Much improved data presentation than previous postings!!! I'm going to nitpick just a bit. If a vertical line could be put in to show the roll out of the mRNA clot shot dates, along with the Omicron 'vaccine' date .. (it fits the definition of a vaccine much better than the mRNA clot shots).

Great analysis and presentation otherwise.

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You should've published similar statistics grouped by vaccination status.

Based on data for 10-year age groups at CDC WONDER, monthly COVID deaths peaked in December 2020 or January 2021 in ages 65 and above, in August or September 2021 in ages 15 to 64, and in January 2022 in ages 0 to 14: sars2.net/czech2.html#Hospitalizations_peaked_in_2022_in_the_youngest_age_groups.

In ages 85+ which had a high percentage of vaccinated people in 2021 and which got vaccinated early, there total number of COVID deaths in 2021 was only about 74% of the number of COVID deaths in 2020. But in ages 25-34 which had a much lower percentage of vaccinated people and which got vaccinated late, there were about 3 times as many COVID deaths in 2021 as 2020:

age,2020 COVID deaths,2021 COVID deaths,2021 as percentage of 2020












In the Czech Republic, hospitalizations for COVID also peaked in 2020 in the oldest age groups, in 2022 in the youngest age groups, and in 2021 in the intermediate age groups: sars2.net/czech.html#Daily_deaths_and_vaccine_doses_by_age_group. In winter 2020 to 2021, there was a period of elevated mortality that had three distinct humps. In ages 80 and above which got vaccinated the earliest, the first hump was the highest and the third hump was the lowest, but younger age groups followed the opposite pattern. It might be because in ages 80 and above about half of people had been vaccinated by the time of the third hump, but in ages 40 to 59 less than 10% of people had been vaccinated during the third hump. In ages 60 to 79 which had an intermediate percentage of vaccinated people, the third hump was only slightly higher than the first hump, but in ages 40 to 59 the third hump was more clearly higher than the first hump.

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The Covid19 JABS began the MARK OF THE BEAST in the book of Revelation. Most are in total denial of this fact. But it was identified perfectly thousands of years ago when God created the sun, moon, and earth which were set up to perfectly mark the day of the Covid19 JAB rollouts on December 14, 2020. Here's the proof: https://thechurchofacts.com/2024/05/04/the-mark-of-the-beast-covid19-injections-identified-by-yhvh-god-the-father/

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"The COVID vaccine had no benefits". Not true Steve. Just ask Klaus.

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Lol yes, that sentence lacked an indirect object, appropriately enough.

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Until all governments, vaccine makers, three letter agencies, and hospital organizations admit to genocide and repent ; this evidence must be shouted from every rooftop publication.

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We’ve seen this information and lots of data. Those who are aware have seen it anyway. It’s the majority who don’t know this. The biggest issue we face is getting something to be said in mainstream media that triggers an awareness and starts them to question the 2020 event. I’m sure the mainstream media is the current cult leader. Until something comes from government or media that makes them question, we won’t stop having pandemics.

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We must vote these evil politicians out of power!

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I’m kind of wondering why Steve Kirsch is still spending time on proving the death shot didn’t work - everybody knows that by now and there is overwhelming evidence already. I also wonder why he is STILL saying things like ‘How could the CDC miss this obvious point?’. The CDC didn’t miss anything - it was complicit in outright genocide. Kirsch goes part of the distance but, to my knowledge (and I haven’t read everything he’s ever written), still refuses to draw the very obvious conclusions.

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check Dr. Kary Mullis who won noble prize for PCR test. He says that a virus is soluble solution and can not be seen in blood. Challenged Fauci who would not debate him. He also said can not detect a disease with PCR test .The health authorities used PCR @ over 40 cycles to detect pass miniscule fragments of past flu etc. in your body. False positive. Therefore Steve ,variants do not exist. All B/S.

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Also remember, Dr Kary mysteriously passed in 2019! Obviously ( to me at least) he had something THEY wanted and I believe he would just be in the way. Just another one of those coincidences. The 2020's should be named as the decade of 'poor health' coincidences and the 'sudden death' syndrome! Hmmmm... must be due to climate change...... and to think, people actually buy that!!

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Of course it was coincidence, just like all the vax deaths are coincidences, sheesh.

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I tend to think he was part of the cabal, he was almost telling the truth. He wasn’t actually trying to convince anyone in my opinion. Is he dead or off somewhere under new identity ?

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I’m glad you keep fighting the good fight for us Steve. Most have moved on and still believe the government narrative somehow helped them. I still see 2-5% of air travelers wearing masks even. But if we don’t keep pushing the truth, they’ll definitely do it again.

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If only viruses actually existed. The shot can’t be anything but harmful, since it can’t prevent something that doesn’t exist. All of Christine Massey’s F.O.I. requests to all the “health” agencies asking for the papers that prove viruses have been purely isolated, are answered by said agencies that they “do not have that information.”

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I have been saying this from day one, I could not believe how even Drs fall for the "it works for a while" BS. It was never designed to do that, it was designed to be a kill shot to accuent the spike protein with 2 lipid nanoparticles which in turn increase the production of the spike protein. The intention always as to kill the most vunerable, in particular the oldest pension collecters. One only has to examine the world wide retoric for years before the release of the Jab, about too many old aged and no pension funds ( after it had been systematically stolen by successive govts world wide) to establish the motive. Data shows us the survival rate for the Jab in 85+ is less than 10% . Then if thta didnt work the next step was to use end of life protocols.

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"The CDC lied, people died?" Because the POINT of the "vax" was genocide, not a cure for Influenza B (er, "Covid") According to the Gates-Fauci email thread in 2014, the plandemic was merely the vehicle to create the stampede, with Gates-Fauci-MSM wrangling the strays back into the herd It did its job splendidly. BTW, read Lioness of Judah today's article by the banned doctor re: the 4-million-plus person study of the "vax" effects in Seoul.

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Because it was the common cold and flu, and the flu vaccine has never worked and there's no cure for the common cold. Besides, it never was a vaccine. It's something else entirely.

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Agreed, Brent. There will never be a cure for the common cold because the common cold is the cure. It's the body's way of releasing toxins and 'righting' itself! Most people, and I mean 'most' simply cannot fathom this. When you immune system is weak, you are ripe for the cold, period!! Ask this simple question. Why in the supposed past when the plague killed millions of people, why didn't it kill everyone!! Something to ponder...........

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Exactly but so hard for People to accept.

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I know, some of you don't believe but Christ Himself called the devil a liar and a murderer.

If you think about Adam and Eve then lying to them was how he murdered them.

Not permitted to use force directly against them, he tricks them into destroying themselves by telling them that an evil poison is good for them.

Nothing has changed except in this case his agents are politicians bureaucrats and health professionals. (EDIT: whose symbol is a snake in a tree, btw)

Even if you don't believe in the literal truth of Genesis, you can still see the accuracy of the pattern described.

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Pure Blood 🩸 By His Blood 🩸✝️❤️🩸🔥

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