The Czech Republic record level data can be used to prove that the COVID vaccines had no all-cause mortality benefit
In short, the COVID shots had no mortality benefit. We just killed around 500,000 Americans and we didn't save a single life.
Executive summary
The answer to the $1M question, “Did the COVID vaccine save lives?” has been available ever since the first drop of the Czech Republic record level data one year ago for anyone who cared to look.
I’ll show you how to prove the vaccine was useless using the latest Czech Republic data which was made available in November 2024.
The bottom line is when you compute all cause mortality in vaccinated and unvaccinated in non-COVID periods and then in COVID periods, they have the same ratio:
So it “looks” like that during high COVID periods, the vaccinated die at a rate 3.3X lower than the unvaxxed. But it’s a mirage because during NO COVID periods, the same ratio applies.
Also, the 1.5 in the table above means that during peak COVID, mortality for those born in 1950 was 1.5X higher in both vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts; no difference.
If it was the COVID vaccine making you 3.3X less likely to die if you were born in 1950, we’d all be rushing to get the shot!
The mortality differences between vaxxed and unvaxxed were all due to selection bias because people who choose to be vaccinated have a much lower mortality than people who can’t or don’t want the vaccine, e.g., they are in hospice and going to die.
In short, the vaccine provided no differential ACM benefit. This spreadsheet makes it crystal clear. There is no place to hide. There is no confounder that can “explain” this.
Getting the data
You download the data and grep for 1950-1954 which gives you an 80M file with around 673K rows. Then you analyze it. Easy peasy.
To make it easier, you can download the 100MB Excel file from my github where I’ve done all the work for you.
You have to first calculate the number of alive vaxxed and unvaxxed people each day and then you can compute during the COVID and non-COVID periods the number of person weeks at risk of dying and the number of deaths and then normalize that for an annual rate. All the calculations are straightforward.
What you find is quite stunning: the death rates in the two cohorts were in the same ratio during COVID and non-COVID periods.
If the vaccine worked, we’d have expected the multiplier to be smaller for the vaccinated group.
In short, the vaccine, which was supposed to make a difference during COVID, did nothing.
Czech dashboard
Czech it out:
This is important. If you find an error, let me know in the comments.
I’ve had others look at it and they didn’t find any errors. If I’m correct, it will be stunning because the data has been hiding in plain sight since March 29, 2024.
This underscores the importance of having record-level data on vaccination publicly available. I cannot thank the Czech Republic enough for creating this excellent dataset and making it publicly available. This is something every country (and US state) should be doing. It saves lives.
Note that this analysis above says nothing about non-COVID ACM effects, e.g., the vaccine raised baseline all-cause mortality for those who took the shots and killed hundreds of thousands of Americans.That’s a different analysis.
This analysis simply shows that the COVID vaccine did NOT provide any COVID death benefit whatsoever, not even for the elderly.
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☠️💉☠️💉 Death - R.I.P.
Worried? DON’T BE!!
The ’safe and effective’ data was carefully curated, massaged, and retroactively adjusted by esteemed experts in white coats - the same ones who promised you that cigarettes were good for your throat and DDT was safe to spray on your kids!!
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(To the tune of a cheerful ad ー think McDonald’s but sinister!!)
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Ignore the deaths ー comply, comply!!
It’s VAER Y SCARY, but don't you stress...
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Hello Steve. I am Stanislav Vesely from Czech republic who got the Czech data in 2024. I have a table of spending Remdesivir on daily base. I am not an expert but I see that a correlation between growing of deaths and spending of Remdesivir is clear. If you want let me know and I will the data to you. It could be perfect to add this to your dashboard. Stanislav.