I had bleeding in menopause & unjabbed. Right after my elderly family members second shot. Shedding is real. Thankfully my doctor let me take ivermectin every week for a year. I’m conccidering taking horse paste now.

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unjabbed with a jabbed husband here. very healthy, peri-menopausal 55-year-old with predictable body functions. i've never experienced the horrific clotting (i've got a pic), cramping and hemorraging as what i did after being around him after he was jabbed (with no sexual contact)! what i experienced after giving birth was nothing compared to whatever that synthetic, abnormal hell was. and when i told him, he laughed mockingly at me. i don't see a future together. very sad

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So sorry. This lockdown experience has shown me who my real friends are. Thankful my husband is on the same page.

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i’m glad you have some real friends and a spouse who’s on the same page!

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Such a blessing! 2 online friends, we share a prayer list. God helped me move unexpectedly just before lockdown. Happily married for almost 3 years. Never imagined I’d be so happy & blessed!( also blessed with an integrative medicine doctor here after years of neglect and humiliation by insurance dictated doctors)

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Sorry to hear. What has been my strength is a sound relationship with my wife of 39 years. If we had not been 'aligned' on this I can't imagine where I would be now. Getting tougher I suppose.... or degenerate into a hopeless drunk. I thank the stars for my luck.

Does it help to know you are right? The shedding thing is real, its just how it is. God knows what is being shed, whether the spikes or the actual mRNA, something IS. There was a FB thread (I think it was) with some insane number of posts before it was shut down by the censor brigade, the group was unvaxxed women with bizarre symptoms post exposure to vaxxed folk. 30,000 posts? it was a lot.

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thank you for your compassion. i’m glad that you and your wife are aligned. when i am at peace, i can surrender what others choose to do and even how they treat me. it’s good for me to practice trusting my senses, instincts and knowing (as well as trusting the data). also good for me to practice using my voice and exercising courage. time now to take an evening walk in nature and breathe into the present moment. it helps to know i’m not alone, and i’m ready to meet more people like you and your wife. we are many, and we are powerful. much gratitude!

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My family had two unjabbed women who after contact with recently jabbed

1, broke menopause at age 57 after 5 years with a period described as like she was 20, and extreme emotional fluctuations

2, 29 year old extremely regular but after being around vaxxed had a lingering, one month long, clot passing event.

It was a one time thing in both cases, so that is odd.

Both were experienced before we had any clue other women were experiencing similar. Early 21.

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Thanks for sharing. Here it was February 2021. When I found a woman’s clinic, the assistant said there’d been lots of abnormalities. I was only with the doctor 5 minutes & couldn’t get her to say much, just ordered tests.

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At some point, Steve has got to figure it out, that with him putting so many people, in positions of authority, on notice, about the problems with these vaccines... and they continue to ignore him... and the data and the info... at some point, he'll figure out this must be intentional, with at least some of them. Or maybe, he already has that part figured out.

Because there's just no way you can be exposed to what Steve's been exposed to, and not be able to figure out this was planned and intentional... Intentional population reduction.

But how do we know who's "in on it" and who is just an arrogant "trust the science" person?

It's confusing as h*** because we KNOW there are lots of Karens, friends of ours, even family members out there who can't see this either, even after we show them stuff. And we know they're not "in on it." So how do we prove someone like Fauci or Wallensky or Birx had bad intentions from day one? Is Eric Adams "in on it"? I mean, he's pretty low level, but at the same time, pretty high up too.

Where does the "know" begin?

It's a rabbit hole.

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Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog as he goes One-on-One with biotech analyst Karen Kingston as she gives us a mind-blowing update on the bioweapon injections for 10.25.22.


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Any doctor who doesn't speak up can be forgiven for wanting a job, but not forgiven for spectacularly poor judgement. Any doctor still actively pushing these clot shots is not your friend, and should probably be kept safely away from living things.

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These charlatans love the words "herd immunity." They clearly don't care at all about immunity--except their own legal immunity from prosecution.

The "herd" part should be getting our attention more. They clearly have no qualms about thinning the herd, and they care about our lives less than we care about stock animals bred for slaughter. It's hideous.

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Australia, where cattle herds are being injected with mRNA. To pass unhealthy elements through milk and cheese onto human? https://newspunch.com/deadly-injections-18-of-cattle-drop-dead-following-mrna-jab/

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Well, if they are getting saline, then they're killing a shit ton of their "fellow" democrats who follow their fearless leaders.

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The H1N1 vaccine was pulled from the market after a mere 25 people died after getting it. Clearly, the value of life has taken a major hit since then. Of course, billions are on the line for the pharmaceutical industry. So, let 'em die. We're RICH!

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Dating sites are now asking for COVID vaccine proof.

Single Ladies, turn that against them. Ask healthy sane young men to advertise. Like this!

White male, blue eyes, blond, 5'11'', 210 lbs, 133 IQ, No Covid, No Vaccine!

Want a healthy baby? Leave a message.

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Good call. The future of the human race may be up to you.

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Oct 25, 2022
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Hmm, are there tests that can verify that? For the young and marriage age naturally, not old, jaded men like me.

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Oct 26, 2022
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If this is the case now, they are ahead of schedule. Wasn't there just barely a creepy Gates quote / experiment with glowing vaccines so compliance could be checked with or without your cooperation?

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The graphs on miscarriages & hemorrhaging are astounding. In any normal world this mRNA concoction would be pulled immediately. Doctors who bring this to light are censured or have their licenses taken. We definitely live in odd times. I am grateful that you are bringing this information to the surface so that more people can learn the truth. In spite of the censorship.

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If Trump would've been more vocal on pushing these vaccines and keep on reminding that it was his initiative (Op. Warp Speed indeed was), the left would have been more skeptical and critical and pushed for early treatments.

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Kudos for your optimism, but it isn't warranted here. The corruption that allows genocide has had thorough cooperation from both parties for about the last--oh--100 years!

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🤣🤣🤣they knew how he would react. He wanted to be the hero

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Trump trusted the so-called experts and was betrayed.

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How could Trump be more vocal than he has been?

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he was vocal on everythin else, but didn't talk much about the jabs once he left office.

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Anyone think there could be a connection to Spayvac.com.

Two shots a couple months apart and a booster for "humane, fertility-control for overabundant wildlife". Sounds really familiar. The WEF would say over abundant "useless people".

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Yep. It is a moral code best described as anti-human, packaged as pro-enviroment.

I suppose that makes psychopaths (their lies, exploitation and occasional murders) the most moral people.

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Think Thanos. That’s Bill Gates🤣🤣🤣

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Experts in mRNA say that the spike protein is mainly attacking the gonads in both men and women, but it is worse in women as it destroys all their eggs and makes them infertile.

The porcene in the vaccine does not help either.

Gates is very big on population reduction and his father was a leader in Planned Parenthood.

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Depopulation by design.

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I feel so badly for the women who think that getting the shots still is the price of entrance and acceptance in our society, that they are doing something for others. The reproductive system is powerful force; but perverted and damaged by bad medicine the toll on health cannot be overstated.

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