The vaxx enterprise will continue to argue that the shots still reduce the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and long COVID. So even if the CFR didn't decline, the Pharma "experts" and trolls will point to "evidence" that the number of people experiencing debilitating, long-term symptoms or severe cases requiring intensive care would likely be lower due to the injections. They will cite lots of observational studies to support this premise -- all of which are fundamentally flawed in terms of methodology and often execution as well, viz Fenton & Neil's new book FIGHTING GOLIATH.

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FYI that new book you mention is included in the VSRF Misinformation Superspreader Library Raffle!


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I’m visiting with my brother in NY and in talking with his 36 year old neighbor, who had a stroke after getting 2 poison jabs, now believes it was the clot shots that did it. It was good to hear someone now awake, but it took a heavy toll to get there.

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He is the first one I have heard who admits it. There must be more. I know of several who have developed clots and heart/pulmonary problems, massive stroke drop dead, one 18 year old (at the time of jab) swimmer brainiac on a full ride at a very prestigious university (med school hopeful) who suddenly came down with Krone's Disease. All of them, nope not the $$vaxxcks$$.

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Who's going to break the news to Donald Trump who says he saved millions of lives by creating and deployment of the cv19 injection?

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Doctors recommend the standard American diet, for the most part. It's made lots of people sick and lots of corporations rich. It's created a huge consumer base for medicine. Of course, Sunday football games wouldn't be the same without all the goodies. It would be like raves without ecstasy, or white parties without baby oil. But if you can teach people to eat right, you might put a lot of doctors out of business, and Big Pharma as well. Good luck with that. You're fighting against a bag of Doritos. A doctor's best friend is the food pyramid. Never trust a pyramid.

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just reporting, 2 more deaths among people I knew. Both, woman and man, both in their 80-90 and in both cases it started with not being able to walk, which is always sign of failing blood circulation first.. It is terrible loss for their families, children in particular, and it is 'good' for 'Social Security', every penny counts.. Btw. young family member of that elderly woman, also multiple covid injected, landed in hospital 1 day before the funeral...

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Dan Bongino said today that he can't understand why more Democrats aren't switching to Trump. And I'm thinking why not? We can't even get most of the people that think the shots kill people to connect dots. There is an astonishingly large percentage of people who can't connect inductive reasoning about the physical world to it's implications and indications about the ethical world when, per the context in question, it's HUMANS that are AFFECTING the physical world. And that is horrifying to me. Because it doesn't seem like rocket science to me.

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3 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

No more push back. Talking to vaxxed people different now. Last year when a person died of cancer the vaxxed person would deny it up and down. Now all I get is silence. I would say it was the vax that caused the cancer.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m1gwgMkKBA - the whole get rid of the anti vaxxers began before Covid. I remind people they were terminating Holistic Doctors. This video would never come up in google searches. Dr Bradstreet developed a cure for Autism. I don't see current Quacks doing anything about autism accept blame Big Pharma. You can only find these kind of links on Brighteon now.

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Thank You for that reminder! There are more links all over, some of them are in the more than 2 posts I wrote on this topic


with more links at


and the first one at:


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GCMAF yepper.

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"All Risk, No Benefit" There is a word for that : bioweapon.

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Precisely. No question.

I am reminded of one of the "news nuggets" they like to try to keep us asleep with. Until the collective "we" revolts:

"When he died, he was cancer-free."

Well, whoop-dee-farking-doo!

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5 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

You are a force of nature. Thank you for your expertise and tenacity.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Steve Kirsch

Too many corrupt politicians and Enemedia brass in Pharmonster’s pockets for many sheeple to realize the truth.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

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Dr Philip Mc Millan

https://t.me/PhilipMcMillan/2067 ➡️🟥➡️

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There should be no surprise at all in this latest data set. We all know that it was never a vaccine, it was an experimental injection. It is also working as designed and intended as far as I personally am concerned. This was never about protecting people against the Wuhan virus, it was about forced compliance, obedience, and most of all the spreading of sickness and death.

They really do want us dead.

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i think they just want to avoid being held accountable for their error. I seriously doubt Joe Biden pushed the shots because he wanted to kill Americans.

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Those nearest and dearest to me took the jab but I refused. They were mad at me for refusing. I dont talk to them about it. I see them suffering. Cancers,sudden death.

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