop recommending the injections, but not before many people were injured.

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Excellent point. Anyone who recommended the covid death shot is suspect to me.

All people had to do was look at the amount of side effects and injuries being reported in VAERS.

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I agree. I would be very hesitant to take medical advice from someone who recommended the shot (also from anyone who took the shot himself. Though I know McCullough didn't take it himself - but still recommended it to others!).

When I heard that they were coming out with 'vaccines' for a coronavirus that were based on a gene therapy, it took me about 5 minutes of research to see that this was a disaster waiting to happen. It was not a surprise at all to me when the reports of deaths started to appear. And yet, doctors like McCullough were still publicly recommending it to people! But at least he's finally coming around. I heard him question the flu vaccine recently, too. Better late than never, I suppose. Wait until he starts looking into the truth behind the childhood vaccine schedule, he's in for a big surprise. But he'll probably never look into the problems with statins, they're too big of a money-maker for cardiologists. The medical establishment is thoroughly corrupted by pharma and the vast majority of doctors are either brainwashed, bribed, or clueless about it.

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Where have you been? He’s been in the forefront against these vaxxes for as long as I can remember! You trash this Doctor who has lost everything to bring the truth to the people? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?

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I'm not trashing him, I'm simply telling the truth. I listened to his podcasts in which he recommended people take the shots. I applauded his speaking out in favor of early treatment of covid, but was shocked that he'd recommend people take new experimental injections that based on the trial data were neither safe nor effective.

Again, I give him great credit for his work in early treatment of covid. But he was late in recognizing the dangers of the injections. For what it's worth, I've tried to tell many people about the dangers of the jabs myself, but most everyone has bought into the 'safe and effective' narrative and refuse to listen.

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I am not vaxxed, but I didn’t have hard evidence that the mRNA gene therapy was harmful. Something just told me not to take it until it was proven not to be harmful. I do have a medical background, not anything like Dr McCullough’s but I also tried to tell everyone that I knew, as well as loved, not to take it, also to no avail. Actually to my detriment to the point where I am estranged from most of my family and friends. I don’t remember Dr. McCullough ever telling people to get vaxxed. It must have been early on. To be fair he also did not have any evidence that they would be harmful. Look at Dr. Malone, he actually took the VAX. He came out late against it & he of all people should have known the possible consequences. To be really fair to all these Doc’s nobody knew that the monsters who created these shots would pick the most dangerous part of the virus to weaponize. Or that it would cross the blood barrier, go into the reproductive organs, breast milk, or shedd for that matter. And I don’t know if this is worst of all but now it’s pretty well known that it changes your DNA. This has turned into

a human catastrophe of epidemic proportions.

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Good points.

I am not a doctor but I knew something was wrong. Call it gut instinct or spidey sense, or whatever, I knew and felt something was terribly wrong.

Kept saying that the "forcing function" should have tipped people off that something was terribly amiss. No jab = no job, no school, no travel, etc. Never before have I seen this happen to a illness that has a +99% survival rate.

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Kathleen, you're a lot smarter than the doctors I know! And you have good instincts. I'm an MD and I'm stunned at the lack of common sense and critical thinking skills among my colleagues. None of this made any sense to me from the beginning, but they all went along with it. Have you had any success getting anyone to wake up?

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Thanks for the positive words. I have not had any success getting anyone to wake up. I "lost" two friends for my resistance in taking shot.

I get all my health care at the VA. There is still a staging area in the hospital for giving the covid jabs and the boosters. At no time, as far as I know, did the VA address the injuries and deaths reported in VAERS.

If someone asks me why I did not receive the shots, I immediately ask them if they think covid is a bioweapon.

My first thought when covid broke out was that it was a bioweapon. In the military you learn about NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) warfare. Early on in the pandemic, I saw an interview with Dr. Francis Boyle and he confirmed my suspicions that covid is indeed a bioweapon.

But as time went on, I came to the conclusion that it was never really about the virus. It was always about getting the covid death shot into everyone's arms.

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I've had no success, either. People just don't want to listen. They want to go along with the crowd, not do anything different, not think for themselves. I've always thought for myself, so not getting the shot was a no-brainer for me from the get-go. You want me to take an injection of synthetic genetic material (wrapped in a toxin) to make my body produce unknown amounts of a toxic spike protein, which is in effect a bioweapon? Uh, no thank you, I'll pass.

The whole jab issue has caused a huge divide, it's bizarre. I'm always happy when I find another Pureblood to talk to. It's hard to relate to people who buy into the propaganda.

Agree on the bioweapon aspect and that it never was about the virus (Mike Yeadon has been great on this, if only people would listen to him). Unfortunately the shot is not the endpoint, either, I'm afraid. It's just the beginning. I think the only way out is mass non-cooperation. But the people who continue to line up for these toxic shots, they'll do anything they're told. I've really come to loathe my fellow human beings. Not all, of course. But the sheep who go along with everything without questioning? This sounds cruel, but maybe they deserve the slavery that's coming to them in the Great Reset. Question is, how do we keep ourselves out of it?

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Nobel would be a good start!

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