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I'm an lvn. I worked in the nursing homes after they vaccines were rolled out. This has nothing to do with the data but everything to do with the vaccines mRNA in particular. I would like to open your eye a little more in regards to them.

Have you ever tried mixing oil and water? They won't mix for anything you do to them. The vaccine in the vial was lipid nanoparticles aka oil. We reconstituted them from the frozen state with normal saline 0.9% that is the closest thing to human water the body will accept. Did you see that word WATER? What do you know of oil and water from the beginning of this paragraph? Sometimes you have to hear it from another source to understand why they didn't work. Or why they actually killed and injured people. None of the doses ever given were uniform because oil and water don't mix.

Like I said at the beginning of this note. I'm just an lvn. No Dr before the name and no PhD after. If I made this connection why didn't more people with more education than I? Why is it that those letters matter to all of you? Because just like with the vaccines those leeter from schools are when theyie to you about what they know. Never about what they don't.

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There is systematic killing of humans, the easiest are the unborn and those no longer useful (aged) because of the costs involved in keeping them alive. Society is reverting back to the beginning where there were a few with means and the rest serving them. Wake Up World!

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I can see evil thinking they are in a war against us, even killing us but babies didn’t sign up for this war. Babies can’t defend themselves. The master evil is the childhood “vaccine” schedule. They look at us like cockroaches. Best to treat at the first sign! This is the evil God’s Word warned us about. They may have swindled the people and made themselves millions, billions even but these people have no soul.

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Thank you, Steve, for the work you relentlessly do. I thank God for granting you the wisdom and the will to do it.

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Agree. However, I will slightly modify your comment. Thank God for the wisdom, will and MEANS to do it. Who could have accomplished what Steve has without the means. Thank you Steve for putting your $$$ where your wisdom and will reside.

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Where, O where, are the class-action lawsuits?! All the deaths and injuries! The careers destroyed! Isn't there more than enough evidence now to bring Big Pharma to justice?!

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As some of us serious Conspiracy Theorists believed all along - Covid injections (called 'vaccines') were, at best USELESS and at worst DEADLY. What do you expect when this Snake Oil crap was 'knocked up' within a few weeks of the deliberate release of Fauci's CoronaVirus Gain of Function experiments.

I have zero medical background, nor have I any medical education from which to make informed suggestions, but through the process of reading about all of these RNA derivatives for many months, it seems they are all potentially Gene Altering, uncontrollable and highly dangerous by formulation.

Covid was deliberately modified (by Fauci's Gain of Function = Military bio-warfare techniques) to create a need for a cure - preferably a highly profitable injectable one. We have quickly learned that Big Pharma, Governments and the media cannot be trusted and that everything we are told is to support the ultimate intention of PROFITING from human suffering.

The biggest clue was revealed early on in the useless and sometimes DEADLY Covid vax fiasco, when we learned that Big Pharma rejected all LIABILITY for their supposed 'cures'.

Join the dots and reject any future invitations to participate in their dangerous 'experimental' 'cures'.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) Avoid Big Pharma and you stand more chance of surviving to old age. I'm 80.

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And don't forget about the Fauci's deadly hospital protocol of using Remdesivir. Fauci never treated one covid positive patient in a hospital setting. And, Fauci has a financial interest in the manufacturer Gilead.

Remdesivir was created by Dr. Ralph Baric's lab at UNC Chapel Hill. The same lab that worked with the Bat Lady in Wuhan to weaponize the coronavirus.

Here is the link to UNC lab touting the creation of the kill drug Remdesivir.


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Hi Kathleen! Isn't Remdesivir what they use on Death Row? Unjabbed Mick (UK).

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No, Remdesivir not used yet.

But...here a list of the current drugs used on Death Row.

Midazolam...the drug that was used heavily in the UK to kill covid patients.


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Steve it was not the virusses and it's many variants that killed people in and out of nursing homes and especially in hospitals ,but the extermination treatments in those institutions .The injections killed millions outside of any institutions to this day and into the future . You must know that the flu was and still is renamed the fuking covid .Ask any nurse who was fired or quit for not wanting to murder the patients with death protocols .My brother was on of the murdered ,when he entered the slaughter house with a flu ,they cal hospital . The extermination treatments made regular common flu a death sentence ,that was otherwise mostly harmless and easily treated .

