See Sasha Latypova Substack. See Catherine Watt Bailiwicks Substack re: DOD Contracts and NSA Policy re: cv 19

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See Sasha Latypova Substack. See Catherine Watt Bailiwicks Substack re: DOD Contracts and NSA Policy re: cv 19

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To put it bluntly people that are stupid enough to get vaccinated are getting culled. Maybe the CDC, the government, the military and all the politicians want to get rid of them for the good of society. A very Aryan way to go.

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The instructional video link takes me to a music video.

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that explains that you can't touch this.

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I'm probably old enough at 75, but have never been into popular culture. Anyway, thanks for all the good work!!

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The government is covering it up because it is the Greatest Crime Against Humanity ever and would completely destroy the legitimacy of our government and health care system.

I believe the medical government industrial complex will try to blame all the Vaccine deaths on the Covid Virus itself by fabricating phony evidence showing that the virus damages the body--in a kind of delayed reaction. This of course will reinforce the need for the 4th booster. I'm trying to think like a criminal here.

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Give a kid a chemistry set and the first thing they do with it is blow up the kitchen. Being "Woke" is a mindless distraction that needs to be limited to 5 year olds. Unfortunately it appears to be a disease more insidious than the obvious ones, but just as dangerous since it attacks the frontal lobes.

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It may be that they are certain that very few adverse reactions will be recognized by the infamous WHO AEFI algorithm introduced in 2013, this algorithm is the keystone of the whole vaccine system, completely ignores the logic of the Bradford Hill criteria and works like a broken alarm . It is a real crap, but it is used all over the world with the complicity of the most corrupt and / or ignorant medical class that has ever been seen!


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They 'don't see it' simply because, as I've said all along, they lie, always.

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The banner for the National Vaccine Information Center is so funny. "YOUR Family. YOUR health, YOUR CHOICE"

Lying Liars. The truth is nowhere to be found in the CDC. Oh they want to control something, but it ain't disease. Maybe... your family, your health and your choice.

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Note sure what those green arrows mean since one is over Percent but pointing down. And why green arrow pointing down over age bracket?

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Kirsch writes:

"What is the reaction of the mainstream medical community about this?

"They should be outraged they were misled.

"But no. They are silent.

"Don’t want to risk any NIH funding."

NO! Those who have been really vocal have had their med licenses revoked!

This is STILL playing a big role: https://www.fsmb.org/advocacy/news-releases/fsmb-spreading-covid-19-vaccine-misinformation-may-put-medical-license-at-risk/

Try finding a physician who will just concur in writing w/ written statement of medical/moral reasons for refusing required COVID-19 injection!! Person I know has been refused by everyone of near 10 contacted. 2 already had licenses revoked & are under threat of jail time if they do/say anything anti-COVID VAXX!!

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We need life expectancy studies for vaxxed vs unvaxxed. Maybe there are Increased chances of surviving childhood? But Shortened life spans later? Do traditional vaxx studies now. Set precedent for tracking mrna v's in the future, as the mrna vaxx'd population ages.

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"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

- R. Buckminster Fuller

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This is outrageous! I want justice! I have family members who go this shot after February of 2021. No, this can't get swept under the rug and given to children. No.

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Thank you Stacy

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The robots don't want to stop; pushing a 4th boster. Are they dense? One has to question why they keep on pushing injections that maim and injure others without remorse? One can't call them hman beings.

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