I am so speechless as those who do not have the bravery to debate the conflicting data.

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Brilliant Jill, I suggest everyone watch and share this Dr Martin on stew Peters show , with as many as possible

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Freeze federal spending - reduce by 5% annually per agency, commission or whatever organization gets federal funding and require them to decide where the cuts will be made. Congress (such as it is) can override seriously ridiculous cuts.

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Or just close all federal agencies not explicitly called out in the Constitution. One can dream

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And they want more money?! Congress needs to fully investigate the CDC now! Never have trusted them these last two years.

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A highlight of the past couple years is the clip of Walensky crying, begging us to "hold on, just a little longer...!" ... don't have a link at the moment, but it's on Youtube... When a manipulative psychopath turns on the waterworks, it should throw up red flags for everyone...

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IMPO (In My Prayerful Opinion) they have always been telling us lies about COVID-19 and

its quackcines. So I do not believe anything that they say now. Why do you? I DO believe Pfizer's

forced-released words. They DO wish to kill us all with the jabs and the jabbed victims'

"shedding." This is why we must take actions to survive their evil plans. Like taking natural

supplements. I post publicly and freely on MeWe. STAY WELL NATURALLY!


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I take this as a good sign in that there is probably a lot of finger-pointing and backstabbing going on in that Pharma Flop House and some people want to come clean with the truth.

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Just gonna give a shout out to The Epoch Times - I'm a subscriber, and they're worth supporting. They're following all the "clot shot" nonsense, and - while a little hesitant at first - they're now boldly telling the truth about the danger in these shots.

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They make it up as they go. Two weeks to flatten curve. 2 weeks after 2nd shot. Wear a mask. Wear 2 masks. An N95 mask. Fully vaccinated not fully vaccinated. Asymptomatic spread so wear that mask. Don't stand in line to vote but Home Depot is ok. Its not the flu. But will need annual Covid shot like the flu shot. You got the Polio vaccine. Just get this one too. I remember at work getting CDc guidance on how to wear a mask. It was like something out of anSNL skit. Come November they're counting on us all to forget.

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They should call it what it is right in the headline: They lied! (again).

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If Comirnaty ever existed and available, they'd have shouted loud about it! It was just a pathetic scam move to keep Pfizer name in the forefront of 'The NEWS' in this futile but DEADLY campaign to depopulate the planet. And to prove Pfizer still 'OWNS' the FDA! Mick from Hooe (UK) unjabbed and looking for Adolf Schwab.

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An investigation has revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the primary funder of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, and the Foundation also owns major shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech.


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It figures!

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Steve, I am looking for the link that lists the "bad batches" of COVID jabs. I thought you had posted it recently but I can't find it anywhere now. Could you please share it again. Thank you,

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"Major Suppression" Of Adverse Events By CDC: Dr. Harvey Risch & Dr. Kelly Victory – Ask Dr. Drew

"Not only have we seen major suppression of information about adverse events by FDA, CDC, governments in general... but this isn't new," says Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch. "There are all these games that get played to hide the adverse events."

Dr. Harvey Risch is Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology at Yale. He provided testimony to the US Senate regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and has spoken widely about his opposition to masking, vaccine mandates, and the reliability of PCR tests – along with his research on COVID prevention and treatment with existing drugs.


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While suppressing viable safe and effective therapies. I rarely get sick but I believe I got C-19 while traveling. I was rapidly sliding down a hole. It was bad. Took some IVM, within 2-3 hours, ~80-90% better.

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...yeah, but they are allowed to....they are still in power, getting paid and laughing behind our backs.....

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