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Dear Steve, data of Nursing homes could be very interesting, I agree.

In Germany the largest public Insurance (AOK) in 2022 showed ACM -data from 2020 till around midst of 2021;

and didnt not continue to publish any more of such data, even though it has been requested!

they deliberately avoid chance to compare;

You see data transparency could be even worse internationally.

It would be very nice if your team could show more data from US ...

a, ACM (all cause mortality) data time , range extended to times before 7/2020 , eg including 2019 completely; (for comparison)

b, Over all Fatality rate ( based on ACM and number of nursing home inhabitants);

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In fact, the vax caused the mortality. This must be punished with force never seen before so it doesn’t happen again.

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The VA is still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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All the mass murderers are hiding behind a whyruss that may or may not even exist . The real killer are the ones pretending to save us with poison injections and lethal treatment protocols ,especially in institutions ,where the inmates are earmarked for extermination and present easy targets . The ones avoiding all the deadly tricks ,as I did ,are still made victims through shedding .

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I know you finally decided that viruses exist in nature floating around just waiting to infect you. That That is incorrect. Viruses are created in and only exist inside the body as a defense against something that's not right inside the body, like an acidic pH of the blood caused from eating man's garbage food or the EMFs of 3G, 4G and 5G radiation.

During the Spanish Flu researchers tried everything they could think of to infect healthy people, in an effort to understand what was happening. They took swabs from sick people, placed them in the noses, ears, eyes and mouths of healthy people. NOT EVEN ONE person got sick.

The dangerous spike protein is also produced by gene codes in the novel COVID-19 mRNA jab. It is reported that the jabbed can shed this protein. True or not? The jury may still be out on that.

For good health you must eat what God gives us in nature. I've been doing that for years and at 70yo I have zero chronic conditions and zero ailments. Haven't been sick in years.

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that's really interesting. I didn't know that. Can you PLEASE explain to me how the genetic sequences match so precisely in infected individuals? thank you!

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I'm not an expert Steve. I should've included a link to that. Here is where I got the info in the 3rd paragraph: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10452662/

Furthermore, I shouldn't have called you out in the 2nd sentence of the first paragraph. I'm a fan of Dr. Robert Young. Do you think he's wrong?

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A good example of data presented that POP's ... Folks know that the Covid-19 hit really in 2020 and that the virus for the most part has stopped now. BUT, the effects (turbo cancers, etc) continue on, for the middle aged, and really POP's out at you here.


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67% of the covid jabbed mothers in Australia lost their babies. Funeral directors never charge for babies normally but yet the hospitals took over the whole thing so look at Wesley’s funeral deaths it’s awful.

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Can I ask you all to look at a YouTuber Liam Tuff in the Uk interviews an undertaker John O’Looney but not so looney it’s damning and tells the shocking truth of the most powerful in our parliaments turning a blind eye to all the illnesses caused and the fact John was told to turn a blind eye to what was going on. Utterly disgusted. In fact I can see why our government in the uk has allowed this as they are bring down our society to its needs the country is broke and it’s for the want of digital currency control so we are like China where you can’t leave the country or controlled in another way it’s all related one big conspiracy. They are bank routing our countries deliberately. And it’s not a theory it’s happening in the US as well. Look at Sovereign Pete on YouTube even Steve won’t believe this bullshit what’s really going on.

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Steve, they actually did a lot. Envision 'the other side,' and first the mental and emotional catastrophe, followed by a physical one, if the pharmaceutical companies refused (or couldn't) produce "something." Take a little break and pray about it a bit, would you?

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The lawsuit recently won which challenged the EPA's Fluoride limit was brought under the 2016 Chemical Safety Act I'm told. The law gives The People the right to challenge the EPA's rules and there should be a similar drug law if there isn't already. If there were, then we would have the opportunity to present our best evidence in court that the jabs are injurious. The court then would evaluate the science instead of a bunch of corrupt bureaucrats. Of course, the opposition to such a move would be orders of magnitude higher than the fluoride fights due to the money involved and the threat it would pose to the bio-security industrial complex's agenda. What would be our best evidence? Surely nothing that depended upon assigning cause of death, such as CFR, since that's such an arbitrary and easily manipulated designation, right?

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