Excess deaths per Life Insurance Company data- www.myflcv.com/HW298.html

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documentation vaccines causing very high increased deaths from Cancer and Heart Attacks driving unprecedented increase in death rates in younger age groups. www.myflcv.com/CaHAIaV.html

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Absolutely correct!

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They are obviously not going by real science. They're going by their made-up lies and calling that "science" instead. This is what psychopaths do. They think that whatever they say is automatically true because they said it.

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This guy is keeping Minnesota death statistics. Wonder how it compares? Does a death signal show up here to?


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Mine is anecdotal evidence I’ve had it twice and my cases were much milder than my vaccinated friend who were down for weeks.

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100% relate to this!

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"The CDC lied, people died." is a cute slogan and is correct, But it's much worse than that. Death is not the only adverse outcome of any event. Loss of Quality-Adjusted Life-Years(QALY) is a much better metric to judge adverse effects of the 'covid' crime against humanity.

A morbidly obese diabetic person of 87 years age dies and is counted as one death. Loss of QALY is probably less than 0,1 years. A healthy young man of age 18 years dies of 'vaccine' damage. That's counted as one death. His actual loss of QALY is over 60. In other words 600 times the 87 YOs.

QALY is the only proper way to measure and compare the adverse events.

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I know two people who took the clot shots and later said had immune issues. I don't know what all was involved with one of them to say they had immune issues.

The other one, 21 years old, had also the flu shot with the clot shot. First thing she said was she had immune issues, then later was in and out of the ER. tried different diets, avoided being around animals etc.. then later lost use of her legs. Doctors are baffled. Just can't figure it out. Though Doctors have ruled out the shots. It can't be the shots as "the shots are safe and effective".

I guess these people on here are all wrong then. Can't be the shot.

https://rumble.com/user/CovidBC ; and


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Have the loser submit to 4 shots of the jab as chosen at random from any batch in a red state.

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Absolutely True! Dangerous Bioweapons!

"THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI!" Robert R Kennedy, Jr


"COVID-19: THE GLOBAL PREDITORS: We Are The Prey" by Dr Peter Bregin

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Australia and New Zealand and Canada are great places with great people, but they are now ruled by sociopaths. Things are different in the US. There are states that are ruled by tyrants. There are also good states to live in. The problem is our elections are corrupt and compromised so the US may end up like Australia and New Zealand.

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Well,well,well! Our erstwhile Labor Australian government are lamenting this very morning that our birth rate is diminishing ! Our treasurer says its because of Covid! Unfortunately he missed out the relevant words at the start and end of his pronouncement :- the------ vaccine! Liars and incompetents the lot of them,politicians,medical workers,media folk and "boards". That is not quite fair as some brave souls,such as Steve,have risked so much to protect us from this dangerous and evil injection. I could feel sorry for those wilfully blind or so lazy that they no longer think for themselves but my patience is wearing thin. Even with proof in front of them and experiencing the virus,adverse effects themselves they were just "unlucky" and without the shot they would be in a worse position! Really? Everyone I know who just said NO are fit,healthy and grateful for our enquiring minds. Now thalidomide is raising its head again with a potential court case! Just a reminder- that "wonder drug " was produced by Pfizer! Again we said NO and our now 60 years old son is still healthy in mind and body. Lies are ephemeral but TRUTH will not be gagged for ever.

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It seems the "No, you have it all wrong" card is in play. Lying bastards every one of them


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I was not surprised to the see media and governments propaganda and lies about covid and the covid injections which are not technically "vaccines" I was surprised by the reaction of the church and doctors. Religious leaders should not be giving medical advice Phyicians. on the other hand, were ordered to push covid shots even though covid is highly treatable with cheap generic medicines. There was never a clinical "NEED" for a covid shot. But there was agenda to inject every living person on planet earth. If you think these people promoting injection care about you or are trying to protect you I feel sorry for you.

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He got the shot at the end of spring and died that summer after going downhill quickly with his health. Doctor was very up and center about encouraging the shot but not there for us at all when my husband had adverse reaction and denied that it was even happening.

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I'm so sorry! What an awful thing for you and your husband to go through.

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How do we know that those people actually died from Covid-19? I thought the test could not identify Covid-19 specifically?

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We do not know. There are multiple posts from medical professionals. They all say the same thing. The covid test can have a false positive rate of 60-90%. It will test positive for adenovirus, influenza, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, Rsv and other non covid coronaviruses

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is the high false positive rate due to the over cycling on the pcr machine that was done early on in this saga? I thought they had stopped doing that but I think maybe we don't know who is doing how many cycles.

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It's been my understanding that the PCR test was never designed to detect this supposed virus called Covid-19 and therefore can't and doesn't. The entire thing was justified based on blaming the flu, cold, and respiratory cases on this fake virus. That's why the flu disappeared and why the hospitals and doctors were paid and made to blame any and every death on Covid-19. There is no Covid 19 and never has been.

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I am starting to believe this is actually true. There is no doubt that a lot of outright fraud happened wrt the PCR testing regime. Aside from tawdry financial motives, proving outright nefariousness will be hard, in fact it won't happen. Drosten is evil, without doubt, and a lot follows from that

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July 2021 George Soros and Bill Gates in a "humanitarian" effort purchase Mologic a testing manufacturer in the UK. Tells me all I need to know about the "tests" https://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddawkins/2021/07/19/george-soros-and-bill-gates-backed-consortium-to-buy-uk-maker-of-covid-lateral-flow-tests-for-41-million/?sh=15cada002687

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Thanks for the reply. Then we do not know how many people died from what is being called Covid-19. I'm not sure why that is not being recognized here.

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Very simple the government will pay cash to any hospital or clinic with a patient that

tests "covid positive" In my experience 90% of people that test positive for covid never even develop symptoms. It is a total scam.

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That's what I've believed since it started. But the author seems to think otherwise. Just checking, I ran across this article somewhere else.

How can the vaccines be ineffective if there is no Covid-19?

He must believe there is.

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